chapter 7
Next morning...
Riddhima was roaming here nd there.. in her room..
R:what should i do.. how should i escape from this cage arghh.....
Mrs DSOUZA entered with some beauticians...
DSOUZA: ma"am here are your beauticians they will do u r make up nd here is your dress
It was peach colour lehnga vansh chosed this colour lehnga bcoz for the first time when he saw riddhimas face she was wearing a0 peach frocksuit nd peach suits her.... it was a pretty lehnga...
R:mrs dsouza i dont need any beautician i will do my make up nd all myself...
Dsouza: maam its VR sirs order nd we cant disobey that nd u also shouldn"t disobey him...
R: i m a human being i have my choices isnt it enough that he is doing this engagement forcly nd now this.... tell your sir I"ll be ready myself
Dsouza: but ma"am-
Voice: u go dsouza.. i will handle it
It was vansh..
Dsouza: ok sir...
They all went vansh closed the door.. nd was moving towards riddhima. Riddhima was taking back step looking him coming closer..
He didnt said anything he was moving towards her... nd riddhima hitted the bed she was about to fall but vansh held her by her waist..
R: leave me whatt???? Nowww??? U can"t force me for everything vansh...
V: i can honeybee....
R: my name is riddhima.... riddhima shikhawat.... (she yelled)
Vansh trailed his fingers on her face...
V: i know.. say something new... what were u saying... u wont allow beautician to-
R: noooooo i wont vansh plzz i dont like it... i will do my simple make up nd all myself.... plzz
V: but dont u think u will be needing help... nd our engagement time is near... so..
R: i will do-
V: wait wait (with mischievous smirk) do u want me tooo.... help u...
Riddhimas eyes bulged out ...
R:leave me... leave me.... vansh...
Vansh pulled her more... closer...
V:waise i dont mind..... honeybee..
R:leave me... vansh plzzz (she maded a puppy face)
V: u r actually not a saint... riddhima u know when nd where u have to presss my weak nerves.. okay... as u wish sweetheart (he bent on his knee) i had never thought i will say this someday to some girl... riddhima... u r queen of my heart u rule my heart... nd what u will wish it will be fulfilled except going far from me...
FOR a while riddhima felt special nd she remebered sejals word... he had mastry in attracting girls... riddhima moved her head right side... nd vansh smiled looking at her cute angry bird she looks more cute when she is angry...
Vansh stands..
V: ok riddhima now u get ready i will be waiting for u....
He went nd riddhima... closed the door...
R: every girl dream about her marriage but mine.... how should i escape he didnt allowed me yet to move out of the room... all over the house is guarded by muscular.. mans.. arghhhh why god.. y meeee....
Knock on her door...
V: honeybee its me... i m here to inform u, u only have 1 hr to get ready if u didnt came out i will be in.... for help... okayy honey beee...
R: my name is riddhima.......... * (she just screamed)
R:arghhh this man is getting on my nerve... i dont have any phone also... bappa plzz help me..
Vansh was all ready some special close guests were called in party.. he was waiting for her lady love..
V: ahaaaa now its over its been 1 hr now u cant stop me sweetheart..
He went upstairs he was about to open her rooms door but it opened suddenly... nd what he saw next he was smitten by the beauty... standing...he could see infront of him his breath stopped for a while... he was lost in his trances... riddhima was looking heavenly beauty... he was mesmerized by her...she could feel his gaze on her she became lil awkward..
R:ahem ahem!
V: U r looking beautiful riddhima..... (he was not getting word to describe her he was just in her he was talking in way like he is hypnotized)
Vansh extended his hand.. riddhima accepted... they both went downstairs... every body clapped... they exchanged ring it was a VR ring which was exchanged by vansh to riddhima... everyone clapped soon the function finished.. everyone started leaving congratulating.. them... vansh personally was bidding bye to every guest he was indulge in that.. riddhima find it a opportunity to run.. she founded a big basket.. full of flowers... she decided to hide in it nd run..
R to dsouza: mrs dsouza.. i m tired i m going to my room..
Dsouza: ok maam
Riddhima said nd went but cleverly she hided in flower basket... nd soon that flower basket was.. delivered to tempo nd tempo left... riddhima was happy... that she is free now..
V: dsouza where is riddhima??
Dsouza: sir maam was tired so she.. went to her room.. for rest..
V:ok clean this all... i will check..
Is she too much tired... let me check her first then only i can take a relief breath
(He was about to enter her room by using is spare key but he stopped) no no she wont like it.. now she need some private time... to settle ( he knocked)
V: honey bee (knock knock) sweetheart (knock knock) Riddhima..... i m entering...
He said he found that door was opened.. he get inside and he didnt found riddhima .. bedsheets were cold.. he found something fishy
V: riddhima r u in washroom??? I m coming
He went nd found nothing...
V: she ranned she ranned... u didnt done right honeybee... u had seen my love.. u havent seen my anger.. now what will happen what will be the CONCEQUENCES u will be the reason honeybee...
V: AANGREY................ (he shouted)
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