Chapter Twenty Eight
Alex Pov
I slipped into the dollar store, John not too far behind me. Not many people were here but all John and I need to do, is steal some clothes, and a few belts.
And cigarettes if they have them.
I left mine at the prison.
They were obsolete anyway.
I didn't have a lighter with me to actually use the cigs, and it ain't like I'm gonna chew em.
That ain't my thing.
And I'm not going to lie, they taste pretty damn bad.
They feel good, but the taste is throw up worthy.
I felt John nudge me and discreetly pointed to a rack of clothes.
I smiled, following him over there.
"Do you see any staff members or workers or anything?" John asked.
I looked over the rack and shook my head no. He quickly took a shirt off its rack and put it on, ripping off the tag.
I pulled some jeans off a table and pulled them on. My arm fucking decided to start bleeding at that very moment.
Did I open the god damn cut?
I groaned, and grabbed my wrist.
"You good?" John asked.
"Fine." I said, shaking it off.
John tossed me a belt which I quickly put on. If any worker sees us, we're screwed, no doubt about it.
John started to put on pants while I put on a shirt.
And before I knew it, we both look like stable functioning members of our chaotic neutral society.
I saw someone walk in.
"You look good." I told John. "Likewise." He replied.
"It looks like you self harmed." He muttered, gesturing to my wrist.
I sighed, grabbing a jacket to cover my wrist, making sure the other costumer didn't see me steal.
"Better." John noted.
I nodded.
The two of us walked out, hand in hand.
We didn't really have much to do so we walked the lengths of the city, taking in all the sights.
I think we should go to a hotel for tonight." John said.
"Sounds good. How will we pay for it?" I asked.
"We could mug someone," He suggested.
I stared at him for a moment.
"You're so fuckin reckless.
That's identity theft.
We should just sneak in and steal some keys or somethin'." I said.
"Yeah. I guess that's more reasonable." He muttered.
We walked into a hotel, immediately going into the elevator.
We weren't questioned.
Thank fucking god.
We got to the fourth floor and walked around, checking for rooms that weren't locked.
"I got one!" John shouted from down the hall. I jogged over and went in with him.
He locked the door and flopped down on a bed.
"Oh my god, I forgot that normal beds are so much fucking different from prison beds." He said, sprawled out like a starfish, his eyes closed.
I snickered, pushing him to the right side of the bed and lying down next to him.
I let my head rest on his chest.
We made it out of prison.
We actually made it out of prison.
"You know what would be a good idea?" John asked quietly.
I hummed.
"Putting on the news. We might be on there." He said.
I nodded, sitting up and grabbing a remote. I turned on the TV and scrolled through tons of infomercials and shitty movies.
I finally got to Fox News and lied back down. I saw Johns mugshot next to my own on the Tv.
"Aw, they've got my mugshot!" John said.
I snickered.
"Yeah, me too."
They played a video of us climbing the fence, and might I say, it looked fucking ridiculous.
Picture two men, early twenty's climbing a fence in nothing but boxers and socks.
John and I laughed as we saw my figure trip and almost fall. I forgot that I did that.
Then it showed us standing next to the gate, talking. That's when John asked me about the keys, isn't it?
I turned off the Tv and lied my head next to John.
"You know, I'm almost twenty." I said softly.
"Huh. I'll be twenty three in about a year." He said. I smiled.
"When's your birthday?" He asked. "January eleventh." I replied.
"So in a week exactly." John stated. "Mhm." I hummed, wrapping my arm around him.
He pulled me closer to him.
"So, what do you want for your birthday?" He asked.
"A lighter and some cigs would be nice. Vape pen maybe." I said, smiling.
He rolled his eyes and muttered,
"Fuck you."
"Aw, come on. At least some cigs?"
I asked.
"Nope. That shit is awful for your lungs." He said.
"Yeah? You've smoked weed before you hypocrite." I said.
"Yeah well I learned from that shit, and I ain't letting you die because you got lung cancer from smoking. If I let you do that, I'd be on the top ten list of worst boyfriends to ever 'live.'"
He told me.
"Whatever. For my birthday, all I need is your complete unconditional love."
I said.
"Well shit Alex. You already have that." He said softly.
Well that triggered my feelings to the max.
Next thing I knew I was making out with John on a hotel bed after we had escaped prison.
So in conclusion, it was quite a nice day if I do say so myself.
So, I wrote this chapter at 12- 1 am in the morning and posted it around 2. But I was about to go back and edit it, add a few things and make it better when I saw this;
I wanted to leave it in there.
Just a little bit.
Anyway, this is why I edit my books. And I've made mistakes where it's like;
'And then he ahdndksbfj and said to John, I'm a dif.'
But I've never bothered to screenshot them and actually post any of them.
I thought this one was pretty funny, so here you go.
That's it.
Your friend,
Your best friend,
Your brother,
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