Chapter Twenty Two
Alex Pov
We gathered outside, in the same spot as last time.
'We' as in a majority of the prisoners. Word got around that John and I figured out how to escape, and we did.
On top of that, we have the whole month to do so.
Oh and I have cigarettes and no fucking lighter, which drove me a little insane.
I couldn't have a cigarette, I could only fucking look at them and that, was the equivalent of fucking torture.
To me at least.
"So..Herc? How has the kite string thing been workin?" John asked.
"Good. Give me two days, tops and it should be done." Herc replied.
"Rich, what about the barber clippers?" I asked.
"Stolen and hidden under my bed."
He said. I nodded.
" are we gonna get to your guys cell without guards raisin' suspicion?" Thomas asked.
Shit man I dunno.
"Every other cell has a vent right about the top bunk. If we could pass around the barber clips and kite string we could slowly get out in pairs." John replied.
Damn he's smart.
I smiled.
He sat back down next to me while the group discussed further about the escape. Like what they would do when they get out and such.
I slowly put my hand in Johns and intertwined our fingers under the table. I saw his jaw clench and a small smile creep on his face.
"Don't let anyone see." He muttered.
"Well shit, because my plan was to scream 'Yo, everyone! I'm gay!'" I whispered to John.
He snickered, resting his other arm on the table.
"I would throw myself in front of a fucking moving car to escape prison." Jared said.
I rolled my eyes.
"Jared would throw himself in front of a moving car for fun." John muttered.
I chuckled and said,
"Tis true..but I think Thomas would much rather push him in front of said moving car." John laughed, nodding.
"If Thomas were to do that, I would gladly watch." John told me.
"Oh my god, same."
"I have a joke." John announced to me. "Ooh, I'm excited." I said.
He smiled.
"Okay, if a python comes up to your door and says 'Hello. I'm a vacuum cleaner.'
They are lying.
That's not true.
They are a python."
He said.
"John. What the hell." I deadpanned.
(A/N: Dave what the hell? Did they bust up your brains or something? As I recall, we all got our asses kicked! THEY WO- Im sorry.)
"I'm sorry. I forgot to eat breakfast."
He said. I smiled, rolling my eyes.
"John? Alex? What do you guys think?" James asked.
John and I let go of each other's hands almost spontaneously and John sputtered out,
"W-what are we talkin bout?"
And like last time I came to this stupid rag tag group of prisoners, all eyes were on John and I...
fucking yet again.
"Bout the escape..." Thomas prompted. "Yea, what about it?" John replied.
"Whatcha gonna do once you get out?" Charles further explained.
"Oh uh...probably..get an apartment or some shit and..try to erase what I did. Basically start a new life." He said.
"Alex? Whatta bout you?" James asked. "Uhh....I'll probably taking the same path as John..erasing what I did kind of thing." I said.
Yeah and also living with him is going to be a big part of my post-escape. "..Nice." Thomas said.
I put my hand in Johns again.
"We gonna live together, right?" He whispered.
"Mhm." I hummed,
A guard opened the door and shouted for us back in. John and I trailed behind the group, hand and hand, both smiling.
I was quite surprised John was willing to hold my hand in somewhat public. It wouldn't take much for one of the guys to just turn around and see.
I think it's quite the step up for him.
We walked back in and I noticed the guards at the door. John nudged me and gestured at the guard.
It was the one we threatened.
"What bout him?" I whispered.
"Not to him." John said.
One I realized what he was talking about..
"Oh my god."
Andddd I got tagged by PsychoticMango1799
(No that's not my real name, it's a nickname)
Documenting things.
Okay that sounds super weird but I have tons of journals of just documents. Like things that happened, why it's important, the date, different people, how much I hate America's current government.
What I'm doing right now
Watching The Office and wishing death amongst myself while eating hot Cheetos
Favorite Kpop Song
What continent I live on
North America
Hair and Eye colour
Light Brown/blond and grey
Do I watch anime
Post a picture of yourself
This is a portrait I did of myself lol
Im not taggin anybody.
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