♦︎ r o l e s I ♦︎
" t h e s e e d o f f e a r p l a n t e d w i t h i n
y o u s h a l l b e y o u r u n d o i n g "
The Aquaphobic
The fear of drowning.
{ T A K E N }
➫︎ Male
➫︎ Age 11-12
➫︎ Jumpy
➫︎ Likes to laugh and joke around
➫︎ A bit of a nerd
The Hemophobic
The fear of blood.
{ T A K E N }
➫︎ Female
➫︎ Age 12-14
➫︎ Has an attitude
➫︎ Very opinionated
➫︎ Not afriad to speak up
➫︎ Can be difficult
The Entomophobic
The fear of insects.
{ T A K E N }
➫︎ Male
➫︎ Age 10-12
➫︎ Rather dorky
➫︎ An actual cinnamon roll
➫︎ A bit flighty
➫︎ A little shy at first before he opens up
The Pediophobic
The fear of dolls.
{ T A K E N }
➫︎ Male
➫︎ Age 11-13
➫︎ Puts on tough guy act
➫︎ Easily scared
➫︎ Isn't very trustworthy
➫︎ Just wants someone to understand him
The Taphophobic
The fear of being burried alive.
{ T A K E N }
➫︎ Male
➫︎ Age 13
➫︎ Kind of a pre-jock personality
➫︎ Exceedingly oblivious to things going on
➫︎ Rather cocky and know-it-all
The Bogyphobic
The fear of the bogyman.
{ T A K E N }
➫︎ Female
➫︎ Age 12-13
➫︎ Rather quiet
➫︎ Believes in almost anything she hears
➫︎ An avid nail-biter
The Pagophobic
The fear of freezing.
{ T A K E N }
➫︎ Female
➫︎ Age 13
➫︎ Very peppy and happy-go-lucky
➫︎ Can be rather annoying at times
➫︎ Always looks on the bright side
The Trypanophobic
The fear of needles.
{ T A K E N }
➫︎ Male
➫︎ Age 12-14
➫︎ Very outspoken
➫︎ Rather smart
➫︎ Great at planning
The Coulrophobic
The fear of clowns.
{ T A K E N }
➫︎ Female
➫︎ Age 11-13
➫︎ A follower
➫︎ Does her best to please everyone
➫︎ Isn't very sure of herself
➫︎ Tries to think rationally
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