chapter 6
Vansh was angry... he some how cool down... himself...
V:listen sweet heart.... dont test my patience... u wont like it or tolerate it do. U. Undertand...... (said in cold voice nd staring her..)
R: where r u taking me??? What do u want from me... y r u doing this to meeee plzzz let me gooo...... plzzzzzz vansh.....
Vansh leaned down towards her...nd wiped her tears intensly...
V:dont cry..... sweetheart i dont like this... theseee tears doesnt suit u...
R:so plzzz let me goo.... i wont cry... promise...
V:sweetheart u r soo innocent my heart cries when u cry... my heart cries when u r not infront of me... in both situation my heart cry but when u r wid me their is 1% chance that i can make u feel my luv for u...
Thats y u r not going anywhere nd never try to escape from me... if u tried u won"t like consequences... now be a good girl...
Hearing this riddhima sat quietly...
V:be ready tomorrow will be our engagement.....
Angre shockingly stopped his car... with a sudden jerk... coz he was thinking that vansh needed riddhima for.. some time or night butt he want riddhima for forever...
V:what happened aangrey.....
A:n-noth-nothing bossssssss.......
Riddhima was hell shocked... nd looking vansh in hatred...
They reached home.... vansh extended his hands towards riddhima nd riddhima was so frustrated that she was not in the mood of arguing so she excepted... his help she was surprised looking the big VR MANSION....
V:come sweetheart..... to our home..
Riddhima just ignored "our home"
R:plzzz call me riddhima.... plzzzzz i have got a beautiful name.... so plzz..
V:ok riddhima...... happy...
R:happy with u????huh????
V:common now....
They went inside... riddhima was adoring whole house.. it was designed beautifully...
R:plzz atleast let my sister know about me.. she would be worried....
V:ahaaaa it will be done now u need rest... nd tomorrow is our engagement it wont be too big... mrs dsouza show your to be mrs Raisinghania her room...
Mrs dsouza.. nodded nd took riddhima to big beautiful room..
R: i cant marry this monster... nooo i cant... i wont be living here its suffocating
After few minutes Mrs DSOUZA bring her suitcases..
Riddhima thanked her...nd dsouza left..
R:i will think how to escape... i m not going to live with this monster...
She need to cool down nd think about how to escape she decided to take hot water.. bath she took a bath nd felt fresh.. She weard joggers like this ⬇️⬇️
She was about to wear a t shirt over that suddenly two hands curled around her bare waist she was utterly shocked.. bcoz she had locked the door.. nd she turned nd saw vansh... vansh pulled her more close to her nd she struggled between his arms... she was hitting on his chest wid her tiny fists nd he was liking the gesture that how cute her sweet heart looking.... he was just smiling
R:whatttt??? Leave me... vanshh u cant force me
V:i can sweetheart !!! But i wont... do this.. coz i know u r not ready for ..........
R:for??? U....... just leave me
Vansh grip became more tighter on her waist that she winced in pain.. he make her look into his eyes.. he slowly leaned towards her forehead nd kissed her on her forehead she closed her eyes she knew that vansh had kidnapped her.. but the warmth in his embrace nd his kiss.. he kissed both eyes intensly.. he kissed her pink cheeks he kissed on her little nose riddhima was standing numb.. his lips were now thirsty for her lips.. they were travelling to kiss her lips but it was blocked by her hand her eyes had tears...
R:vansh plzz....
Vansh moved back...
V:i m sor-ry riddhima...
Vanshs pov...
Dammit what did i had done... dammit she isnt ready arghhhhhh y i couldn"t control myself.... ARGHH i dont know what happened but she was looking breathtaking... she looks beautiful in every attire....
V:ahem ahem!!! Do u want to say something...
R:ub vab..(she was lil awkward bcoz instead of pushing him she felt the genuine warmth) i need some time vansh... i dont want to marry soo soon... i m in college i want complete my studies...
V:nd when i said we r marrying now???
Riddhima was confused...
V:sweetheart i know u r very concerned about your studies... i just want to give world a sign that u r mine u r fiance of VR we will marry once your studies finished nd yess one more thing i dont want to make u upset so i decided to do this but u dont try to escape.. coz u cant... or dont make me angry... or else u know... honey bee..
R pov: am i hearing right that this guy is understanding no no riddhu he is only trapping... u..
R:ok but how did u enter my room i remember i had locked the room..
V:well nice question going to be mrs Raisinghania... (riddhima rolled her eyes) u r forgeting its VR mansion i own this mansion.. so dont u think i must be having keys.. also..
R:look vansh...
V:show riddhima i m here for it only that i can look... (he smirked nd riddhima gasped vansh rocked riddhima shocked)
Close your mouth sweetheart...
R:u......... pervert.. (she was just irritated by his gestures nd vand was all cool standing nd smirking putting his hand inside his pants pocket..)
R:listen vansh...
V: i want too..... but moans... (he winked nd made a puppy face)
Riddhima was literally shocked nd showed disgust on her face..
R: u r so disgusting vansh actually its waste of time talking wid u... nd i dont like... anybody to come inside my room wid out my permission...
V:1st of all i m not anybody 2nd i own each room of this house so i don"t take permissions do u get that???
R: its your house but.... this is my room...
V:do u have any option... Riddhima...
R:vansh plzzzzz
V: thats like my sweetheart i will try..
R: what do u mean u will try u have to...
V: do u want me to change my decision of trying also... as u wish sweetheart...
R:no no no u try...
Vansh smirked nd pulled riddhima towards him nd landed a kiss on her forehead: goodnight sweetheart.......
He leaned towards her ear lobes nd whispered huskily : u look damn hot in this attire...... honeybee (he winked at her nd went )
Riddhima was confused realised that she hadnt weared her t-shirt....
R:oh shittttt!!! Bloody pervert....
To be continued
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