Chapter 12
Giving up on the hope he would be struck by lightning and die, so he didn't have to attend this horrid dinner his mother planned, Harry sprawled out on his bed, arm nudging a sleeping Louis, and screamed into the pillow, wet hair soaking the pillows. He didn't want to go to this, didn't want to deal with his family and Louis in the same room. "I'm not going," Harry grumbled to himself as he rolled out of bed and landed on the floor with a thud, ass aching.
Like a toddler, Harry repeated that sentence over and over again as he stomped into his walk in closet, arms folded over his chest, and grabbed his outfit for the day. Light pink floral button up shirt with white skinny jeans and black Calvin Klein suit shoes. "I'm not kidding, I'm not going Louis," Harry said, even though he was shoving his arms through his shirt. Currently he was only in a pair of thin black boxers. After his shower, it had sunk in what he was actually getting ready for and he honestly wasn't prepared for this. Where are his damn earplugs? He'd need them.
It had been a mistake to stay up all night playing computer games with Liam and Zayn, but the three were bound and determined to beat another group, that they got so into it, time flew by. So today, he was paying for it and trying to squeeze in as much sleep as he could. An eye popped open when he realized Harry wasn't going to shut up. Rolling onto his belly and curling up, he slid head under the pillow to try to fall back asleep.
Louis huffed when he realized sleep wasn't coming and slowly got up. He blinked. Of course, Harry was in just boxers, he had warned him about that. Pushing himself to stand, Louis went to take a quick shower then emerged with a wet head, quietly going to his own closet to pick out an outfit.
Glancing at Harry, he gave him a sleepy smile then started thumbing through his own clothes. He grabbed a pair of black jeans and long sleeved tee shirt. "I need coffee." Louis got dressed quickly, foregoing socks and running barefoot down the steps to start a pot of coffee.
Harry got dressed and flipped Louis off when the boy didn't even acknowledge him. He didn't have feelings anyway. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he tugged on his calf high socks, then his shoes. Hands spreading across his thighs, thumbs tapping along with the seconds, Harry waited patiently for Louis to return. Stupid, he knows. But what else was he to do? He wasn't in the mood to cook, his phone would just piss him off, and the cat was out of the question. Since that night by the hottub she seems to have warmed up to Harry and thinks he likes her, which isn't the case at all. He shared his wine. Big fucking deal.
Speaking of relationships. This past week has been uneventful. Though they both, Harry and Louis, promised to work towards their relationship, they were just as much strangers now as they were then. Although they had a sort of understanding now, they still didn't talk as much as they should. Harry was hoping to change that soon, but who the fuck knew what would happen?
Offering a smile back to Louis, he tried averting his gaze to any other part of the room while Louis got dressed but he was a fucking pervert and found himself staring at the boys ass the entire time. Damn, he really needed to get laid, and soon. "I need more than fucking coffee," Harry mumbled under his breath as he followed Louis, hair now hanging in damp curls around his shoulders.
Puttering around in the kitchen, Louis jumped up onto the counter to sit next to the coffee maker, eagerly watching each precious drop into the carafe. "My precious!" Louis mumbled, sounding scarily like Gollum. When the machine beeped that it was done, he grabbed his favorite mug from the cupboard and filled it, adding the sugar and creamer. Greedily taking a large sip, he started cussing when it burnt his tongue, diving for the sink to put his head under to drink. "Much better.." Louis slightly lisped.
It was too quiet. Usually Mimsy was winding herself around Louis' legs meowing to be fed. "Mims? Where are you?" Abandoning the coffee, he wandered into the living room, peeking at the sofa. No cat. He kept going to the sunporch, the animal's second favorite place and didn't see her either.
Loud footsteps interrupted his search as he turned to greet Harry. "Hey have you se - why are you looking at me like that?" When he was getting dressed earlier, he felt Harry watching him. The two hadn't been intimate since the elevator, and that was last weekish. Was his Dom horny?
Harry hadn't realized he was staring; watching Louis' ass as he swayed his damn hips while strutting around the house. Shaking his head, Harry scrambled back into the counter and pointed a finger up the stairs. "She's under the bed," he said, hoping to divert Louis' attention from his creepiness. The cat really was there though. She ran under there for cover after Harry stepped on her tail when he got out of bed.
Wasn't his damn fault Louis had to look so damn good while wearing those stupid pants. It was the fucking pants fault. Sure, big guy, blame the pants. Grabbing a cup from the cupboard, Harry filled it with coffee, and nothing else, and took a sip from the steaming liquid. He wasn't a wuss though, and didn't rinse his tongue off with cold water even though he really fucking wanted to. It burned so damn bad. He's watching you. Don't look. Don't turn around.
The hell? The cat never slept that late. Shrugging, he turned to grab his mug, seeing that Harry was in the way, Louis grinned and squeezed past, not realizing where his hand was brushing. He took another gulp of the coffee, stomach rumbling with hunger, but Louis refused to feed it as he wanted to leave room for the meal they were going to have. He hadn't had a homemade meal prepared for a long time and he was excited.
Looking up at his Dom, he gave a sigh. Setting the cup down, he reached up to gently smooth Harry's flyaway strands. "Are you leaving it down or going to throw it up in a bun?" He voted for the bun, it was sexy on Harry. It was then that Louis realized he was maybe slightly horny too as eyes traveled down his dom's body, stopping at his crotch. "Er.. you know, nah.. never mind."
Jumping onto the counter again, he refilled his cup, adding the sugar and creamer. He didn't stop looking in Harry's direction though.
The sexual tension was obvious, and Harry was more than willing to act on the need to fuck, but then their conversation from the other night began to ring in his ears and he found himself standing on the other side of the counter, putting as much distance between them as he could without leaving the kitchen. He didn't... Couldn't yet. As painful and hard as it would be, they had to wait until they found common ground so they didn't just jump headfirst back into sex and ruin everything they've done, or hope to do.
Gulping the rest of his coffee, and trying his best not to react on how it burned his throat and felt like lava was being poured down into his stomach, he set the cup in the sink and jogged out of the room. "Five minute warning!" He offered over his shoulder, quick to get to the bathroom where he splashed his face with cold water, then tied his curly hair into a bun. It would most likely be ripped out by his nieces tonight, so he had that to look forward to. Who needs a fucking barber when you have kids in your family who act as if their brush is trying to find narnia in your hair? Bloody hell. Grab the squirt bottle to fend them off.
His eyes were heavy, too heavy as Louis nodded off, arm supporting his head. He gave soft little snores, oblivious to Harry still standing there. Shifting, his arm jerked off the edge of the counter to jolt him awake. His coffee was spilled and running down the front of the counter and on his shirt. "Aw fuck..."
The warning didn't mean anything as he ran up the stairs to throw his soiled shirt into the hamper. Louis grabbed a long sleeved cream colored shirt to throw on then went to their ensuite to get his hair to lay down and brush his teeth. Finally ready, he turned the light off to go downstairs and slip bare feet into his shoes. He was as ready as he could be.
Already in the car while Louis was finishing getting ready, Harry lit up a cigarette and rolled his window down a crack. It was fucking cold, and he was damn sure if he rolled it down anymore his nipples could cut holes through his shirt. "Hurry up, I'm starvin'!" Harry yelled through the tiny crack in the window, smoke trailing out of his nose.
Even though they had to be there at ten, they wouldn't be eating for a good four hours. Apparently he had to be a good son and come over to help cook like he did every year because Gemma fell through with her promise and still can't cook worth shit. Nervous about how his family was going to react to Louis, and how tonight was going to going to go, Harry lit up another cigarette right after he threw his first one out the window. Damn chain smoking. He'd sound like Darth Vader when he breathes by the end of next year if he didn't quit.
The last person he brought home was Shirley, and though his family loved her, it was different now. Louis couldn't just run away. Shirley had.. It became too real for her and she just left. This would be the last partner Harry ever introduces to his family that would be worthwhile. That was what terrified him.
If Louis couldn't smoke, he was going to stuff his face with candy. Yesterday he'd left work on his break to make a run for road snacks, picking up a little of everything, even a half gallon of chocolate milk. Exiting the house, the first thing he smelled was the cigarette smoke and narrowed eyes as he slid into the passenger seat. He grabbed a tootsie roll bar to start chewing on, biting his tongue about the smoking and how second hand smoke was just as bad for the baby.
"How long does it take to get there?" Louis assumed Liam and Zayn were sleeping as his phone wasn't being blown up with messages from them. Switching to Twitter then Facebook, he sunk down in the seat to get comfortable, just in case it was a long trip.
Switching the car into reverse, Harry backed out of his driveway and easily maneuvered the car once in the street. "A little under three hours," Harry said, glancing at the digital clock on his dashboard. It was seven ten a.m. Why the fuck did he agree to wake up so early? And why the fuck did his mum have to live so far away?
"She lives in Birmingham." The streets were empty, aside from the cars that lined the sidewalk. He watched as families greeted each other with hugs, small children racing around front lawns as older family members chased them. A sort of longing was nestled in Harry's chest then, because he knew his family would never be like that. Of course there would be hugs and he would chase the kids around, but where would the joy and happiness be? This holiday was just like another day on his calendar.
Three hours?! Louis groaned and held the phone up, pushing GO LIVE on his Facebook and adopting a terrible Australian accent, "G'day! Today we find the elusive Frogman! Look at him, pretending he knows how to drive and be a human! We are onto you, FrogMan!" Louis pinched the screen so the camera did an extreme close up on Harry's face, "He looks crabby doesn't he? We should fix that!" The phone bounced as Louis shifted closer to Harry to poke his cheek where dimples would be if the surgeon was smiling.
"Come on, HazzyBear! Give us a cheeky grin." Leaning so he was in the shot, he kissed his Dom on the cheek, then giving the camera an evil grin, kissed his neck right at the pulse point. "Or should I tickle him? Maybe he would smile then!"
Moving phone to other hand, he slid his left down to gently tickle Harry in the ribs. "Harry, smile for us!"
Not at all amused, or ticklish for that matter, Harry leaned away from Louis and swatted at his phone, the hand still on the steering wheel having no trouble keeping the car steady. "I'm trying to drive here," he hissed, ribs aching as Louis' finger continued to jab and poke, fingernails digging into the skin through the thin material of the shirt. Harry was ticklish, just not where Louis was poking. He was strange and had ticklish thighs, though nobody knew of that little secret.
The infectious giggling of Louis had a smile threaten to crack his lips, to bring out the dimples Louis wanted to see. Stopping at a red light, Harry turned so his and the subs noses were brushing. "Done yet? Or do I need to send you back under the bridge? Troll," side glancing at the camera still focused on his face, Harry rolled his eyes and flipped it off.
"I'm only crabby because I have to deal with you all day everyday. Come on, Lou, tell the world about your ogre snores," eyebrow cocking, Harry gave into the ache of his face and let his lips pull back to show his teeth, dimples popping out with full force. He had tried to be irritated, truthfully, but even he couldn't be a grumpass twenty four seven.
The phone shook as Louis laughed harder. He got into the shot and reached up to poke the dimples when they popped out. "Awww I love them..." Oops. Did he say that out loud? He gave a sheepish look to the camera then got out of the shot to keep filming his Dom.
At the red light, Louis leaned over, hand pressing on Harry's inner thigh as he moved in for a kiss to the lips. Louis didn't know why, he just wanted to do that. Unaware how close his hand was to Harry's crotch he flexed fingers to give better support. "And my ogre snores are nothing compared to yours, thought you were going to suck the whole house in with every inhale."
Lips tingling, Harry snorted and let his eyes flutter to rest on the empty street before him. He hasn't expected the kiss, but that didn't mean it wasn't welcomed, shockingly. "Sure, retort with something that makes me sound like a wolf." Clearing his throat, Harry dropped his voice to a few notches lower and made it deeper, gravellier. "Little pig, little pig, let me in, or I will snore so hard I'll suck your house in,"
Unconsciously, his hand moved to grab Louis' that was on his thigh, fingers lacing for a second before he realized what he was doing and pulled his hand back and returned it to the steering wheel. Even with the fingers missing, he still felt them slotted perfectly between his own. Shorter, but thinner than Harry's. "I stepped on your cat," he blurted out, trying to shake off the moment that they had just unknowingly shared. Might as well look like an asshole, yeah? Dumbass.
His eyes were slightly dilated at the pleasure of Harry's hand holding his for a brief moment. Breathing out, he gave a slight frown and planted his hand right on the man's crotch to give him a deeper kiss. He didn't want the moment to be gone, he could feel a slight spark in his belly when their warm skins touched.
Swallowing hard, he pulled back. He pushed stop on his Facebook then set the phone in the cupholder. "It's ok, I've stepped and accidentally punted her across the room before. She just hisses and runs off butt hurt then comes back out like nothing happened."
Nodding, hands tightened on the steering wheel and Harry cleared his throat, body shifted and angling towards the door she he was as far away from Louis as possible as he began to drive again. This car ride was going to be super fun. "Do you, uh, do you want a coffee from starbucks or anything?" Harry asked when a bunch of familiar stores and businesses came into view.
He didn't want to admit it, but he felt it too, whatever it was. The tingling on his stomach and arms and legs, the way his head had felt light and the jolts of electricity he got whenever Louis' skin touched his. He felt like a teenager who just got touched by his crush for the first time, and it was not a pleasant feeling at all. Still, he couldn't deny it.
A frown darkened Louis' smile when he saw Harry trying to avoid him. Nice. He's turned off by you because you're used goods, someone's reject. The only time Harry has wanted him was when they were both drunk. Biting down on his lip, he shook head at Harry's question and turned to look out the window.
The quiet drone of the car lulled Louis to sleep as his head fell against the window. He jerked himself awake ten minutes later when a nightmare made him shriek, eyes going wide.
Harry stopped at Starbucks anyway and got both him and Louis a caramel frappuccino. He was feeling like sprucing it up a bit. With the radio on for background noise, Harry began the journey he was regretting, wishing more than anything that he was at home right now in bed, or that he could at least switch Louis spots. His family was tiring. He needed all the energy he could get.
Turning a corner just as Louis jerked up and shrieked, Harry jumped slightly and looked over at him with widening eyes. "You okay there?" He asked, taking a sip of the sweet coffee. God, what was wrong with him? He already had three cavities starting just from the few sips he's taken...But it was good.
Oh god, he didn't just have a nightmare did he? Feeling like a little kid, Louis shook his head to get rid of the lingering images. "Fine. I'm fine." He saw the clear cup in Harry's hand and another in a cup holder. "Is that for me?" When Harry nodded, he gave a blush and a small thanks. Digging into his candy stash, he pulled out a Snickers and offered it to the surgeon.
"So random, have you ever done anything in a car?" Why did he say that? Louis didn't want to sleep, so he decided to shoot Harry questions. Apparently the first one was from a Mr. Richard Head. Idiot!
Taking the full sized snicker and setting it in his lap, Harry shot Louis an odd look and stuffed the straw back in his mouth. "Like, sex wise? Or oral or... what the hell are you talking about?" he could see the lingering fear in Louis' eyes and knew enough not to ask anymore, and that changing the topic was probably for the best. He had a nightmare, a fear land Harry was all too familiar with. They've stopped though, and he just rarely dreams anymore.
The fact that Harry had answered him, kind of, made Louis get a little more braver. Picking up his own cup, he took a long drink, oh god sugar rush come to daddy! Clearing his throat, he gave a nod at the question, "Oral is still sex and yes, that's what I meant." And duh, where did Harry and you have sex that drunken night? His car.
Louis popped a jellybean into his mouth to keep it busy, chewing slowly. He winced at how the fruity flavor clashed with the caramel. Finding a few black jelly beans, he made a face and held them out to Harry.
Nose wrinkling at the disgusting black things he was offered, Harry took them and threw them out of his window. Anything that was black didn't belong in your body. "I've had sex in the car, and have done oral and other things, yes. You?" Harry asked as he unwrapped the snickers with one hand and took a bite of it, chocolate clashing with peanuts and caramel with a slight saltiness that seemed to level everything out.
He wasn't sure how honest he should be with Louis with this question, so he went with a vague answer. Did he tell him he's fucked someone in the exact seat he's sitting in, and has fingered and gave plenty of handjobs too? It wasn't like he didn't sanitize the seats after, but still, it wasn't something that needed to be told, right? Wait, why did he even drive this car anymore? The entire reason he got the suv was for the spacious seats, and now he couldn't fuck anyone outside the relationship because he had agreed not to. Okay, where are the aliens? He needs a damn tin foil hat.
Now Louis really felt like a prude. The only thing he did in the car was sex with Harry. Biting down on his lip, Louis squirmed, the talk about sex, oral and otherwise, was making him needy. The elevator sex last week was good, but he wanted it to happen more often.
Another sip of the drink then he shoved his tongue into the large hole on top to lick out some of the whipped cream and caramel. Wait. It was like a lightbulb had gone off and he turned to Harry, "Can I blow you?"
Choking on the iced drink, Harry nearly had the coffee shooting out of his nose but he managed to swallow it, even if it did go down the wrong tube. "Talk about fucking random," setting his cup in the holder, Harry shifted in his seat to slide up further and glanced at Louis out of the corner of his eye.
"Wait, you're serious?" Road head? The offer was tempting, and Harry wanted to jump on it, but... No, damn it all to hell. If he wanted a blow job, he'd get one. He didn't care about how stupid it was to just jump back head first into sex after they haven't worked anything out. If Louis didn't want to try and make it work, then fuck it. Harry didn't either.
Louis gave a nod. "Serious as a heart attack." He plunged finger into the whipped cream, licking it off slowly. Shifting in his seat, he leaned down to fix the cuffs on his jeans then his hand went to his pocket, fingering the cigarette he had there. He wasn't going to disobey Harry though.
He did want to make it work, not just because they were having a child, but because he kind of understood where Harry was coming from. They were in this for life and damn if he didn't want to fall in love with the Frog Prince. Leaning over, he kissed Harry's lips again, tasting the chill from the cold drink and the sweet from caramel. A bit of whipped cream lingered on Harry's top lip so Louis boldly flicked tongue out to clean it.
This was not a distraction Harry needed while driving, but he'd be damned if he didn't welcome it. When Louis' tongue flicked his upper lip, Harry quickly moved forward and sucked it into his mouth, getting the heavy flavor of the sweet, milky substance on his tongue and the fruity flavors from the jelly beans. "Last time I checked, this is the wrong head," he teased when he pulled back, plump lips pressing against Louis' in a soft,chaste kiss before he turned back to the road.
Every other time he's gotten head on the road the other person got straight to the point and sucked him off as quickly as they could. They never kissed, never talked, just did what they intended to do before they parted ways. So years of remaining silent was tucked under Harry's belt, the skill having come in handy many, many times before, and not just while driving. Be some Julia Roberts wanna be from Pretty Woman. No kissing! Yeah right.
A soft giggle came out at Harry's joke as he pecked his lips before undoing his seat belt. Taking in a deep breath, he mouthed at Harry through his pants before nimble fingers opened them. He tucked fingers under the waistband of his boxers to pull them down enough to bring Harry's cock out.
That was a lot bigger than he remembered. Flicking tongue along the head, he swirled it then wrapping a hand around the base, started to slowly swallow it. He gave up halfway when the tip hit the back of his throat, not wanting to throw up on him.
Losing control of everything, Harry had to force himself to focus on the road rather than the warmth that began to envelope his Cock. It took only a few flicks of Louis' tongue and a few soft tugs before Harry was at full length, cock leaking precum down the back of his subs throat.
His head tipped back and his breathing became shallow; stuttering as he fought against the urge to thrust his hips up and fuck his mouth. A tongue swirled around the tip before Louis blew lightly, tongue toying with that sensitive bundle under the tip of Harry's cock that had the older man stifling a moan and his hands gripping the steering wheel to the point his knuckles were turning white.
The lack of experience was obvious, but if you were to ask Harry in that moment, it was the best damn blow job he'd ever got. "I'm not criticizing you, just giving you pointers, okay?" When Louis nodded, still nose deep in Harry's pubes, the older man sighed heavily and counted to ten in his head, eyes threatening to close and let him give in to the pleasure and enjoy the blow job.
"Never take more than you can handle, and when you reach your limit, use your other hand to grip the base and..." Grunting as Louis began to follow his instructions and hummed when he had done exactly what Harry had said, which resulted in the boys throat to close and vibrate. "And just stroke the rest, like a handjob for a short penis," calm down, breath. Ah fuck, he was so stupid for agreeing to this. He could already tell this orgasm was going to be... well, it would possibly end with their deaths because Harry knew he'd most likely lose control of the car. How'd you die? I got a blow job and wrecked my car.
Feeling bad he had to pull up slightly for air - damn him being human! Louis made up for it by squeezing the base then applying pressure to his balls. He moved to take them on his mouth, sucking lightly as fingers stroked along Harry's length. Humming against the organ, Louis moved mouth to Harry's cock again. He didn't make the rookie mistake of trying to deepthroat the whole thing, following Harry's advice from earlier.
White swimming in and out of his vision, Harry clenched his teeth together to keep from making any noise. He happened to glance out his window just as a car, which was driving extremely close to them, looked out of their window and seen Louis just as he was bobbing back down on Harry's dick. Hazel eyes widening, and cheeks heating, she quickly turned her head when Harry grinned and waved at her. Ah, fun.
"Fuuucckk," Harry gasped, hand moving to thread through Louis' hair when the boy began to bob faster, tongue tracing every vein, and his hand began to pump over the area he couldn't reach with his mouth. Body tensing, Harry's fingers tugged harshly on Louis' hair and he was suddenly cocooned with a warmth that reached his entire body. His toes curled in his shoes as he shot his hot semen down Louis' throat, offering a growl of approval when Louis swallowed every last drop and continued to suck, riding his dom through the orgasm.
A honk was just background noise, Louis had something to finish. He was actually surprised to have initiated this himself, being a blow job virgin. He was a virgin in so many ways, embarrassingly.
Squealing when Harry's hand tightened around his hair, Louis jumped when the Dom came. He took in every last drop, some flowing through the seam of his lips and going down his chin, not caring at all. "Fuck.. Hazz.." His throat felt slightly raw, lips a raspberry color and pupils blown.
Hand falling limp in his lap, Harry gasped for air, a thin sheet of sweat glistening his skin. The white in his vision still rimmed all he seen as he tried to keep his eyes on the road rather than the list stricken boy next to him. "You drive home, all I'll return the favor," Harry said, honestly tempted to just reach over and give Louis a quick handjob, but also wanting to be able to enjoy it like Louis just did.
Content and body a pile of taffy, Harry left his pants undone and cock free, the cool air chilling the warm saliva that still coated his cock. He was probably just drunk with the pleasure, but he didn't doubt this was the hardest he's ever come. It may have been his week of celibacy, or just for the fact that the boy, while inexperienced, was still an expert blow job giver. His tongue knew exactly what to do, and he knew when to hollow his cheeks and his plump lips were rough yet soft, creating an odd but exhilarating feeling in comparison to his velvety mouth. Fuck, keep thinking about it and he'll have to go for round two.
Even though he'd been the giver, Louis felt boneless and remained with his head laying on Harry's lap. He didn't want to sit up, though his throat was dry and sore and the frappuccino was too far out of reach. He eyed the cupholder, reaching hand out to grab the cup, but fingers only brushed the side. Pouting he looked up at Harry for help.
A beep interrupted his begging. Louis reached for the phone in the cupholder. Zayn had woken up long enough to wish him a happy thanksgiving then went back to sleep. He was envious. Louis wanted to sleep more. "Are we there yet?"
Regaining his sense of movement and thought when the phone began to beep, Harry stretched his legs out like a cat and gave them a little shake before he returned his foot to the gas pedal. "Ha, you're funny," snorting, Harry took a sip of his melted drink and set it back in the cup holder. "We've only been driving for half an hour. We still got about an hour to go," time seemed to pass by so slow when you were driving in a car. Five minutes felt like an hour, and an hour felt endless.
His own phone was tucked safely in his pocket with the volume off, refusing to read any of the hundred messages his mum was bound to send him like she did every single holiday. Once she got something on her mind she was restless. She had to hound you and bug you until you caved in or finally just shut her voice out. Harry's done both, but has recently only really done the latter. Yeah, says the man driving three hours for a dinner. Mamas boy.
Louis looked from Harry's face down to his cock. Even though he literally just blew his Dom, Louis was thinking beyond that. Squishing lips to the side, he sat up slightly to grab his drink and take a sip, his mind going wild again with the cock being so close.
"Having sex while driving would probably result in an accident, do you think?" Louis flicked some whipped cream in Harry's direction, aware suddenly that he really badly needed to pee since his chocolate milk was almost gone. "I gotta wee, Haz..."
The warm blob of whipped cream landed on his bare thigh, slowly sliding down the inside and leaving a sticky trail behind. Harry cringed and scooped it up with his thumb them popped it into his mouth, teeth scraping against his pad. At Louis' question, Harry slowly retracted his thumb and turned to stare at him, head cocked to the side and a half smirk on his face.
"Eager for my cock, hmm?" Grinning, Harry thumbed on his turning signal and made the right turn before he glanced back at Louis. "Sex while driving is extremely dangerous," suddenly feeling courageous, and not giving one single fuck, Harry pulled off to the side of the road in a nice suburban neighborhood he didn't recognize at all, and turned in his seat so his knee was pressing against the middle console and his arm was draped across the back of Louis' seat. "But it's not impossible. All I have to do is lean the seat back, and you'll sit on my lap. I'll still be in control of the pedals, but you'll be steering and the eyes watching the road,"
That was extremely hot, Louis watched with wide eyes. He sipped at his drink then flicked some whipped cream into his mouth. Maybe he was addicted to Starbucks whipped cream. Tilting head at the half smirk, Louis dipped thumb into the whipped cream and reached up to smear it across Harry's lips.
"Yeah?" Louis sat up. Jumping out to pee behind the vehicle, not giving any care that it was broad daylight, peak time for holiday travelers, not to mention anyone could come jogging around the corner with their dog or baby stroller. Using Kleenex to wipe and Germ-X, Louis climbed back in and pushed lips against Harry's. He was beginning to like kissing him.
Tongue sneaking past his lips to collect the whipped cream, Harry hummed quietly to himself so he didn't hear as Louis pissed. Something about the noise just made him uncomfortable. "Yeah, it wouldn't be hard. But we aren't doing it," he said when Louis climbed back into the car. Grinning his devilish grin, Harry jerked the car into drive again and shot Louis an apologetic smile.
"Sorry, Love, my mum wouldn't be too happy if she found out I died while fucking some guy. She'd bring us both back from the dead, only to kill us again," snorting, because Anne would honestly do something like that, Harry stuffed himself back into his boxers but left his pants down. He'd fix them later.
If you were to ask him where his daring side went, he'd tell you it left the moment he lost his freedom. But in all honesty, he stopped being daring when Shirley left. He stuck to a strict routine, and never broke it. He'd fuck people once, unless they were good fucks, then he'd keep them around without developing any feelings whatsoever for them. The closest he's ever gotten to caring for someone he's fucked was Alice, and he loved her, but wasn't in love with her. Now, his routine, schedule, was fucked up and he was trying to keep himself on track as much as he could. Which meant no road sex, aside from blow jobs. Louis was fucking his shit up.
Pouting cutely, though he could get why it would be a no. Dangerous and embarrassing if they died, the cops and EMTs finding Harry cock deep in him. He wouldn't doubt that would get worked into their obituaries. Leaning back in his own seat, he put bare feet on the dashboard. "I need a nap anyways, I got maybe 2 hours of sleep last night." Rubbing at his eyes, he yawned wide, eyes watering.
Finishing his coffee, he put feet down and tried to curl up on the seat, but the belt kept digging into his neck. "Haz, can I lay my head on your lap? I promise I'll keep my hands to myself."
Moving his hand to rest on his lap, fingers brushing the inside of his thigh, Harry kept glancing curiously at Louis as the boy moved. It was distracting, yet he somehow seemed to keep control over the car. Nice, mum, for that lie too. "And what about the center console?" Harry asked, gesturing to it. "It's a giant hunk of plastic between us. How can you ignore that?"
He didn't admit this out loud, but he was a little... Angry with Louis for staying up so late. The boys ridiculous video games had kept him up, too, with Louis barking at the empty room and yelling ridiculous, and maybe highly offensive, things about the people he was playing against. Sighing when he looked over and seen Louis' watery eyes and protruding bottom lip, Harry jerked a thumb towards the backseat. "Good thing I came prepared, Princess. There's a pillow and blanket in the backseat. Grab them, then on the side of your seat there's buttons. The largest one reclines your seat, but press it back rather than forward."
Louis gave a frown at the plastic, like it was at fault. Undoing his belt, he reached into the backseat to grab the blanket and pillow, things he had thought of grabbing for himself but forgot. He was glad Harry had a good head on his shoulders.
Reclining his seat, he sat up to kiss Harry on the cheek as a thank you then settled under the blanket. "I need an energy drink or five, going to be another long night." Half zoomy, Louis was aware he hadn't told Harry about his late night, and he'd probably be pissed off about it. Last thing Louis needed was a curfew.
Even after two cups of coffee, all that chocolate milk, candy, and sugar, Louis was still able to fall asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. A little amazed, and unsure, Harry poked the boys side and when he got no response he sighed and thanked whatever god had made this happen. Silence never seemed so welcoming.
Turning the radio off and the heat in the car up, Harry kept himself company as he drove. The steady purr of the engine was almost loud enough to cover Louis' uneven snores, but with the heat turned all the way up, they got drowned out and Harry had been left with some kind of quiet. He was willing to take it, if if meant not having to listen to Louis talk about nonsense.
Half-way through the drive he finished his snickers bar and snuck some more candy out of the boys bag. He had been disappointed to find it was nothing but candy, but his rumbling stomach didn't give a fuck what he ate, as long as he ate.
A little over two hours later Harry was pulling into his mum's driveway, easily slotting his car between the others. Half of the vehicles he didn't recognize, but he could feel in the pit of his stomach that today was going to go so wrong. It was like he could feel the disturbance in the air, and he was praying that his mum had only invited her kids and grandkids. Harry couldn't deal with the rest of his family. They all had too many questions, and he never had enough patience or answers.
"Louis, wake your arse up, we're here," deciding against the gentle approach, Harry ripped the blanket off of the boy and grinned when he whined and went to reach for it again. "Nope, rise and shine. Come on, sleepy bunny. Let's go,"
A restless sleep, Louis couldn't stay asleep, he kept waking up. He had finally managed to fall into a deeper sleep when Harry was waking him up. Growling, he blindly swung his arms, before letting eyes open fully. "Is my nickname Bunny now or something?" His voice was raspy as he reached for the last of his milk, draining the carton.
"I thought you only had one sister," Louis rubbed at his eyes as he got out of the car and stretched to crack his back. Grunting, he walked to Harry and looped an arm through his. He eyed the cars, Louis didn't do well with large crowds. "Haz... "
Stepping out of the car with Louis, Harry nursed his right arm, where Louis had managed to punch him, and pulled his pants and buttoned them. "I do, Gemma. Plus her kids, my mums siblings, my Nana, my cousins," shuddering as he listed all of them, Harry allowed Louis to loop their arms then he laced their fingers together. Had to play the part well, didn't they?
He maneuvered them through the cars, leading them up the stretchy driveway and towards the wooden door with glass panes. "They are all huggers," Harry warned him just seconds before he threw open the door and drug a reluctant Louis in behind him. "Mum! We're here!" it smelt heavily of overly sweet perfume, cheap cigars and alcohol. Yup. He was home.
"I don't do well in crowds..." Louis gulped. He dug nails into Harry's arms. If he passed out, what a good first impression. Though, he couldn't wait to see the people, his own family was just him and jis sister and hwr kids, he hasn't spoken to his mother in years. "I wish I had a grandma.. i probably do, but.." Louis shrugged. He could adopt Harry's they'd be his in-laws anyway.
He crinkled nose at the mixed scents, but the one that stood out was the smell of dinner being cooked, especially a pumpkin pie. All of a sudden the two were bombarded by hordes of people. A small eep came out when a female version of Harry wrapped arms around him. "Louis! I couldn't wait for this day, you Fluffy Bunny! Oh Harry, the pictures don't do him justice." Ann cooed, squeezing Louis tight. Oh Louis liked her.
Standing stiff as many different pairs of arms were wrapped around him, Harry's face was contorted to one of disgust. He didn't do physical contact. Prying their arms off of him, ears nearly bursting from all the different screams and shrieks of excitement, Harry practically clawed his way through the hoard of people and gasped in a deep breath of fresh air when he reached the edge.
"Coddle him! He's pregnant!" Harry shouted, shooting Louis an apologetic look before he ran for cover in the kitchen. Every man for himself, or at least that was the motto Harry was going to follow today. He would happily feed Louis to the pack of wolves if it meant he got out safe. Yeah, first time he admits the pregnancy out loud and it's to get out of huggy time.
"Ass, the poor boy will be squeezed to death," a soft, yet raspy voice said behind him. Spinning around in the large kitchen, a grin broke out on Harry's face when he seen Gemma. She was older than him by four years, but he towered her, and always had. "Exactly," dimples popping out and eyebrows raising as a childish gleam sparked through his eyes, Harry engulfed her in a hug and lifted her off the floor, the two spinning in a few circles before he set her down.
"God, Gems, what's it been? A year. I've missed you!" He said sincerely, cold green eyes defrosting and turning into warm pools of emerald. He's always admired his sister, and he wasn't afraid to admit he loved her more than any other person on this big green earth. Which is why she was the first one he talked to about the pregnancy.
Shooting his future husband a glare, he yelled over the noise. "See if you get some later!" Louis winked as he got enveloped in another pair of arms, this one with a strong Musk scent. "Oh Anne, isn't he cute?" The older lady, Louis immediately figured was Harry's nan, hugged him again. He yelped when a frisky hand went to his bum, "Look at the meat on this bum! But he's so skinny, Harry do your job and feed him!"
Anne gasped when the p word was sad. "Harry! You're going to be a daddy? When is he due?" Her hand went to Louis" belly, the bump more apparent. "Is he having more than one? Or farther along than you figure?"
Harry heard what his family was yelling from the foyer, but he ignored them and turned his attention back to Gemma. Instantly he noticed the soft glow on her face, and the small smile she wore as her hands moved to cover the bump that wasn't visible due to the loose, flowing dress. "No. We can't both have kids at the same time," Harry said, groaning when she nodded and a grin broke out of her face. Great. Yet another one to add to her football team.
"Jax knew before I did! I told him it was impossible because I was on birth control," as soon as birth control was mentioned, Harry tuned out but Gemma still went on talking. "But he insisted I take a pregnancy test, so I did! We're two months along!"
Nodding as she spoke, but the words not registering, Harry began to pick at the ham and pickle roll ups his mum had made. He popped one in his mouth and chewed, the bitterness of the pickle being mellowed out by the light spread of cream cheese, and the ham tying them all together. "Yeah, so where is Jax?" He asked, moving his attention to a platter of cheese sticks. He hasn't seen him yet, and usually the shorter man was the first to greet Harry. He seemed to think Harry liked him, when it was the exact opposite. He was Gemma's sub, and it showed because he wasn't very.. Manly.
It was getting too hot in the middle of the crowd. Louis gave a whine, feeling the side he didn't want to come out trying to rear its ugly head. Looking up at Anne with fear in his eyes, she grabbed Louis and with a smile, pulled him toward her own kids. "Go to Harry," She said quietly as Louis, once Harry was in view, ran over and buried face in his shirt.
Anne went back to her disappointed guests scolding her own mum when the older woman called Anne the b word for taking her future grandson away. "He doesn't know us and he's shy. Give him time."
Louis clung hard to Harry's shirt, thumb jammed in his mouth. Gemma smiled around her brother, waving at the boy who blushed hard and hid face. "Harold Edward, you got a little."
Glaring at his sister, Harry flipped her off and twisted to stare down at Louis. With a quiet sigh, he gently moved the boy around so they were facing each other, and brought him to his chest to allow Louis to wrap his arms around his waist. He wasn't going to make a habit out of this, but if he didn't want Louis to go into full blown little mode he had to calm him down.
"Yeah, and he's a giant pain in the ass," Harry said, fingers moving to find Louis' hair where they began to thread through the soft, feathery waves. Gemma stood by and watched, knowing her brother was talking out of his ass but not saying anything. He was in denial, and with one glance down to her future brother in law, she knew he was too.
The little space was nice and warm. Louis shook his head to get the hand away and ducked head. He sucked hard on his fingers, making a squeaking noise. Wrinkling nose, he babbled under his breath then peered at Gemma with wide blue eyes. "Mama?" He questioned, confusion setting in as he went farther into his little space.
Wiggling, he ran around to hide behind Harry again. Spying a cat running by, Louis gave a squeal and ran after it, "Kitty, kitty, kitty!"
Harry didn't run after him at first. He didn't want to deal with this and it made him uncomfortable whenever Louis went under. He didn't know what to do or how to react, so he tried his hardest to stay as far away as possible. But then Louis ran out the kitchen door that lead to the backyard, and Gemma shot Harry a disapproving look that had the other man rolling his eyes and grumbling under his breath. Like he wouldn't have run after him even if Gemma hadn't been there. His hands were already twitching as his Dom rose.
Mirroring an angry toddler, Harry stomped after Louis and was fully prepared to shake the boy out of his headspace when he seen him running straight for Anne's underground pool. Usually she had the cover on it, but when he seen the steam rising in large billows of nearly transparent heat, he knew she had kicked in the heaters to warm it up. It was her own large, fancy hot tub.
"Louis!" Harry yelled, fog forming around his lips and rising to cover his eyes before it got carried away by the soft wind. Crunching over fallen, brown leaves that have long since lost their beautiful colors, Harry managed to grab Louis just as the boy was getting ready to topple head first into the water. They fell on the cold patch of wet cement that surrounded the pool, Harry's elbow getting scraped even through the material of his shirt. "Are you kidding me you fucking idiot? Snap out of it before I throw you head first into the pool and leave you to drown," he didn't know if little Louis knew how to swim, but he was willing the chance it.
The cat disappeared making Louis sad. He kept running though, seeing the water, both little louis and big Louis knew how to swim and adored the water, dreaming one day of moving to the states where it was warm year round. He wasn't going to jump in, wanting to just touch it when he was knocked to the ground. Bursting into tears from the fall and Harry yelling at him, Louis swatted blindly at the Dom and wriggled out of his grip to run back inside.
"Mama!" A beeline for the woman he'd seen Harry with, he ran over and clung to her leg. Gemma jumped, but one could tell she was pleased. "Hi Louis!" Being a mama she was prepared as she took a dummy from her pocket and slipped it into Louis' mouth. He was regressing further, but it was Gemma's fault for encouraging it. "Where is your daddy?"
Brushing off the soggy leaves that stuck to his pants, Harry walked into the kitchen and glared at Gemma. "He doesn't have a Daddy, and stop encouraging this." Stalking over to the sink, Harry wetted a paper towel and wiped the fresh droplets of blood off of his scratch, it stinging horribly, then just held the soggy thing to his arm as he turned to face them again.
"He reverts into little space for reasons we need to work on, Gemma. Giving him suckers and speaking to him as a child is only enabling him and making him think this is fine when it's not," just as Harry finished speaking, Louis turned to him with wide doe eyes, a sucker in his mouth, and mumbled 'Daddy' around the red saliva pooled on his tongue. Shaking his head, and biting his tongue to keep from yelling, Harry threw the bloody piece of napkin away in the bin and washed his hands before he rolled his sleeve down again. The shirt was already a goner.
He knew today was going to be horrible, but he had never thought this would happen. His sister was practically turning against him and helping his future fiance fall deeper into his little mind set. The worst he had prepared for was aunt Flora drinking too much vodka and getting frisky with Louis, but at least he knew what to do in that scenario.
The refreshment table caught Louis' attention. Ignoring his Dom completely, he wandered over. Grabbing the first glass, he opened mouth to drink it. Louis made a face at the taste. It was vodka cranberry. "Yucky mama.. no want." He pushed the glass away then grabbed for a new one.
Gemma turned to glare at her kid brother. "Suppressing his little mindset will screw with his mental health. You're a bloody surgeon. Stop being a jerk, you're his fucking Dom, yet you're denying him." A hand went out to smack Harry upside the head. "You must feel something for him, he's pregnant with your kid, or kids. "
"And yet I feel nothing," Harry spat at her, ripping his arm away from her when she went to grab it. "Since you're such a fucking expert, you take care of him. Add him to yours and Jax's ever growing collection of kids," swiping the bottle of straight vodka off the counter, Harry threw the kitchen door open and stalked over to the tanning chairs that sat beneath the canopy next to the pool.
He couldn't do this. He couldn't deal with Louis being a little. It wasn't what he had signed up for, and it was bloody impossible to accept when everything about it made him uncomfortable. How was he supposed to be okay with his partner being a coherent adult one minute, then transitioning into a babbling toddler the next? Everybody looked at him like he was a monster for denying Louis a chance to revert whenever he wanted, but was he really? Why force himself to agree and accept something when it wasn't normal? Especially in Louis' case.
Hearing the yelling, Anne came walking in. Her first eyebrow raise was an unsupervised little grabbing things. "No sweetie, those are yucky. Here, come with me, we will find daddy." Gently taking Louis' hand, she walked to where his daughter was standing. Looking around, she tried to stay calm when Harry was nowhere in sight. Gem smirked and made a nod outside, Anne looking out the window seeing Harry by the pool with alcohol. "Watch him, please."
Louis wasn't happy about being denied a drink, starting to whine. He blinked watery blue eyes at Gemma, rubbing at them with his fists. Older Louis had been exhausted making little Louis turn into a bearcat on the verge of a meltdown. Anne patted the boy on the head then grabbed a bottle of water to head out.
Uncapping the water, she quietly approached her son then dumped the liquid on his head, "Harry Edward Styles, I raised you better than this. Your sub is a little, I get that it might be weird, but you'll get used to it, I know you will, or else, Harry. I swear to God." Anne tossed the bottle to the side and plunked into the chair next to Harry.
Chilled water rained down on him, soaking his hair and seeping into his shirt. Jerking upright, Harry coughed and spluttered around the water, hands moving to wipe it from his eyes. "Or else what, huh? Are you going to threaten me with an ass whooping, or Dom classes?" Kicking his feet to move the water bottle that had landed on his chair, Harry, now soaked from the waist up, leaned back in his chair and swallowed a mouthful of the bitter liquid that burned his throat and made his chest warm and tight.
"I don't care anymore. Do whatever the fuck you want, and threaten me with whatever. I can't do it. I can't just be okay with it, or act like everything is normal. Is isn't. He isn't." Tossing the now empty glass bottle in the pool, Harry kicked off his shoes and removed his socks, shirt and pants. "Go make your own damn rolls, and if you guys want to talk about anything other than Louis, I'll be in the pool," and with that, he dove in head first. One second he was frozen, wet hair becoming brittle, then the next he was surrounded by a warmth that had him sighing beneath the water, air bubbles ranging in all sizes floating to the top. The sound of wind whistling and howling through the tree branches was silenced, and underneath here, he was in his own world with only his heartbeat to contend with for silence.
Anger flared in Anne's eyes. Standing up she walked to the controls of the pool - hot, cold, bubbles or drain. "You have ten seconds to get your skinny ass out of my pool, go upstairs with your baby and have a nap, or I'm draining this pool and sending you to live with Aunt Flora. Remember her? The drunk? and before you say I can't do that, remember what status I hold. I'm the reason you got paired with Louis. The son I raised for eighteen years is not a coward, so you're obviously some yellow-bellied clone."
Inside Louis had burst into tears, wanting nothing to do with anybody but Harry. Wandering to the sliding glass door that opened onto the backyard, he spotted Harry in the pool and started banging fists on it. "You were always telling me about some patient you grew close with, always a child, so how is Louis going into his little space any different? The Harry I raised loves children. Your nieces and nephews were waiting patiently for you to arrive." Anne was watching the door, how Louis' eyes seemed filled with something, they lit up the moment they'd seen Harry.
"Time is almost up. Make a decision so you can go get dried off and nap or I can inform Flora she has a new roommate and find someone for Louis, maybe Nick Grimshaw would be better." Anne knew how much her son and Nick hated each other and had been informed of the altercation involving Nick and his sub with Harry. It was an empty threat, she just wanted to see how he'd react.
He knew she was trying to get to him with all of her empty threats and bottomless glares. Swimming to the edge of the pool across the way from Anne, Harry hooked his arms on it and began to lazily kick his feet, a sudden wave of anger seeping beneath his skin when he learned Anne was the reason for the pairing. Trying to keep himself calm, toes curling in the rough, bumpy bottom of the pool, Harry sunk into the water so his body was fully emerged from his chin down.
"How about I call Nick for you? And while I'm at it, I can go and pack my fucking bags and move in with Flora. Matter of fact, go get her. I'll tell her the exciting news myself. We can drink ourselves into oblivion together!" Harry dunked his head back into the water then flickered his eyes over to Louis who was standing in the door. The warmth the familiar orbs brought him had Harry backing up further into the pool, body wanting to sink completely in but it had it had its lungs to fight with. "I'm not going to go inside and nap with him, Anne. Call me a coward or a clone or whatever other bullshit you want. He isn't a child and hasn't been for twenty years, so I'm not about to start treating him like one,"
Not able to take her son being like this, Anne stomped to the pool and wrapped a hand firmly around Harry's bicep. Dragging him from the pool to a chair, she plopped down then situated the 35 year old on her lap before bringing hands down to slap five powerful spanks to her adult child's bum. "Harry, you will listen to me. I don't care if you are thirty five. Stop acting like a stubborn prick. You are in control of your sub. Go be with him"
Watching the whole thing, Louis blinked. He wanted to be outside near his Dom when Gemma tempted him with a pickle roll up. Louis took a tiny bite, chewing for a minute then opened mouth for another bite. One turned into three and Louis found himself standing next to one of Harry's relatives as the woman fawned over him. He didn't like this. Managing to escape he ran for the sliding glass doors when he noticed the cat door.
Anne saw the cat door open, Dusty already being outside, she watched as a human head and arm tried to go through. Louis pushed himself to get out. Lifting a leg to go through, he was slowly finding it was a tight fit. "Uh oh... daddy?" Trying not to laugh, Anne pushed Harry to the door.
Pushing himself off of Anne's lap, Harry rubbed his sore bum and glared down at the woman. He was an adult for Christ sakes. Since when did he needed to get spanked? And simply because he wouldn't let his mother rule his life anymore? "You can't tell me what to do. You have a high standing, yes, but so do I. I'm done with him, Anne. And I'm done listening to you yell and badger me and try to force me into something I don't want to do. He isn't my baby, and never will be!"
Stumbling when he was pushed, Harry glanced over at the door and groaned when he seen Louis was stuck in the cat door. Shivering when a cold gust of wind blew over him, he turned back to his mom with a raised eyebrow. "You go, help him. Since you seem so fond of him, maybe you can adopt him since, ya know, he's a little," smirking, Harry wrapped his arms around his torso, small droplets of cold water falling from his boxers and sliding down his legs.
He didn't know what his problem here was, but he didn't want to accept anything they were telling him. He was his own man, and could make his own decisions. "I don't want him," it was a truth he hadn't spoken out loud for a long while now, but he didn't think he could deny it anymore. Trying wasn't doing anything, and his family trying to shove him into a relationship that wasn't healthy was what honestly pushed him over the edge.
Never had Anne thought she would raise a hand to her own kid, but Harry's mouth was running. Slapping her son across the face, she grabbed him by the back of the neck. "How would it feel if I had said that about you? Fine. Stay out here then." Anne pointed at his clothes then walked to the door Louis was stuck in. "Hi sweetie, can I help?"
Gemma narrowed eyes at Harry then went to help Anne get Louis out. When the boy was free, Anne disappeared to finish dinner while Gemma ran off to check on her kids. Louis, during all this, had started to come out of his space and was chatting with one of Harry's cousins. Excusing himself, he ran outside to cool off. The house was too warm with all those bodies inside. "Haz? What are you doing out here?"
Tears threatened to prick his eyes as his mothers hand left a stinging hand print that only grew more painful as the air chilled it. He didn't understand how their relationship had anything to do with his and Louis'. He was her child, a fact nobody could deny or argue. Louis was a grown man with a child's brain and tendencies.
The trust the older man had for his mother wavered as she chose Louis over him and stalked off to help the boy. He had thought she would accept his decisions and wishes, rather than forcing him into something he didn't want to do. He was trying to help Louis overcome his need to retreat into his headspace, not encourage it and feed the problem with naps and suckers.
And now everyone was watching him like he was some monster. Collapsing back in the chair with a shuddering sigh, Harry rubbed at his burning cheek and wished he had more alcohol. "Go back inside," he whispered up to Louis when the boy came out, aware that he was no longer in his little headspace. He didn't blame Louis for the fight, because he couldn't control when he reverted and when he didn't. Who he had to blame was the mums prick boyfriend. He was the reason for this.
Shaking head, Louis ran over to Harry. He frowned at the handprint on his Dom's face. "Who..." Louis carefully peeled Harry's hand from his cheek and pressed a gentle kiss to it. He slid his hand into Harry's to pull him inside. Ignoring everyone, he kept walking until he came across a spacious bathroom. Finding a washcloth, he ran it under cold water then pressed it against Harry's hot cheek. "Babe, you're gonna get sick." Louis pulled a towel from the cupboard and wrapped it around Harry. "Be right back."
Exiting the bathroom, he glared at Anne as he went outside to grab Harry's clothes. He went back to the bathroom to hand them over, with a kiss to Harry's lips. "Want me to get you something warm to drink, love?"
Just following after Louis because Harry was tired of fighting, he allowed the boy to do as he pleased and just sat there. When Louis walked out, Harry climbed up on the counter to sit, legs dangling back and forth. A voice in the back of his head was nagging him, telling him he needed to apologize to Louis for everything he did and said, but then again, he didn't feel he did anything wrong.
Hugging the corners of the towels to his chest, Harry shook his head and took the clothes to set them next to him. "No, I'm fine," his voice was quiet, something so strange for the dom considering he was always loud and had something to say back. "I don't have a.. Problem with you," he suddenly blurted, eyes moving to the open door. He stretched his foot out and toed it shut, the door frame shaking from the force.
Moving between his dom's legs, Louis brushed lips against his then just stood there. He slid arms under the towel to rub at bare skin to warm him up. "You know, I could take advantage of you right now." Louis wiggled eyebrows as he slipped a hand down his inside thigh. "Where does your mum keep the brushes? Your hair looks like a rat's nest."
His head jerked up at Harry's proclamation. "Thought we established that this morning." Louis gave a soft laugh. "Remember? Teasing me with car sex then taking it back?"
Pointing towards the drawer next to his thigh, Harry squirmed as Louis' hand traveled towards his nether regions. "Fucking on my mums counter? Kinky bastard," laughing for the first time since he's pretty much got here, Harry shifted on the counter when his thighs began to stick.
"Yeah, but then you went into your little space and I was a.. Dick. My mum will tell you all the horrible shit I said, and I'm probably moving in with my aunt Flora, but just know I don't have a problem with you. Just the... Incidents that started your little space. I guess I don't agree with encouraging you to continue something when it began for all the wrong reasons," Harry's voice was back to being quiet, eyes shifting to rest on the glass doors to the shower.
He wasn't uncomfortable with Louis being a little. He was uncomfortable with all the knowledge he had for the reasons Louis began to revert into a little mind space. All the horrible ties that tethered him and the mum's ex boyfriend together remained in the little space and continued to remind Harry of the dark secrets he could do nothing about.
Following his directions, Louis grabbed the brush and started gently running it through the chocolate brown curls he loved. He smiled, watching the bristles flow through the wet locks. Leaning in to get the back, Louis attacked Harry's neck with a giggly kiss. "Serve her right, she slapped my Froggy Prince." He snickered and climbed onto Harry's lap to kiss him again, the brush hanging limply from his fingers.
"Yo-you can say it, I'm a freak who turns into a toddler and can't handle drama." He pushed strands from Harry's eyes then took some into his hand to braid it. Growing up, Louis was the one always trying new hairstyles on his sister, now his nieces. It was relaxing. "And she's not taking you away from me, but I'm getting used to you, plus, you got a kid on the way."
Sighing, he let the brush drop and wrapped arms around Harry in a big hug, inhaling the scent of chlorine and vanilla. He knew Harry had been using his shampoo! "Looks like I need to buy the bigger size of shampoo, someone likes it."
Warmth spreading throughout his chest from the giggles, Harry scooted back and wrapped his arms around Louis' waist to lock him in place. Humming as his hair was sloppily braided, he tipped his head back to watch Louis' face, noting the flash of hurt followed by his facial expressions ceasing, mouth falling lax. "I don't think you're a freak. I think you're someone who has major problems you need to work through, but not a freak,"
Burying his face in Louis' shoulder when he had been caught, Harry hid his grin by lightly biting the soft flesh on the subs shoulder. "I'll buy it. Not my fault I like vanilla," he mumbled, shocking himself when he realized the moment they were sharing. Just ten minutes ago he was declaring he didn't want Louis, yet here they were. He didn't hate the boy, he realized then, he hated what has happened to him and all the problems that stem from one single fucktard.
Not able to help the moan coming out, Louis jerked so his hips ground into Harry's. He hissed at the friction, head falling back as his own cock started twitching in a anticipation. "Please..." Louis slid a hand down the front of Harry's boxers to grip him, thumbnail pressing into the head.
Louis could hear people laughing outside the door, so he leaned back to push the button in to lock the door and hungrily attacked Harry's mouth with his. "I.. like you trying to help me with my problems." He confessed when he came up for air. Shifting on the surgeons' lap, he could feel Harry's cock starting to plump up around his hand as he started pumping it.
Harry gave in with little fight, head falling back to smack against the glass mirror. He brought his own hand around the front of Louis' body, brain hissing at him that this was a bad idea but when did he ever have good ideas? Tugging the boys shirt up and over his head, Harry trailed kisses along his chest, hand pumping Louis' growing length.
Suddenly he was pushing to stand up, hands moving to grab handfuls of Louis' plump ass. Setting him on the counter, Harry dropped to his knees on the floor and silenced Louis with a chaste kiss when he began to question what he was doing. "I've already had my release for the time being, it's your turn," he explained in a rough voice, hand shoving in Louis' pants to pull out his hardened cock.
The tip was swollen and red, precum collecting in the slit that Harry happily leaned down to lap up. With one last smirk up to Louis, Harry shifted to get a little more comfortable before he wicked just the tip in, tongue swirling before he bobbed down and pulled back up, cheeks hollowed to not only create a suction but to also have the pressure added to Louis' cock. Fucking pornstar. He's going to know this isn't your first time time sucking a dick.
Louis' eyes fluttered shut at the sinful feeling of Harry's warm mouth on his cock. He reached forward to lace fingers through Harry's long hair, not pulling, but also not leaving any slack. "Fuck.. Haz..." His hips wanted to jerk up into the mouth, but he kept himself still as soft whimpers came out.
"We.. can both release.." Louis insisted, but lost his train of thought when Harry took him down deep. He was naive enough to think Doms never performed blowjokibs, so was Harry a sub before? He growled lowly then jumped when the knob rattled, slapping a hand over his mouth. He'd almost forgotten where they were.
The faucet was digging into his back, but Louis couldn't care. He was on cloud nine, his Dom had the best mouth ever. "Fuck.. why.. your mouth is magical..." It sounded better in his head.
Baring his teeth to lightly scrape them down the subs length, Harry took all of him down his throat, muscles constricting and spasming as he pushed his limits. Nose buried in prickly pubes that smelt like vanilla and tickled his nose, Harry pulled back up as he brought his hand up to fondle his balls.
The sound of the doorknob rattling didn't make him stop his efforts to make his sub cum. Ignoring it completely, Harry snorted at Louis' comment and let his eyes flicker open to glance up at him, cherry red lips swollen and wrapped around his thick cock. Winking at him through watery eyes, Harry gave his balls a firm squeeze and let his tongue dance over the slit, teasing it but not pushing into it to collect the steady stream of bitter precum.
He was usually never one who performed Blow jobs anymore. He had got quite familiar and used to them during his colleges years, because nobody cared about titles then, but then he met Shirley and didn't have any dick to suck. After Shirley took the cowards way out, he got back into the groove for a little minute there, then he remembered he was a bloody dom and stopped giving, only taking. Why start again now then, huh? Does Louis tickle your fancy? Admit it. But he never would.
Slight cursing escaped Louis' throat as he kept hand clamped over his mouth. Never would he complain about Harry ever again - ok, tonight. He didn't want to thrust into the dom's mouth, even if he couldn't speak at the moment. Louis ran fingers through Harry's silky curls as he leaned over.
"Haz.. fuck.. shit.." A foot was kicked out when the familiar coiling in his stomach started. Louis shoved his hand into a fist and bit down hard. His free hand was still tangled in curls, as he felt himself starting to cum. "Har... I'm fuck..."
Riding him through his orgasm, Harry continued bobbing, his other hand squeezing and playing with his balls to help milk them. Hot semen pooled in his mouth, and with a shudder he swallowed it, not one drop escaping past the seam of his lips though it tried.
When he was sure the orgasm had subsided by now, Harry pulled off of Louis' limp dick and carefully tucked it back into his boxers, then slowly zipped up his pants and gave a light tap on his cloth covered crotch. "Never say I'm selfish," he said, voice beyond raspy as he stripped from his damp boxers and pulled on his clothes, deciding going commando was better than suffering a rash from his boxers chafing against his legs.
Stuffing his underwear in his mum's laundry basket, Harry turned around and laughed when he seen Louis was still limp, eyes half closed and mouth hanging open. Pecking the corner of his mouth, Harry opened the door and left, smirking when Anne looked in the bathroom over his shoulder and seen Louis completely jellified on her counter. "Guess he didn't need a nap," he said, licking his swollen lips before he pushed past her and went back into the kitchen to get something to drink.
Remaining like that for another second, Louis jumped when instead of Harry standing there it was Anne. Turning bright red, he shoved past the woman to run for the living room, but he was grabbed by a random hand. Harry's great nan had a big smile on her sloppily lipsticked face as she dirtily looked Louis over. Shuddering, he felt he needed a shower, but kept smile plastered on his face. "Oh you look like my long dead husband in his younger years! Are you my grandson? What's his name..Jerry? The gynecologist?" The fuck? Louis mind screamed when he felt bony hand on.his ass.
"Er...oh darn, I need a drink, be right back!" He took off for the kitchen, ducking into Harry's arms when he saw his Dom. "Your gran just felt me up after asking if I was Jerry, her grandson, the gynecologist...
Finding a dusty bottle of fireball cinnamon whiskey stuffed in one of his mum's cupboards, Harry grabbed it and watered it down a bit with some apple soda. He had almost made Louis one, but then haunting pictures of babies popped in his head and he quickly shoved the bottle back in his place.
Sipping the burning liquid, some spilled down his chin when Louis bumped into him. "Do you secretly like looking at vaginas?" He asked, amused as he wiped the liquid off his chin with the back of his hand. He should have warned Louis they were handsy people. Poor Jax almost copped a feel when Ida, his great nan, filled him up to see if he properly equipped to please her granddaughter and one day give her grandkids. He's learned, though, and now wears a protective cup so if by chance she sneaks up on him, she'll be feeling the wrong kind of hardness.
"Ew."Louis said to the vagina comment. It was a reason he had refused to become a gynecologist or a nurse on that floor. Shuddering, he sniffed, smelling cinnamon and kissed Harry's lips, tasting the flavor on them. "Yucky, whiskey."
A can of soda was grabbed for himself, poured into a glass as Louis had a phobia about drinking from the can. "Don't get too drunk or I'll have to stop every five minutes for you to puke. "
Taking another large drink, Harry clanked cups with Flora when she walked in and threw an arm over her shoulders. "Auntie Flower taught me how to drink! Us Styles' know how to handle our liquor," remembering the first sip of vodka he had on Christmas Eve when he was twelve, Harry grinned down at the shorter woman.
She was a little over five feet tall, and she was stalky with powder white hair and electric blue eyes. Many people misunderstood her, but Harry understood her more than he did himself. She was a sub, who had lost her dom sixteen years after they had married. She was madly in love with the man, and was crushed when he had died. Harry vaguely remembered his uncle Ron, but he did have spurts of images and memories of how happy he had made her. She was a sweet woman, who just enjoyed her adult juice a little too much.
"Damn right! I had this boy downing a 20oz bottle of whiskey before he grew hair on his balls!" Clanking their cups together again, she threw her head back and easily swallowed the remainder of her Tequila with one swallow. "By his sixteenth birthday, he could drink twice that and still be able to walk a straight line and sing his abcs backwards." Not at all ashamed of what she was admitting, she pecked her nephew on the cheek and excused herself to go refill her cup. Harry was her favorite nephew, and everybody knew that. There was no competition, and it's been that way since the chunky little boy waddled over to her on two unsteady legs and called her 'flower.' The nickname has stuck ever since.
The sight of happy people around was making Louis miss his own family when they actually got along. Times were great back then, he had cousins to play with, grandmothers who spoiled the kids with little toys or treats, and no fighting or abuse. Louis winced remembering the first Thanksgiving with his mom's overly friendly boyfriend. Louis had screamed bloody murder when Kyle touched him, bringing the whole family running and Kyle making up an excuse. Louis paid for that, Kyle broke a couple ribs, his wrist, and a split lip.
"God, I want to drink." Not whiskey though, his drink of choice was vodka. He downed the cup of soda then set it on the table. Licking over lips then pushed off to find something else to drink. He was getting slightly depressed from this happy family shit. Stupid holidays.
Harry, not hearing what Louis had said or noticing how off he looked, was drug away by a few of his cousins and Jax, the man who had been a ghost today. "Ida find you yet?" He asked the man when he was pushed to sit down on the couch and some dumbass thanksgiving movie was turned on, smirk hidden behind his cup.
Flora had noticed it, though. People overlooked her and didn't think much of the crazy alcoholic, but she noticed a lot of things; seen a lot of things because nobody ever seen her. "What's wrong, Bambi?" She asked, pointing him towards the fridge, which was where the canned sodas were.
Not knowing the older woman had heard his whining, Louis went to the fridge and grabbed a root beer. "I dunno.. life?" Louis figured he needed to find ways to amuse himself, Harry was apparently the family darling. Pouring the soda into a glass and adding more ice cubes, he took a big gulp, leaving behind a foamy mustache.
"If I were to disappear for awhile..." Louis began, a sly smile starting on Flora's lips. Pulling the smaller man close, she gave him a hug, Louis welcoming the overly floral scent mixed with baby powder. "There's a park down the street. Go swing for a bit and I'll distract the boy."
Louis perked up, giving the older lady a hug then went to fetch his jacket. "Thanks Aunt Flora." Draining his glass, he headed for the front entry way to grab his coat, when he heard Flora yell Bambi again. Was that his nickname now?
Easily catching up with Louis, she turned so her back was to the living room. "That boy in there has a good head on his shoulders. He's just lost right now. Give him some time. He's got a real big heart, it just takes him a while before he let's anyone see it. Don't give up on him, and I promise you he won't give up on you, even if it does get hard," turning, she glanced back at her nephew chatting with Jax and smiled. "He won't always say what he's feeling, either. He's as honest as they come, but he will never admit something if he feels pressured or that it isn't important."
Sighing softly, she blinked back the tears that threatened to escape and laughed off her emotions before she took a drink from her cup. "He's been hurt before Bambi. If you hurt him, even if I do like you, I promise you I'll make you regret ever opening up that boys heart," going from sweet to stern, Flora poked Louis square in the chest, eyes locked. "You're family now, and family looks out for family. I'll give him the same speech. Now go on, have some you time. With Anne's damn schedules, we won't be eating for a while longer," now it's Harry time. When the hell did she become the middleman?
Awkward. Louis gave a nod and slipped on the coat, zipping it up. He made sure his phone was in a pocket and quietly slipped out. Did that count as running away? He really would rather not be punished on a holiday. Running outside, he didn't stop until the park was in view. Channeling his inner child, Louis went up the ladder to the slide, surprised he actually fit and slid down, the cold metal seeping through the back of his jeans.
Eventually ending up in a swing, Louis was more tired than he originally thought as he nodded off swinging lightly. He jerked awake when a brisk wind blew through, making Louis' teeth chatter. A loud clap of thunder made the sub jump and he took off from the swing toward Anne's house when the sky opened and a downpour started. Great. He didn't have any other clothes with!
Hurrying, he was on the step and just inside the door, peeling off the coat then rushing to the bathroom. Flicking the heater on, he perched on the toilet to try to dry himself.
Enduring nearly an hour of people playing tug-a-war with him, Harry was just walking from the living room after being talked into looking at a gross bump on his Nan's leg, which was just a infected spider bite, when he was drug into the guest room and the door was slammed shut just as he heard the front door slamming open. Shocked, he stumbled back a few inches and bumped his hip into the corner of the dresser. "What the hel.." He began to ask, until he seen Flora standing with her back against the wall and her arms folded over her chest, a motherly scowl twisting her face.
"Do you know where your sub is?" She asked him, and from where he was standing he could smell her breath that reeked of alcohol, but her stance never once wavered nor did her gaze. Shaking his head, and internally cursing himself for getting lost in the sea of family and not keeping an eye on Louis, Harry moved towards the door but stopped when she raised her hand. "I sent him to the park, and before you get your pissy Dom pants on, know you don't scare me. He was overwhelmed and needed a break. You were too busy with everyone else to even notice."
Scoffing, Harry went to run a hand through his hair only to remember his niece had done two french braids on either side of his head. "I wasn't too busy," he weakly argued, sounding about as unconvincing as Flora did when she claimed she wasn't drunk. Huffing, he stuffed his thumbs into his pockets and raised both shoulders in a small shrug. "Fine, I didn't notice he left. Can I go now? Or are you not done informing me of how shitty a Dom I am?"
"I am not here to do anything like that. You need to quit being such a stubborn mule and pull your head out of your ass. Hello, he has the wrong parts. He isn't Shirley, so stop acting like he is. That boy has problems, and so do you. You both need to stop beating around the damn bush and just get them all out there in the open and stop treating him like he isn't, in fact, carrying your damn baby," heated and on a roll, Flora lifted her crooked finger up to silence him when he went to speak, eyebrow cocked in a way that reminded Harry a lot of himself. "You've been hurt, babe, I know. I've been hurt too, and look what happened to me. I'm a fifty year old woman who has alcohol for blood. Don't follow after my lead. Let him be all that Shirley wasn't. You keep yourself stuck on the idea of having a life with that woman, but you would have been miserable. Everything you wanted from her, but never received, is exactly what Bambi is offering you. He isn't going to leave. Just accept it and let Shirley go. She's only a memory now, a lost hope,"
Louis wasn't getting any warmer. The clothes were taking forever to dry off, sticking to his skin. Groaning, he shut off the light and heat then exited the bathroom noticing that the bedroom door next to it was now closed. Weird. Maybe one of the kids was having a nap.
Pushing his way into the crowd, Louis had dried his hair the best he could with a towel so it was now a fluffy mess on his head. He coughed slightly as he wandered into the kitchen. He was aimlessly moving around, hoping to warm up and to see Harry. Louis missed the Dom when he didn't see him. Ugh, he didn't want to turn into one of those people that clung annoyingly to their significant others. He quite liked the road they were on, it was one step closer to falling in love, which Louis had to admit sounded nice.
Turning to avoid a chair, Louis walked to the hallway leading to the bathroom and noticed Harry coming his way. Face lit up and he walked over to throw arms around him, "Hi. Where have you been?"
Stalking out of the room without saying another thing to Flora, Harry made his way towards the kitchen so he could go and sit outback, only to have Louis step in front of him and wrap two wet arms around his waist. "I could ask you the same thing," he mumbled just loud enough for Louis to hear before he shook him off and side stepped him. He was a little beyond crotchety after his conversation with Flora, but for reasons he didn't want to admit.
He wasn't still in love with Shirley, and he definitely wasn't pining after her still. But could that be the problem in their relationship? Was he expecting Louis to be someone he wasn't? Was he really wrongfully projecting all of his fears from his previous relationship on theirs, which is what was making it fail? It explained his reasons for not wanting Louis to run. It was from the repressed fear that, like Shirley, he would run and never return. Fuck emotions. Let's just shred my heart in blender and get this all out of the way? Save us all the trouble?
Fighting the look of hurt in his eyes, Louis shoved himself back. Nope, wasn't the same Harry from earlier. He gave Harry a look then saw Flora walking past them with. hairy eyeball. Looking at Harry then at her, he gave a shrug. His hand patted pockets, coming up empty for his phone as he walked off to find it. It wasn't rude, he told himself. Harry was acting weird again.
"Louis! Try the stuffing and tell me what you think?" Anne came swooping from the kitchen with a spoonful of something. He made a face and shook head, "Allergic to the spices in it..." Louis headed for the refreshment table, happy to see someone had put out coffee, hot chocolate, and apple cider. He gladly picked up some cider, taking a drink.
Harry opened the back door just as a smaller body interjected and shoved a spoon in his mouth. Eww, stuffing. Chewing it anyway, he gave his mum some lame compliment and went outside to get some air. He hated stuffing. It was soggy bread that gagged him every time. Spitting the clump on food out as soon as he was in the clear, he walked around the side of the house to sit on the patio, blocked from the rain as he kept close to the wall, underneath the small roof.
From here, he could see the window to the room he always slept in when coming inover. He had wished this was their house when growing up, because there was a clear exit. The window had a large Sill, so it was big enough he could climb out on it and drop down to the patio roof, making a foolproof escape. His room in the other house was three stories up with literally no way for him to escape through the window.
Leaning back in the old patio swing, Harry watched as the steady fat drops of rain fell from the darkened sky, turning the cement into an ugly dark grey color. "Why did I agree to come here?" He asked himself for the thirteenth time that day. He was getting a headache, and a number of injuries, from all the fights he's been in. Ah, got to love having an opinionated family.
Apparently according to Anne, food allergies were all in a person's head. Cornering Louis, she managed to shove some into his mouth and went flouncing back to the kitchen. "Seriously?" Louis ran for the sliding glass door and once outside, spat the lump of food onto the grass then cleared his throat. "Stubborn freaking lady!"
Eyeing the pool and the steam still coming out of it, Louis pulled his damp clothes off and wandered to the edge. Dipping a toe in, then sliding down the ladder to sink into the warm water, Louis felt like he was being enveloped by a huge blanket. Maybe he'd hide in the pool until it was time for them to leave.
Relaxing back against the sides, Louis was almost asleep again when he heard a voice. Ducking down, he peered to where he heard it, seeing Harry sitting there. "Oh shit.." Louis tried to slide down farther. Had Harry seen him come out?
Turning when he heard the door open, Harry sunk lower in his seat and hoped nobody would look over and see him. When he seen it was Louis, he sighed and prayed that the boy had enough brain cells to know he wasn't supposed to get in hot tubs while pregnant. Cursing loudly, he stood up and walked from underneath the protective shield of the roof, instantly becoming soaked from the rain. His sub was an absolute idiot.
"Quit hiding, idiot. I seen you," he growled, stopping to crouch next to the pool, hands gripping the edge as he leaned over it slightly to look down at Louis. "Do you feel as if you are untouched by all the medical problems that can happen to you, while you're pregnant, by getting in a hot tub? It raises your temperature to a dangerous level for you and the fetus. As a nurse I expect you to know this. Don't sit in there for longer than ten minutes,"
Nag, nag, nag! Louis tilted head up to stare at his Dom. Slowly, he stood up like he was going to get out, instead he reached up and grabbed Harry's arm to tug him in. "Shut up with your medical talk and kiss me you asshole." Pushing Harry down, he climbed on his lap to kiss him hard, hand going to cup his cheek. "And I'm aware of the effects of the hot tub." Looking around, he saw the dial and started to turn down the heat.
When it was comfortable enough for both. Louis laid head on Harry's shoulder, fighting the urge to grind down against him. Their fun time driving over here and time in the bathroom didn't sate Louis enough. "Mmm.. am I still driving us home?"
Clothes already being wet from the rain, Harry let Louis pull him in, warmth enclosing him and chasing away the chill from the rain water. He had barely enough time to pop his head out of water before Louis' mouth was attacking his. Scooting back to sit on one of the stairs, he pulled him along and situated him so he was straddling his lap. Head now resting on his shoulder, Harry chose not to pay attention to the uncomfortable scratch of Louis' wet hair against his neck.
"If you'd like," he said, shrugging softly. He was still in a pissy mood, but for reasons that didn't involve Louis exactly. They were about him, but he didn't cause the older mans mood to dwindle down to nothing more than a shadowy grey sky with lightning striking through it. Electric blue and white shooting through his green orbs. "We need to talk when we get home, apparently,"
Louis grinned slightly, turning head to kiss Harry's neck. "I do. You drove up here, I'll drive home so you can get some rest." Hips didn't listen as they ground against Harry, Louis still had several months to look forward to with being pregnant and the horniness not subsiding. He hoped Harry wouldn't get sick of him. "Can.. I ride you?"
Tensing up at the we gotta talk comment, he gave a nod. "Sounds like.. am i in trouble?" Louis' head jerked up and he started to slide off Harry's lap, "I'm sorry for running off to the park, Flora told me to!"
Biting the inside of his cheek to keep himself from laughing, Harry shook his head and let his hands fall limp in the pool, only to have them float to the surface. "No, you aren't in trouble. We just need to talk," he said, clearing his throat. He was hoping to avoid the whole sex thing as long as he could here, because he still didn't think that sex was the answer to everything, he sighed softly and opened his mouth to tell Louis he couldn't ride him here, but maybe another time, when the back door opened.
"Get yer arses out of the pool and come eat. You're both going to get sick. Anne! Your child is swimming in the rain!" Ida, scowling at the two before she closed the glass door, disappeared with her dress hiked up and a corner stuck in her underwear, which were a horrible shade of brown. He was hoping that was the original color.
Peering over Harry's shoulder at Ida, he gave a hiss. "I don't like that woman. Plus, your mom tried to kill me earlier, fed me stuffing even after I told her I was allergic." He didn't want to get off Harry's lap, it was comfortable. Ida and Anne were both standing at the door to watch the two, obviously making sure they were going to get out. Were they two?
"Did she not feel a breeze or is she dense?" Louis hadn't wanted to put down anyone in his new family, but Nana Ida was a bitch. She barely acknowledged him and seemed to judge Harry. Wrapping arms tighter around his Dom, he tilted head back to kiss his chin. "I think my favorite relative is Flora."
"You and me both," Harry mumbled, easily moving Louis' weightless body off of him before he stood up, shirt sticking to his body, and reluctantly climbed out. "And shut it. You have no food allergies," offering a hand to Louis, Harry pulled him out of the pool and turned to bow to the group of people now watching them.
He didn't know what it was, maybe the lack of fear that he would get caught being soft by someone he didn't want catching them, but he took Louis' hand in his own and began to tug him towards the house. Glancing over his shoulder, Harry shook the hand he had to get the boys attention when he seen he was trying to ring out his clothes. "No, stop. We'll give them what they want and eat dinner, even if we are sopping wet." He'll give his mum a heart attack before the turkey is even carved.
"I do too!" OK. He didn't, he was just extremely picky and hated all vegetables. When Harry bowed, Louis got a look on his face and brought hand back to slap him hard on the ass, then freely groped it. "Damn you got a nice little ass."
Louis stared for a second, feeling slightly sorry for the carpets in the house, but if that's how Harry wanted to play this, Louis would gladly follow behind. "Is your mom a health food junkie like you? I'm not touching a tomato." He walked after Harry into the house to where the table was set out. It was a long table for the adults with a little one off to the side for the kids, and he wasn't surprised there was a television tuned to a football match. Waiting until Harry sat, Louis took the one next to him then was pleasantly surprised when Flora took Harry's other side. The smile short lived when Ida sat next to Louis.
"So, we need to pray Anne. Give thanks for this meal." Ida said loudly. Louis side-eyed Harry's Nana then looked at his Dom. "Nobody said shit about praying.."
Shooting Louis a pointed look and lightly swatting his leg under the table, Harry shook his head softly and jerked it towards Leah, who sat across the table from them. "Don't get her started. She'll talk your head off about god and nobody wants that," he hissed, eyes immediately darting to the trays of food that began to get carried on. Mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, a platter with deviled eggs, one with cheese sticks and olives, pickle roll ups, rolls, home-made noodles and gravy, and a few others he didn't care for, followed by a large silver platter with a huge turkey sitting on it, looking golden and beautiful.
Stomach rumbling, Harry had to clench his hands into fists to keep himself from touching anything, because then he'd really set of Leah. Damn, he was starving. When was the last time he ate actual food? He really hasn't been one who's enjoyed food lately, so he scarcely eats, but something about home cooked food from his mum had his appetite spiking. Anorexia is a horrible disease, Harold. Use that great big brain of yours and diagnose yourself already.
"Motherfuck.." Louis cursed under his breath when Leah perked up at the word prayer. Ordering everyone to hold hands, he sighed, giving Harry his right and Nan his left. Wincing when the older woman squeezed his hand, her pink nails digging into the soft flesh of his hand. He wondered what Harry would do if he pulled his hand from Ida and knocked her chair over. Muttering more curses under his breath, "Stupid fucking nails.."
Not caring anymore if Harry could hear him muttering, Louis squirmed in his chair and when the amen was said, yanked his hand back to examine it. "Bitch drew blood." He shook head at the vegetable platter being held to him, taking only potatoes, turkey, a roll and some pickle rollups.
Not even paying attention to what was said during the prayer, because he was listening to Louis bitch under his breath, Harry didn't even hear everyone say amen until hands were pulled from his. "Respect, Louis. She is your elder, and also my grandmother." He hissed in his ear, only saying something for the fear someone else heard him. He was a dom, even if he was only surrounded by family.
Grabbing some turkey, a roll, some potatoes, noodles, pickle roll ups and a few other random things until his plate was full, Harry began to eat, completely skipping over the vegetables he had got. He wasn't in the mood for anything healthy right now. He wanted to proudly gain twenty pounds on nothing but unhealthy ass food and soda.
"Not caring at the moment, she scratched me like a fucking cat." Louis held up his hand to show the half moon marks in his skin. Frowning, he popped a piece of turkey into his mouth then took a sip of his soda. He narrowed eyes at Leah when he saw the woman was staring at him.
Louis wanted to get up to grab his phone from his coat pocket, he chewed on his lip and did it anyway. Hurrying to the coat rack, he palmed the device then walked back to the table. Sitting back down, he crossed legs to set his phone down and swiped at the screen to check the messages. Giggling at the group text, he one finger typed a bitchy rant about Harry's mom and nan.
Biting his tongue, and mind drifting back to the spectacular punishment he had came up with those many days ago, Harry grinned. He didn't have to make a scene here, or even let on to the fact that Louis was indeed in trouble. He'd wait until they got home, where Louis couldn't run and have it be marked off as he just needed some fresh air.
"Are you guys wet? Harry! You're getting the floor wet! Do you know what happens to hardwood flooring when it's wet? It warps! Get your arse upstairs and change!" Anne shrieked, face red and eyes bugging. Harry looked right up at her and scooped a fork full of warm mashed potatoes up into his mouth, never blinking. He wasn't fazed at all. He became immune to her voice after listening to her yell all those years.
"I don't have any clothes here," he said and shrugged, returning to his food. It was highly uncomfortable having his wet clothes chafe against his skin, but his mum didn't need to know that. Besides, he really didn't have a change of clothes here. He had a Jean jacket and some sweatpants in his trunk, but once again, he wasn't telling her anything. He'd rather be a stubborn, defiant asshole then bow down to his mother just because she was on some sort of power trip. And yes, he respected her. He just didn't listen sometimes.
Shivering when a cool drop flicked down the back of his head to inside his shirt. He glanced at Harry then up at his mom who seemed to be channeling a banshee at the moment. He shoved mashed potatoes in his mouth and some roll to the point his cheeks puffed out. It was rude, but it was keeping him from giggling at what was going on.
He swallowed then looked down at his phone again when it vibrated. Pushing the message open then glancing at Harry. A small smile crossed his face. Anne glared at both of them and pointed upstairs. "We both know you leave clothes here every time you visit. Now get up there!"
Louis wasn't going to move unless Harry did. He tried to slide down the chair, not liking the unwelcome attention. He grabbed a pickle roll and crunched down on it.
Dropping his fork on his plate, which clattered and fell to the hardwood floor, making the small puddle splash up and lap at his already soaked jeans, Harry crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back. "You wanted me to come in eat, so I did. I'm not changing. These clothes are fine, thank you."
Gasping, Ida leaned forward and practically spit her mouthful of sweet potatoes on Harry and Louis both. "Is this the kind of example you want to set for those kids? They'll latch on to everything you do and start disrespecting their mothers too!" She yelled, the wrinkles surrounding her eyes lifting so she could glare at Harry fully with her beady bug eyes. The funny thing is, the kids weren't even paying attention until just now.
Not giving in, but also tired of being yelled at, Harry pushed up from his seat and told Louis to stay before he went upstairs in Gemma's room and grabbed a flattering pair of pajama booty shorts and a pink tank top. Changing into them, and leaving his wet clothes on the floor, Harry grabbed Louis a pair of grey sweatpants and a loose fitting over shirt.
"Happy?" He asked when he walked back into the dining room, grinning like an evil little shit. He made sure to sway his hips a bit, the shorts doing very poorly to cover everything, but they were doing their job at keeping his junk from popping out. Oh, he lived for this. He didn't see it as disrespecting them, just as him having a little fun that would end with one of his grandmothers crying because he was, indeed, their grandchild. What a failure he was.
Slapping a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing, he silently watched his Dom act like a huge brat. He watched Anne and Ida out the corner of his eye for their reaction. His future mother in law was turning a nice shade of red. God, this was great.
Unable to keep quiet, Louis wiped at his face, feeling flicks of food hitting it. Yuck! He scooped potatoes up with his spoon then launched it at Ida. She wanted to share her food, he could too. Glancing at the kids' table, none were looking their way, busily chattering about something passionate as the storyteller was flailing wildly.
"Oh my fucking god." Louis brought his phone up to take a picture of his Dom in what he hoped were his sister's clothes. His blue eyes kept travelling to Harry's crotch, the thin material leaving nothing to the imagination. Anne gave a loud shriek and shook head, "Go back upstairs and change into your clothes! There are children present, Harry Edward!"
Handing the clothes to Louis, Harry plopped down in his seat and resumed eating, gravy dripping down his chin. "No. You just made me change," swiping the mess away, Harry wiped the back of his hand on the napkin he was provided and took a sip of the sugary, carbonated soda that burned his nostrils and tickled his throat. "I am completely covered up. All that is showing are my legs, arms and shoulders." Refraining from make a comment about her being one of those principals who sends a girl home because her shirt shows her shoulders, Harry shoved a carrot stick in his mouth and began to chew unintentionally loud.
Grabbing Louis' hand when Ida began to squeal as warm potatoes stuck to her once half a million dollars face, he growled low in his throat. "Apologize. Now. You do not get to be rude and flick your food at her, even if she has been rude and has improper table manners," he said in a low voice so only Louis could hear, chaos breaking out around them at how crude Harry was being, and how childish Louis was. Whelp, so much for this being a simple family get together. As if those have ever existed.
Anne glared at her son, "Not into something of your sister's, even if she hasn't worn it since she lived here." When Harry refused to go back up and change again, Anne scoffed and sat down. Stabbing a piece of turkey, she put the fork to her mouth then chased it with a drink of wine.
Narrowed eyes at Anne and Ida, Louis almost wanted to laugh at Harry. Him? Apologize? He turned to look at his Dom then at Ida. "Sorry," Louis mumbled. He got up to go change his clothes, shooting the two women dirty looks. Locking himself in the bathroom, Louis pulled out the cigarette he'd been hiding away. Opening the windows, he lit it then blew smoke out. God, he would be in trouble if Harry smelt this on him. After a few more drags, he tossed the smoke out then put on the warmer and dry clothes. Obviously they were Harry's as the shirt sleeves hid his arms and the pants being tied as tight as he could without squishing the tiny bump.
Hurrying back to the table, he slid in next to Harry and sat there. His appetite was gone.
Finishing his plate of food while Louis was in the bathroom, Harry pushed it away then leaned forward to rest his elbows on the table. "Think of me as you will, but none of you are to speak or act around Louis as you have been. I know of my behavior, but that does not change the fact that he is my sub. Anymore comments, or glares, or even food spit on him, and I will cut you all out without a second thought. Understood?"
Nobody had time to respond, because Louis was setting down just as Harry's words had a chance to sink in. Swallowing thickly, and missing the heavy stench of cigarette smoke because the food overpowered it, Harry drained his cup and refilled it with some wine Flora offered him from the box in her bag that was tucked safely under the table. It was cheap, and bitter, but it'd do the job.
He noticed how his clothes drowned Louis, but felt it was better to have extra clothing than too little. He'd need to change before he left, but without letting his mother know she'd won. Ah, his clothes in the trunk.
The catnap at the park did nothing for him. He yawned widely, showing white teeth then rubbed at his eyes. Looking at Harry, he decided to scoot closer and lean head on his shoulder. Right before he shut his eyes, he was pretty sure Anne had shot him a dirty look and Ida was still fussing over getting the potatoes off her face. He should have felt bad for nailing an old lady with food, but she was an annoying little thing.
Opening eyes again, he gave a sigh and sat up straight to refill his cup with more soda, hoping the caffeine would kick in soon enough. "Are we leaving soon?" Louis whispered in Harry's ear as his slim fingers went to loop his. He felt rude for asking, but felt like he'd had enough of this family for a year.
Not responding, Harry chose to sit through the rest of dinner. His foot was bouncing under the table, heel splashing every time it came down on the puddle of water nobody had mopped up. He kept on glancing around at all of the faces, curiously watching as their expressions changed along with the topics they were discussing. Irritation, happiness, sadness, embarrassment. Nobody paid attention to him any more, and he was thankful for that. His family was a piece of work, and while he loved them, he could only take small doses. It's been that way since he was only a child, hints as to why the other council members had practically raised him. He found joy in things his family never thought twice about, and enjoyed the much simpler things in life.
When it was announced that dessert would be served, Harry excused himself from the table and followed his mum into the kitchen with both his and Louis' dishes. "I think we're going to leave now. It's already four thirty, and the drive is almost three hours long." He said as he set the dishes on the counter, eyes drifting to the glass doors so he didn't have to look at his mum. "It'll be getting dark soon, anyway. And Louis' driving. He can't drive worth shit in the daylight. God knows if we'll make it home tonight on one piece,"
Setting her armful of dishes next to Harry's to be dealt with later, Anne spun to open the fridge to hide herself as her son spoke. She hadn't expected him to stay this long, but still, with a pain in her heart only a mother could ever understand when faced with telling their child goodbye, she found herself turning to face him with two containers of whip cream in her hands. "Stay? Just for dessert. I promise we will behave," a hopefulness filled her voice, but was squashed in an instant when decided green eyes flickered to meet hers before they moved away again.
"I really shouldn't. I have an early shift tomorrow," a lame excuse only Harry could ever come up with, he scratched the back of his neck and winced as his ring caught a little curl at the nap of his neck. He didn't enjoy making his mother appear as if she had just been told her favorite Gilmore girls character had passed, but he couldn't stay. Today has been long enough. No sense in dragging it out when the end will always be the same.
"I understand," sighing, noise tinted with a small twinge of hurt and disappointment, she fished in the fridge for a chocolate pie and another container of whipped cream. "Take one, please? Me and Gemma spent all day yesterday making the crusts from scratch."
A panicked look came over Louis' face when Harry got up and walked away. Gulping, he turned to stare at Ida who was staring back with a look of venom. Thankfully, Flora caught the look. "Ida, who are you kidding with that? Leave Louis alone. I actually like him!" Ida mumbled something, Louis only catching the name Shirley. A familiar name he's heard several times from Harry's mouth, who was this mysterious person? Opening mouth to say something, Gemma's husband caught his eye and shook his head. "Not our story to tell, ask Harry."
Ok fine. Louis rose from the table for the last time to head to the bathroom. It still reeked slightly of cigarette smoke, but someone tried covering it with an apple cinnamon room spray. Gagging, Louis did his business then rushed out. That scent was high up on his list of smells he hated, he could tolerate the smell of shit and body odor over it.
Looking down at his phone, he headed for the kitchen, catching some of Harry and Anne's conversation. Standing still, he tried to eavesdrop without looking like he was. When he heard someone approaching, he gave a small shriek and side stepped to pretend he was admiring the pictures on the table.
Harry eyed the pie and whipped cream offered to him, but didn't move to accept them. "Things have been said and done today, mum, that I don't think I'll ever forget. Regardless, I do want you to respect my decision to keep mine and Louis' relationship and private life separate and to ourselves. I make my own decisions, as does Louis, and he knows of the reasons I do not like his little space. You guys should have thought before speaking,"
He stepped forward a few tiny steps and took the things offered to him, only to set them on the counter and pull Anne into a hug. He had to bend down, nose buried in her lilac scented hair. Warmth and familiarity swamped him with emotions he didn't know still existed as her arms tightened around him, almost as if acting like the glue holding him together after this long day, the hug only lasting until he could fix himself later. "I love you, and I promise I am not leaving because of you. We'll be back for Christmas." He kissed the top of her head and inhaled her scent one last time, planning on slowly exhaling it as he drove home so he could have that reminder of her on what he was assuming was going to be one scary ass car ride.
A bit nervous because he'd never driven Harry's car, Louis was trying not to freak out when Flora came cruising up, slapping the sub on the behind. "Whatcha doing, kid? Waiting for Harry?" Obviously, Louis thought as he gave Harry's auntie a smile. Flora took it upon herself to march into the kitchen, sighing loudly at Anne and Harry's Hallmark moment.
"You'll see each other again, you act like one of you are going to the electric chair." Flora poked her nephew with a long and purple painted fingernail. "Your handsome boy is waiting for his handsome Dom to come out. Don't keep him waiting, Dimples." Flora pulled Harry into a hug, the woman had a permanent scent to her and a slight slur. "You're such a good boy. I love you, Harry." Flora leaned up to kiss his cheek then gave him a hard push to the door.
Stumbling, Harry turned back around to grab his pie and whipped cream, playfully scowling at his Aunt. "I expect to see you at Christmas." He said, wiping off his cheek smeared with whatever colored lipstick Flora was wearing, if it was even lipstick, before he bid everyone a goodbye and walked out the door with Louis. "Don't even eye the whipped cream, Tomlinson. It isn't happening," damn, it was cold outside. Wrapping his arm across his torso, Harry rubbed his other hand up and down his arm as he ran out to his car barefoot, his shoes and clothes still inside.
"Prude," Louis stuck his tongue out at Harry then opened the driver's side door to turn the key and get the heat on, his Dom had to be freezing. Using a hand to yank his pants back up, he re-tied the drawstring and gave a sigh, "Your clothes are comfortable, but huge, I might steal more.." Louis smirked, putting an arm up to roll the sleeves to his elbows then got into the driver's seat. Setting his phone in the cup holder again, he chewed on his lower lip as he stared at the steering wheel then looked at Harry. "If I drive home with you wearing just that, I am not responsible for my actions.." Like a random pulling over. With Harry sitting down next to him, Louis could really see everything.
Shifting the car into reverse, he carefully backed out of the driveway and they were off, heading back home to London. Louis kept blue eyes steady on the road, completely ignoring Harry for the time being. He tapped fingers on the wheel to a tune he'd heard, singing along softly as he stopped for a red light and took the time to stretch. "So, your family . . they're. . not worse than my family, but," Louis brought a shoulder up in a shrug. He couldn't explain the family he had just seen. An alcoholic auntie, bitchy nana, bipolar mother, and that old man who had sat in the corner and slept the entire time?
"Best part was the food fight, well mini food fight that you stopped. Can't believe it." Louis waved at someone who waved first. People were friendly in Birmingham.
Palming at his face, Harry sighed and leaned back in his seat, head tilted so the top was digging into the headrest and his Adam's apple was protruding against his pale skin. "My family is a group of dysfunctional people who are assholes and are loud. But when they love you, they love you fully. They will protect you, no matter what you have done, and will never turn against you. They seem like bad people, but they just like to nitpick and throw their two cents worth into every conversation, and yes, they get involved in fights that have nothing to do with them. But they're good," he gave a meek shrug and waved off towards the dark sky, like that would explain all he couldn't, that the gesture would bring to life the words that danced in his head but refused to come out of his mouth.
Neck cramping, he moved it so it was just resting on the headrest. He lulled it to the side so he was staring out the window, reflection visible if he forced his eyes to look past the raindrops and dark background. He loved rainy days. It was soothing, sitting there listening to as it pelted against the ground. His favorite, though, was when it hit an old tin roof. And the smell.... he just loved rain.
Sitting upright, Louis' knuckles were white as he clenched the wheel. He was still nervous about driving the car, taking the turns very carefully and trying not to speed. When his phone rang, he jumped, refusing to take eyes off the road or hands off the wheel. "Well damn. I don't know what to say, they're in your face. Probably make a good sitcom." He looked over his shoulder to make sure the lane was empty then switched to the next one and flicked the turn signal on. "I know a shortcut home."
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