Chapter Three
John Pov
I never thought I would ever see someone lose their dignity.
But I definitely did when I looked at Alex, who was staring at the showering room with a horrified expression on his face.
"Come on it isn't that bad! People will only see your chest! They'd have to actually try to see your dick."
It was true! In the showering room, there was a bar going across each side of the room with a curtain on it so nobody could see your lower half except the people next to you, and it's not like guys look down to see your dick or anything.
That'd be weird.
"I-I can't do this." He said, turning around and walking out.
"Fine but you'll smell like shit!" I called after him.
He stopped turned around and walked back next to me.
"I fucking hate you." He muttered. "Liar." I whispered.
He rolled his eyes.
" there any private places here at all?" He asked.
"Not really." I replied.
"There's like..fifty guys in here." He whispered.
"Yeah, just don't do anything weird and you'll be fine." I said.
"Elaborate On 'weird'." He said, his eyes scanning the shower room.
"Don't stare at anyone's dick,
don't compliment anyone,
don't talk to anyone
and last but not least,
don't get a boner.
Now go take a fucking shower."
I said, pushing him slightly.
He stumbled forward and walked to a shower keeping his eyes down.
Jesus kid could you make anymore awkward?
I walked to a shower and stripped.
I started to take a shower and every now and then would glance to the other side of the room to see how Alex was doing.
Again, can't see his penis, just his upper half.
It's not like I'd want to.
Sure, I'm gay but not for him.
He was making it awkward.
He was doing the whole crossing his arms over his chest thing and
looked like a thirteen year old that was scared to change for gym class.
I washed my hair and when I opened my eyes again, Alex was being a normal fucking person.
Yay Alex.
But my stomach dropped when I saw the soap from his hand fall. My eyes widened ever so slightly and I prayed he wouldn't bend down to pick it up.
I've seen some shit happen.
I saw him spit out some water and wipe his eyes.
Don't bend over Alex.
Don't pick it up.
He looked down at it and didn't do anything.
Alex don't fucking pick it up.
He ran his hand through his hair and turned off his shower.
I sighed in relief and went back to my own business.
Soon or later, I was done.
I grabbed my towel and quickly tried to dry myself off.
I grabbed my jumpsuit from where I had left it near the shower and swiftly changed into it.
I walked out and dropped my towel in a bucket outside the showering room.
I was going to go find Laf and Herc to see what they were up to out of instinct but stopped myself when I realized Alex was probably in our cell, wondering what the fuck to do.
I sighed and walked back to my cell.
I saw Alex, sitting on the top bunk, scuffing his auburn hair.
"How was your first prison shower?" I asked.
"I think the guy next to me looked at my dick." He replied blankly.
I sighed.
Of course he fucking thinks that.
To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if the guy did though.
There's some weird people in this prison.
"What did he look like? I can beat him up for you." I said.
"N-no. I'm good. I just have never feared taking a shower so much." He said quietly.
"You'll get use to it."
"I don't think I want to,"
"What?" I asked.
"I don't want to be here for so long that I 'get used to it.'" He said.
"Well how long will you be in for?" I asked.
"Life sentence."
He replied, lying down.
What the heck did this kid do?
"Kid, what did you do?" I asked.
"Don't call me kid."
I sighed.
"Look, kid, I ain't gonna look at you's any different once you tell me, aight?"
I said.
"Yeah you will." He muttered.
I climbed to hit bunk and sat down at the edge of his bed.
"Did you get caught with some Mary Jane at school?
Buyin?" I
"I'm nineteen.
They don't like,
I'm in- was in- college."
He said, swiftly changing his position to lying on his side.
He clung onto his pillow and looked at the wall with a disgruntled look on his face.
"Doesn't matter. Drugs land you in prison. How many people did you sell to kid?" I asked.
"Don't call me kid," He warned, raising an eyebrow.
"What drug was it?
Was it like..
Heroin? Meth?"
I asked.
"I don't do drugs!"
He exclaimed, sitting up.
"Then what did you do?" I asked.
" doesn't matter alright? What I did, it was wrong. And I'm here because it was wrong, and that's all you need to know." He told me, his voice shaking slightly.
"Now get out of my bed, I wanna sleep." He said, averting his eyes from mine.
I smirked.
This'll catch him off guard.
"You don't want to sleep with me?" I whined.
It caught him way off guard.
So much so, that it looked like he choked on air.
"W-what?!" He exclaimed, coughing a little bit.
"Jesus you're so gay." I muttered.
"You're the one who said it!"
"You've got me there Hamilton."
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