Witnessing The Truth
-Scrap Baby's Pov-
I woke up, yawning as I looked around.
I had fallen asleep on Happy Frog, and it still looked like it was dark out.
Which...kinda scared me.
I quickly took out my phone from my back pocket and checked the time.
Ok...that's good..
I quickly shook Happy Frog's shoulder slightly, being gentle.
She didn't wake up at all.
Oh yeah. She's a heavy sleeper. That's the only bad thing about her. Welp..guess there's only one thing left that I could do now...
I unlocked my phone and went onto YouTube. I searched up a song and put up the volume full blast.
I put my phone right next to Happy Frog then pressed play.
Heh. That woke her up.
-Happy Frog's Pov-
I jumped off the couch to hear a loud noise coming from right by me.
I shook my head and looked around, still a bit sleepy. I wasn't focused to anything around me yet. That was, until I heard Baby laughing her ass off.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty!" She said, giggling as she held her sides.
I rolled my eyes slightly but smiled and sat up, brining a knee to my chest. "Morning..." I said.
I really wish I wasn't a heavy sleeper. Then this wouldn't happen. Every time. I should be used to it by now.
Baby helped me up and I yawned, stretching slightly.
"Last day of college...but I don't get why they're making us do it more at home instead of like..being there...that's a bit weird, don't ya think? Just going to a building for a few hours..." SB said, looking down as she went to her room.
I had to agree. It was pretty weird. And a bit strange.
I walked over to my bad which was by the front door and grabbed it.
I then walked to the bathroom, closing the door and locking it, even though it was just me and Baby up right now.
I just like privacy, ok?
I opened my bag and took out my clothes, yawning again.
Man, I'm really tired...
I quickly changed out of my pajamas and had my outfit on in no time.
And nothing fancy, just a button down shirt with some pants.
Eh, I'm so nervous right now...
I can't believe we've made it this far...
~Tineskip to after they left the building~
-Lefty's Pov-
I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I yawned a bit and reached my arm over, pressing the button to make it shut up.
I quickly got out of bed and stretched a bit, my ears twitching.
I then walked over to my closet and opened the doors, trying to figure out what to wear. But I obviously already knew.
A hoodie and some jeans. Like usual.
I grabbed a red hoodie from a hanger then found some jeans that looked pretty decent.
I was a bit slow with changing, as I was slowly waking up. It does take a while.
I shook my head to try to help, and that sort of did. I looked around, then at the clock and sighed.
I put my pajamas in the basket by the closet then walked back over to my bed.
Oh, that's right. I forgot about the notes. Damnit!!
I don't even get how I did.. although I'm one to forget very easily...
I sighed.
I'm really stupid. As I should've felt it when I was sleeping.
I guess I was just exhausted from everything...
I shook my head and closed my books, putting them in my backpack and zipping it up.
Oh well. They were going to tell at me again. But it doesn't matter.
I put my backpack over my back and walked out of my room, closing the door and going down the stairs.
I looked around to find that SB and Happy Frog were gone.
I guess you really do have to leave early for college around here...
I didn't bother grabbing anything to eat, although my stomach growled slightly.
I shrugged it off and grabbed my key off the counter.
I walked to the front door and unlocked it, opening it then stepping outside, breathing in the air.
My ears flicked slightly and I closed the door, locking it behind me then started walking.
It was pretty fogy...which was kind of bad.
I always walk to school on the sidewalk, and even though it's just fog, you never know what could happen. Because just about anything can change all one moment.
I looked down as I walked, humming to myself.
I was honestly hoping that they would just kick me out of school.
They say I always come in late, I don't turn in my homework in time, and that I don't do my work and instead, I play around.
Well, excuse me. I work my tail off to do everything and you say I do nothing?
I sometimes wanna tell them something so bad, but I know that'd get me into deep trouble.
So I always keep my mouth shut. No matter what.
Even when I'm bullied.
-Molten Freddy's Pov-
I was walking along the sidewalk, whistling when I saw a figure up ahead. I leaned in closer and noticed that it was wearing a red hoodie.
I'm guessing that was Lefty, because he's the only one that I know that wears hoodies.
I quickly jog up to him, smiling.
"Good morning, Lefty!" I say, cheerful as ever.
"....." He looked away, obviously not pleased.
Still don't wanna talk, eh?
At least I'm trying.
"Morning..." He says back.
I tilted my head a bit at him.
Something about him seemed...off. I mean, I know that something is already, but this was new...
I decided to shrug it off and I looked around, putting my hands in my pockets as we finally reached the school grounds.
-Lefty's Pov-
I heard something coming up to me, and I got a little nervous.
But before I could react or have time to, all I heard was this:
"Good morning, Lefty!"
Oh boy.
"....." I turned my head away from him, as if telling him to leave me alone.
But he still didn't take the hint.
I sighed and looked down.
"Morning..." I finally reply.
I don't get why this guy event talks to me. There is nothing interesting about me. Nothing at all.
I looked back up to see him shrug to himself about something and we finally reached school.
I decided to take this advantage and walk a little faster, but I knew that Molten was watching me.
So, I decided not to.
But here's the thing. Every morning my bullies wait for me by my locker...and if I don't meet them at a specific time, they'll do more than just beat me up.
Which absolutely terrified me.
What can get worst than someone beating you up? I don't honestly know.
I sighed yet again and continued to look down, pulling my hoodie more over my head.
I guess Molten was a bit worried or something, because I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I picked my head back up and looked at him.
"Is something wrong, Lefty?"
"You sure?..."
"You will go straight to class, right?"
"Mhmm.." I nod.
He was honestly getting annoying. Why does he ask so many damn questions.
"Alright then.." He says as he walks away, going wherever he must go in the morning.
I took a deep breath then went inside the school building, looking around.
Sure enough, they were by my locker. Like usual.
I walked over as if nothing happened, but they were t obviously happy with me.
"Why the hell are you so late?!"
I flinched slightly, my ears going down a bit.
I can't show any weakness now.
No, not ever. People can take advantage of you like that.
"Umm...no reason.." I shrugged.
"I don't believe you, dumbass..tell me the truth.."
"It's nothing, Freddy.." I say, looking away. Nevermind about Molten, Rockstar Freddy is what was getting annoying.
I decided to walk away, but I guess that wasn't the best of ideas.
Because I suddenly felt a tug on the collar of my jacket from behind.
Freddy pulled me back like that, which means that I was chocking now. That honestly didn't matter to me. I didn't react whatsoever.
"Hey!! Answer me, you pathetic bear!!" He said, letting go of my jacket and throwing me to the ground.
I heard Chica and Bonnie giggle.
Oh yeah. They were having the time of their lives with this.
I didn't move, nor did I talk. But I did use both of my arms to lean myself up, my vision a little blurry.
I think I hit my head too hard on the floor...
"Well?!" Freddy said.
I shook my head a bit, still not answering.
Freddy kicked me in my side, and boy did that hurt.
This went on for about ten minutes, before the bell rang.
"Aww..recess is already over?" Chica asked, acting sad.
"Hmm..we can continue this later..when he isn't such a motherfucking crybaby..come on guys" Freddy said, and they all walked away to class.
I sighed shakily in relief and tried to get my breathing back.
He had pretty strong kick, I'll give him that. And so did his words.
I honestly wanted to cry. This is what I have to go through with every day. And I was tired of it. I can't handle it.
This is why I cut.
This is why I feel nothing.
This is why I want to die.
I slowly stood up, stumbling a bit and almost fell back down.
I felt hurt.
It hurt.
Everything hurt.
My head...my stomach...my heart...
I quickly gathered my belongings off the floor and sighed, going to my first class.
But I didn't make it, because I bumped into something.
I slowly looked up, realizing that it was Molten.
I then realized...he now knows.
He knows that I lied.
He knows that I'm being bullied....
Oh no...
This is why...I'm afraid he's gonna get mad at me...
But how long was he standing right there?
Was he a bystander?
I lowered my ears and almost whined a bit.
I was terrified...and I was finally showing it.
-Molten Freddy's Pov-
I can't believe what I just saw happen.
How can Lefty be so ok with everything, especially if this is how or what he goes through everyday?
I mean, no, let me rephrase that.
How does he not...show any emotions?...
He must be one tough kid...
But my thoughts quickly changed from that once the three of his bullies left.
He looked so sad...his expression..his everything...
Is this...what he really looks like when he's not trying to put on such a big act? Wow...if only he would actually let me help him with this....
And I know it's not good to be a bystander, but I have my reasons. So don't blame me.
I noticed that as he got up, he stumbled slightly.
I wanted to run up and help him, ask him if he was ok or not.
I wanted to ask him if he needed to go to the nurse, because from what I saw, that didn't look like it would've not hurt.
It looked so painful...
I wish that I was the one who got that instead of him.
He's too innocent and too young of a child to be going through that type of stuff.
But this is life...and we live it...
What had the world become these days..
No one cares anymore..
I kept watching him, not wanting to look away.
He grabbed his stuff and started to walk, looking down as he did.
I guess he was still a bit dizzy, because he was swaying slightly and looked like he was going to faint or something at any moment.
I really felt so bad for him...
I just wanted to hug him...
And comfort him...
But all I can do right now is possibly bring him to the nurse. She could help.
I shook my head from the thought as he bumped into me.
He slowly looked up at me and his expression turned worried.
I was a bit confused.
His ears went down and I heard a noise come from him.
Did he just...whine?
Was he...scared or something?
What of?
Oh, now I really want to help him badly....
"Come on, Lefty..." I say, picking his up bridal style carefully. "We're going to the nurse...and then after that, we're going to the principal. And we're going to explain the little story that just happened. Every little detail."
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