chapter 18
Some part of Leia wondered if there was some sick, evil mind-reader that existed in her life that was able to control all events that happened in her life.
Because she'd sat there the night of the AMAs and thought about how great things could only get from there, only to instantly find her ideal state of peace instantly being thrown through an industrial shredder.
The next morning, as the sun cast its golden rays across the city skyline, Leia woke up to a barrage of notifications flooding her phone and Tate's nose pressed against her face as he slobbered on her cheeks.
With a sinking feeling in her chest, she tapped open one of the messages from Adrian, not even beginning to think about what dramatic issue was awaiting her this time. Her heart raced as she read the sensational headlines splashed across gossip blogs and tabloid websites from her interview with that TMZ reporter, irritation flickering across her face as she realised that the drama was taking away the attention from her performance - which had been incredible, by the way.
Article and article about her sexuality, her refusal to comment on her previous relationship with Dylan, speculation and blurry photos of her confrontation with Dylan and the significant lack of appearance at the afterparties had seemed to steal the attention away from her music career and redirected it on to her own personal life instead.
In the blink of an eye, the carefully crafted facade of her perfect life was crumbling, leaving behind a trail of uncertainty and doubt. Despite her best efforts to stay grounded, Leia couldn't shake the nagging fear that she was losing control, that every step forward only led to another stumble in the spotlight.
Leia sat up in bed, the weight of the world pressing down on her shoulders. Tate's persistent licking only added to her disorientation. She pushed him gently away, her mind racing as she scrolled through the onslaught of notifications.
Adrian's message was brief yet urgent, urging her to address the rumours swirling around her and telling her that Riven needed to step up to help her prepare a statement before this started to affect the business side of her life too. As a general rule, Adrian had always told her that he didn't care what she did or didn't do in her personal life as long as she wasn't hurting anybody or damaging her career beyond his repair.
She liked that about him - but it didn't mean his message was anymore enjoyable than one could expect. She knew he'd taken a huge chance on her and had a lot weighing on her success.
Leia's frustration simmered beneath the surface as she read through the headlines, feeling like a puppet whose strings were being pulled by unseen hands. She knew this was what Taylor had warned her about, and she knew the blonde had been through and was going through much worse than she was, but it was still just so overwhelming.
Her jaw clenched as she clicked on a video of the interview with the TMZ reporter. It was clear from the look on her face that Leia had been caught off guard, her carefully constructed walls momentarily faltering under the relentless questioning about her personal life. She hated to admit it, but she did come across a bit abrupt, although Leia knew that she had every right to be annoyed with the woman.
It was as if her successful performance really had become overshadowed by the drama of her personal life, a cruel twist of fate that left her feeling exposed and vulnerable as she wrapped an arm around Tate and allowed the black dog to finally settle against her side with a large huff.
Leia raised her eyebrows, looking down at the dog who was leaning his head on her stomach.
"What do you have to be huffing about, huh?"
Tate simply stared at her, blinking as his owner looked down at him with a defeated look in her eyes. Leia rubbed her temples, trying to quell the rising tide of anxiety threatening to overwhelm her.
She didn't even know who she could really talk to about this. The rest of her famous friends had been through so much worse, and she knew that Taylor would just blame herself for this somehow. They hadn't even asked about the blonde but Leia knew that with the way she was thinking at the moment, she would assume it was an attack on Leia because of her association with the country-turned-pop singer.
As she hugged Tate closer, seeking comfort in his unwavering presence, Leia couldn't help but feel a pang of envy for those who lived their lives in anonymity. Oh, how she longed for the simplicity of a life untouched by the harsh glare of the spotlight, where her every move wasn't dissected and scrutinised by strangers.
Leia's phone buzzed on the table, interrupting her thoughts. She glanced at the screen to see Riven's name flashing across it. With a sigh, she picked up the call, bringing the phone to her ear.
"Hey, Riven," Leia said wearily. "I was just thinking about you."
"I can't imagine why," he murmured, his voice a little more strained than usual.
Her heart panned for a second as she realised the immense stress that she had accidentally been putting him under in recent weeks. She knew that he was anxious that her short-lived drug bender was going to be leaked any day now, since they had no idea who could have taken any photos of her when she had been in those states with Dylan. Now, he had this to worry about too.
"Leia," he replied, his voice calm and composed. "I've been watching the interviews on repeat all morning, and I also spoke to Tree too about what is best to do next. We need to release a statement clarifying your stance on this."
Leia's stomach churned at the thought of facing the media frenzy head-on, but she knew Riven was right. She couldn't afford to let the rumors fester and poison her career any further. Taking a deep breath, she nodded, even though he couldn't see it.
"Yeah, I know," she said, her voice tinged with resignation. "I just want it all to be about the music, Riv... it's all just such bullshit! You don't see people asking Zayn non-stop about his love life? You don't see Ed Sheeran getting asked what fucking designer he's wearing..."
Riven had heard this argument thousands of times. He got it, he did. The music industry, like most other industries, was incredibly misogynistic. He'd maybe never get to understand how it truly felt to be a woman in the world as it was but he sympathised for her. No matter how many times he heard her complain, he'd never silence her because he knew it was important - but he knew that if he didn't redirect her to the task at hand then they might as well be here all day.
"I've already drafted a statement outlining your position. I'll email it to you right away so you can review it."
"What?" Leia asked, surprised that he'd drafted an entire statement without even consulting her first. "My position?"
"Yeah? That you want to keep your private life private, your sexuality isn't up for discussion, you just want to focus on the music... exactly what you said last night?"
Leia paused. He was right... that was exactly what she'd said to the reporter the night before. He'd literally quoted her almost word for word but something about it just didn't feel right anymore. Her private life was her private life... but that didn't mean she wanted to spend the rest of her life demanding that every single thing outside of her music be a deep secret.
She wanted to be able to talk to her fans about things that were more than just song lyrics. She wanted her fans to feel like they knew her more than just from the occasional interview about what skirt she was wearing or what her favourite type of weather was. She wanted to just be seen as a normal human with normal thoughts and feelings and opinions.
She didn't want to hide herself.
"Why? Why do I have to hide? I'm done with pretending, Riven. I might as well come out as bisexual publicly since I've already been outed."
Even Tate stilled, most likely from the sudden change of tone in her voice. She heard Riven take a deep breath from the other end of the phone, the soft murmurs in the background of the news channel he had been watching clicking off as he muted it.
There was a beat of silence on the other end of the line before Riven spoke again, his voice softer this time.
"Leia, I understand where you're coming from," he said gently. "But we need to consider the consequences. It's not just about you anymore; it's about your career and the impact this could have on it."
"Riven," she said, her voice sincere. "I appreciate all you're doing for me but I literally don't care... I'm fed up of acting like it's some crime to be pictured kissing another girl. This isn't the 19-fucking-50s."
Leia closed her eyes and took a deep breath, fighting back tears of frustration. Riven had always been there for her, guiding her through the complexities of fame. She knew he had her best interests at heart, even if his advice felt suffocating at times.
"I get it," Leia said finally, when Riven remained silent, her voice tinged with resignation. "But what's the alternative? Hiding forever? I won't compromise who I am just to please others. If people can't accept me for who I am, then they were never truly my fans in the first place."
He didn't want to be having this conversation over the phone. He'd hoped that she'd last until he was back in LA, and that he could have brought it up over some sushi or pizza takeout. He'd pictured talking to her about this scenario in much more comfortable and less emotionally-charged circumstances.
"Leia," Riven said, his voice a little sterner now. "I don't mean your fans, and I don't mean consequences just for you. I mean consequences for literally everything and everyone around you."
Leia took a moment to let Riven's words sink in. She knew he cared deeply for her and wanted to protect her, but she couldn't shake the feeling that hiding her true self was no longer an option. The weight of her secret had been suffocating her for far too long, and she craved the freedom of authenticity.
She opened her mouth to respond, but before she could utter a word, Riven continued.
"You know, I was seventeen when I came out."
What? Riven liked guys?
"I thought I was in love," Riven said, a pained laugh leaving his lips as Leia instantly knew this wasn't a fun story. "Did I ever tell you I was on my high school football team? One of the running backs that they'd ever seen in the district. Probably could have got to college on scholarships."
Leia's eyes widened with surprise as Riven revealed this hidden part of his past. She had always known him as the confident public relations graduate, but now she saw a vulnerability in him that she hadn't expected. She couldn't even picture Riven playing football, let alone being a star.
He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before continuing.
"There was this boy," Riven continued, his voice filled with a mix of nostalgia and heartache. "His name was Ethan. He was the lead percussionist in our high school band. Ethan and I fell in love, or I thought so anyway. It was beautiful and terrifying all at once, something so pure like that. We kept it a secret, afraid of how people would react if they found out. God, that boy had a smile that could light up an entire room."
The air in the room seemed thicker, heavy with anticipation.
"We met in secret places—in the woods behind the school, or empty classrooms during lunch breaks. It felt like an enchanting escape from reality. It was... it was really great. Some of his friends new, none of mine knew but my sister did. It worked for us."
Leia found herself captivated by Riven's words, her heart pounding with a tense empathy for what he had endured. She could sense the weight he carried on his shoulders as he spoke and she just had a gut feeling he was about to unleash a truly heartbreaking story as a teaching lesson here.
"But everything changed when I decided to come out," Riven said, his voice growing softer. "I thought it would be liberating, that people would accept me for who I was. You know, Glee had been on for a few years and things were starting to look a lot better for gay guys like I had been."
He laughed bitterly, and Leia wanted to stop him. She wanted to tell him that he didn't need to tell her this, that he didn't have to come out to her like this. But he was on a roll, and he knew she needed to hear it.
"It was good for me," Riven said, and Leia was surprised immediately. "Coach didn't care. Only one of the guys on the team had an issue with it and he was put in his place by the others. If anyone else cared, they never voiced it. I was on top of the world... finally me, playing at an elite level with no cares in the world and a boyfriend who I knew loved me, even if he wasn't ready to shout about it from the rooftops... it didn't matter to me."
A pause.
"I was out... but Ethan wasn't," Riven sighed, Leia starting to see where he was going with the story. "Everyone wanted to see what I did next, who I was interested in, what had been my 'revelation' about my sexuality... it wasn't long before they realised how often I hung out with Ethan despite having nothing in common."
Leia's heart ached for Ethan, for the anguish he must have endured, and for Riven, being put in that position.
"And poor Ethan," Riven continued, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. Leia could hear his voice choke up from the other side of the phone line. "As soon as rumours started circulating about us, he was basically outed from nothing but speculation. He faced a storm of judgment and ridicule from people who once admired him for his musical talent. His bandmates... not all of them had reacted like you'd hope. They told their parents, who told their friends and then his parents started to get asked about it all."
Riven trailed off, not finishing the thought. Leia figured it didn't take a genius to put two and two together - Ethan wasn't someone that had ever been mentioned until now, and Riven had been speaking about him in the past tense.
"He moved school, and never spoke to me again," Riven summarised, his voice still tight as he tried to stay calm. He hadn't talked much about this to anyone really, but he needed Leia to understand where he was coming from. "But you know what, Leia? Through all the pain and heartache, I learned something profound. That my truth might have been worth the pain... but would Ethan have thought the same? I had my freedom, but at what cost?"
She had always known that coming out would bring about a certain level of scrutiny, but the gravity of what Riven was saying hit her like a tidal wave. Her friendships would be on the line; the people she cared about most could potentially face the same judgment and abandonment that Riven had endured.
"I... I never thought about it like that," Leia whispered, her voice barely audible. She felt a weight settle deep within her as she considered the consequences of her own truth. The thought of her friends being dragged into the chaotic whirlwind of media speculation and public opinion was unbearable. Would they be able to weather the storm? Would Taylor?
"I know this is a lot to take in, Leia," he said softly, his eyes filled with empathy. "But I want you to be prepared. Not just for how it will affect you, but for how it will impact those around you."
The room fell into a heavy silence, broken only by the distant hum of city traffic filtering through the closed windows. Leia let Riven's words marinate within her, searching for the courage to respond.
"Riven," Leia said softly, one thought prominent in her mind. "If I do this... what does it mean for you?"
Riven laughed, almost like the question was ridiculous.
"I'll have a whole shit ton more work to do," he joked, smiling as Leia finally chuckled for the first time that morning. "But it won't change anything for me. Those that know me well enough already know about me. I've been out my whole adult life, Leia. I can handle this, it's you and your friendships that's my concern."
He paused, knowing that she was making her mind up.
"Leia, I won't lie to you. Some of your friends might struggle initially. The press might question your every interaction, analyse every touch or glance between friends, looking for hidden meanings that aren't there. Or are there - in Taylor's case..."
Her heart sank at the thought. This was NOT the time for Taylor to have to deal with more rumours and whispers.
"But," Riven continued, his voice gentle yet steady, "true friendships withstand hardships and weather storms. Yes, there might be doubts and whispers fueled by ignorance, but those who truly love you will see beyond the noise. They'll stand by you, support you, and fight for you."
Leia's eyes glistened with tears as she absorbed his words, a mixture of fear and hope swirling inside her.
"Thanks... you didn't need to tell me that," Leia whispered, knowing it must have been hard for him to tell the girl that. "I love you, Riv."
"Yeah," he said, and she could almost picture his eye roll from the other side of the phone. "Don't get all soppy on me now. Take the afternoon, think about what I said, maybe speak to Georgie or Taylor or something and then let me know. My flight lands at 7pm, so I can bring takeout over and we can draft a statement later if you'd made a decision by the time I land. Again - you don't need to rush this, Leia."
Leia had a lot to think about.
"I can't come out."
"And I'm not asking you to," Leia replied, her legs tucked underneath her as she sipped on the chilled wine. Taylor was looking back at her, a clouded look in her eyes as she took in what Leia was telling her about what she wanted to do that evening.
The blonde had been relaxing in Nashville for most of the day, having been packing some bags before she jetted off to New York City that night. She'd planned to meet with her father and a few of her financial advisors before she committed to one of the apartments in the city that Tree had recommended for her. Her day had been rather uneventful, having been staying off socials for her third day in a row - so when Leia had video-called her, she wasn't entirely sure what had prompted her sudden desire to announce her personal life to the world.
Leia took a deep breath, her fingers tracing the rim of the wineglass, leaving behind little trails of condensation in their wake. She met Taylor's gaze through the phone screen, her eyes brimming with determination.
Taylor stared at Leia, her mind racing with a mixture of confusion and concern. Why would Leia bring up the topic of coming out if she wasn't asking Taylor to do the same?
Leia sensed Taylor's apprehension and took a deep breath, trying to choose her words carefully.
"Look, Tay, I understand that coming out is a personal decision. I'm not here to pressure you into anything you're not ready for. But I wanted to be honest with you and everyone in my life, and open up about my own journey. I want to share this part of my life - even if it means not sharing all of it."
Taylor knew the power of a public declaration about anything, let alone something this big. She knew the way it could ignite a media frenzy and change the course of Leia's career. It wasn't that Taylor herself wasn't proud of who she was; she just had spent years coming to terms with her identity and accepting herself on her own terms and by herself.
But the world was not always kind, especially to someone as scrutinised as she was. She had seen other celebrities torn apart by the relentless gossip and judgment - and she knew that a confession like this meant there would be a lot of analysing around Leia and her friendships. Taylor and Leia's friendship included.
Leia misunderstood Taylor's silence, mistaking it for reluctance rather than caution.
"Taylor, I don't expect you to do anything you're not ready for."
Taylor's brows furrowed as she searched Leia's eyes for any hint of deception or ulterior motives. All she found was sincerity, an earnestness that mirrored her own desires for authenticity. Leia had no hidden agendas; she only wanted to live her truth and hoped Taylor would stand by her side - not as her public girlfriend, but at least as her friend.
Squaring her shoulders, Taylor took a deep breath and met Leia's gaze with determination.
"Leia," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude and affection. "Of course, I'll be there for you. I'll support you every step of the way."
Leia's smile spread across her face like a sunrise, illuminating the room with its warmth. Taylor's smile dropped a little, and Leia felt like the sun had suddenly dipped behind a cloud as she noticed that there was a 'but' attached to Taylor's statement.
"But we'll need to be more careful," Taylor murmured, her voice so quiet that Leia had to turn the volume up on her phone. "I can't deal with... I can't handle the eyes on me, on us. I don't want anyone to know about us, Leia... I don't want to do that to you."
Taylor's eyes searched Leia's face, as though trying to decipher the depth of her commitment.
"Taylor, I understand your concerns," Leia said softly, her voice filled with sincerity. "But I want you to know that I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make you comfortable. I'd rather have you in my life with more restrictions than be without you altogether."
Leia's heart had sank at Taylor's words, but she refused to let the disappointment show. She had always been a fighter, and she wasn't about to give up on Taylor now, not when they had come so far.
"You don't understand, Leia," Taylor whispered, her voice laced with anguish. "I'm a sinking ship, and I fear that if you stay beside me, you'll go down too. I'm drowning in this industry, and I don't want to drag you down with me."
Leia shook her head vehemently, her gaze unwavering as she met Taylor's eyes.
"You're not a sinking ship, Taylor," Leia said firmly. "And even if you were, I'd still stay by your side. I'm here because I want to be here; because I care about you."
"But my reputation..." Taylor trailed off, her voice thick with uncertainty.
"Your reputation doesn't define who you are or what we have together, Taylor. Hey, look at me, okay? I'm not going anywhere."
Taylor's breath hitched in her throat, and Leia could see the tears glistening in her eyes.
"If you were here, I'd kiss you right now," Taylor said, a small tear rolling down her face as she was overwhelmed with emotion.
Leia's heart skipped a beat at Taylor's words, her own eyes welling up with tears. The vulnerability in Taylor's voice was like a crack in her carefully constructed armor, revealing the depth of her fears and insecurities.
"I wish I could be there with you," Leia whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "But just know that no matter the distance between us, I am here for you, Taylor. Always."
Taylor let out a shaky breath, her resolve slowly returning. She wiped away the tear from her cheek and forced a small smile. Their connection through the phone screen felt stronger than ever before, bridging the physical divide between them.
Taylor wasn't sure what she had done to deserve someone like Leia, but she knew two things: the first being that she was forever grateful to have met the girl, and the second being that she had that ever-sinking feeling in her stomach that she was falling in love with the girl on the other side of the phone screen.
Riven anxiously bit at his fingernails as his finger hovered over the keypad of the laptop, peeking up through his lashes to see Leia sitting with her head in her hands and holding a breath in as she waited for him to tell her it had been done.
"Leia... I think you should do it," he murmured, pushing the laptop towards her as he picked up his chopsticks and went to continue eating their dinner. Tate was resting at his feet, laying on top of them as if he was a natural pair of slippers. "I think you need to be the one to press it."
Leia's heart raced within her chest, the weight of the decision pressing down on her like a boulder threatening to crush her spirit. She looked at Riven, her eyes filled with uncertainty and vulnerability. Slowly, she reached out, her trembling fingers hovering over the keyboard.
"I don't know if I can," Leia whispered, her voice barely audible amidst the turmoil in her mind. "What if they hate me? What if they turn against me?"
Riven placed his chopsticks down carefully, his gentle gaze filled with unwavering support.
"And what if they don't?"
Leia looked up at him.
"What if there's someone sitting at home, feeling like no-one else is going through what they are, and they see this? What if your fans fall in love with you more for being yourself finally? Leia, I understand your fear. But remember, this is about you taking control of your own narrative. Your truth deserves to be heard, and you deserve to be seen for who you truly are - but only if you're ready to do so. Like I said before, there is no timeframe on when you have to do this."
Leia took a deep breath, mustering every ounce of courage she had left. With a trembling finger, she pressed the send button, as if releasing a thousand butterflies into the world. The weight of her confession lifted off her shoulders, leaving behind a mix of relief and apprehension.
"Fuck," she whispered, her body instantly going numb.
"Fuck," Riven breathed out at the same time, having expected her to have a moment of hesitation before she just surprised them both by clicking straight away.
As the message soared through cyberspace, finding its way into the hearts and minds of millions around the world, Leia's vulnerability consumed her. She leaned back in her chair, feeling the warmth of tears inching closer to the rim of her eyes.
Riven swiftly moved to sit beside her, Tate letting out a low grumble as his big head slipped from Riven's feet and landed on the cold carpet below. He wrapped his arms around Leia's trembling form and held her close as tears spilled down her cheeks.
"It's going to be okay," Riven murmured softly, his voice laced with empathy. "I am so proud of you."
Tate sensed Leia's distress and jumped up onto the couch, nuzzling his cold nose against her hand, causing her to run her hand through his fur as she tried to muffle her own sobs.
As Riven watched Leia break down, tears welled up in his own eyes. He knew all too well the journey Leia had just embarked upon - the rollercoaster of emotions, the uncertainty of what awaited her on the other side... he'd been there, done it and survived.
He knew that she would too.
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