Here the episode starts
Shivaay go to his room thinking about anika he thinks what may be anika thinking about me what i said to her but it was necessary to do something by which anika get angry ,i just want anika to make anika bold who should not scared from anyone for this if i have to spoil my image for sometime i will happily do that....
Omru sees shivaay lost in his thoughts... They ask him shivaay where r u lost did u talk to anika....
Just then rudra ask bhaiya why r u wet?
Shivaay says wo...wo..anika throws water on me....
Rudra says bhaiya u also starts joking we both know very well that anika di can't throw water on shivaay Singh oberio because she is scared of u....
Om said yaa i m agree with Rudy
Shivaay said u r right... Mrs anika khurana is scared of me so she can't throw water on me....
Rudra says bhaiya u r very confusing first u said anika didi throws water on u and now u r saying she didn't throw water on u....i mean what u want to say...say it clearly na....
Shivaay said the girl who is scared of everything is anika khurana but before sometime i saw a girl who is not afraid of anyone is anika only anika....
she is not afraid of anyone so she throws water on me....
Rudra said that means our anika didi is also having a dabang version....
Shivaay said no she is having right now the panika version.....
In anika room
Anika is crying shivaay's words r echoing in her ear...
She thinks i never expect that he would say all this to me why its hurting me alot ....then she thinks when she throw water on him and thinks how can i throw water on him i mean..i m used to of all the pain i have a old relation with pain...but when he said to me all these words don't why i become a bold anika from a scared anika which i never do or even try when daksh torture me ....she thinks from where u got all the boldness then she thinks don't know what shivaay may be thinking about me...then she thinks...
anika u need not to think about him its only five days after his marriage i will leave job....its only the matter of five days so just focus on work and don't think about him....
Here shivaay go to the hall and call everyone in the hall...listening his voice anika also go to the hall....
In hall all the member of oberio mansion come down....
Dadi ask shivaay, billu what happen why u call everyone one here what happen puttar ....
Shivaay said dadi i took a decision so i want to share with all of u....
Pinky says o my Mata shivaay kaisa decisions ......
Shivaay start walking and reaches to anika where she is standing and says mom i took a decision that....i postpond my marriage for 2 weeks....
He looks towards anika and smirks at her....
Anika and all the members r hell shocked listening this....
Pinky says o my Mata shivaay what r u saying why u postponds the marriages...
Shivaay said mom i have a important work and Tia is also not here she went to London for her marriage shopping so i thought let take her own time for her marriage so i postpone the marriage ...
Pinky says o my Mata shivaay meta beta abhi se Tia... Ki itni... Care krne LGA...
Anika said shi..shivaay how can u postpone the marriage i mean..i signed a contract in which my job will end after 5 how can u...postpone the marriage...
Shivaay said ...anika i think u didn't read the contract properly in the contract its written u r hire by shivaay Singh oberio.. Till my marriage no matter how many days it takes....
All the member leave from there but anika still lost in her thought she thinks don't know what this bagad billa want from me.....the more i think to stay away from him the more he come around me....then she thinks how will handle daksh ...what will i say to daksh about the marriage postpone, don't know how..will he react....
Just then shivaay intrupts her thought and says what happen anika ...i think tumhe gussa aa RHA hoga... By the way if u r getting angry u can throw water on me...i m giving u opportunity.....
Anika says why r u doing all this.....i know u intentionally postpone ur marriage.... What do u want from me.....
Shivaay said u will get to know .... And leaves from there....
Anika cry and shivaay sees her hiding behind a pillar...he thinks anika i just want ur happiness i know u r thinking about daksh how will he react but u don't worry this tym i don't let daksh harm u....
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