Difficult One
-Molten Freddy's Pov-
After we left the nurse's office, I was sure to stick by Lefty's side. I for sure don't want him to ever be alone in school again.
No telling what could happen.
Especially since I know that bullies don't stop even though they've been warned once.
Don't ask how I know that.
I wrapped my arm gently around Lefty's shoulder, pulling him closer to me a bit.
He tried to budge, but I wouldn't let him. We had to go see the principal now.
And we had to explain everything that happened.
I actually wonder how long Lefty had been bullied. But I'm guessing that it must've been all the years that he's been here.
It really shows off of him. He even expresses it himself.
I really feel bad for the poor kid.
But now, I was going to protect him with my life.
No matter what.
-Lefty's Pov-
I sighed, looking down as we walked.
I don't get it. Why is he even helping me? No one does.
So...why...is he? Why...does he even want to?
I have so many questions running through my head right now, but I didn't want the answers.
Some things are better not known, eh?
I guess I zoned out for a bit, because I felt him wrap an arm around me, pulling me close to him.
I don't know why, but this caused my face to warm up a bit.
Why was THAT my reaction?
I swear...I honestly don't even know. I'm just not going to question things anymore.
My eyes looked up at the door that read the principal's name on it, and I froze.
Ah, yes.
Molten was forcing me to go.
Right then and there, I started.
I tried to walk away, but he pulled me back.
I tried to walk away again, he tugged me back once more.
A third time, the same thing happened.
I groaned in annoyance.
We kept doing this for a while, seeming that we both had the same strength and neither of us were giving up.
He kept pulling my hand while I was trying to walk away, my ears down.
But this was going nowhere.
I sighed yet again and whimpered slightly. Why doesn't he understand? I don't want to go!
But I'm guessing that he heard me, because the tugging eventually turned into him holding my hand.
I didn't dare move, knowing that this could be a trick.
Ya know, were they act like they won't do anything, then you relax and then they take the chance and make it.
Well, I wasn't letting my guard down.
But, to my surprise, he walked away, still holding my hand, which means that I was going with him to God knows where.
I was a bit confused and tilted my head slightly.
We were walking somewheres that I didn't know of. It didn't even look like part of the school grounds. Wait...WERE WE SKIPPING SCHOOL?!?
Oh no...
But...it's not like we're, well, I, am going to miss anything.
I never pay attention, I doodle in class, and I've failed so many tests already...
But I do take it seriously because I have to.
Studying is what-
I started panicking, trying to tug away from Molten and go back the way that we can from.
But he didn't seem like he was going to let go at all.
I was getting a little annoyed, mostly because I'm FED UP with EVERYTHING!
I can't deal with this!
I shook my head and looked down.
I'm tired.
No more.
Can't I have just one GOOD day in my life?...
Is that too hard to ask for? Or am I really cursed as everyone says that I am?...
-Molten Freddy's Pov-
Lefty kept trying to get away, I don't even know how many times. But I didn't let go.
I was going to figure all of this out.
And first, I am going to ask nicely.
If things don't go so well...I won't be nice anymore.
Look, I'm trying to figure this out ok? And I know that this may cause more pressure to him, but again, I'm going to ask nicely.
And I'm going to be as gentle with him as possible.
I don't want him to snap on me and get even more upset than he already is.
I know that would cause him to shut down even more and block out anything that he should be focusing on.
We had walked a good mile or so away from school, but shockingly, this was part of the school grounds.
Even so far away.
But no one knows of it except me.
How did I find it?
Well, a few years ago, I was a troublemaker here. Which explains why all the teachers and staff know me pretty well, heh. But I'm well behaved now.
Anyways, I decided to skip school since I thought it would be fun, kinda cool.
My friends were doing it, and I didn't want to feel left out.
They even said that they would let me be a part of their group if I skipped with them!
So, of course I did it.
I quickly learned that it was a mistake.
And...they weren't so nice. They had tricked me, yes, but they had also done something else to me.
The knife...
The scar...
But...I don't want to say...
I'm going to be honest about one thing, the scenery was so beautiful.
It looked like a closed in forest, with trees all around, vines and leaves hanging from the twisted designs of the trees and letting the right amount of sunlight in different places.
There were groups of flowers growing all around, making a colorful pop to some things here and there.
Some were even in the vines, which made everything seem more alive.
But the one thing that stood out...
The cherry blossom tree.
This was kind of like a hidden garden, in the middle was where the secret was.
And this tree was the secret.
This is where I would come to hang out and let all my worries away.
I would come to read a book some times, sitting against one of the big roots near the sparkling, clear water that made the most soothing of sounds, it could put you right to sleep.
I think I've grown too attached to this place.
I shook my head and noticed that Lefty had slowed down the pace.
I took a deep breath in, enjoying the beauty around me and the noises of the nature all around us.
I led him up to the big tree and sat him down on one of the roots.
Lefty, being confused enough, only looked around then back at me.
I stood in front of him, folding my arms and giving a serious look.
It's now or never.
"Ok Lefty...you're going to explain some things to me. And I'm going to ask you as nicely as possible. But if you don't wanna answer, then we can do this the hard way. It's your choice."
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