Chapter Forty Five
John Pov
I held my hand out the window as we drove on a practically deserted road. "Where are we going?" I asked.
Alex said.
I nodded, looking back outside. We listened to loud music, and it felt almost like bliss. But there was that horrible fear that the police might be at our next turn.
I saw a few cars go down the road next to us going the opposite direction. It was no doubt we were going above the speed limit.
I saw a cop car behind us.
Alex noticed too and slowed down.
"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." I hissed, trying to slink down in my seat.
But my stomach dropped when I saw that the cops lights were on.
Alex slowed to a stop, and so did the cop behind us. The cop parked and walked up to the window.
"You were going pretty fast back there." The cop said.
"Mhm. Sorry sir."
Alex droned.
It sounded weird for Alex using sort of formal language.
"Can I see an ID?" The cop asked. Alex's eyes darted to mine and he had terror flooding from his eyes.
"I..uh..funny story really..I uh..."
Alex trailed off, bouncing his leg and tapping his fingers on the wheel.
"ID please," The cop repeated.
"Sir, I can't give you that."
Alex said.
"I need an ID sir." The cop said.
"Well..yeah not gonna happen you ass!" Alex said, falling into his informal way of speaking and immediately stepping on the gas.
We took off like a shot, the cop car behind us.
"Why'd you do that?!" I asked.
"I fucking panicked!" Alex said.
I sensed the fear in his voice.
"Kid you gotta pull over," I said, looking behind us through the back windshield.
"If I do that they'll find out who we are!" Alex said.
"I'm going to do something stupid." Alex told me.
I hissed.
"I already made the decision,"
Alex said.
He practically spun the car around driving towards the cop.
We're going to fucking crash.
The cop care hit the breaks and Alex swerved around them, going in the opposite direction now.
"Holy shit! You-You- that was amazing!" I exclaimed.
"Are they coming after us?" Alex asked hastily.
Yup they're coming." I said.
Alex's eyes narrowed.
"Challenge fucking accepted."
He muttered.
"I'm scared but excited."
I said.
Alex smiled, doing a U turn and heading straight for the cop. They yelled something on a big speaker or whatever the fuck you call those things.
Alex didn't hesitate or flinch when he saw the cop pick up speed.
I was cut off when the car hit spike strip.
Alex hissed.
The car slowly came to a stop.
"Oh fuck." Alex muttered.
I saw the police approach the car.
"Get out of the vehicle." The cop said.
"John, as of now your name is Jack and you're deaf. I'll take the fall."
Alex told me.
Before I could protest, Alex got out of the car and put his hands on his head. Two cops immediately went to him and gave him a pat down, which he flinched at.
Though it was almost a year ago, Alex still flinches at pat downs.
Isn't that nice.
"What's your name?" One of them asked him.
Parker Woods."
He replied.
"Who's the guy in the car?" They asked.
"My brother Jack. He's deaf. Don't hurt him, he has near to no clue what's happening." Alex said.
Why is he doing this?
They motioned for me to get out of the car.
Gotta play the confused card.
I looked at them and raised an eyebrow.
"Tell your brother to get out of the vehicle." A cop said.
" It's my fault not his. Leave him alone." Alex said.
The cops didn't listen and practically dragged me out of the car despite Alex's loud protests and shouts.
"Leave him alone!
Leave him alone!"
Alex shouted.
When his voice cracked, I felt myself die a little.
One cop restrained Alex as he struggled to get to me. The cop started to talk to me but I pretended I couldn't hear him.
"We didn't do anything wrong!
He didn't do anything wrong!"
Alex shrieked, pushing away from the cop with all his effort.
Alex somehow managed to turn around and kick the guard where the sun don't shine, then ran to the police officer attempting to talk to me, and just fucking tackled him.
Alex beat the fuck out of the cop, despite being much shorter than them. I watched with eyes wide as Alex punched the cop.
What I didn't see was the other cop get back up. But what I did see was that cop tasing Alex.
I let out a yelp and saw Alex fall off the cop, twitching and convulsing.
I felt anger rush over me and tackled the cop tasing Alex. So then I was the one beating the shit out of a cop.
I stumbled back off the cop and went to Alex who was still twitching softly.
"Alex this is going to hurt a fuck ton."
I said.
Alex glanced at me his body starting to stop jerking. I grabbed the taser barb in his side.
"I'm going to count you off okay?"
I asked.
Alex didn't say anything but I took it as an okay anyway.
I counted off.
I started to pull the barb out of his side. Alex groaned and arched his back.
"Ah shit!"
He shouted his head back in pain.
He is always the one getting hurt.
I pulled it out of him and fell back a little bit. Alex gripped his side, his eyes wide.
What the-
He stumbled on his words as he cried out in pain.
I kneeled back down to him and helped him sit up while I rubbed his back. I heard sirens in the distance.
Well fuck.
They called for backup.
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