Chapter Fifteen
Before this chapter begins...
I gotsss fanart!
comic? 😂
Either way, it's pretty fuckin sick so Imma show y'all.
So there's that! Thank you MySh0t for this amazing fanart!
Now time for ze chapter.
John Pov
So I know, I'm not very good at
or physically expressing my feelings but I assure you, I'm fucking trying.
Yes, I did knee him in the stomach but I was provoked so there's that.
He doesn't know what will happen to him if he just goes around talking so loud about things like that.
Bitch, I talked quietly about stuff like that and still payed the damn price.
He needs to learn when to just close his damn mouth.
Here I was,
thinking the kid was a nervous, shy little dude but nah.
He proved me fucking wrong.
He tackled James,
went to solitary confinement,
fought Thomas,
broke his nose,
pushed said nose back in place,
and well..
pissed me off multiple times, which isn't easy.
It really isn't!
Nobody has really pissed me off like Alex has.
But then again, nobody has made me have that..
strange feeling like Alex has.
Alex jumped from the top of his bed and shouted,
"Tis I! Sir Publius, whom will never throw away thou shot!"
I scoffed, desperately not trying to laugh.
"You're such a child."
Then I notice his blanket was wrapped around his back like a cape.
I burst out laughing.
Is it the cape?
I bet it's the cape."
He said, tugging it off.
"No! No, put it back on! It looks fucking adorable." I said.
His cheeks flushed and he smiled softly putting it back on.
"You really think so?" He asked. "Mhm."
"Damn it! I was trying to be badass." He said, tossing it on the ground and going back up to his bed.
"Aww is Sir Publius upset?" I taunted, following him up.
"I'm not." He huffed, crossing his arms like a three year old.
"You're not allowed to call me Sir Publius anymore." He said.
I snickered.
"All right. What's your name then?" I asked.
He thought for a minute.
"Bill Buttlicker." He said in full seriousness.
I burst out laughing, yet again.
"Is- is that what you want your name to be Ale- Bill?" I asked ,trying very hard no laugh but failing.
He gasped and put a hand on his chest. "How fucking dare you."
"Did I hurt your feelings?" I teased.
" feelings." He said, dramatically falling to his back.
I chuckled and said,
"Shut up!"
"Oh no! My self esteem is being wounded!" He exclaimed.
"Like you had any to begin with,"
I added.
He faked a shriek and threw a pillow at me.
I laughed at him and held the pillow.
my feelings."
I mocked.
He shrieked again.
"S-self esteem! B-being..wounded!"
He clutched his chest and balled his jumpsuit top in his hand.
He let out a dramatic groan of pain and pretended to die.
He opened on eye and asked,
"Will you kiss my wound?"
I snickered.
"Your wish is my command Doc,"
I told him.
His face just fucking lit up.
Honestly, I don't think I've ever seen anyone so happy and I've seen Herc look at a horse.
That's some true love right there.
But I can't blame him.
Horses are fuckin dope.
Seriously though.
I went over and kissed his cheek.
He smiled, giggling lightly.
"Sir Publius? You seem a sir.." I whispered in his ear.
"You should not have taken advantage of my sensibility to steal into my affections without my consent."
He said, a smile still planted on his face.
I smiled.
"That was good." I said.
"Yeah I know.
I got skills."
He told me.
"Oh really?" I asked.
We sat in a comfortable silence, slowly intertwining our fingers and inching ever so closer to one another.
"I really enjoy this." Alex muttered.
"Yeah I think Imma think twice before kneeing you in the stomach next time." I said.
"Wait. You didn't think twice last time?" He asked, looking slightly amused.
" I don't think twice about most things." I replied.
"Oh how nice."
He mumbled.
"Hey, it's not like you do either!" I told him.
He tilted his head, nodding with agreement.
"Tis true. And that's why I don't have to think twice about this,"
He kissed me.
I did what I only thought was natural.
Returned the gentle kiss.
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