Chapter 15
I don't want to say anything and spoil it... But there is a explicit scene in this that involves two major characters.. You'll have to see who... Whoops.
The day of the engagement party rolled around and Louis was already dreading it. He had the day off from work. "I am not coming out until tomorrow, Harry. You can't make me." Louis had stressed the whole week about this day, picking out an outfit then changing his mind half a dozen times before deciding on a pair of white skinny jeans, light blue v neck sweater with a dark blue design through it and white Toms without socks. The house was too quiet, Louis pushed the blanket back, sitting still to listen for any little noise. "Uh, babe? Are you here?"
His feet sank into the plush carpet as he padded across the room to peek in the hallway. If Harry was in his office, Louis would hear the tapping of keys and a light bathing the floor in soft yellow. "Harold? Where the fuck is he?"
Harry sat outside, a glass of whiskey in one hand and a cigarette in the other. His hair was down and he was dressed in a purple suit paired with black designer boots. He took a long drag off the cigarette, a pile of butts forming beside his feet, buried in the snow. He was hoping the nicotine and alcohol would calm him down, but two glasses and half a pack later, he was still sweating balls.
It's been a little over a week since he proposed, and at the time he thought that would be the most stressful thing he'd ever have to do. How fucking wrong he was. And all he did was... Well, provide the money. Anne took care of the guest list and everything else. Flicking the cigarette off in a random direction, he finished off his drink and left the glass on the table to return inside, cringing when he heard Louis yelling for him. He was tempted to hide in the closet next to the stairs. "What?" He finally yelled out, grumbling as he moved to stand at the bottom of the stairs.
Naked was how Louis slept now, taking after Harry. It was refreshing, to say the least, he just worried what would happen if the house started on fire and they had to make a quick exit. Hearing Harry yell back, Louis walked out of their room completely bare and stood at the top of the stairs. "Just wondering where you were, how long have you been up?"
The only bad part about running around naked was the lack of pockets, as Louis dropped his phone for the hundredth time and bent down to grab it. "How long til the party? And do we really have to have one?" Louis descended the stairs to wrap arms around his fiance.
Obviously pleased to see everything hanging out and on display, Harry's hands instantly found Louis' fleshy ass and he grabbed handfuls of it to lift him up. "Three hours, couldn't sleep. We have two hours and yes, we have to go," twirling around to walk with Louis, Harry solely holding him up as thin legs wrapped around his waist, he walked them into the kitchen.
"Hungry?" He asked, pecking Louis' lips in an innocent way, sort of out of habit, as he set him on the counter. He was dressed up for the party, yes, but where was the fun in life if you didn't take risks? Maybe he gets pancake mix or grease on him, maybe he doesn't. Who the fuck knows though?
"Not for food.." A foot went out to rub against Harry's crotch as he leaned forward to meet the man's kiss. It was nice that Harry was starting to do little things like that without Louis having to prod him. "Oh, but what if I said I suddenly don't feel good? Then can we cancel?"
Louis brought hands up to Harry's arms to travel upwards to the curls and pull at them gently, they were as soft as always. "Did we make enough food for this? Maybe we need one more thing? Fuck.. I want a cigarette and a drink."
Harry rolled his eyes and lifted his hands in surrender, head shaking. He couldn't blame Louis for trying, and while he would love to cancel, they couldn't. "We can't cancel, my mum will be here soon." he said, walking over to the coffee machine to brew both of them a cup of coffee.
Since the day of the engagement, he has been trying, even if most of that trying is pretending. He has to force himself to remember to smile, or do this or do that. It was frustrating, but Louis seemed to believe and liked it all. "There was enough food made for three hundred people, but please, tell me what else we need," Harry didn't comment on the cigarette or drink thing, because Louis was going to get neither. But now that he mentioned it.. They both sounded really good again.
Hanging head, Louis swung legs back and forth making feet kick at the cupboards below. "Shit. I should probably go shower soon. Don't wanna,"
Yawning widely, he rubbed a hand over his face then turned to stare out the window at the snow covered lawn. "Kind of want to roll around in the snow and make a snowman." Louis jumped from the counter and went for the door leading to the patio and opened it. The cold air hit him and teeth started chattering. He could do this!
A deep breath then he pushed the door open and ran outside, kind of glad Harry's backyard had a high fence. Falling backwards into a deep snowbank, he squealed when the cold hit his skin, jumping up and running back in. "Bad idea..." Pouting, he ducked under Harry's arms to cuddle against him and steal his warmth.
Stupid, that's what Louis was. Who else would think it was a good idea to run and jump in snow, nude, when the temperature wasn't even double digits. Deciding he couldn't do anything to stop the stupidness, not that he really wanted to, he just stuck to making the cups of coffee and watched through the glass door as Louis came running back in, skin a bright red color, snow clumping in his hair and back glistening with the water from melted snow.
Hand lifting when Louis was suddenly next to him, Harry half squeaked and pushed him away. "No! Don't get it wet!" He said, wiping off the few patches of wet with a hand towel. When he made sure there was no serious damage, he threw the towel down on the counter and glared at Louis as he handed him his cup of steaming coffee. "Go shower, now. My mother doesn't need to see you running around like a naked buffoon."
"Oh god forbid I get the precious suit wet!" Louis glared at Harry from the corner of his eye then held up phone to take a picture and upload it to Facebook. "Fiance in ugly suit.. trying to channel Barney apparently." Louis mumbled, as he captioned the picture and headed upstairs at the same time. When the pic was successfully uploaded, Zayn and Liam were the first to like it, making Louis cackle. They'd get to see the suit in real life.
The shower was on the highest setting as Louis ran matching vanilla shampoo and conditioner through his hair, rubbed strawberry cream body wash all over him then rinsed off and stepped out. Once dried off and clothed, he spritzed some of Harry's cologne then took off running for the front door when Liam and Zayn said they were just pulling in. "Fuck yes!"
Fixing him a bowl of fruit, made up of mostly just strawberries and blueberries, Harry sat in the dining room and slowly ate them one by one. He wasn't in the mood for food, but he needed something to settle his upset stomach and alcohol didn't seem to be doing the trick. Scrolling through Facebook, he happened to come across the picture Louis posted of him. They only recently became Facebook friends when Harry gave him back his phone three days ago. How strange was that though? They were fiancés before they were even friends on the internet.
Bypassing the fifteen comments on it, no doubt them all being from Zayn and Liam, Harry left a angry faced like and commented three flip off fingers before he put his phone down and lit up another cigarette. Turns out, Louis was one who really liked to document his life. There had to be at least thirty pictures and videos of Harry on the boys Facebook page. And the fact that five of those were of him when he was sleeping really showed just how fucking creepy Louis was. Harry didn't mind though. He looked good in all the pictures, even if Louis didn't agree. His suits and outfits were all nice.
"Make them wipe their paws on the mat!" Harry yelled when a giggling blur ran by, vanilla and something else trailing after him. He had heard the car pull in, and his mum texted him saying she was still twenty minutes out, so it could have only been those two idiots. "And stop using my cologne!" Grumbling, Harry left his half full bowl of fruit on the table and walked into the foyer to meet his unwanted guests. He really needed to invest in bug spray or something, because these tics keep popping up at all the wrong times. As if there's ever a right time.
The phone beeping rapidly in his pocket didn't distract Louis from running to greet his best friends in a warm hug. "Take your shoes off or Froggie will have a conniption fit." When the shoes were tossed off, the three ran for the family room where the consoles were. "Call me if you need me and I'll stop using your cologne the day you stop using my shampoo, which will be never because I like the smell of vanilla on you."
Louis skidded to a stop to run back and go on tiptoes to give Harry a kiss then ran into the family room. It was a habit now, he had to kiss his fiance before going anywhere even if it was another room in the house. "Guys, set up what game you want and I'll grab some drinks." And see if Harry wants a quickie.. Damnit.
Rushing to the kitchen, he wiggled eyebrows at his Dom and pressed close to him. "Hi Haz. Whatcha doing?"
Harry rinsed his bowl out on the sink and was just turning to put it in the dishwasher when Louis had to invade his personal bubble. Knowing all too well what Louis was up to, because the slight purr in his voice and dilating eyes were dead giveaways, Harry twirled out of his embrace and walked over to the dishwasher. "Not you, horndog. We just fucked last night. That should be enough to keep you sedated until tonight," he said, turning the dial on the full dishwasher after he put the soap in it.
Turning to lean against the counter, Harry folded his arms across this chest and crossed his legs at the ankles, counter digging into the bottom of his back. "Go on. Go play with your friends before I change my mind and take away all the consoles," his eyebrow rose, mouth tugging up at the corner. Harry had only agreed last night to return the consoles for the day because Louis, after some struggle, did the dishes, laundry and got to bed at a decent hour.
"Hazzzzzz," Louis whined with a stomp of his little foot. "If we can have sex on an elevator then we can fuck before your mum gets here." Another beeping if his phone made him fish in his pocket, his Facebook notifications were going crazy so he switched over to the app to scroll through the comments, "Harry Edward!" He shook his head at the Dom's comments.
Moving away to grab three glasses, he filled them all with Pepsi. Heading back to the room, he heard his friends cussing and hurried himself along, "Don't get into fights over Xbox live without me! Remember the last guy?" Louis slammed the door to the family room closed and locked it.
Not worried about the locked door, because Harry had the keys to every door in the house tucked safely in his pocket, he grabbed a few digiorno pizzas from the freezer, two cheese and one pepperoni, and popped them into the oven. Setting the timer on his phone, he retreated up the stairs to his office so he could keep himself preoccupied.
His mind kept slipping back to Kyle, and the fact they had no known address for him, but he couldn't let himself slip into the darkness and anger the complete stranger brought. Downing two shots of coconut flavored rum, something bay, he leaned back in his chair and stared at the ceiling. So much to do, yet so little motivation. He didn't know why he even had to do an engagement party. Everyone was already aware of the engagement and proposal thanks to Louis, who posted the video on his Facebook page that one of his nurses had taken and sent to him.
The doorbell rang and Louis ignored it, until it rang again. "Damnit. Be back." He threw his controller down and went to the entryway to open the door. His face lit up when he saw Anne standing there, "Anne! Good to see you!" He gave her a hug about to open his mouth when he noticed someone standing behind her, eyes wide.
"Mum? Is that really you?" Louis was shocked when the woman stepped closer. Though if she was here, did that mean.. His head snapped to the person behind Jay, the last person he wanted to see. "Why did you bring that piece of shit?!"
Jay was about to grab Louis when he sidestepped her and brought arm back to punch Kyle square in the nose. "Fucker! I never want to see you!" He growled and pounced on Kyle, knocking the man to the ground as he started assaulting his face.
Harry, behind the closed door of his office, didn't hear the commotion going on downstairs. He was oblivious to it, mind straying off to a different world when his phone timer went off. Standing and stretching, his back popping, Harry mumbled something under his breath that he didn't even understand and left his office. It wasn't until he reached the top of the stairs that he heard Louis yelling, following by two women screaming and Zayn yelling something.
Reaching the bottom of the stairs in record time, Harry was surprised by what he seen. Louis, a small man, pounding another mans face in. It took only a second for it all to sink in, and he seen the man go to flip Louis but Harry reacted before he could. Grabbing Louis by the arm and dragging him up, the Dom shoved him towards the door. "What the fuck is going on here? There's four other people here and none of you could have stopped him?" angry eyes found the four other shocked faces around them, lingering on the unfamiliar woman in a light blue knee length dress with a white ribbon tied around her waist
Ducking under Harry's arm, he gave a growl and jumped on Kyle again to punch his face in even if the skin on his knuckles were cracked and bleeding, some maybe dislocated or broken as Louis has never actually punched someone before, but it looked so easy in the movies! "Piece of fucking shit! I want your ass gone or dead,.dead would be fucking great, you can rot in hell with Hitler you ass hat!"
Zayn and Liam grabbed Louis by an arm to pull him off and back to Harry. Louis by now was sobbing, tears running down his face as he continued to scream, feet kicking out in an effort to get loose. "Let me go!"
Liam made sure Zayn had a good hold on the pregnant man before tapping Harry on the shoulder and leaning up to whisper that that was Kyle. Liam and Zayn were well aware of Louis' trauma growing up and were responsible for getting him out of there. Zayn narrowed eyes at Jay, "You're a fucking bitch doing that to your son."
It didn't seem to click for a few seconds, Harry's brain swimming in the shallow pool of alcohol, but once it did he had the man by the neck and he was dragging him to his feet. "You have a lot of fucking balls showing up here," he growled, fingers tightening to the point that the man's face was turning red as he clawed at Harry's hand.
The irrational side took over in Harry's brain, because the next thing he knew he was head butting the man, Kyle's nose cracking and a tooth shattering, then they were on the ground and black completely took over his vision. Images of Louis, broken and little and helpless, fueled his anger and he wasn't aware of anything but his fist connecting with the hard skull he just wanted to bash into the cement.
But then he was being flipped over and what snapped him out of his blank mind-set was when blood began to drip on his face, warm and liquidy. It tainted his lips with the heavy coppery flavor, but then his focus moved to the fist that connected with the side of his jaw, long, untrimmed fingernail ripping open his bottom lip, and then Harry was gone. The body was flipped up and over his head and with blood pooling in his mouth and ruining his suit, snow crunching around them and seeping through their clothes, Harry was straddling him again and his hand, red and skin busted, moved to grip his throat again.
"Can somebody fucking tell me why this piece of shit is here?" His voice was ragged, gutterly as he spit out the mouthful of blood.
Louis narrowed eyes when he saw Kyle hurting his fiance. "Leave him alone! Mum, get the fuck out of here and take the kiddy fiddler with you!" He reached out to grab Harry's hand, shaking his head. "Just make him leave before I find something to shove up his ass, maybe a sharp stick," He growled again at Kyle, tugging at Harry's hand to get him up.
Once Kyle was let up again, Jay grabbed his hand and stepped closer. "Is this how you greet me after not seeing me for so long?" Jay huffed and stomped away to their vehicle and got in, "Kyle! Come on!" Kyle turned to face them, eyes falling on Louis, "You're the worthless piece of shit. Nobody wanted you so you had to get matched. It won't take long for him to get sick of you and throw you out."
Angrily, Louis rolled some ice up in a snowball and chucked it hard at Kyle's head. "Fuck you!" He brushed the snow off his hands, wincing at the right one and cradling it, "Think I either broke or sprained my hand. And your lip is bleeding badly," He took his free hand to grab Harry and pull him inside to the bathroom to get cleaned up.
Stumbling, mind an endless void of Kyle's bloody, mutilated body staining the walls of his brain, Harry stared into nothing as his lip was wiped clean. The sharp stinging was a dull pain in the back on his mind as he pushed past the ringing in his ears and focused on the soft purr of Louis' voice as he said something to him. "Shirley was my fiance. We were together for five years before she left me two months after I proposed," it was out of the blue, but he felt like he needed to say it to get himself to stop thinking about murdering Kyle. He knew where he lived now. The little bastard wasn't safe.
Louis nodded and held the icy washcloth up to Harry's lip, it was starting to swell from the split. "Did.. she ever get in touch with you again to explain?" And if she did, would he leave Louis for her? Biting down hard on his lip to make the insecure thoughts run away, Louis held another washcloth under the tap to wipe at Harry's face to get the blood off, kissing at the Dom's eyelids when finished. Using his left hand, as he wasn't sure he could move the right, Louis got some ointment from the cabinet behind the mirror and gently dabbed it on Harry's lip.
"Anything else feel sore? Maybe we should change before everyone gets here." Louis eyed Harry's ruined suit and his own jeans with wet and dirty knees. "Right?"
Inhaling shakily, Harry just now looked down at his clothes and seen the streaks of blood and mud ruining the once beautiful suit. It hurt him to see something like this get ruined, but he didn't regret it. "No, and I'm not sure I ever want an explanation. I like to think it was because of her that she left, not me. I mean I wasn't perfect, but I tried," shrugging it off, he grabbed Louis' hand.
"You've sprained your wrist and broken two of your knuckles. The swelling will be uncomfortable, but you'll be fine. I have an arm brace in the room," of course he does. Fucking weirdo. He lightly touched over the purplish skin and cringed along with the boy, imaging how painful it was. He did have morphine in his safe, but he refused to give Louis any until after the party.
"Her loss and my gain." Louis grinned cheesily and kissed Harry's lips, being mindful of the cut. If Louis really wanted to get on Harry's bad side, he'd resort back before their matchup and let his sassy side come out, but because Harry had managed to make himself home in his heart and Louis maybe loved him, he couldn't condone hurting his feelings. "You're perfect, Haz."
Hissing when Harry touched his sore hand, he yanked it back to rest against his chest. "Why do you have an arm brace?" It wasn't as weird as he was making it out to be, he just wanted to tease his fiance. Opening the door with his hand then held it out to Harry. "Let's go clean up so we look pretty for our guests,"
"I wanked off too much and sprained my hand," Harry shot back, sarcasm dripping from his voice. Rolling his eyes, he took Louis' hand and followed him to the room, the heavyweight of fingers pressing against his own oddly comforting. "Busted hand, split lip and bruised jaw. Hey, at least our guests will know we have a good time,"
Good mood gone, Harry went to lick at his sore lip that was already starting to swell but then he remembered the ointment, and he's already made the mistake on eating it once. Wasn't going to happen again, even if the first time he was drunk and mistaked it for toothpaste. "I wanted to kill that bastard," he admitted, flinching when he went to undo the button with his bad hand, only to see that his knuckles were swollen too, flesh ripped raw due to it stretching over his knuckles and gashing against fuckfaces teeth. He had a thick fucking skull.
Once inside their room, Louis had the sweater off and onto the floor. The pants were a different story as he tried to un-do it one handed, then sucked in a deep breath to use his injured hand and end up cussing. "Harry, will you help me with my pants?" No, that wasn't weird. They were a sight to see, both their injuries incapacitating them.
Turning to look at Harry, he shook head. "Stop licking it. You're going to make it worse, do I have to put something bad tasting on it to make you stop?" Walking over to Harry and picking up his bad hand, he brought it to his lips to kiss the wound. "I wanted to, too, then strangle my mum for bringing him."
Wincing at the sweet yet painful gesture, Harry offered a tight lip smile and shook Louis' hand off. He didn't enjoy being treated as if he was going to break, because he wasn't. He was fine, and to prove that he pushed through his pain and unbuttoned Louis' pants by himself, knuckles screaming as they were bent. Fuck, his body would be mad at him tomorrow.
"Your mum, she never did anything?" It made Harry sick to his stomach to think the woman was still with the man who abused her son. If he were in her shoes, the fucker would have been buried six feet under with a boot up his ass.
Unbuttoning his jacket quickly, biting the inside of his cheek to try and ward off the pain in his hand, he shook it off and just pulled his shirt up and over his head, being cautious of his lip. Walking into the closet half naked, Harry grabbed a pink suit with a white shirt to match. Throwing it on the bed, hand moving to cradle against his chest though he forced it to remain at his side, he slipped his pants off over his shoes, not wanting to try and go through the struggle of untying them, then tying them again. "The brace is in the bathroom. Second drawer on my side,"
"Thank you." Louis said when his pants were loose enough to shimmy down his legs. Stepping out of them, he almost tripped, and ended up kicking them to the side, as he glanced at his fiance to see Harry didn't bother taking off his shoes. To each their own.
Ignoring Harry, he moved to their closet to grab himself new clothes. Pulling down a pair of black leggings then using his bad hand to grab a new shirt, deciding on an actual long sleeved tee this time. Wincing when he turned around, he waddled fast to the bed to throw the clothes down. "I'll put the brace on after I get dressed and take some Tylenol."
He managed to get dressed one-handed then went to grab the brace, "Should I grab the first aid kit for your hand?" Louis grabbed it anyway, along with the brace then walked over to Harry, "Will you help me put it on, please?"
Mimicking Louis' voice to himself, Harry tugged a hand through his chocolate curls and swiped them back out of his face, but they feel the moment he leaned forward to put his pants on and made a dark curtain shielding his face, green orbs hidden. Growling, he tucked the strands behind his ears and managed to get his feet through the pant legs after hopping around on one foot like an idiot for at least two minutes.
Pulling his shirt on, damp boxers peeking out from his pants that were still undone, Harry took the brace from Louis and undid the three velcro straps before helping slip his hand into it. "Keep that on your hand for at least two weeks. No wanking off," swiping at his nose with the tip of his finger, Harry opened the first aid box and rummaged through it aimlessly before he slammed it close. "I don't need anything for my hand. It's fine," even though it really wasn't.
Maybe Louis peeked when Harry danced around like a fool, wishing he had his phone on him to tape it. Turning back, he grabbed a headband from his side of the dresser and pushed it into his hair to hold it back. It was getting too long. Or maybe he should grow it out like Harry's? He'd never had long hair before.
"Yes, doctor," Louis said in a monotone voice. Flexing the wrist in the brace, he chomped down on his lip to keep the yelp coming out, of course he had to test it to see if it still hurt, and yep, it sure did. Louis sighed and re-opened the kit to grab some plasters and ointment. "At least clean it?"
Digging through the first aid kit, he frowned when there was nothing in it for pain relief but Ibuprofen. "Shit. I forgot to get more Tylenol." He eyed the ibuprofen then his hand. "Do I risk it?"
Muscles along his torso flexing as the chilled air in the room hit the overheated skin, making his already defined abs even more defined as his stomach clenched, Harry pulled his shirt tighter around his waist and folded his arms. "I said I'm fine, " defiant, as always. But what did he have to prove now?
Opening the drawer next to his bed, Harry fished out the white bottle of acetaminophen and tossed it to Louis. "While you pop your pills, I'm going to get dressed. Don't follow," grabbing his jacket, he disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door behind him with his foot, the lock clicking a few seconds later. He wasn't meaning to be an ass right now, he was just still... Overactive after what happened. His body needed a chance to calm down, and he couldn't do that with Louis in their their poking and prodding him like he was some guinea pig.
"Fine. Whatever." Louis smoothed his shirt over the bump and grabbed the bottle of pills to snap open, thanking God that it wasn't a child proof one. Popping three, he grabbed a water bottle from the nightstand to swallow them then exited the room without another word. Now who was being childish?
Hopping up onto the banister, he slid down to the bottom, jumping off and rushing for the room he'd been in before the incident. "Guys, let's keep playing!" Forgetting about his wrist, Louis clapped hands together, wincing. Zayn and Liam had identical looks on their faces, "What? He's gone, so is my mum. Nothing to worry about.. stop looking at me like that!"
Crouching down on the floor, Harry opened his cupboard beneath his sink and grabbed the metal tin box hidden behind a bunch of other stuff. He's moved it three times since Louis moved in, not wanting him to find it but also not wanting to lock it up. Licking his lips, and wincing as his tongue caught the wound, he grabbed the already rolled joint, crinkled paper rolling between his fingers as he stood with the box and went over to the large window on the far side of the bathroom.
Sliding it open, and shivering as the winter air slithered through the screen, Harry held the joint between his index and middle finger on his bad hand and used his good one to light to lighter. He wasn't a big pot head, just smoked wen he wanted to calm down and relax, and he felt today was a good enough reason to light one up.
The first hit was strong, burning his throat and making it clench and work his Adam apple as it suddenly came back up and he was coughing, thick tendrils of grayish, transparent smoke shooting out of his mouth and nose. Three hits later and he could feel his entire body humming with the effects of the marijuana, bad hand no longer shaking and heart no longer spazzing.
A thick veil blocked his bloodshot eyes as he took one last hit before putting it out. He tucked everything back in the tin before moving it to test behind the towel stand, the thick wood wedging it to the wall and making it so it was out of sight. Spritzing some of his cologne on himself to mask the stench on him, he got dressed, the pain in his hand not nearly as bad anymore, and put a few eye drops in each eye.
Licking his sore lip, Harry giggled under his breath and made his way down the stairs, body sort of floating. He was always a giggly high, one who was far too happy to be him. "The pizzas are burnt," he grumbled under his breath when he smelt the smoke as soon as he reached the last stair. It was thick and putrid, making him automatically breath in through his mouth rather than his nose.
Louis had exited the room to make a bathroom trip when he saw Harry. "Oh shit.. the pizzas." How had neither of them smelt that? He grabbed the small fire extinguisher from the wall after entering the kitchen and started coughing, "Fuck. Open the windows?" Thrusting bad hand into the oven, he grabbed the pizza pan to yank out, immediately dropping it into the sink and shoving the tap on to make the food stop smoking.
Waving his hand, the brace getting most of the burns from the stove, he was about to run off to the bathroom when he caught scent of Harry, or at least a hint of what he was trying to cover up, "Harry Edward Styles, I better not be smelling that!" Gagging at the putrid skunk smell, his gag reflex decided to kick in as he bolted to his original destination and vomited into the bowl.
Not fazed that Louis had caught him, Harry smiled at the smoky room, eyes just barely slits, and laughed. "Didn't like my pizzas," he said, stomach rolling as hunger suddenly washed over him with a vengeance that would make him eat half of his pantry. Eyes widening, Harry slowly backed out of the room and ran for the front room, where Louis' friends and his mother were waiting. He didn't want to eat.
"So, the pizzas are burnt. Where's the food I asked you to get?" he asked Anne, plopping down on one of the two couches. Liam and Zayn were on the other one, looking all mushy and gross. "Could you stop expressing your love or whatever to each other through your eyes? Cause I'm about to express myself all over the floor," nose wrinkling, he felt as his stomach rumbled again. Damn hunger.
Returning to the room, he arched an eyebrow when he saw Harry, choosing to sit beside Liam and Zayn. He had no idea who Harry was talking to or about, so Louis grabbed his discarded controller, nudging his friends to pick up theirs too. "Come on, we can't let those bastards win again. Remember last time?"
it was really too quiet with just Louis talking and the sounds of the video game, yet he didn't want to look up at his future husband and mother in law so he leaned forward to take a drink of Pepsi and a handful of pretzels. Crinkling nose when the awful smell permeated his nostrils, Louis got up to grab the Hawaiian scented room spray and started liberally dousing the air with it. "Damn skunk smell."
Anne shifted on the squeaky chair and glared at her son, all the aware of what he had just done. The smell surrounded him like a black cloud. "Carlos should be delivering it soon. He stayed up all night prepping and cooking it so it would be fresh for today," she said, thankful when Louis got up to spray the sweet smelling spray. But then it mixed with the bitterness from the burnt pizza smoke, and the skunk smell on Harry, and just created this god awful combined smell that had Anne's gag reflex springing into action.
"Okay," shrugging, Harry swatted away the spray lingering in the air around him and flipped Louis off, red eyes narrowing. "Fuck off. You act like I just commited a crime. Suck it up, Lewis. I'm not the pregnant one who got high off some pills," low blow, Harry, low blow. But just as quick as the darkness in his eyes came, it was gone when his phone chirped. Pulling it out, he laughed at the text he got and sent a response, unknowingly shielding the phone from Louis.
A hand went to his hip as he gave Anne a sweet smile then stomped over to Harry and punched him hard in the arm, "It's half your fault I'm pregnant, Froggie." Louis purposely aimed the room spray at him then set it back. He sat beside Liam, leaning in to whisper something then gave a nod at the television screen, "Anne, there is wine in the kitchen if you want some, unless your alcoholic son drank it all."
Anne was glad for the excuse to get out of the room. She wanted to watch for Carlos anyway. "Ok, you need me I'll be in the kitchen," Passing by her son, she squeezed his shoulder then let fingers run through his hair. "Be good, Harry."
Um, okay? The response he got from Louis wasn't even a good one. He was expecting his head to spin in circles before green vomit shot from his mouth and blood leaked from his eyes. Shrugging, he burrowed down into the couch and leaned his head against the armrest, long legs stretching out in front of him. "Why was I brought into it? I said you were the one who got high while pregnant, not me. You were the stupid one,"
Craving a cigarette, Harry lulled his head to the side and pointed at Zayn. "Do you smoke? 'Cause I need a cigarette but mine are lost somewhere and I'm lazy and Louis doesn't smoke anymore," when he was high, he usually wasn't mean. He was just relaxed and laid back, enjoying as his body buzzed and mind sang.
"I didn't even know I was fucking pregnant you, nounce!" Having had enough, Louis chucked the controller at Harry's head, making his character on the screen start firing off their gun randomly. He growled, nostrils flaring as he got up to walk over to Harry and jumped on him.
Liam and Zayn took that as sign for a break and got up, "Uh, be right back, smoke break," They both looked at Louis when Harry made that statement about him, trying not to crack up. "Don't kill each other."
Head throbbing, Harry brought his hand up to shield his face when Louis pounced on him. "What the fuck is your problem, twat monkey? You knew you were pregnant, liar," moving his hand to rest on Louis' chest, he gave him a light push and stumbled to his feet when the sub fell backwards onto the couch.
"Quit being a dick or I'll cancel this whole thing and lock you in a room," despite his high brain, Harry could still feel as anger prodded at his stomach and heart. He didn't appreciate this attitude, or the fact that Louis thought he could act out just because his friends were here.
Harry wouldn't dare. Louis gave a short lived laugh when falling into the couch, kicking his leg out to get Harry in the shin. "Fuck you.. Preggo brain fart. It's a thing." Pushing himself up using his good hand, Louis held the right one against his chest.
"I'm going outside with Zee and Liam. And YOU stop being an asshole. Who gets high at their own engagement party in front of friends and family? For fuck's sake you stupid oaf." Pushing past his fiance, Louis headed out the side door to where his friends were smoking on the patio furniture. He made a face at the last available chair being covered in snow, choosing to hop into Liam's lap as Zee was busy smoking a cigarette. "If Harry comes out and asks for one, don't give him it."
Mumbling under his breath, Harry scowled as he made his way up the stairs and into their room. Grabbing a new pack of cigarettes from his nightstand drawer, he quickly packed them then took one out and walked over to the balcony. He was quiet, making sure the door didn't squeak or that he didn't let his shoes scuff against the iron floor.
Lighting the cigarette, he leaned against one of the bars and exhaled his smoke. He had a perfect view of Louis, who was stupidly sitting in the muts lap, and them from up here, but he was hidden behind the tree on his balcony. He wanted to be a creep and see if they talked shit on him or anything because he was a snoop. That, and he was pissed at Louis. The boy had a lot of room to talk, considering he got high while pregnant before going to a hospital. So much smarter.
"Shit Li, did you see that new intern following Dr. Horan around like a puppy? He was such a dork, then he turned and ran into Harry, then ran off really fast." Louis rubbed at the brace on his hand, the Tylenol was starting to wear off and he needed to run upstairs and get more from Harry's bottle. "Someone told me Horan was thinking about leaving only because Harry supposedly keeps threatening him?" Liam spoke up as Zayn lit another cigarette.
Sliding off his friend's lap, Louis told them he would be right back. Heading inside on bare feet, he wiped them on the mat then went upstairs to their bedroom and over to the bottle Harry had thrown at him earlier.
Laughing under his breath when he learned he was getting to Niall, Harry quickly moved so the wall hid him when he heard what Louis said. He closed the door with a soft click, making sure he was careful, then tipped his head back so the smoke he continued to inhale went straight up towards the roof.
Fucking Louis and his assholeness. Why was he even hiding in his first place? Stoner brain was a real problem. Brushing a hand over the side of his face, Harry's eyebrows furrowed because his hands felt fuzzy, like they were covered in chicken feathers. Not just chicken feathers, but the fuzzy ones on chicks. It felt weird but cool, and he grinned as he repeated the action. Damn, he needed to get stoned more.
Trying to rush, Louis managed to drop the whole bottle so little white pills went bouncing everywhere. Who knew they had that ability? Cursing loudly, he set the bottle on the floor and started scooping up the pills, leaving a couple to the side for him. "Well, if he finds fuzzy pills later, he can shove 'em up his ass." Taking the two he set aside, Louis was about to leave the room when he heard the sound of Harry's ringtone go off. Surprised, he looked around the room to see if his Dom had placed it somewhere, or maybe he could hear it from wherever Harry was in the house.
"Louis! Get down here, your sister and her kids just arrived. "Ooh, coming!" Quick to get downstairs, he was in front of Lana ten seconds later enveloping her in a hug as four sets of arms attacked Louis.
Cursing, Harry's fingers fumbled to silence his phone. He for sure thought he was caught, but then Louis was running out of the room and Harry sagged back to lean heavily on the bar. Clicking to answer the phone, he held it up to his ear, chilled screen causing goosebumps to pop up on his skin. "Yes, Gemma?"
"Not Gemma, ya Dick. It's your favorite brother in law, or rather your only brother in law. We'll be there in aa minute. Gemma said to have your arse downstairs and waiting for her outside or she's leaving," it was Jax, voice high but soft and timid. Harry went to respond but the line was already going dead, the beeping signaling the end of the call.
"Fucking great. Call me like a dog and expect me to come," shaking his head, but still going, Harry lit up another cigarette and let the trail of smoke follow after him as he walked through the house, damp shoes scuffing and squeaking against his hardwood floor.
After giving out the hugs, Louis lightened Lana's load by stealing her newest daughter. He grinned at his newest niece, bringing the baby up to kiss pudgy cheeks and inhale the sweet smell of baby. "Little miss Abigail wants to see Uncle Louis." He nodded and then turned when he saw Harry approaching, "Look Abigail, your other uncle.." Lifting a tiny hand, he made her wave.
The other kids wasted no time in running to Harry for hugs, even Claire trotted over on stubby legs with arms held high wanting Harry to pick her up. "Hi Harry," Lana waved shly at him.
Nose wrinkling at all the little kids, Harry pushed through his normal assholeness and put on his happy facade he usually wore when treating children. "Hi, little one," bending down to pick up Claire, he propped her on his knee and let her wrap her arms around his neck. His own arm winding around her back, Harry let the other three children attack him. They all smelt like cupcakes and pizza.
"Is your medicine working for you, huh?" He asked the little girl when the other kids lost interest in him. Poking at her chubby tummy, Harry smiled when she giggled and began to babble. After learning she had a thyroid problem, he prescribed her a few pills he thought would help, and even secretly paid for them out of pocket. Lana's insurance didn't cover them, but she didn't need to know that.
Smiling up at Lana, Harry stood with the toddler when all he got was some babbled response and moved her to rest on his hip, eyes only glancing at the new baby for a second before they found Louis' sister again. "Hi, Lana. How are you?"
Biting down on her lower lip, Lana took a step forward to push Claire's hair away from her neck to gently poke at the baby's thyroid making Claire startle and shake head squirming to get away. "I think.. it got bigger, Dr. Styles, more swollen? She spits out the pills so I have to crush them in applesauce.. I'm so sorry to drop this on you." Lana was meek and apologetic, "Other than that, I'm great. How are you?"
Louis held the baby closer to Harry so he could see her better, a hand gently smoothing over the dark locks. "None of your other kids had this much hair when they were newborns," He was having fun twirling the baby fine hair around a finger, clicking tongue when the baby opened her eyes ro look at who was fussing with her then scrunched up her face.
"Shit.. let's go change your butt, Abby!" Reaching out for the diaper bag, Lana handed it to him then smacked him upside the head, "Don't give my kids nicknames, you know I hate it." Louis rolled his eyes and headed to the bathroom to change Abigail.
Eyebrows furrowing, something important began to poke at his brain but it didn't make it past the fuzzy barricade. Shrugging it off, he passed Claire to Lana when he seen Gemma's car pull up through the glass door. "Bring her in tomorrow and I'll give her a check-up," he said, patting the toddler's head awkwardly before he stumbled out of the house and ran down the snowy slope.
He reached the sidewalk just in time to catch a small body, thin arms wrapping around his neck and a tiny bump digging into his own stomach. "You act like we haven't seen each other in years," Harry mumbled into strawberry scented hair when Gemma admitted she missed him, but his own arms were tightening around her waist, pulling her body impossibly closer. Through problems, thick and thin, they have always been close. It may not seem like it at most times, but they were.
Louis came back with a happier Abigail. "Come and sit down. Want something to drink? Wine?" Though he darted eyes to his baby niece then up at her, the unasked question lingering. Lana snorted, shifting Claire to her other hip, "I'd love some wine," Louis smirked and showed his sister to the room his friends were in. Liam and Zayn greeting Lana and her kids like they were old friends "Ok, wine and.. apple juice for the rest?"
Still holding Abigail, he was talking in a high pitched voice to the baby, Abigail in turn was staring wide eyed and cooing, a little giggle escaping. "Hey Anne, meet my niece Abigail." Anne smiled at the baby, making grabby hands for her, which Louis gladly handed over so he could get the drinks. "Where's Harry?"
After getting hit at for smoking when he knew Gemma couldn't, Harry grabbed Connor, his youngest nephew, and slid him onto his shoulders. He grabbed both of his small feet with one hand and used the other to hold behind his back, his shirt becoming untucked from the stretch. Galloping like an idiot, but it made the child happy, Harry ducked into the house, being cautious of all the little ones running around his feet.
"I want Nana!" The four year old shrieked, hands fisting Harry's hair as he began to wiggle and giggle at all the other kids he seen. Trying hard not to just let him go, he ducked into the kitchen even though he didn't have to. He was just being safe. "Look who I found," he said when he walked into the kitchen, nose wrinkling when he seen the infant was in here. Great. He couldn't have one minute without seeing it.
When Harry and a little boy came in, Louis had the drinks on a tray then carefully took Abigail back. He shot a look at Harry, then gave Anne a smile, "I'll talk to you later. Gonna go talk to my sister and friends." Louis gave his future mother in law a kiss on the cheek then walked out, almost running into another kid he could assume was a sibling to the one Harry was carrying around.
"Ok you rugrats! Uncle Louis has some juice for his favourite people and wine for his favorite sister," He grabbed the wine glass, holding it out to Lana, tempted to take a sip himself. Lana rolled her eyes and took the glass, "I'm your only sister and I saw how you were looking at my wine. You can't have any until your baby's born"
Helping Claire drink her juice since Louis hadn't thought to grab sippy cups for the younger crowd, he kissed the back of her head. "Didn't you know, doctors used to tell women they could have a glass a day? Now it's all OH MY GOD YOU'RE GOING TO KILL IT!"
Amelia and Xavier had made themselves comfortable sitting on Zayn who was sprawled out on his belly. Lydia was happily sitting in Liam's lap, tracing his hand tattoos with a tiny finger. "Amelia, don't you want juice? X?" Both kid shook their head as Xavier yanked at Zayn's hair, making the doctor wince. "Pull harder, Xavier William." Louis chuckled.
The next hour passed in a whirlwind with people arriving, some that Harry didn't even know. Glances were thrown at his busted lip and bruising jaw but nobody dared look. The high the weed brought slowly dwindled down as faces filled his line of vision, congratulating him for something he didn't even want.
Hiding in the kitchen with a bottle of wine clenched tightly in his fist, knuckles white, Harry drank straight from the bottle and tried to let his heartbeat drown out all of the voices in the other room. The dining room was getting set up, the larger one he had made specifically for these kind of events. "Drop another plate and you'll be picking yourself up off the floor, you thunder twat," he growled at one of the servers who dropped one of the glass plates on the floor in the kitchen, shattering the white dish into tiny little pieces.
His patiences was worn thin. He was stuck between wanting this all to end, and to his need to fulfill his duty. Sarah was here already, mingling with all of the other guests. The large house was overcrowded, so much so that Harry hasn't even seen Louis for a good hour. Not that he cared, though. It was a blessing, the only one this party brought.
Louis guessed it was up to him to play host. His smile growing more and more forced the longer he went having to play the part by himself. Getting acquainted with Gemma again and her kids, Louis introduced them to his own nieces and nephew, dragging out a chest of toys he used to keep at his apartment to entertain the kids. He swooped in to pick up dirty plates and glasses and napkins as he went to the kitchen to set them in the sink. As he was using his behind to push the door open, Mimsy decided to come running in, followed by pregnant kitty making Louis lose his balance and drop everything on the floor.
"Fucking cats! Mims and Preggy, go away before I throw you both in a fucking crate!" Louis had the door to the kitchen open as he stooped down to carefully pick up broken pieces of plate and scattered silverware.
Harry pushed up off the counter when he heard the crash. His kitchen was in two sections, more or less. A wall divided the kitchen door, so he hadn't seen who it was who dropped, what sounded like, forty plates. Growling, he slammed the thick bottle on the counter and stalked over to the direction to noise came from. "Fucking idiot. What did I just-- Oh, Louis. How the fuck did you drop those?" He asked, anger only slightly diminishing when he seen who it was.
Two cats came to move between his legs, rubbing against his calves. The larger one, who was pregnant, ended up getting wedged between his legs, forcing him to lift it up. Rather than moving she just purred louder and began to sink her claws into his expensive boots, kneading the leather. "Fuck off. Shoo. Go away," stupid fucking cats.
Muttering to himself while shooting the cats dirty looks, Louis finished picking up the pieces from the floor and slowly got up to throw them away. "Them!" He pointed at the cats and stomped over, grabbing both and heading for the screened in porch where their crate was. Opening the door, he shoved both inside and locked it again then went back to the kitchen.
"I need to do dishes or go wank off. Getting stressed with all these people here," Louis licked over his lips as he started filling the sink up with hot water and throwing in some lemon scented dish soap.
"Go thank miss priss in there. She's the one who insisted we do this," Harry mumbled, moving back to his original spot hopping up on the counter, and narrowly missing hitting his head on the cupboard, he leaned back and grabbed his bottle of wine. Taking a swig, he kicked his legs back and forth and watched Louis.
"I vote you do the dishes," he went to take another drink, only to be yanked off of the counter and pulled towards the frontroom. Nearly dropping the bottle, his grip on it tightened and he turned in enough time to see it was Gemma who was pulling him before he was shoved into the middle of the crowded room and swallowed alive.
"You would." Louis mumbled. Harry probably wanted him to wait for him or something. Sighing, he was about to say something else when the surgeon was yanked out of the room. "Rude!" He shoved hands into the too hot water, entertaining himself by cleaning dishes and dancing around to the radio Harry had hanging by a cupboard. He was grumpy now.
Sighing loudly, Louis started to complain again, this time the dinnerware were the only audience. When the last plate was set in the drying rack, he splashed hands hard in the water and stomped off as it was draining. He was going to have time to himself.
Harry didn't enjoy this, being the center of attention. He could feel everyone's eyes on him but the ones that counted. Relatives he hasn't hear from in years sat perched in his living room, wrinkly and old and snobby. His dad's aunt was one of the few green eyes continued to find. She knew of Harry, of his past, and she liked drama. If she caught wind that Louis didn't know hardly anything about Shirley or even the older man's life, she would be more than happy to spill the beans.
Hands fidgeting at his sides, curling into a fist before long fingers extended and small tremors ran through them. He tried to ease the pressure in his chest by looking for anyone to help calm him. Was this what the beginning of an anxiety attack looked like? Bad fucking weed. "We have called you all here today," Harry began when Anne shot him a pointed look from her spot against the wall, "to announce not only our engagement, but our pregnancy." Despite his nerves, his voice was still strong. It never wavered, never grew quiet. He was perfect on the outside, while his heart was clawing away on the inside. Where the fuck is Louis?
Murmured conversations began to float around the crowd, and when the shock wore off only few clapped. He knew they would have reacted differently if Louis was up here with him. It was improper for a male to announce not only an engagement, but a pregnancy too when alone. It didn't help that not many people here liked him. He has almost always been an outsider with his mom's friends and even people he knew. He was too cruel, too different.
Zayn and Liam also noticed Louis' absence, looking around before sneaking out to go find their friend. "Louis, your soon to be husband is making the announcement, you should be there," The two had found Louis in the bathroom, perched on the sink reading a Stephen King book. Really? "Come on!" Liam yanked Louis from the sink and towards where everyone was gathered. Throwing open the door, Louis was shoved at Harry, the smaller boy having to grab onto his Dom to keep from falling over.
His blue eyes went wide as he laced an arm through Harry's. The smell of the weed was stronger and Louis fought the urge to grab the room freshener and douse Harry in it. "Uhhh, what did I miss, babe?" He gave the room a forced smile then rolled eyes up to look at Harry, "Your creepy aunt is staring at us again. Make her stop!" He whispered through his lips.
Everybody quietened down when Louis was shoved into the picture. Taking this as his sort of chance to turn all the attention off of him, Harry tugged the boy in closer to him and inhaled the deep, sweet vanilla scent clinging to him. It always reminded the older man of the bakery he used to work at as a teenager, times when life wasn't so hard and all he had to truly worry about was dances.
"I was telling them about the pregnancy. Go on, why don't you tell them the rest?" The back of his throat tickled for a cigarette, making his swallow thickly to try and rid himself of the craving. It wouldn't end too well if he just suddenly left and went outside to have a cigarette. It wouldn't end well either, if he just lit one up right here, even if this was his own house and his own party.
Feeling Harry sniff at him, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up and he gave a slight shudder, fighting back a moan. Damn Harry. Clearing throat, he slid smaller hand into one of Harry's huge paws. Smiling widely again, he reached to grab some punch from the table and handed it to his Dom.
"Oh, um, I'm almost four months along. And it's probably not proper to get pregnant before marriage, but hey, this is 2017," His mind was already screaming at him for the speech, a big warning siren going off, but Louis didn't care. "No idea what else to say so, Harry? Anything you want to add, darling?" He had turned head twice to stare at Harry's aunt, growling under his breath at her smug face.
Bad idea. This was a horrible, stupid idea. The red punch staining his nostrils, after nearly shooting out of them at Louis' speech, Harry's hand tightened around his and he glared down at him through clear, cold eyes. "What Louis meant to say was, he got pregnant before we knew of our pairing. We were reckless and let ourselves have fun before..." he couldn't exactly say before their freedoms was snatched away, because then he'd have fifty old women beating him with their purses stuffed with dinner rolls and hard candies.
"Before we, uh, committed ourselves to our future relationship. As, I'm sure, many of you did before you got paired, if you got paired," He was beginning to ramble, but was cut off when Carlos announced the main course was ready. Wiping off his brow as everyone turned away from him, Harry's tense shoulders sagged and he patted his pocket in search of his cigarettes. Two seconds later, a light brown hand was appearing in from of his face and offering him not only a lighter, but a cigarette. Oh, Zack -Zayn- wants to be nice, eh?
Biting back his tongue, Louis started to giggle. What he really wanted to say wasn't appropriate and he would for sure get a punishment for it. Looking through the crowd, he found Lana and her kids, the only person he fully trusted. Mouthing something to her when Carlos announced the food was ready, he slipped from Harry to walk over and slide a hand around her waist.
A look of betrayal came over Louis' face when he saw his friend offer Harry a smoke."I told you no," He hissed before walking away with his sister and her kids. Arriving in the room, they'd be eating in, Louis made sure to make eye contact with the elderly relatives of Harry's, "Sis, remember me telling you about that huge bitch at Thanksgiving? The one I threw food at?" Lana gave a nod, looking the same way Louis did, "That's her."
Zayn led them outside, mumbling some shit excuse to Liam about where he was going. The air was cool, racing down Harry's spine once it snaked past the small crack around his color. His hair on the back of his neck stood on alert, and without seeing where Zayn was sitting he collapsed back in his chair closest to the door and brought his one leg up so his ankle was pressing against his knee.
"That was cool what you did for Louis in there," Zayn's rugged voice said. Harry glanced up at him through the parted curtains he called hair and nodded in response. Slipping the killing stick between his lips, he lit it and watched as thin streams began to rise in front of his face, dancing in the air as it rose. He felt the smoke cling to his lungs, making them black and sluggish, but god it felt so good.
The air was awkward around them. They weren't friends, and possibly never would be, but since the fight with Kyle a certain... truce and understanding fell over the two males. They were both looking out for Louis, even if the one was a little reluctant to say so. "Thanks for the, uh, cigarette," Harry said, hollowed cheeks puffing out and returning to normal as he exhaled the smoke. Leaning forward, he offered the white thing to Zayn, who surprised him by taking it. He's apparently no stranger to germs.
One nod meaning you're welcome as he took a drag on the stick Harry passed to him. "Are you ... protective of Louis? You seem to be more Team Louis than you were before." He tapped fingers against the fabric of his dress pants, deep purple nail polish contrasting nicely against the black. "Louis.. he hasn't talked crap about you for awhile. Hell, he defended you against that really butch nurse Ava that seems to hate your guts."
The open window in the kitchen let the ones outside hear inside, Louis' voice was the loudest as he stomped from the dining room to the kitchen to grab more soda. Cursing under his breath, he eyed the bottle of wine Harry left behind then looked around. He really shouldn't and was sure his Dom would have his ass (again) because he wasn't going to get away with calling his aunt a bitch. "Motherfuck!"
Ripping open the patio door, he slammed it hard enough for the window to rattle then whirled around, surprised to see Zayn and Harry sitting there even if he knew the two walked off together. "What?"
Harry was suddenly feeling defensive, on the edge of his seat as his hands grasped at his chair for handles to hold onto, but all he seemed to grasp was air. Finally, he moved them to sit on, fingers curling underneath his thigh to grip. "I'm making the best out of a fucked up situation," he argued weakly, shrugging. Even he could hear the lie behind his supposed truth, but if Zayn wanted to say anything about it, he didn't.
With the newfound information that Louis had stuck up for him, lips bright red due to the cool air, parted. He wanted to ask more, to pry into the other man's head and see what he knew about Louis, what secrets he hid in those dark brown eyes, but then the door was opened and an angry looking toddler came stomping out. "Jesus, what now?" He was irritated, something he has seemed to master, but in all honesty he was still curious. What else was there to know about the boy with bright eyes and a big mouth?
A look Zayn had mastered over time crossed his face as he looked at Harry in disbelief. "Me thinks you're falling in love, but that's okay because I'm pretty sure Louis is on that path, too." He brought cigarette to his lips to take a drag, hazel eyes squinting through the gray smoke. "Don't hurt him."
It was none of Harry's business what happened. He plopped down in an empty chair to glare at his Dom. "When can we get these assholes out of here? I need a bath and a nap," Louis laid arms on the table then buried face in them.
Taking the cigarette from Zayn, Harry took a deep drag off of it and held the smoke in his lungs to let the nicotine cling to his walls before he exhaled it slowly and glared at Zayn. This conversation wasn't over, and with an arched eyebrow and one single look, the other man knew it. "Fuck if I know. These people leave when they want to," shrugging, he took another drag and smiled around the orange butt, eyes still hidden behind his hair.
"Wittle Wouis mad with all these people?" he licked his bottom lip, swollen and sore, and leaned forward to offer Zayn the cigarette again, an imprint from his chair running along the back of his knuckles. His sore hand was still squashed under his ass, a good place to be because the cool air irritated it.
If Louis was able to, he would be shooting lasers out of his eyes. "Fuck you. I'm telling them to leave now. Party over, get your shit and go home." He brought a hand up to flip Harry off. Narrowing eyes at one of his best friends being buddy buddy with his Dom, he hissed at Zayn, "You're going to the Dark Side. I won't be following." Then stormed back into the house.
Swallowing back a laugh, Zayn took a drag, "He's a drama queen and he gets jealous very easily, but I think you're aware of that?" He nodded to Louis' quick departure then lit up a second cigarette. If the party was over he was going to stay outside until Louis made him leave.
Inside Louis walked into the dining room and cleared his throat, "Ok, party is over. Get the fuck out and that means you too!" Louis pointed at Anne's aunt. He wasn't even in the family yet and already hated her. "Close to your dinnertime though, isn't it? Or nap."
Harry snorted and leaned back in his chair, eyes flickering to find Liam was standing behind the glass door, watching Zayn with lost puppy eyes that made him look so damn pitiful. "That's an understatement. He enjoys the drama and the attention. I figured that out years ago," gesturing towards the door as he leaned forward to grab the cig from Zayn, something that seemed to be out of instinct now.
"Yer... Urm... Liam is looking like a injured dog," he bit back calling him a mut like he wanted to, and didn't even get his name wrong. Was he... He was trying. Cringing when he heard Louis yell, Harry laughed around a mouthful of smoke, almost choking on it. "How long have you known drama queen for?"
"He was an amazing actor in high school, couldn't sing worth a damn, but made every play come alive." Zayn snubbed out the cigarette and lit another to give to Harry while nursing his own second stick. "I met him when we were 9. Church, I believe. His mom always worked on Sundays so she made Louis go with Kyle, then Louis would try to run away so he didn't have to go home with the man. It never worked."
Everyone in the room stared at Louis. Most thought he was joking. "Go home! Get out of my house!" He looked around the room then growled. Exiting the room, he ran up to his own and grabbed a whistle then brought it to his lips as he returned to the now unwanted guests, blowing it loudly. "Move it, move it, move it!" They were taking him seriously this time. People getting up to grab their coats and leave.
Harry nodded, trying to think what Louis would look like in a play, trying to act a part only he could bring to life in the eyes of others. What parts did he play? What plays did they do? Was he better in the one, but not the other? The thoughts irritated him, because they'd never be answered, but it was still a fun thing to imagine. He smiled small, hidden behind his hand, and took another drag before he waved Liam out. "Kyle... Louis.. Uh, he didn't really tell me what happened. I know the jist of it all, but.. I don't really know anything else. What happened?" He was uncomfortable asking it, but he needed to know. Louis wouldn't tell him.
When Liam walked out of the house, head bowed and scruffy chin digging into his soft chest, he went straight over to Zayn and plopped down in his lap without a single word. Once saddened eyes became bright; full of love as they gazed up at the mysterious man hidden behind rude comments and a snarky attitude. It was... Odd, the way the two easily fit with each other. Harry knew he'd never have that, even if it was something he once hoped for.
Ducking head like he almost expected Louis to come out, hazel eyes widened and he took a lingering drag. It was something Louis told him in confidence, but Harry was his Dom and future husband, he deserved to know. "Well, he, was handsy. . and dicky? Long story short, he basically molested Louis sexually. Pretty sure his mom knew but didn't do anything about it because Jay liked the attention, her ex boyfriend left two days after Louis was born." Crushing out the cigarette, his fingers twitched, wanting to light another one. Yes, yes he would.
Holding the smoke out of the way, he wrapped free arm around Liam then leaned up tp kiss his neck, whispering an i love you into the puppy dog eyed doctor. Liam blushed, ducking head more as a soft giggle came out. "What are you talking about out here?"
Louis hadn't really left anything out. Well, anything that mattered. For once in his goddamn life he had been honest, and the realization weighed heavily on his heart. Was the sassy nurse finally allowing himself to trust. "I know people like that," Harry murmured, dropping his own cigarette to the ground where he crushed it into the snow with the heel of his shoe.
Nose wrinkling at the sight before him, he ripped his eyes away from the couple and shifted in his seat. Sex, intimacy, has never been something he shied away from. Hell, he knew peoples bodies better than they did themselves before they even bloomed into adulthood. But the moment these two were sharing was different, it was vulnerable and sweet in a way that made Harry feel wrong, that he was intruding. "How long have you two been together?"
The house was cleared out. Louis realised he was alone when his hello was echoed back to him. His footsteps followed as he went to the sliding glass door to peer out and see nobody but his best friends sitting there with Harry. Traitors! Pushing the door open, he stepped out into the frigid December air and took a seat next to Liam and Zayn. "Sup bitches?"
Louis was trying to ignore the love radiating from the two next to him. He turned in his seat to stare at the fence surrounding the property. Zayn reached over and grabbed Louis by the back of the shirt to rub at his hair, making Louis squeak and bolt out of his chair to jump on Harry's lap to growl at his friends. "We have been together since high school. Liam's mom is a prude who refused to believe her baby was gay so she made him get married to Emily," Zayn explained as Liam rolled his eyes.
Harry rolled his eyes at Louis but didn't stop him from curling into a tiny ball on his lap. They looked more awkward than Liam and Zayn did. It came naturally to those two, while with him and his Sub it was... Well... Not so intimate? "And what about you? Has the government not forced you to get married, seeing as you're a single twenty six year old?" Zayn was a Dom, that much was evident, but the government didn't care. Most doms had until the age of thirty five to be married, like Harry, but if they weren't their partner would be chosen. For Zayn's sake, he needed to saddle up as soon as possible with some whore he didn't really care about if he wanted to keep Liam.
Arm moving to rest over Louis' thigh, Harry hooked it beneath his knees and unconsciously drew him closer, just so he wouldn't fall. He could feel eyes on him, but he wasn't aware of what he was doing, or the fact that was chin was moving to hook over the top of the boys head as he burrowed deeper into his chest. Get cuddly, Styles. Lover boy will love it. Jesus Christ. Even his thoughts were after him.
Laying head against Harry's chest, he could hear the deep tone of his Dom's voice reverberate against his ear. Maybe he kind of liked that Harry's voice was nice and deep. Yawning slightly, he eyed the lit cigarette in Harry's hand then rolled eyes up to look at him.
Zayn had been watching the two intently with a knowing smirk. He jerked to attention when a question was thrown his way, "Er.. I have an old girlfriend willing to marry me. It's going to be an open marriage. As long as the government doesn't insist we have children, Nadine and I will be fine. She can keep seeing her boyfriend and I can keep with Liam," He shrugged like it was no big deal, steepling fingers together on top of Liam's tattooed ones. Looking at Louis, he nodded toward the house, "How's it going in there?"
Their attention was soon grabbed when two bodies came stumbling out of the doors Zayn had just nodded towards. Michael and Luke. They were out of breath and grinning, a bottle of cinnamon whiskey in one hand and a bottle of Jack Daniels in the other. "Fucking started without us?" Mikey asked, blue hair standing in all different directions. Nobody had the heart to tell him he was getting a little too old to dye his hair, not that the man would care anyway. He was a kid at heart.
Grinning, Harry made grabby hands towards the closest bottle to him, instantly being handed his good old friend Jack. "Never," he said, oblivious to the eyes watching the three interact without words. They have always been able to do this. Well, Michael and Harry anyway.
All three men - Louis, Zayn, and Liam - rolled their eyes when Michael and Luke came towards them. The blue hair made Louis raise an eyebrow, an insult melting on his tongue as soon as he thought it. He didn't feel like being rude right now. Louis sighed at the alcohol then leaned back against Harry, surprised the Dom was still letting this happen in the presence of his friends, or should he be counting the minutes until Harry made him move?
Anne walked around the corner to the group sitting there. "Harry Edward Styles, first you disappear on the party then your fiance chases everyone out. Where are your manners?" She put hands on hips as she eyed the male.
Harry glanced up at his mum and blew out a deep breath before he opened the bottle, breaking the seal, and took a large gulp of the bitter, burning liquid. Yep, this would get the job done nicely. "Louis did what he wanted. As for me, I don't know, mother. You raised me," eyebrow cocking, Harry grinned around the neck of the bottle and took another large drink. His chest and throat was on fire, a nice warmth spreading in his belly.
His one arm was still wrapped around Louis, and when he realized it he went to pull back but what was the point? Everybody has already seen to two. Besides, Louis was nice and warm. His hair was tickling the doms throat, but it was an oddly nice feeling. Not that he'd ever admit that out loud, though. He'd rather admit Zayn is a decent guy before that.
Burrowing face deeper into Harry's neck, breath warm against the skin, he inhaled the Dom's scent trying to ignore the lingering stench of weed. Purposely shifting on Harry's lap, he got an evil idea. His body was shielding Harry's so nobody would see as he unzipped the man's fly and slid his hand in to gently wrap fingers around his fabric covered cock. "I felt the party was over with, Anne. You and Ida had nothing nice to say about Harry and that was disrespecting him in his home." Hi pot, meet kettle. What did you do at Thanksgiving you moron?
Turning to cuddle more into Harry again, his petite hand went to rest on his arm, fingering the fabric of his suit jacket. Smirking at Harry, suddenly having more respect as he was being slightly bratty.
Several tense seconds passed as everyone just looked anywhere but Anne and Louis. Harry kept his eyes trained on the clear bottle in his hand, reading over the black label. He was thankful Louis had moved his hand when he did, otherwise this would have went very differently. The other scenario involved Louis being shoved to the ground and fucked in the snow, and Harry wasn't yet sure how he felt about hypothermia.
"I see," Anne nodded, admitting defeat as she slowly backed up with one last lingering gaze on her son. She was doing this for him, leaving without causing a fight. Despite her feelings towards Louis, and how she may act around Harry, she did care about him. You feel your child's every joy, and witness their pain. You see them succeed, and fail. Your only wish it to block them from the cruel world as long as you can, but Anne had failed. Harry's biggest problem was he was subjected into it too soon, knew heartbreak before he even outgrew his action figures. He knew pain before he knew of cooties that the girls and boys carried. He knew too much too soon. And it was her fault.
Retreating around the corner with her heart weighed down with lead, she climbed into her car and left, the last sight she seen was Harry's house growing smaller in her rearview mirror.
Yawning cutely, Louis moved hand from the sleeve of Harry's shirt to slide into his zipper again to wrap it around him, pumping hand discreetly. Turning head, he kissed his Dom on the cheek then laid it once again in the comforting curve of his neck, enjoying the warmth of his skin and the heavy curls acting like a blanket around him. He'd long since pulled the bun from Harry's hair, wanting to bury himself in the vanilla scented waterfall.
Closing eyes even when Anne kept talking. He figured out how to tune her out and concentrate solely on the beating of the surgeon's heart and the soft inhales and exhales of breath that lingered in the frosty air reminding Louis that it was December and he was only in a tee shirt. Shivering slightly, he sank more against Harry's body.
"Well, that was awkward." Liam spoke up, swiping the liquor from Michael to take a long drink. He didn't care that he'd basically exchanged germs with someone he barely knew, it was beer o'clock somewhere. "Is your mom always like that, Harry?".
Harry tensed at Louis' hand, wanting to push it away but also not wanting to make a scene. Shifting so it was less obvious, because the last thing he wanted to do was be caught, he moved Louis so the boy was more or less hunched over him, a small ball on his lap that would hide everything, even if someone were standing right next to them. "You have no idea," he said, snorting as Zayn took the bottle of Jack Jack from him and took a long swig. Harry watched as his throat worked to swallow the liquid, Adam's apple bobbing underneath stretched light brown skin.
"Should have seen her on Thanksgiving. Me and Louis probably gave her a mini heart attack," he shrugged like it was nothing and reached into Michael's pocket to grab his pack of camels. They weren't his favorite, but they'd work. Lighting the fag, Harry groaned softly around the smoke, hips jerking involuntary into Louis' tiny fist. It was subtle, the movement not enough to let on to anything.
A noise of disdain was heard when Harry moved him. He gave a low growl, continuing his assault on the man's cock. Using his free hand, he glanced around the table then unbuttoned Harry's pants to open them and gain him better access. He really wanted the alcohol within arm's reach, but had to keep telling himself he had less than six months then he could, unless he chose to breastfeed.
Giggling at Thanksgiving, he could picture Harry in his sister's jammies again. They were tight, but somehow Harry had made them work. Leaning down, Louis pulled Harry from his boxers to lick at the tip.
Somebody had to have noticed, but they didn't comment or call them out. They simply chose to remain lost in their own world as Harry's knuckles grew white from gripping the table. Taking a calming drag off of the cigarette, visible tremors racing down the length of his long digits, Harry decided to return the... Kindness. His bad hand, fingers chilled, slipped down the back of Louis' pants, skimming the Lacy top of his panties before they slowly pulled them back and dove down into the warmth.
Nobody could see what was going on. Louis' shirt was long enough to cover it, and with his body arched forward, his ass was pressed into the arm of Harry's chair. It would be obvious if someone looked longer than a second, but nobody seemed to. "I'm thinking of ordering from that one burger place. Anyone got any requests?" Harry asked as his fingers moved to slide between Louis' ass cheeks before he moved them back up his cleft and repeated the process.
The food his mum had requested was nice, but it was too... Rich people-y. She didn't really do a menu he enjoyed. He liked the fatty, greasy food on days like this. "Also, I have pot. Anybody, but Louis, game?"
A rush of cool air on his behind made Louis squirm as he pushed his mouth down on Harry's cock, wrapping hand around what he couldn't fit, then froze. Wait. He ran his tongue around Harry's length, making up for the sloppy blowjob by making his hand move at a faster pace.
Sighing quietly at the feel of Harry's fingers, he pushed his ass back against his hand and pulled himself off long enough to answer the question about burgers. "Plain cheeseburger double patty, I saw some mac and cheese in the fridge I might put on it," Pot? This was the first Louis heard of it as he turned head to stare at his Dom, the friction between his hand and Harry's cock causing his skin to warm up quickly. "Let's go get it so I can put on a warmer shirt."
Michael nudged Luke with his elbow and nodded towards Louis and Harry, a knowing smirk forming his lips. Him and his boyfriend used to be like them, fucking each other wherever they could. Fuck, they were still like that. "I want a double cheeseburger, and Luke likes just a single hamburger with everything on it," or he likes the kid meals, but nobody needed to know about their secret kinks.
Perking up at the mention of weed, Zayn rolled his eyes when Liam glared down at him and pecked his cheek. "I'll be smart," he whispered to the man, features softening underneath the brown haired man's touch when his fingers moved to press against the side of his face. Tipping his head back, Zayn accepted the tender kiss and sighed into it, body melting into the feelings generated by the simple contact. "We'll both get the double cheeseburgers with everything on it," the dark haired man finally mumbled, peeking over Liam's shoulder.
Harry, on the other hand, hadn't heard a single request made. He was too busy reigning himself in, feeling as his dom side prickled beneath his skin and prodded at his brain. He just wanted to bend Louis over the table and fuck him already. "Fine, yeah. Anybody else want some, or am I just grabbing the single joint?" His breathing had picked up slightly, not noticeable unless you were a fucking creep and listened to how he normally breathed.
Slightly embarrassed that Michael caught on, he squirmed on Harry's lap then leaned back to kiss his lips. He couldn't help it that his pregnancy basically made him horny all the time and that his fiance was good looking. Though he did raise an eyebrow at Michael ordering for Luke. Was that their relationship? Was Michael a dom?
The love was going down the line as Zayn and Liam were lovey-dovey. He smiled warmly at his friends, reaching over to pat their conjoined hands. Sliding off Harry's lap, he walked over to them and whispered in Zayn's ear before he took off running for their room.
Harry quickly tucked himself back into his pants, aching and straining against the material, and flicked the cigarette that had long since burned out in a random direction before he stood up. "I'm smoking," Zayn said, snaking his hand around Liam's back to raise his hand. Liam shook his head, declining the offer like a good little boy, and Luke and Michael both piped up that they were smoking too.
Nodding, Harry slipped into the house quietly before he ran up the stairs and into their bedroom. His pants were already unbuttoned again, and like Louis had read his mind he was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting patiently, tongue dragging across his bottom lip. "Are we--" Harry began to ask, but cut off when Louis looped his fingers into the belt loops and tugged him forward, mouth opening to swallow his thick length in one swallow. Fffuckk.
Now free to bob head on Harry, he still tried to push the whole length down his throat, wrapping his hand around the base. He moaned from the taste as he slowly brought his mouth up to take a breath and swirl tongue around it. Breathing heavily, he rolled blue eyes to stare at Harry. "Yes, I was ready to sit on you down there," Louis nodded to the patio. Pumping Harry with his hand, he climbed onto his Dom's lap to claim his lips as his.
Leaning in more to nip and suck at Harry's neck, he followed the curve of it to the space right below his ear. He nibbled at his lobe then moved back down to take Harry in his mouth again. He didn't know how far Harry wanted to go at the moment, they had company downstairs, but they probably understood. They were human after all.
Harry moved to sit on the edge of the bed when his legs became jelly. Louis, taking the opportunity, had straddled him and replaced his mouth with his hand. Tugging down Louis' pants, he didn't waste a second before he thrust a finger into the boys tight hole. He wasn't planning on taking it all the way tonight, but why not make it as enjoyable as possible?
With the stretch his fingers brought, Harry bit down on Louis' shoulder to distract from the pain and used that to bury his finger in deeper, fingernail scratching against the soft bundle of nerves that had the boy arching into him and moaning, lips trembling against Harry's.
Hissing at the finger, his hips lifted up then pushed back against the digit, whimpering. Leaning up for another kiss, he brought his hurt hand up to cup Harry's face, thumb running circles in the part of his cheek where the dimples would be if Harry was smiling. "Fuck Haz," Louis started to rock on his finger, circling his hips.
The friction was causing making his skin become uncomfortably hot, but he wanted to get his Dom off before they even thought about heading back to their friends. "More fingers, please." Louis begged softly. Moving mouth from Harry's he pushed the man's suit jacket away to unbutton the shirt underneath to give him access to Harry's nipple, flicking tongue to the bud.
A shiver ran down Harry's spine, but it wasn't from the cool chill in the room. Like Louis, he was hot, over sensitive as teeth and tongue attacked his nipple. He arched into the assault, his own fingers moving to stretch the too tight space to add a second finger. He could feel the skin beneath his tongue heating up, blood rushing to the area and vessels popping as he sucked harder, teeth making a bruise that would last a week at least.
His bad hand moved to explore Louis' body, discovering the peaks and valleys, the dimples at the bottom of his spine, the way he shivered as fingertips ghosted down his back and over the curve of his ass. Pain wasn't a problem of his at the moment as Harry curled his fingers on his injured hand to grip Louis' hip, creating a bruise of possession all would see if they dared look at the boys hips. It was a childish need of his, to mark Louis and claim him as his own, but damn did it do something to the budding orgasm growing stronger, closer at the knowledge he owned the body on him. He no longer needed to feel jealous of those who has seen him before, of who has experienced what that sinful mouth could do. Because Harry would be the last one.
Blowing gently on the damp nub, Louis teased it more with his tongue until it was standing erect. Moving to the second nipple, he rolled it between his lips then nipped at it. Pulling mouth off to moan quietly, Louis brushed his hand across Harry's sac, fingers kneading and rubbing at it. "Want you, Hazzy."
A slightly pained moan came out when Harry squeezed his thigh, Louis' back going stiff as he could feel himself getting close to his orgasm. He pushed down more against Harry's fingers, panting heavily as a slight whimper came out.
lHarry listened to the plea, but didn't move to act on it. He was fine with what they were doing right now, having the freedom of mobility to do what they wanted. Unhinging his jaw to press a kiss to the already bruising skin, Harry began to suck up the length of the boys neck, soft and wreaking of vanilla.
"Cum for me, damn it. Cum," he growled the command, hand moving to grip Louis' length. Their hands moved in sync, squeezing and working the others cocks. Harry was more restless, more eager to get Louis off. He could feel his own orgasm threatening to burst him open, to shred his skin and let the hot pleasure devour his entire existence. All because of fucking Louis.
His soft little airy breaths along with the squeezing of his eyes meant Louis was close. Digging bad hand into his Dom's hand, he screeched from the pain of the broken knuckles and how great it felt to cum after having to wait all day, who cares if they had sex last night. Louis was needy.
Mouth going down to Harry's nipple, he groaned, his release making him overly sensitive to the touches to his cock as he continued to rock and twist his hips on the long fingers embedded deep within him.
Warm droplets of semen rolled down the back of Harry's knuckle and trailed down his chest. He didn't stop, though. He continued pumping Louis, riding him through his orgasm as his fingers got buried deeper, nudging against his prostate to send another wave of pleasure crashing down over the boy.
Then as his nipple was bit, twining with his pleasure was the pain of his sensitive buds, and he came with a loud growl. His arm tightened in its place around Louis' waist, his semen splattering in the barely there space between their chest. Both hands became jerky, hardly being able to move in the limited space, as their chests collided and slid, mouths attacking each others in a sloppy, desperate kiss.
And in that moment, that one split second, all Harry knew was Louis. His vanilla scent, laced with sweat and sex. His soft skin, flush against his own with goosebumps betraying him and littering the perfect canvas. His breathy pants, nearly sounding like he was choking as he continued to gasp in the shuddering breaths. The pepsi lingering on his tongue, bitter and sweet. And finally, with force his eyes cracked open and he was face to face with him, with what most would define as perfection.
Hair twisted and sticking to his forehead with sweat, blue eyes dilated and hooded with clumpy eyelashes fanning across his cheeks with each lazy blink. His lips were swollen, a lovely light red shade as they remained parted, the ghost of his breath smacking against Harry's face. The crinkles by his eyes were missing, but his face told the story the older man needed to know. Louis was gone for him, he couldn't change that. He just had to accept it. As if he hasn't already.
Panting heavily with a slight wheeze at the end, Louis knew nothing but the pleasurable orgasm Harry had just given him as his body started to become loose and pliant, weak hands pawed at Harry's cock, painted white with the Dom's semen. Warm and safe is what Louis felt enveloped on the lap of the one he may be falling in love with, but doesn't dare speak aloud as Harry probably doesn't feel the same. Yet, he adds mentally, there's hope in that one word.
A soft noise erupted from him when Harry pressed their lips together in a hard kiss that bruised and tasted of alcohol, one thing Louis was desiring, but could lick from the Cupid's bow of his Dom. Small, pink tongue snuck a smooth path across the older man's lips, noisy smacks as his own went together to capture the taste. "Mine," Louis croaked, trying his voice as he leaned in for another kiss.
When Harry orgasmed, Louis brought the covered hand up to his lips to lick off dirtily, staring blue eyes into green as he cleaned his hand. "Whatever you're eating, it tastes good." He swept clean hand through the long locks of the man, pulling at the strands.
Watching a man lick semen off his hand shouldn't be so arousing, but Harry found himself getting ready for round two. Until the sound of a pebble hitting against his glass balcony door stole his attention away from Louis. "Hurry, you two! We wanna smoke!" The voice was muffled through the glass, but he could still tell it was Michael.
Sighing, and moment gone, Harry set Louis off to the side of the bed and left his shirt undone, three buttons at the bottom the only thing keeping it from spreading open all the way. Palming at his eye, he walked into the bathroom and cleaned himself up with a warm rag before he leaned out the door and through Louis one. "Get cleaned up and dressed while I get this," he said, not making eye contact before he slipped back into the bathroom.
Small bites littered his chest, nipples and neck when he looked in the mirror, head craning so he could see the ones on his neck better, but he didn't see any use in covering them. Grabbing the metal tin, Harry buttoned his pants back up and made sure the starry, dazed look was out of his eyes before he went back into the bedroom just in time to see Louis pulling on one of his light blue, heavy sweaters. Due to it being Harry's, it drowned him but still looked flattering on him paired with the baggy grey sweatpants.
"Ready?" The Dom asked, tucking the tin beneath his arm. The coldness seeped through the material of his shirt and began to numb the area, but he kind of enjoyed the feeling. He was too hot anyway.
Wiping at his face, he tilted head back to let the warmth of the washcloth seep through then pulled it off to wipe his hands, belly, and his southern regions. The washcloth slipped from his hand and Louis reached to grab it with his bad hand, having pulled the brace off already. Yelping when he bent his hand, Louis switched to his left, immediately cradling the bad one to his chest. "Haz, I need more Tylenol."
He always chose Harry's clothes to wear, they were big and snuggly, much like the dom and even smelt of his cologne and the vanilla shampoo he swiped from Louis. Turning to the full length mirror, he too made note of the bites on him, particularly proud of an angry looking purple one on his collarbone. "Damn. Are you hungry?" His stomach growled from the promise of burgers, remembering the conversation from earlier.
Eyeing the tin, Louis gave Harry a questioning look. He had never seen it before. Ah well, he had secrets too. "Ready! Let's go." Looking around, he grabbed a pair of socks too, having been running around barefoot before.
Harry chewed on the other side of his lip, a bad idea still considering it pulled at the scabbing wound, and set the tin box on their dresser. This was a stupid, fucked up idea, but he could honestly see the pain in Louis' eyes. The boy wasn't just fucking around. He hurt a lot. "Stay here,"
Leaving Louis in the room, he quietly crept down the hallway and and snuck into his office, letting the door close with a quiet click behind him before he locked it and went over to his safe. He pushed the couch away and opened the safe, rummaging through it before he found the clear vial he was looking for. Morphine. He grabbed a new needle from the box and held it between his teeth, the wrapper still on it and the new cap covering the actual needle. He didn't have the pills, otherwise he'd just give them to Louis and save them both the trouble.
"Okay?" Louis watched Harry leave and brought shoulders up in a shrug. Eyeing the messy bed and doing nothing about it, he wandered to the balcony to peer over it. Perfect view of the friends, all four of them. Snickering, he gathered some snow in his good hand and dropped it over the edge onto all of them before ducking down. When he heard the yell of surprise, Louis started giggling softly then snuck back into their room.
Seeing Harry come back, Louis' face lit up and he walked around the bed to wrap an arm around him in a hug, even though he'd only been gone for ten minutes, the man was growing on him. "We still need to order the burgers, and some fries. Can we get milkshakes, too?"
Putting everything back to normal, Harry went back into their room and tensed the sudden physical contact. Shimming his way out of Louis' grasp, he took the packaged needle from between his lips and held it tightly in his fist. "Sure, sure. Do me a favor and sit down on the edge of the bed?" Okay, weirdo.
Not showing Louis what he was doing, Harry turned and quickly opened the needle before he shoved the tip into the vial and drew the right amount for Louis. Spinning with his arm behind his back, he smiled warmly down at the boy, trying to act as normal as possible. "Even though I already know this, I just have to ask. Are you on any medications I am not aware of? Or street drugs?"
Louis mumbled more about milkshakes as he stepped over to sit on their bed. He ignored the fact that Harry didn't seem to want to be touched despite what they'd been doing only moments before. "I wish we had a Steak and Shake nearby, or a Sonic."
An eyebrow raised, Louis was wondering why Harry was acting suspicious right now. "Yeah, only penicillin, but like you said, you know this," While Louis knew nothing about Harry. How was this fair? He'd have to Google him later when he was by himself. "Why are you being weird? Did something come up and I'm in trouble or..?" Street drugs? Louis wasn't going to live down trying X was he?
It took two beats for Louis to realise he had asked what medications he was on, not allergic to. Shaking head, he gave a laugh, "Oops.. I mean I'm not on any meds at the moment."
Nodding his head, Harry slowly drew closer. "What kind of shake do you want?" He was trying to distract him, get his mind off of the older mans strange behavior. When Louis began to ramble about a chocolate shake, Harry leaped forward and jammed the needle into Louis' thigh. He wasn't being sanitary, but asking the boy to hold still while he cleaned the area with an alcohol wipe would be a little suspicious.
He pulled the needle out once the needle was empty and put the cap back on it before he tossed it into the bin next to his bed, somehow managing to make it. Sliding the vial of morphine into his pocket, he wiped his palms off on his pants and grinned down at Louis. "Quit acting like I betrayed you. I just gave you a little morphine. Hop off it and thank me later,"
A hot fudge shake with marshmallows was what Louis was thinking about, nothing suspicious about the questions. Food was his only thought. He raised an eyebrow when Harry pretty much leapt at him, putting two and two together when he felt a pinch and the cool trickle of liquid swimming in his veins. "Ok, Mr. Sneaky!" Louis frowned, stretching his leg out before getting to his feet again. Thankfully the spot wasn't sore.
Louis was about to grab his phone from the charger - having gone so long without it, how?! - when he paused and lowered eyes to Harry's now empty hands. "Wait.. why do you have morphine at home? Are you a closet druggie or something?"
Harry's eyebrows rose on their own accord and he scoffed. "Fuck you," he spat, grabbing the tin. He threw the door open and was fully prepared to stomp away like a teenage girl who just got told she couldn't get yet another car, when he realized how the situation looked. "No, I'm not a druggy. I have morphine here because.. " just tell him. He deserves to know.
"I forgot to take it out of my lab coat pocket, and I just locked it up here when I realized it," the lie was easy enough, and believable, but it still felt wrong. He was lying about something simple, something so easily forgiven. But wanting to tell the truth was a bad sign, and he was one who listened to the signs so many often ignore.
Not knowing if he should believe Harry or not, Louis just shrugged. He turned his phone on so the Samsung tune played. "Whatever. Let's go order the food, meaning you, because I hate talking on the phone," He grit teeth together, the pain was still there but slowly dissipating as he flexed his fingers, rubbing over the knuckles.
Louis ducked under the arm holding the door open and ran downstairs then to the playroom. He didn't feel like sitting outside anymore as he texted Liam and Zayn to come join. Zee pretty much turned him down, choosing to be Team Harry for the moment, only because the curly one had a joint, while Liam showed up with a cup of vodka for himself and Pepsi for Louis, along with some of the finger foods Anne had ordered. Might as well not let them go to waste.
Thankful Louis hadn't pushed the subject, Harry ducked outside once he reached the bottom floor and sat down in his seat, which has long since gone cold in his absence. His nipples perked as the cold air nipped at them due to his shirt still being open, and despite the slight wind that felt like needles pricking his skin, he left it open and opened the tin. "Alright, I got a few different breeds in here. We got the dragon berry, girl scout cookies, etcetera. Or I have this new hybrid I haven't tried. It's green gorilla with... I actually can't remember. But which one?" Pulling out the numerous different plastic baggies the weed was in, he held them up.
Everyone began to mumble shit before they all agreed on the hybrid. Grinning, and nodding, Harry lifted up some papers and his pipe. "Which one?" He always prefered his pipe, then again, a joint was easier to clean up after. He had a bong somewhere around here, and a hookah, but he hasn't seen those for months.
It was boring and Louis almost nodded off twice. The third time, he just let his body fall under as he snuggled up against the couch, controller falling from his hand with a thunk. Liam looked up at the noise, rolling eyes fondly when he saw Lou had fallen asleep and turned off the console and television before sneaking out to join the others on the patio.
He took Louis' empty chair next to Harry, crinkling nose at the baggies. "Really glad you guys grew out of your high school fad. Cheers." He gave them all a sarcastic thumbs up, lingering brown eyes on Zayn's hazel ones. Liam was tired of being the responsible one.
They all agreed on the pipe, so after grinding up some of the marijuana in his grinder, he packed a bowl and went to take the first hit when Liam came wondering out. Looking lost, but determined, he sat in the rest next to Harry, much to the man's disappointment, and glared at them all. He snorted when he seen the puppy man glare daggers at Zayn, and chose to ignore him as he took a rip off the pipe. His lungs burned, expanding with the marijuana smoke and it was way too fucking strong.
Holding it in nonetheless, Harry passed the pipe to Zayn and waited until the man took a hit before he exhaled it, and watched as the darker skinned man held it in to follow after his lead. "You sure you don't want any? This will make you want to regrow that horrendous afro you had," Harry said, grinning playfully at Liam. He'd never thought this day would come, where he was getting along with Zayn and man's but he quite enjoyed it. It was... Nice.
Liam continued to sit and judge them silently. "Hey, what happened to ordering burgers? Your baby mama is starving." He hooked a thumb over his shoulder towards indoors, "even if he is passed out at the moment. He fell asleep hard. Did you drug him when you two disappeared?" He asked jokingly.
Zayn gave Liam a look as he took a hit off the pipe, handing the lighter and pipe to Michael. "Is Louis not feeling good? He just fell asleep like that?" He gave a laugh, wishing they had some chips to munch on. The talk of food made his stomach grumble and mouth pretty much water. "And Harry, this is your house, why do you go outside and freeze your balls off?"
Patting his pockets at the reminder of food, Harry pulled out his phone and slid the lock screen to open it, leaving the vial of morphine tucked away in his pocket. "I don't want my house to smell like weed," he said and shrugged, not commenting on the whole drugging Louis thing. He could lie, or tell them it was none of their business and look guilty.
Shushing everyone, he quickly called the hamburger whatever, not bothering to look at the name, and placed their order. Turns out they didn't deliver, so he had to pick up their order in forty five minutes. He even managed to remember Louis' milkshake, plus everyone else's who asked for one. Taking the pipe back when it was passed to him, Harry took his hit.
It continued like that for the next half hour, Harry loading bowl after bowl until everyone but Liam was baked off their asses. Their eyes wanted to slam shut, not that they weren't threatening to. Through tiny slits, making everything blurry around the edges, Harry turned to Liam with a goofy ass grin. "You wanna be my DD? I'd ask Louis, but he's as drugged as the rest of us." He shrugged off what he said like it meant nothing, and that he hadn't in fact drugged his fiance against his will.
His chest was red now, entire body numb and no longer stinging though he knew it would be if he wasn't so damn high. He couldn't feel his injuries anymore, and his stupid ass continued to flex his fist and lick his lip to see if he could feel anything though nothing came. They'd be really fucking sore tomorrow.
Waking up to the need to piss, Louis flew from the couch to the bathroom. He debated going back to sleep or joining everyone on the patio. Padding outside on socked feet thar immediately got soaked through he gave a sniff. No open seat so Louis leaned against the wall trying to wake up. His fringe hung in his face, blowing gently in the wind as he squinted eyes to stare at everyone. By the looks on their faces, Louis could guess what they were up to.
Liam gave Harry a surprised look when the surgeon admitted to drugging Louis, turning to the smaller man trying to curl into himself to keep warm and wake himself up at the same time. "You were joking about drugging him, weren't you? Louis had a bad reaction to a drug last time, I don't want the same thing to happen!" He looked at Louis again.
The nurse was feeling nervous with all eyes on him. He swiped hands over face and shook head, "Hm? I didn't do it this time." Louis moved closer to the table, a hand reaching out to grip it for balance, eyes staring at the pipe and baggies on the table that left the skunk smell. "Damn. You guys reek."
Harry rolled his eyes and looked at Liam with a dead face, no emotion evident on his face or in his eyes. "Shut it, Doctor save a ho. He's fine." Turning eyes to look at Louis, he looked at the boy from his head to his feet then shrugged. "You're fine. He's fine. We're all fine," laughing at his excessive use of the word fine, Harry grabbed the pack of cigarettes off the table and lit one, the smoke entering his lungs feeling like water, but it didn't bring the satisfaction of drowning.
Glancing down at his phone that was too bright, Harry squished his feet in the snow and wrinkled his nose at weird feeling it made. It was squishy but soft, feet melting right into it to leave the imprint of his shoes. "So, my little puppy, you wanna drive me around and be my chauffeur or am I gonna walk?" he really didn't want to walk. It was cold and his feet weren't even there anymore.
His eyes widened when Harry looked at him, feeling the need to slide behind Zayn's chair and rest arms on the back of it. He brought fingers out to play with the dark strands of his hair, gently running petite fingers through it. Bringing his idle hand up to chew on a nail, he waited until Liam left his chair to steal it and scoot it closer to Zayn.
"I can drive too?" Louis mumbled out, stretching arms high above his head then throwing legs over the arms of the chair, almost tipping it over. "The hell is he going anyway?"
Harry slid down in his seat and stood up, only to stumble backwards and fall ass first into the snow. God fucking damnit! He knew his legs weren't there. "I can't feel my legs," he said, looking at them as if it was the most sane thing he had ever said in his life. He could see them, but he couldn't feel them. "I think I'm paralyzed," he patted his legs and frowned when he couldn't feel them, nor the snow that cocooned the bottom half of his body.
Lifting his hand to take a drag of his cigarette, Harry let out a low whine and flung himself back into the snow when he seen his fall had not only broken the cig, but got it wet too. "Fucking dumb weed and it's dumb paralyzing stuff. Can't even smoke a damn cigarette." He pouted, shoving his head back into the snow. He felt as the light, fluffy crystals of water packed into his ear, melting from his body heat and making water lap at his brain. "My brain is swimmin'." He mumbled to the dark sky, eyes tracing the grey clouds. He liked the grey clouds. They were so underappreciated. "And hello, he's right here. I need to go get the food." Mmm, food.
Harry falling over caught Louis' attention. Flying from the chair, he moved to kneel down. "You're not paralyzed you idiot." Even with his small stature, Louis could put arms around the surgeon's waist and yank him up to a sitting position, laughing quietly at the dusting of snow in the pretty brown curls, "Haz, get up. I can't lift you on my own." Sighing, Louis started to stand, yanking the surgeon up with him.
The broken cigarette made Louis cringe. Tobacco abuse! He reached over to grab a menthol from a random pack on the table and lit it then shoved it into Harry's mouth. The man was gone, he wouldn't figure out what he'd just done. "Here ya big baby." He sighed more at Harry's very soaked clothing as he turned them toward the house to grab the car keys and go. "Where are we going?"
Harry choked on the mint flavored cigarette and let it fall from his lips, only to have Louis catch it and shove it back between his lips. "I don't like menthol," he complained, sucking his lips in to catapult the cigarette out of reaching distance. It flew through the air and landed in the snow, the grey smoke instantly disappearing as the cherry became wet.
"And no, I'm not getting in the fucking car with you. Liam! Drive us, Puppy patrol! We need your help," yanking the keys from out of Louis' hand, Harry didn't seem to notice that he could walked as he turned around and tossed the keys to Liam. "Now would be nice. I actually want my ice cream to be cold and not liquefied like we'd be if we let Louis drive. He can't even drive sober."
If Harry was going to be that way, he could go fuck himself. Throwing hands up, he stomped back over to Zayn and slid onto his lap. He would stay his happy ass at home then. "Did you see that? Fucker wasted a cigarette." Since nothing had been said about Louis starting that cig for Harry, he dug another menthol one out and lit it to offer to Zayn. "Here, since you won't spit it out."
"We do need more alcohol," Michael piped up as he drained a bottle of Heineken and pushed it to join the other empties. Luke gave a nod, even if his alcohol wasn't gone just yet making Louis stare, displeased that his friends would drink in front of him. "Fine. I'm making root beer floats and none of you fuckers can have one," He swiped a cigarette before heading inside the house.
Harry followed after Louis, but turned around in the door to glare at Liam. "Go. Car. Drive. Food. Now." Then he hobbled into the kitchen and snatched the cigarette from between the boys lips just as he was getting ready to light it. Breaking it in half, Harry tossed it in the sink and turned on the water, watching as the paper became transparent and the brown tobacco began to show.
"Light or touch another cigarette, and you'll not only be locked in a room with no windows, but I'll truly wreak havoc on your life," meaning he'd spank him with a cane, take away all of his privileges including his job, and bend his will until his breaks and becomes the ideal sub. One who doesn't back talk or try to sit in another mans fucking lap. "Try sitting on Zayn's or another fuckers lap again, too. I'll buy a fucking collar. Show everyone you're mine. Try me," fucking possesive much? Jesus.
Louis snorted, pretty much ignoring Harry as he grabbed a tall mug from the freezer and filled it with a couple scoops of ice cream then started pouring root beer into the glass. "Really? Because I think if I can't have it then neither should you," He took a big swig of his float, flexing the fingers on his hand to see if the morphine was still working. Leaning against the counter, he stretched a leg out to check how dirty the underside of the once white socks were then tossed them off his feet.
"Zee! Your phone is ringing again!" Louis snatched it from the counter as he went outside to hand his friend the phone, leaning over him to listen in on the conversation since it was from his mom extending a congrats to Harry and Louis. Louis adored the hell out of her, her and Liam's mom took him under their wings when finding out about his troubles at home.
Grinning, because two could play at that game, Harry slung his arm over Liam's shoulders when the man approached him and fluttered his fingers over his shoulder. "Bye, we're going off on our adventure down the yellow brick road. I got my puppy," smirking at Louis, Harry pulled Liam through the door before anybody could object and slammed it shut.
Not removing his arm, he looked down at Liam and grinned when he seen their faces were close. "You're not my type, brown eyes. No kisses," he was teasing, of course, but he liked watching the boy squirm. It was fun fucking with people, especially when they went bright red and their eyes went wide like Zayn's play toy did.
"Fine. I'll just go have a smoke then since you'll be gone," Louis rolled eyes as the two could go on forever. "What? Hi, mum! Yes, my fiance is a good guy, little older than me. You'll get to see him when you come for Christmas, remember? The Payne-Malik get together here in London?" Laughing at something she said, Louis gave a few mmhmm and nos then handed the phone back to Zayn and took a sip of his float. "I can't wait to see her!"
Liam hated being in the middle of any argument, especially when one person was notorious for being an asshole to everyone. "You're not even close to being my type, you're not Zayn." He was glad when Harry removed the arm allowing him to jump into the vehicle and start it up.
Harry climbed into the passenger seat and wrinkled his nose, not at all liking Liam's response. He was everyone's type, even if not everyone was his type. "You'd let me fuck you, be honest. Big bad boy Zayn isn't here to swat your arse if you say anything," buckling up his seatbelt, because he didn't know how Liam drove, Harry began to fiddle with the radio, a habit of his when he didn't really know what to say or wasn't really comfortable with the other person.
Giving up when there was nothing good on the radio, Harry slumped back against his seat and turned bloodshot eyes towards Liam. "I won't repeat anything you tell me. My lips are sealed," he made a show of zipping his lips, thumb catching on his scab that still had no feeling, and throwing the key out the window that wasn't even rolled down.
As Liam started down the road toward the restaurant, he chewed on his lip refusing to answer the simple question. He drove like an old lady, sitting rimrod straight in the seat with both hands on the wheel and eyes on the road with no radio on as Liam didn't do well with distractions. It was also why he made sure Zayn drove most of the time. "Big boy.. Zayn doesn't punish very easily, he is very laid back. I very rarely get punished, but when I do he goes all out for it." Making sure Liam can't sit down properly for a week or so.
Glancing at Harry, he saw the man's lip was bleeding and reached for a Kleenex to hand him. "But maybe, if Zayn wasn't in my life and you and Louis weren't almost madly in love would I let you fuck me."
"I'm not in love with Louis," Harry growled, suddenly moving to sit up straight in his seat. "I'm tired of everyone trying to tell me that I am. He's a good fuck, but if I wasn't stuck in this damn relationship I'd already have kicked his ass out," he wasn't lying. For once he was being truthful, or as truthful as someone like Harry could be.
Louis was sweet and he did give a good lay, but other than his body he wasn't of much use. He bitched too much and was so damn infuriating. "And quit being a snob. I bet I could fuck you right now and you'd let it happen."
"Liar!" Liam pointed a finger at Harry then quickly put his hands back on the wheel. He flicked on the signal to turn then looked at Harry again. "You're not stuck, as you say. You could have ended the relationship at any time, but you chose to ask him to marry you. That's saying something, Harry," Pulling into the drive-thru, he rolled the window up as they were stopped then rolled his own down for when they'd get up to the window.
An eyebrow shot up and Liam got a look on his face. Turning to look at Harry fully, he smirked, "Challenge accepted." He shoved the car into park, glad nobody was behind them.
Harry laughed and shoved a hand through his hair, just now realizing it was damp, as well as his clothes. "I was stuck after the first week and you know it. I planned on rejecting him until his dumbass had to tell me he was pregnant. Or did he not tell you guys that? That I wasn't informed of the fetus until the day we were paired?" Opening his jockey box, he pulled out the bundle of twenties he always kept in there and handed them to Liam, then smirked.
"You sure, preppy boy? I don't wanna fuck you and have Zayn get a stick up his ass cause he can never fulfill your new found needs and desires." Harry was all for it, and would honestly fuck Liam right here in this parking lot just to prove his point. Louis meant nothing to him.
He looked at the money then at Harry "Knew you wouldn't be man enough to try to fuck me." Liam gave the man a wink as he reached to grab the money, hand accidentally brushing against Harry's crotch as he fingers touched the paper money. It would be nice. "Wait.. why do you keep money in your glove box? That's weird, especially this much."
Blowing out breath, he looked at Harry, "I didn't know about the baby until you did, I promise you that. And Zayn told me a Dom can reject a sub anytime within the first year. You just have to have a good reason." Why was he telling Harry this? The man might get an idea and he'd rather Louis not be homeless during the winter months.
Harry shook his head and closed the door with his knee, hands folding on his lap. "I keep money in strange places," he admitted, shrugging. "There's a roll of hundreds in my drawer I keep my toilet paper and hair stuff in." He had money all over his house and in his cars. He hated remembering wallets, even if he needed it for his license.
Inhaling sharply as Liam brushed his crotch, Harry forced himself to stay still. Turning heated eyes up to the man, he gave a low growl and forced all memories of the boy in front of him out of his mind. He was just a stranger right now. "Not anymore. They've updated the rules. Besides, fucking Sarah would deny my request. She's team Louis," smirking, Harry undid his seatbelt and leaned across the seat to let his face hover inches in front of Liam's. "Wanna try me?"
"Do you not believe in banks either? Got money stashed in your mattresses and old shoe boxes shoved in the back of your closet?" Liam teased. Though, he was a faithful wallet carrier; Zayn on the other hand liked to just shove money and cards into his pockets and call it good, no matter if anything was in danger of falling out.
Remember Louis, Remember Louis, Remember.. fuck Louis! He yanked Harry's face close and kissed him hard on the lips as fingers went to continue what it started before. Opening Harry's pants, he slipped a hand in to grope him, groaning against the man's lips upon feeling how big he was He had Zayn beat.
Harry shoved his hips forward and propelled his tongue down Liam's throat, hands moving to cup the back of the mans had to crush his lips against his. It felt odd, considering he hasn't kissed anyone else for months, but at the same time it as refreshing. Louis was shoved out of his head as Harry slung a leg over the hard center console to straddle it, free hand groping Liam through the material of his jeans.
He was big, that Harry could tell. He was longer than Louis', but not as thick. Teeth clashing and noises close to animalistic escaped his mouth as he unzipped Liam's pants and shoved his hand down his boxers, fingers wrapping around his cock to pump it and bring it to full length. Need flooded Harry. He wanted this, wanted to know he was still capable in fucking a stranger and becoming familiar with a body in seconds flat to know what they do and do not like.
Throwing head back when touched, Liam gave little noises as he tried to get Harry released from the confines of his boxers. He squirmed behind the wheel, afraid to move as he might hit the horn by accident. "Please..." Desperation swarmed Liam's body as he felt Harry's cock finally and started rubbing at it, trying to stay in sync with Harry's pumps.
Carefully pushing the seat back, he undid his seatbelt and waited for Harry to climb over. He didn't care that it was late afternoon and bright out, everyone could see them, all he wanted was Harry.
Harry moved to climb over the seat to get better access to Liam, but a horn honking behind them had him freezing. Glancing up, he growled under his breath and remembered they were in the drive through. Moving to sit back in his seat, cock bobbing, he grabbed a hold of Liam's and kept a firm grip on him as he began to once again pump him.
"Drive. Get the food then pull the fuck over so I can fuck your brains out," Harry growled, chest heaving. He finished unbuttoning his shirt with his bad hand and threw it over Liam's lap for coverage, trying his best to ignore the desperation clawing away at his insides.
Swallowing hard, Liam put the car in drive then headed for the window. Peeling off a few twenties, he handed it to the lady after she rattled off the total. He nodded when she closed the window to grab their food and leaned back, eyes going everywhere but Harry's lap where his cock was still on display. Reaching over, he started to fondle it again, about to wrap his hand around it when he saw the worker coming back and removed his hand. "Thank you." He set the bags on the backseat, the milkshakes in cup holders as he pulled into the first shady parking spot.
The car was once again put into park as Liam lowered the seat back as far as it would go, pushing his pants and boxers down to give Harry easy access.
Harry worked Liam over the entire time, thumb brushing the slit before he drug his nail down his length and repeated it. Just to really fuck with him, he pumped him faster as the worker was handing him the food. His own cock was needy, hidden from view from the worker but out on display as precum leaked from the tip and trailed down the side of his jeans.
"Nuh uh, little bear. I'm top. You straddle me, unless you want to get creative and fold your knees to your chest so I can fuck you," Harry shrugged as the later idea worked itself in his mind. Too horny to care, he pulled Liam's pants the rest of the way off before he moved to kneel on the edge of the driver seat. Feet pressing against the door panel and center console, Harry scooted the seat back the rest of the way and moaned deep in his throat when he took in the lower half of Liam's body.
He had an ass. While it wasn't the nicest, it was still there. His hole was pink and already stretched, reminding Harry Liam belonged to somebody already but right now he didn't care. He grabbed Liam's thighs, thick and muscular, and forced them up to more or less press against his chest as he lined himself up, cock smeared with his own precum.
Leaning down, he once again captured Liam's lips. Body too high and fuzzy, he didn't notice the tearing of his lip or the blood smudging against the other man's face . He tasted cheese, thick and clinging to the mans tongue as Harry's moved against it, testing out the others mouth while he got comfortable.
The whole time Liam had conversed with the worker was the longest ten minutes of his life as he fought the urge not to moan out loud and give away the secrets of Harry's fingers. He did, however, shoot the man a look and flicked at the older man's cock with his own fingers.
If Harry wanted Liam to straddle him, he could work with that. He pushed the lever so the steering wheel wlas pushed to the highest position then carefully rolled so Harry was on the bottom and Liam was on his lap. "Better?"
Rubbing himself against Harry, he sucked in a deep breath. He was definitely bigger than Zayn. Kissing Harry back, he ignored the metallic taste of the blood, pushing tongue to brush along the seam of his lips.
Harry swallowed back his help of surprise and just went with it. When they were flipped and once again situated, he chased after Liam's lips and moaned into the kiss as their cocks rubbed together. Done with playing, he grabbed the man's hips and stilled them before he lined himself up and blindly thrust upwards, jostling Liam's body as he completely buried himself in the tight, warm heat.
Liam responded differently. He tipped his head back and moaned, giving Harry perfect access to his neck. Tensing the lower half of his body to make the thrusts stronger, more precise, he began to pound into him as tongue licked and teeth nipped at the soft skin along his jaw, careful not to make any marks. "Fucking hell, Liam. Does Zayn not fuck you enough?" His voice came out a choked gasp, lips trembling against the younger mans jaw.
Liam screamed when Harry pushed into him. The bigger intrusion making the stretch burn as he rounded hips on Harry's cock. Reminding himself not to lean backwards, hw planted feet on either side of Harry, with hands holding onto his shoulders for balance.
Closing eyes as Harry started pounding into him, he clenched fists into the surgeon's shoulder as hips pivoted along with his. Moaning softly, he slid a hand between them to grope at his own cock, giving it a few yanks. "Not really. Maybe twice a week if I'm lucky," Which made Liam think of Harry's own sub, "What about you? Gonna fuck Louis when we get back to yours?"
Harry swatted Liam's hand away, a habit of his he has seemed to pick up recently, and used his hand once threading through the man's hair to start pumping his cock, wrist twisting and fingers tightening as he got closer to the base. "No. I fuck him maybe as much as Zayn does you. Don't ask me why, cause I'm always a fucking horny bastard." Maybe it's because your afraid the sex will start to mean something.
Circling his hips as he thrust back up, Harry moved his band hand around to grop at Liam's ass, kneading the soft flesh. Teeth gritting as his toes curled in his shoes, the older man tipped his head back against the seat and dug it into the headrest as he moaned, throat open and exposed and Adams apple vibrating. "What about your wife? Do you not fuck her? Hmm? Are you gonna go home and fuck both of them?"
"Then fuck him more, he's becoming moodier and moodier every day that he doesn't get laid. Zee and I almost punched him one day because he wouldn't stop complaining." Liam's voice went high pitched when Harry hit a spot, back straightening up as he felt the familiar warm coiling start. He bit down on his lip as he stared at Harry.
Liam cried out more, hips moving in time with Harry's, "We have threesomes, or I'll fuck Emily then have Zayn fuck me. Sometimes Zee watches Emily and I." Liam swallowed hard as fingers dug deeper into the flesh, leaving half moon patterns in it. "I'll fuck Zayn in your bathroom when we get back and you fuck Louis wherever you two do it,"
Harry snorted, because he knew that feeling all too well. He never wanted to punch Louis, actually, just spank him until all the anger is out of his system and the annoying boy is ready to give in. Eyebrows furrowing at their weird situation, he decided not to say anything as picked up his thrusts, feet digging into the bottom floor board to give him a better grounding. He wouldn't agree to be in a situation similar as Liam's. Once the sub was his, or as much his as he could get, he wouldn't just sit back and watch as someone else fucks them or vice versa. It was weird and unsettling.
Grunting at the proposal, Harry leaned up and kissed Liam, silencing him and any other ridiculous thoughts or ideas he may have had. "Enough about them. Let me fuck you. Probably be the only good fucking you'll ever get," and with that, Harry twisted his wrist and jerked Liam's cock as his thrusts became shallow, not as deep though they could both feel the pulling in the pit of their stomach.
Moaning into Harry's mouth, he kissed the man back as his own movements were getting sloppier. Grunting himself, he shifted so Harry hit him straight in the spot, his toes curling in his shoes as his back jerked and hit the horn bt accident. His face turned red after the short blast, ducking head to bury in Harry's neck.
"Chicken. You're afraid to lose another bet," Liam cackled. He could be a little shit if he wanted to. He opened mouth as another moan fell out, hips stuttering as he felt himself going over the edge.
"Yeah? What bet?" Harry asked, entire body tensing and limbs spazzing as Liam's orgasm pushed him over the edge too. The body on top of him clenched and stilled, a shaking mess as sloppy kisses were pressed against the side of his jaw. Riding him through their orgams, Harry kept up his thrusts even of they were weak and he didn't even really pull out. It still did the trick, which was milking his cock for every last drop.
Breathless, he began to pant as he rest his head against Liam's chest, hand a warm sticky mess of semen. He lifted it up slightly, curiously, and licked his hand much like Louis did earlier. The taste was bitter, salty, with this disgusting thick consistency that nearly had him gagging. But he forced himself to swallow, to get rid of the semen now coating his tongue. "Next time let me fuck you properly." wait, will there be a next time?
Blinking eyes, he brought hand up to rub at them. "Er.. a bet to see if you can get laid when you get home. I bet I can get Zayn to say yes before you get Louis to." Smug, he slid off Harry, the sudden emptiness making him groan as his body started to feel the effects. How was he going to walk properly when they got back? He was going to limp for sure. "If anyone asks, I slipped on ice and bruised my tailbone."
Liam made a face when Harry licked at his cum-covered hand. Shaking head, he pulled open the glove compartment to look for some hand wipes ir something to clean themselves off when he heard his ringtone. "Crap. They're probably bitching about how hungry they are and wondering where we are," Liam checked the caller ID.. LOUIS. "Oh hey, it's your wife. You wanna talk to him? Get him all hot and ready for when you get home?"
Harry rolled his eyes and ripped the phone out of Liam's hands before he slid his finger across the screen and lifted it to his ear, making sure to smear the remaining semen across the back of the case. "We're on our way. Calm down," he growled into the phone then hung up and threw it in the back seat, next to the bags of food and shakes. "I prefer getting someone hot and bothered in person," he offered as an explanation as he bent forward and grabbed his shirt off the floor.
Tugging it over his shoulders, he left it unbuttoned and zipped his pants back up. Reaching into the center console, he grabbed a pack of moist towelettes and handed them to Liam, then ran a hand through his hair. "Was this a one time fuck? Or what?"
At home, Louis gave a hmph when Harry abruptly hung up on him. He wasn't happy with him. "Zayn! Get your ass in here and play some FIFA with me now!" Louis went into demanding bitch mode when angry or upset. It was just him.
Liam gave Harry a smirk, "So you're going to get him hot and bothered when we get home?" He watched the phone fly to the backseat, eyebrows shooting up. "Way to crack my phone, Harry. I dunno, do you wanna fuck me again in the future?" Squirming, Liam was begging his cock not to get hard again as he swallowed past the huge lump in his throat. "I wouldn't mind it."
"Why the fuck are you so pleased about this? Does it get you off, you freak," shaking his head, Harry turned the car on and didn't even question how he was the one who got stuck driving as he put it in reverse and backed up out of the space. "I wouldn't mind," he shrugged, then as he came to a stop at a stop sign, he leaned over to Liam and smirked. "Told ya you'd let me fuck you."
Getting situated again, Harry glanced over at Liam as he began to drive and scoffed. 'I'll continue fucking you if you promise not to get all mushy and shit. And..." Cutting off abruptly, Harry jerked the car around the corner and, being very unsafe, turned to look at the man next to him as he drove down the straight road. "Louis and Zayn can never find out." but you have nothing to feel guilty for, right? You're the big bad dom. But a secret is a secret, and Harry wasn't about to lose everything because of his dick.
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