meeting friends isnt that hard....
Ive known my friends for like 2-3 years now and im going to tell you the story of how we met.(including my boyfriend)
**3 years previous ,my first year at shadet high**
The bell rang as Jake and i took our first few steps into our new school. I could tell he was freaking out but he wouldn't want to show his little sister that there was anything to be scared of. We had our own dorms and this was where we'd spend most of our times between lessons - yes i know its unusual for a high school to have dorms but some kids preffered to sleep at school than go home... it gives them more time to revise and the school thinks its a good way to prepare us for uni. I had a free period first so i decided to go check out my new dorm - as i walked through the halls i could hear whispers around me and then one boy (about 1 or 2 years older than me) shouted over.
"Hey there, yes you new girl-are you lost? I can help you if you'd like." I just ignored him and carried on walking - i soon learned that the boy was called Robert Marcel, he was known as the bad boy of the school and he was the main guy who bullied my soon to be boyfriend.
**5 minutes later**
I had arived at my dorm which was number 125 and luckly enough my brother was only down 2 doors at room 127. With the keys i had been given at pupil reception, i unlocked my dorm door and the sight i saw ... oh wow i could have died. The room was spick and span with not a sprinkle of dust anywhere -RESULT. There were 2 beds on either sides of the room, tv and sofa in the centre and at the far end a kitchen and bathroom right next door to each other.
"Hello? anyone here?" I heard rustling comingfrom the kitchen and a boys head poped around the door.
" so sorry you must be the new girl - lily right?" He asked.
"Yeah and you are?"
"Jacob - Jacob Reed." He was gorgeous ... with his beautiful brown eyes.
"Oh where are my manners, would you like a drink? Food?" He asked.
"Oh no im fine thanks - what time is second period?"
"In about 35 minutes. Do you want me to show you around the place?" At first i didn't realise but as soon as he came into full view he had no shirt on!!!
"Ermmmm..." i stumbled for words
" yeah sure." I could not stop staring....
Snap in to reality Lily seriously!
Jacob had put on a shirt ( sad face😟) and did the whole tour of the building - it felt like a decade had passed when we arrived back at out dorm but just in time aswell the bell had rang for next period.
"See ya later, lunch?" I blushed an nodded whilst running onto my next lesson - dance. On my way i accidently knocked into a group of girls sending one of them flying. This was Tiffany Shaldors group ... huge mistake!!
"Oy watch where your going!" She yelled while shoving my sholder.
**dance lesson #disaster**
I rushed in 10 minutes late.
"Sorry i got lost!" I said to the teacher.
"New girl - ah okay Lily please get changed into you dance outfit and be seated."
"Okay thanks." I said suoer embarrased.
"Everyone .... dance groups and practise." I had no group to learn in until the teacher directed me to a group - OH NO NOT TIFFANYS😢
"UGGH, look who it is girls! New girl who can barely walk in a staright line" they all giggled.
Come on lily dont start - your stronger than this!!
In the dance Tiffany had her girls lift me up - at first it was okay until the dropped me. I heard a crack in my ankle and burst into tears. The teacher ran across with some other girls
-Grace Lito(twin:Rosie)
-Rosie Lito (twin:Grace)
-Amber Field
-Jenny Stali
I wasn't able to stand so they all carried me back to my dorm where Jacob was still at and i asked if Grace could go fetch my brother.
When he arrived i a fist aider was already tending to my ankle and said it not broken but fractured. I had to stay out of dance for 5 weeks and not walk to anywhere - the work from all my lessons woyld have to be brought to me! Jacob offered to stay and Jake hugged me as he had to fush off to soccer practise.
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