Chapter 2
"Lili" her mother came into her bedroom. "We're going to get yours and Dracos school supplies today"
"Ok. I'll be down in 10 minutes" her mother smiled then left the room. Lili grabbed her bag with both muggle and wizarding money in it and headed down the stairs.
She wore.
After all she hated her wizard robes. They all flooed to Diagon Alley. Their parents gave them some money to buy supplies.
"Where first?" Draco asked his sister. She looked at him as if he had just asked the most stupid question in the world.
"Ollivanders!" They both shouted in unison. Lili ran all the way there whilst Draco laughed and followed.
"Ah hello Mr Malfoy, Miss Malfoy" the two kids smiled immediately recognising the man who spoke to them. "Now. Who first. Mr Malfoy.." he disappeared around the corner and handed Draco a wand. "Hawthorn wood, unicorn hair core, 10 inches"
Draco flicked his wrist and the tip of the wand glowed. "That wand is perfect for you"
"Yes. It is." Draco smiled.
"Now Miss Malfoy..hmmm try this" he handed her a wand. "Redwood, thesteral hair core, 11 inches" she flicked her wrist and a vase exploded on the other side of the room.
"Sorry" She replied placing the wand back on the counter.
"That's quite alright. Hmm try this one" he handed her the wand. "Elder Wood, unicorn hair core, 10 3/4 inches" once again when she flicked her wrist a vase exploded.
"That's quite alright. Hmm I wonder..." he went behind the counter and got a new wand and handed it to her. She flicked her wrist. This time the tip glowed. Lili smiled. "How peculiar. Holly wood. Pheonix feather. 11 inches..."
"Whats strange about that?" Draco asked, seeing the confused look on his sisters face.
"Well. The pheonix who gave the feather for your wand gave 2 other feathers. One is inside Harry Potters wand. The other inside. He who must not be named"
Lili gasped. As did Draco. They paid for their wands, thanked him and left.
After they'd gotten most of their supplies they headed to get their robes. Once they were fitted Draco spotted someone he recognised and beckoned Lili to follow him. Lili looked over and saw him too. She smiled as she followed her brother.
"Hello, I'm Draco Malfoy and this is my sister Lili" He smiled.
"Hi, nice to meet you Draco. Good seeing you again Lili" Lili gasped and Harry realised he'd made a mistake.
"What?" Draco asked confused.
"You can't tell Dad" Lili looked him in the eye, "promise?"
"I sneak out to the muggle world alot. And one time I met Harry"
"Ok..." Suddenly Draco noticed a bushy haired brunette. He went very slightly pink. Lili chuckled. And looked over to the girl. "Wait she's a mudblood. I hate mudblood a. Their filthy!!" Lili smacked him on the arm.
"Draco! Don't be so rude!" Lili told him.
"Not buts! Don't be so rude!"
"Harry!!" A tall man called. The three kids all spun around.
"Coming! Bye Lil. Bye umm Lils brother"
"Bye Harry" Lili smiled. The two kids then went to buy the rest of their school supplies.
"Draco, Lili have you gotten everything you need?" Their mother asked them smiling.
"Yes Mother" Draco responded.
"Children come on then" Their father demanded. The two kids obediently followed their father.
"Oh hey Lil"
"Hi Harry" She spun around to face him. He smiled at her. She smiled back.
"So where you headed?"
"I was just" she looked ax behind her and her family were gone "Oh never mind" She smiled. He smiled too.
"Harry? Who's yer friend?" The same tall man asked. A smile across his face.
"Oh Hagrid this is Lili. Lili Malfoy" His facial expression changed. His smile dropped. Lilis smile disappeared. She looked down to the floor. Harry looked confused. He walked over to Lili and put his arm around her. She smiled up at him. Hagrid opened his mouth.
"I know what you're thinking.. I'm a Malfoy. I probably am well evil. But I'm not. I'm not like the rest of my family. Honest" she smiled. Hagrid smiled.
"Im sorry fer judgin' yeh"
"It's fine"
"LILIANNE NARCISSA MALFOY!!" They heard a booming voice shout.
"Well I'm dead... bye Harry see you at school... if I'm not dead.." she hurried off.
"Where were you?" Her father asked when they arrived home.
"Just talking to Harry.."
"HARRY POTTER!!" He boomed.
"Uhh Yeah..."
"What? Why! How!!"
"Well we just met and started talking"
"Well, I wasn't expecting you to be friends with Potter.. Nevertheless stay in your brothers shadow... It's safer for girls in the shadow of a boy" Lili scowled before walking up to her room.
The next morning ,once again, her family were going out without her. But she would use this to her advantage. She was going to sneak off to the Muggle World, again. She grabbed her bag and her new wand and apparated to a park.
She smiled and wandered around. Reading magazines on the grass.
"Lil??" She heard a confused voice ask. She looked up to face the voice.
"Harry??" She stood up and embraced him in a hug.
"What are you doing?!?!" She heard a man scream. The two pulled apart to see an extremely overweight man with a moustache, an extremely thin woman with short black hair and an overweight boy with blonde hair.
"Uncle Vernon, this is my friend Lili. She's going to the same school as me" All their faces were suddenly filled with disgust.
"She's going to that school for freaks too!!" Petunia demanded.
"Yes" Lili responded. The three all started talking. "Want me to jinx them? I have my wand in my bag?" Lili whispered to Harry, he shook his head.
"Harry!! Come on!!" waswwqThe group pulled Harry away. He waved sorrowfully to Lili. She waved back. Then she continued reading under the tree.
When she'd had enough of reading she walked over to a shop. Gucci it was called. She went inside. The security guard looked at her weirdly but didn't stop her from entering. She bought a white hoodie and left.
"Lillianne!!" She heard Tex her father call from downstairs. She shoved off the hoodie and hid it under her bed.
"Yes father??" She called back. He appeared in her room.
"I received another letter from the ministry while I was out"
"What about?" She asked.
"You using magic again. So as I did last time I told them they were mistaken. I don't want to receive another one of those letters" with that he left her on her own.
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