Chapter Thirty Seven
I got complimented on my gay pride hat by a stranger and it honestly made my day.
John Pov
I woke up on the bench before Alex did. Yesterday, I got him some stuff for his birthday. I hid it behind the back of the bench and prayed no one would be an asshole and steal it.
I watched people walk by, like everyday. I smoothed down my hair, which I was certain I had awful bed head.
I don't know.
Bench head?
I pulled my legs up on the bench, sitting cross cross as I ate nearly stale bread. I heard Alex groan and start to move around.
I nudged Alex, and he curled up into a ball. "I want to sleeeep," He whined.
I snickered, still pushing his leg.
"Fresh outta prison and you still don't give one solitary fuck, do you?"
I asked.
"Never did, never will."
He replied, wiping his eyes.
I sighed.
"Happy twentieth birthday." I said.
"Huh. That's today?"
He asked, sitting up.
I smiled.
"Yeah. That's today kid."
I said, ruffling his hair.
He laughed, pushing me off of him.
I reached behind the bench and grabbed a bag.
"Wait. You..
You's actually got me somethin'?"
He asked, his eyes wide.
I grinned and nodded.
"Thank you so much!" He exclaimed.
"You don't even know what it is!"
I said, laughing.
"Doesn't matter,"
He said, leaning forward and kissing me.
I said, handing the bag to him.
He pulled a little paper that said, 'Unconditional Love' on it.
He snickered.
"Real funny."
He muttered, putting it next to him.
I smiled.
He hasn't gotten the best part yet.
I'm honestly a little excited.
He took out one cigarette and said, "Wow. One cig. Nice."
I chuckled.
Just wait a little bit kid.
"A broken vape pen,"
He said, laughing a bit.
"Where did you even get that?"
He asked.
I shrugged, laughing along with him. "Oop, here's a lighter,"
He said, rolling his eyes.
Alex trailed off, taking out the thing I was excited, but nervous about.
It was a small wooden thing with 'Love ya kid' carved into it.
His eyes widened a bit, but he didn't say anything. He delicately traced the words with his finger.
where did you get this?"
He asked softly.
"I had to beg the guy at that dollar store to get somebody to do it for me." I told him.
He smiled, still not saying anything. "You like it?" I asked.
He nodded, grinning ear to ear.
He smiled pulling me into a hug.
"I ain't a kid." He said in my ear.
I pulled away from and looked him up and down.
"You's a kid."
I said.
He snickered, hugging me again. "Thank you." He said, not letting go of me.
"Anything for you my boy." I replied.
He buried his head into my shoulder.
I laughed at him, and said,
"What the hell are ya doin' kid?"
"I'm trying to repay you with hugs."
He said.
"...Why do you like hugs so much?"
I asked.
"Because I barely get them so I'm gonna hug you." He said.
I smiled, letting him do what he wanted. It's his birthday.
He let go of me after like, ten fucking years, not that I'm necessarily complaining. They were ten pretty damn good years, but nevertheless, he let go of me.
He grabbed the lighter and singular cigarette, and started to smoke.
"You do realize that's a really old cigarette, right?" I asked.
He nodded, letting out a puff of smoke. "Fuckin' idiot." I muttered.
He coughed a bit, which I rolled my eyes at.
"Wanna see if the cracker guy is here?" He asked.
I replied getting up.
He got one more puff out of the pretty much dead cig, before putting it out and crushing it into the ground.
We walked into the corner shop, and the cracker guy was back at the counter, doing..
pretty much nothing, like everyday.
"Hey boys." He said, smiling.
"How'd your job interviews go?"
He asked.
Alex shrugged and I made that face of not disappointment but not necessarily happy.
The neutral face of okayness.
That's the face I made.
The guy nodded.
Alex leaned on the counter.
"You know, it's my birthday..
Could I have some crackers?"
Alex asked.
How smooth.
The guy snickered, getting out crackers and water.
"You know, I get you crackers everyday. You want a muffin?" The guy asked Alex.
Alex's face just fucking lit up.
He nodded vigorously.
Damn I hope he shares that with me. We're not doing so great on crackers and water.
The mans face was hit with concern over Alex's desperate agreement for food, but it was quickly replaced with a grin.
"I'll be right back, Alright boys?" He asked.
I hummed, leaning on the counter next to Alex.
"Jesus this guy is amazing."
Alex muttered.
"I know right? We'd be starving..More than we actually are," I said.
"True." Alex replied, tapping his fingers on the counter.
I heard Alex's stomach growl and he groaned a bit, putting his hand down to clutch his abdomen.
"You good?"
I asked.
"Fine." He said, though I saw pain flash in his eyes.
I wrapped my arm around him, pulling him into my chest. He let his head rest on his shoulder.
That was the first time I realized that Alex and I were covered in dirt, and near dying on the streets. This is actually our lives.
"It'll be okay. We just have to live this part out and then we'll be okay." I said softly.
He nodded, still grabbing at his stomach.
"I think I might throw up from lack of food if that makes any sense." He said.
I didn't say anything, but I did hug him tighter.
The man came back, holding crackers, water and a muffin. I let go of Alex, who smiled at the fist sign of food.
The man handed the muffin to Alex, who grabbed it, and gave half of it to me.
"Thank you,"
Alex said to the man, who nodded in response.
"This is a pretty good birthday."
Alex said.
Is it bad that I have to constantly remind myself that it could be worse?
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