-Lefty's Pov-
Molten didn't even talk while he was leading me to wherever we were going.
To be honest, I was a bit scared. I mean, I barely know the guy. And yet, here we are, him leading me to God knows where.
Another reason I'm scared is because...I don't know what's going to happen. I mean, I know he's a nice guy and all, but he looks like a bully himself.
If he's leading me somewhere to hurt me...I won't be able to call for help.
But...I don't think that matters. Nothing does anymore. Nothing at all.
So, if he were to hurt me, I wouldn't care. If he were to punch me, I wouldn't care. If he were to throw me down and kick me, insulting me on how I'm a mistake...
I wouldn't care.
I guess I should stop overthinking, because I realized that we were in what looked like a garden.
It was very pretty with all the trees that held different designs, looking as if each held it's own story, just waiting to be discovered and read.
The flowers, blooming and bright, showing a sign of good things all around.
Even the water. It sounded so calming, it's as if it could drown all your worries away.
As if I could melt away all the sorrow...and all the pain away...
But, guess what.
I still don't care.
You though that I actually felt happy for a moment, didn't you?
Listen, just because I talk "positive" about stuff like this, doesn't mean anything. I can lie. And you will never know when I do.
The taller bear stopped and sat me down on a root of a tree, I'm guessing that he wanted to ask me something.
I looked around, taking in the scenery. Hmm...I wonder...
Turns out, I was right.
The second I heard those words come out of his mouth, I wanted to leave.
I can already tell.
Great. He wants to know the truth. Again.
Why can't he just accept the fact that I don't want to tell him? Why doesn't he understand that nothing will make any sense? Doesn't he see that he won't even know what to do because this is something that I can't explain?
And then going to the fact about him being nice.
Uh, excuse me. Nice? Since when were you nice?
You were staring at me, walked up to our table, acted like everything was cool, kind of formed a friendship with SB, got our numbers, and dragged me to the two places that I DIDN'T want to go to!!
I could go on, but I'm not going to.
Hmm..yeah, right. You've been nice this whole time. And let me guess.
I'm the bad guy.
I always am to someone.
And I bet to you I am...
It may seem like I'm complaining. But I'm not.
I know, I'm not exactly friendly or caring to anyone, but there's a reason.
And I don't want to get soft!!
I learned that warming up to people is how they can learn everything about you, just to turn against you the next day.
To break you.
To say it was a lie.
To say that they didn't love you at all.
I guess Molten meant business, because he folded his arms and gave me a look.
"I...." My ears twitched as I finally found my voice.
He just looked at me, tilting his head as if to tell me to go on.
I sighed slightly, looking to the side and messing with the little strings on my hoodie nervously.
"I...I...don't know...."
Oh great, I'm about to go soft.
I need to shut up!
Don't tell him!
"It's hurting me...I can't deal with just hurts me...and makes me feel like I'm worth I don't deserve to live..although I honestly do..."
SHUT UP!!!!!!
"I...just want someone to love mother I'm all alone..."
"I'm sorry....I'm so sorry...."
Tears started streaming down my face as I put my head down.
But I couldn't hold it in anymore.
I started crying like there was no tommorow.
I felt like I couldn't stop.
And this made me feel a bit embarrassed, because I was showing that I'm weak...
I shook my head, ears going down as far as they could.
This was really getting to me.
I just wanted to tell him everything now. All so that he could understand.
To understand why I'm so weak.
To understand why I'm a loner.
To understand that I want to be alone. understand that I
I heard the grass rustle and didn't bother to pick my head up, but I'm guessing that he walked away.
Of course he would.
Everyone does.
Which is why I stopped crying so long ago.
Because the last time I ever one was there...and I felt like no one cared...
But I was wrong.
I felt a hand on my cheek and my head was lifted up.
I was still crying, sniffling a bit.
I noticed Molten had a soft look on his face, almost as if guilty...
He used his thumb and gently wiped my tears away, rubbing my cheek softly.
I was a bit confused, but blushed slightly.
And I'm pretty sure that he could see. I...don't care...
But his touch made me feel safe...
Wait, what?
I kept sniffling a bit, until I was fully calm. It took a while, though.
I took a few deep breaths in and out. In and out. In and out.
My ears stayed down a bit, but raised up slightly.
The thing that surprised me, though...
Molten pulled me in a hug...
-Molten Freddy's Pov-
I continued to look at him, but he finally looked to the side.
I really need to learn to not seem like a weirdo...
I awaited his response, and perfect timing. I heard his voice. But...he
I looked at him with curiousity, my head tilting a bit.
"I...I...don't know...." At this moment, he started playing with his hoodie. I could've guessed that he was either shy, nervous, or embarrassed.
But I don't want to jump to conclusions.
He was finally telling me what is wrong.
And I don't want to mess it up.
Now that line right there caught me off guard.
What? What hurts? What's wrong?
"It's hurting me...I can't deal with just hurts me...and makes me feel like I'm worth I don't deserve to live.. although I honestly do..."
Oh wow...he was really telling me...
This is something that I could hopefully help out with...
And I will.
"I...just want someone to love mother left...and now I'm all alone..."
Oh God...his mother left?...What does he mean by that?...
And...he wants someone to love him? If he wants that...I'm going to give it to him. And he's not alone...
"I'm sorry....I'm so sorry...."
What is he sorry for?
Everything he just said...
My ears jolted up when I heard a whimper. Was he crying?!
I quickly went over to him and put my hand on his cheek, wiping the tears away from his eyes.
Lefty is too precious to be crying...
I felt really bad for him...
I guess he noticed the look on my face.
And I noticed the look on his. He was blushing.
But...everything...I feel so proud of him for telling me...for trusting me...
I gently pulled Lefty in a hug, nuzzling the top of his head and rubbing his back slightly.
Now I wasn't going to leave him.
I'm going to protect him with my life. I swear, no matter what happens.
He slowly hugged me back, him wrapping his arms around me.
At least he had stopped crying. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I meant in a good way. I don't like seeing him sad.
I smiled slightly and continued the hug, my tail wagging a bit as my ears flicked.
"Lefty...thank you..I know you didn't want to tell me. Yet you did. I'm glad that you can finally trust me. Because I really want to help you with this, no matter what, ok? I promise that I'll always be here for you. And I'm glad that you let it all out...keeping it in is what makes it worse. And I can tell that you've been keeping it in for quite some time. But I'm just glad that you're ok..."
"I...did want to tell you..but I feel like I would've been a bother...I don't like bothering people, especially with stuff like this. Which is why I keep everything to myself. And..which explains why I'm a loner and don't talk to anyone that much. But...I feel like letting it out was the best thing to do..."
I smiled even more from this. He finally told the truth.
He was finally least, I hope.
And if he isn't, I'll try all again. I'll keep trying till I gain his trust once more and he's ok with me.
I'll keep trying until he feels like he's safe when I'm around.
I'll keep trying just so he knows that I really do care about him...and so does everyone else.
I rocked side to side with him slowly, humming slightly.
Lefty's just so cute...
I don't ever want to let him go.
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