-Lefty's Pov-
I don't know how...or why...but somehow Molten ended up sitting with us.
And guess where he decided to sit.
Right next to ME.
Like, you could've sat somewhere nearby or by Baby, but no, you had to sit by me.
I appreciate it.
-Scrap Baby's Pov-
Molten asked me if he could sit and talk with us and I said yes.
I'm guessing Lefty wasn't paying attention, because when he noticed Molten sitting next to him, his expression changed.
Very quickly.
I can tell that he doesn't like him...
So now I know that he was lying.
Good job, Lefty.
But why do you hate him?
I'm going to figure it out when we get back home...
I sighed and continued to drink my drink, looking down every so often.
-Molten Freddy's Pov-
I can tell that Lefty really doesn't like me.
Again, I still can't blame him.
But it just got so makes things awkward.
I mean, who hasn't been in that position?
I honestly don't know what to say or do anymore.
So, I just decided to speak up.
"So...Lefty..what school you go to?" I asked, turning to him.
SB looked up, and Lefty looked to the side.
"Umm...Westheaven High.." He said, almost sounding a little nervous.
"Westheaven High? Hey, I go there too! No wonder you look so familiar to me!"
Lefty looked at me, confused.
" do I know? We never talked or passed by each other. And I for sure don't remember seeing you around at all."
I tilted my head a bit. "You may have not noticed me, but I noticed you."
Lefty went silent after that. I guess he was uncomfortable or something.
"Maybe you two could be friends!"
I turned my head to Baby.
"Yeah! Lefty doesn't have anyone to go to school with or to talk to..maybe you could be his friend!"
I'm guessing Lefty was not ok with that idea, because he quickly shot her a death glare.
That shut her up real quick.
But I nodded.
"I would love to be. Besides, I feel like I should make it up to my buddy for staring, right?" I laughed a bit, shaking my head.
Lefty rolled his eyes and folded his arms. Still wasn't a happy camper. Oh boy.
-Lefty's Pov-
Why in the name of God would Baby give such an idea?!
Molten is a creep!!
I'd NEVER forgive him!!
Even if it doesn't seem like such a big deal to you, it is one to me.
Look, I'm the one to forgive easily, believe me, but with this guy, things are going to change.
He wants to be my friend?
I don't wanna be yours.
Besides, I have better things to do with my time.
Like go to the bathroom and cu-
"How about we exchange phone numbers? So that way, we could keep in touch!"
I shook my head from my thoughts and looked at Molten.
Did he just say...
Oh no.
Nuh uh.
No way-
I looked at Baby.
Oh just great.
Why is she always so cheerful? I don't get it. How can anyone be so happy all the time?
The reason why I don't get it, is because I lost the ability to be happy a very long time ago.
But that's a story for another day.
-Scrap Baby's Pov-
I got out a piece of paper and wrote down my phone number, along with Lefty's. I handed Molten the paper, then he gave me one and smiled.
"Great!" I said, looking at Lefty.
Yep. He was annoyed.
But he was trying to cover it up.
With all honesty...this is the worse I've seen him try to cover up something.
I'm not easily tricked with this guy.
I've known him for so long...
What's gotten into the bear that I used to know?
That I used to lo-
I uh! I mean..aheh...
F-forget it...
I took my phone out of my pocket and checked the time.
"Maybe we should start heading home, Left. It's already 6:45."
Lefty nodded. "Yeah..we should. I have to study tonight, too. I have a big test tomorrow.." He sighed.
I honestly feel really bad for him.
He's going through so much...
I know the reason why he's like this.
I wish I could help with it, but he pushes me away.
After that, he just shut everyone and everything out of his life.
He wouldn't even speak for weeks after what happened.
Wouldn't even look at me.
You should've seen how hard it was to get him to come move in with me. It was one hell of a job, but I finally managed to get him off his feet and stop acting that way...
At least..for a while.
But he never tells me what happens at school, or what he does.
So that's why I took advantage of what Freddy had said.
When we get home, I'm going to text him.
From now on, for the rest of the year, I want him to watch Lefty.
It's for his own good. I just want to protect him and make sure that he's safe.
Because I can take a hint that he probably cuts himself at school during his free time.
And I hate that.
He always wears hoodies...
Which is what makes me worried to see his arms.
I just wish I could help him...
-Molten Freddy's Pov-
I got out from the booth and smiled.
"Well, I'll see you two later. Bye!" I waved at them and grabbed my book from the other table, leaving the café.
Well...I hope that tomorrow goes well.
I just don't know how to get him to trust me.
-Lefty's Pov-
I sighed in relief as he finally left. Once he walked out, I put my head down on the table.
"Finally..." I said, not caring if SB heard me or not.
I didn't like that guy.
He just gave me...weird vibes...
Which...I don't know...
I scooted out of the booth and stood up, stretching a bit.
I grabbed my coffee and went to the trash can, throwing it away.
I turned around to see SB, on her phone.
She's probably already texting Molten.
Eh, that's no surprise.
I walked outside, the bell on the door making a 'ding' sound.
After a few moments, she finally came outside.
We started walking home, silence filling in.
I guess we both didn't know what to say.
SB searched for the keys in her purse and I put my hands on my pockets, looking around.
Hmm...I sometimes wonder...
My ears twitched as I heard the door open, and I looked back to see Baby already inside.
I quickly followed, shutting and locking the door behind me.
"I'm going to my room to study." I called out.
"M'kay. And Happy Frog is coming over soon!"
I shrugged it off and walked upstairs, to my door.
I opened it and walked inside.
Finally. Time to have fun.
I closed my door and quietly walked over to my bed and sat on it, putting my hand underneath the pillow.
Once I touched the cold and metal thing, I pulled it out.
I took a deep breath then pulled up the left sleeve of my hoodie.
I then took the knife and placed it against my skin.
This somehow always takes my pain away...
Maybe I should do more?
Eleven...twelve...thirteen...fourteen... fifteen...sixteen...seventeen...eighteen...nineteen...twenty...
Maybe a little bit more?
I don't know...
I continued cutting for...I don't even know how long.
But soon my whole arm was bleeding.
But I didn't care.
I smiled at the image and looked at the knife.
My blood...
I'm going crazy...aren't I?
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