🍀بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم🍀
ﷺ ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ
You know why we are all so happy in Ramadhan??
Because for that one month in a year we are all doing what we were created to be doing & we are feeding our souls what it really desires & longs for.
⌣̊┈̥ -̶̯͡♡♡ Wishing Ʊ only the
best on this blessed day
of Jummua. °⌣̊┈̥ -̶̯͡♡♡
A reminder to read lots of Durood on this most noble day, the shortest durood is صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ sallallaahu alayhi wasallam.
Sitting, standing, cooking, walking, driving, working, relaxing... sallallaahu alayhi wasallam all the time.
Reading abundant durood, following in the footsteps of اللَّهُ Subhana wa Ta'ala's beloved Rasool sallallaahu alayhi wasallam & reading his ﷺ Seerah increases our l♡ve for him.ﷺ (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam)
"Undoubtedly following the sunnah of Nabi sallallaahu alayhi wasallam is the best thing for our health & souls- for this dunya & for our Aakhira.".
"If you shift away from the way of Rasulullah ﷺ then you will have eyes but you will not see. You will have ears but you will not hear. You will have brains but you will not understand! "
Recite Durood for
Fulfillment of Needs
Hadhrat Jaabir (Radhiallahu Anhu) reports that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wasallam) said:
“Whoever recites durood
one hundred times upon me daily,
Allah Ta’ala will fulfil one hundred
of his needs,
seventy of the hereafter
aиϑ thirty of this world."
ﷺ ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ
اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد ألف ألف مرة
Allah humma salle allaa sayyidina Muhammadin alfa alfa marra.
Oh اللّه ,send salutations upon Nabi sallallaahu alayhi wasallam a thousand thousand times.
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