اللَّهُ وَلِيُّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا يُخْرِجُهُمْ مِنَ الظُّلُمَاتِ إِلَى النُّورِ
وعنْ أَبي هُريرةَ، رضى الله عنه، أنَّ رسُولَ اللَّه ﷺ قالَ: يقُولُ اللَّه تَعالى: أَنَا عِنْدَ ظَنِّ عَبْدِي بِي، وَأَنَا مَعهُ إِذَا ذَكَرَني، فَإن ذَكرَني في نَفْسهِ، ذَكَرْتُهُ في نَفسي، وإنْ ذَكَرَني في ملإٍ، ذكَرتُهُ في ملإٍ خَيْرٍ منْهُمْ.
What is *love* ?
💞Love is when you are thinking of someone all the time;but does the person you are thinking about think about you?No.But Allah Ta'ala says:فَإن ذَكرَني في نَفْسهِ، ذَكَرْتُهُ في نَفسي.If my servant remembers in his heart,I remember him in My Heart.SubhanAllah.We think of Allah Ta'ala and Allah Ta'ala thinks of us;whereas we can't say the same about a person.
❤Love is when you want to be with someone,but does the person want to be with you?No.But Allah Ta'ala says:
ۖ وَهُوَ مَعَكُمْ أَيْنَ مَا كُنتُمْ.
And He is with you wherever you are.
وَنَحْنُ أَقْرَبُ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ حَبْلِ الْوَرِيدِ
And we are closer to him than his jugular vein.
Allah Ta'ala is with a person wherever he may be and He is closer to him than his own jugular vein.We can't say that about a person.
❤Love is when you feel safe with someone,But in reality are we really safe with people?
💜 *STORY*💜
A thief entered Rabia Basaria رحمة الله عليها's house at night to steal.He picked the things and when he was ready to go he couldn't find the door so he dropped the things out of fear.When he did so he saw the door,so he quickly picked everything up again he couldn't find the door so he dropped then things again,and again he saw the door.This happened a couple of times,so the thief got scared and ran out of the house.When he was out of the house he heard a voice saying when one friend is asleep the other is awake.
Rabia rahmatullahi alayha was Allah Ta'alas friend so Allah Ta'ala protected her belongings when she was asleep.
❤Love is a when all feelings are known.But people will be unaware that you are sad even if you are close and you are smiling.But Allah Ta'ala knows every feeling.
So in short what is love?
Allah Ta'ala loves us so much how much do we love him and how much connection have we built with Him.
🦶🏻She mentioned a story.There was man who got into an accident and he lost the ability to walk so he was on a wheelchair.The doctor told him he will never be able to walk again.The man told Allah you gave me the ability to walk the first time return it to me.He tried to get up but he could not.He tried this for a very long time and one day he stood up and he could walk.Allah Ta'ala did that for him.SubhanAllah❤
He had put his hopes in Allah Ta'ala.
🌸Whe should inculcate this in our children also to connect to Allah Ta'ala and for this we have to inculcate this in ourselves first.
🌟She mentioned a story of a student studying in madrassah last year and she said it was exam time and the mother came to speak to the ustadha because she was scared that it was exam.The girl told her mother something like whatever Allah wants.SubhanAllah.
How she must have inculcated in her child to turn to Allah Ta'ala❤
❣We likewise have to make our connection with Allah Ta'ala that when we are happy we tell Allah Ta'ala when we are sad we tell Allah Ta'ala.Like how we like to speak to our best friend,we should speak to Allah Ta'ala first.Our friends may get tired of listening to us but Allah Ta'ala doesn't. We shouldn't only remember Allah Ta'ala when we are sad.We should tell Allah Ta'ala our fears.
💦Even if we do sins we should tell Allah Ta'ala I dint want to do it I'm weak.You give me the ability to stay away from sins.But she pointed out this shouldn't be a license to sin.We should stay away from sins.If per chance we sin we should do tauba.
⚡She said at the time of Musa alayhis salaam was no rain.So he came out with a group of people to make dua for rain but it din't rain.So Musa alayhis salaam asked Allah Ta'ala.Allah Ta'ala said among you is a person who did sins for 40 years tell him to leave so il make the rain fall.Musa alayhis salaam told the people that Allah Ta'ala said such and such.The sinner was thinking if he comes out he will be humiliated so he made tauba and Allah Ta'ala made the rain fall.Musa alayhis salaam was wondering how comes the rain fell and he saw nobody leaving so he asked Allah Ta'ala.Allah Ta'ala said the sinner made tauba so I made the rain fall.Musa alayhis salaam said who was it.Allah Ta'ala said I concealed him for 40 years how can I reveal him.
👑Look how Allah Ta'ala dealt with the man.He made tauba to get saved from humility but Allah Ta'ala forgave him.How merciful Allah Ta'ala is.He erases the sin completely.
✨We should have good thoughts regarding Allah.
It comes in a hadeeth:
أَنَا عِنْدَ ظَنِّ عَبْدِي بِي
🌼I am according to what my servant thinks of me.If we expect good from Allah Ta'ala He we treat us accordingly.If we make dua and say I know Allah Ta'ala wun't listen then how will he listen?
🌺She mentioned a story that a woman was expecting a child.After sometime the doctor diagnosed the child with some disease and said she should abort.It wun't be safe to keep the child but she din't want to and left her trust on her and told Allah Ta'ala if You keep the child healthy il give her in Your service if not il accept it how it is.She continued making dua and her pregnancy was hard.She gave birth to a healthy child perfectly normal.SubhanAllah❤
She had good thought regarding Allah Ta'ala, He treated her accordingly.
How to gain the love of Allah Ta'ala❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
1⃣To leave sin,because Allah Ta'ala doesn't enter a dirty heart.
2⃣To follow the sunnat of Nabi ﷺ.Allah Ta'ala loves Nabi ﷺ so if we love him and follow him Allah Ta'ala will love us.
3⃣We should make this dua daily:
اللهم إني أسألك حبك، وحب من يحبك، وحب عملٍ يقرب إلى حبك.
Oh Allah I ask you for your love and the love of those you love and the love of actions that bring close to your love.
May Allah Ta'ala grant us His love and friendship.Ameen❤❤❤
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