chapter 59
Scissor was handed to vansh... vansh made vanya nd riddhima hold scissor... nd cutted the ribbon... everyone clapped.... nd the curtains removed... nd what they saw made their eyes teary.... there was a huge frame in which dapper has placed his head on riddhimas lap.. nd riddhima caressing dapper her baby bump was visible... nd vansh side hugged her nd was reading book.... it was randomly clicked by aaryan...
Aryan came
Ar: bhai!! This is a small gift from my side... i thought what will be more precious gift than which u four r present u.. bhabhi... vanu... nd dapper....
Vansh became lil emotional... he hugged aaryan... everyone clapped...
Paparazzi clicked photos.... they all celebrated the inaugration... vanya was tired so she slept placing her head on her fathers comfy shoulder... nd sucking her thumb... everyone in party were like awe after seeing
Father daughter... duo...
R: vansh give vanya to me.. u must be tired... holding her from the beginning...
V: no riddhima i m not tired...
R:accha ok... but give her i had to feed her i will go to rest room nd feed her.. give me..
V: ohh ok..
He handed vanya to riddhima.... riddhima took her to rest room... nd fed her.. here vansh went to his bussiness partners.. nd talked wid them.. then suddenly his phone rang.. he picked the phone.. it was shylohs Vet..
Vet: mr Raisinghania shyloh had given birth to 4 healthy puppies...
This was the news which vanshs ears were dying to hear.... he informed everyone... nd celebrated their birth... everyone were very happy.....
4 years..
A 4 year little girl... with a ponytail... was between four... dogs... she was lying on them.. her head was placed on 1dogs stomach... her hand on 2nd dog her legs were thrown on other dogs.... she was sleeping on them like a queen.. nd those dogs also didnt complained they were also sleeping... as they were very comfortable.. wid her.. then she opened her eyes... slowly..
She rubbed her eyes wid her small hand..
Girl: hey !!! U foul doggo... get.. up.. its an order.. youl mastel is tolling u.. get up...
They four got up...
R: vanyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!
Girl was vanya... vanya closed her ears wid her hands...
Vanya: ohh no... papa.........
She ran towards study where vansh was doing some work.. angre aaryan nd rishabh were also.. present.. in study.. she came running nd sat on her papas lap...
Ar: vanu.. now what u did???
Vanya; papa save me... she is coming..(puppy eyes)
V: u dont worry papa is there...
Everyone chuckled.. riddhima entered like a mini volcano...
R:u..... little devil.. come here...
Vanya: papa just look at her she is still looking so cute... (she whispered in vanshs ear)
Vansh chuckled... vanya. Is exactly his photocopy by behaviour.. they both always get scolded by riddhima but they both never leave a chance to complement about her..
R: heyy.. u father daughter r u both done wid your khusurpusur...
Vanya: take a chill pill mumma..
Riddimas eyes widened....
R:u.... come here i will tell u how I"ll take chill pill... come...
V:riddhima what vanya did y r u shouting..
R: ohhhh so your sweetiepie didnt told u anything.... u know what she did today in her class..??
V: what??
R: her principal called me nd complaint.. she bullied a boy.. in her class.. she bullied him that she will punch him hard... nd that boy is so much sacred that his parent complained to principal..... u.... little devil.. come here...
Vanya:but what was my fault mumma.. i told him.. to give his coloul to me.. but he didnt... nd u know na mumma.. what i need 1st i ask nd then i snatch...
She is exactly a carbon copy of vansh.. she said the exact dialogue.. of vansh riddhimas eyes widened nd mouth opened... everyone pressed their lips.. for not to laugh.. vansh smirked proudly...
R: whattt y r u smiling say something to your daughter...
He turned to vanya...
V: u r really my daughter... .my sweetiepie..
Riddhimas eyes widened nd mouth opened.. aryan laughed..
Ar: bhabhi what do u expect from vansh raisinghanias daughter... afterall she will handle the bussiness in future.. right vanu...
Vanya: yo chachu!!!
Riddhima took a long breath... before she could speak.. her phone rang it was call from hospital... she was a physiotherapist now... she use to attend her patients..
R: vanya... its a bad manner to bully anyone... do u get that...
Vanya nodded.. riddhima smiled at her cute tactics...
Riddhima went..
V: vanya... mumma is right... u will say sorry to that boy ok....
Vanya: ok papa...
Vanya was lil mischievous... she use to play wid 4 dogs.. or u can say junior dappers.. she use to pull their tail.. ears... but they use to behave like matures.. she was a daddys girl.. plus chachus girl... if she did some mistake she use to hide behind her father. Or aryan chachu... or her 2 Fufa.. angre nd rishabh...
Yess angre nd rishabh were vanyas fufas as ishani got married to angre.. nd sia to rishabh...
Riddhima was in her room in front of mirror.. she was drapping her saree.. she drapped her saree.. she was about to pin her stole on her blouse.. but suddenly 2 hands.. encircled her waist.. she knew very well it was him... his hand marched to her stole where she was about to pin her stole.. he removed the pin nd the stole felled on ground exposind her belly on mirror riddhimas eyes widened she thought he will pin her saree but he did opposite... he smirked by her reaction... he sniffed her smell... then his hands went to her drapping... he digged his head on her neck..nd nuzzled his nose on her neck..
V: mmmmm.... this smell of yours still have the power to drive me crazy... mrs vansh raisinghania...
Saying this he started pulling her drapping... of saree... she stopped him.. he made a confused face..
R:vanshhh i had drapped it taking lots of time... why r u opening.. move i have to go to hospital to check my patients..
Vansh turned her... to face him.. he nuzzled his nose on her nose... on her face closing his eyes... she also closed her eyes.. he caressed her cheeks intensly..
V: what about me.. riddhima.. i m also your patient.... who is falling sick... day by day... coz of not getting his medicine by his doctor wife... huh??what about your this patient..
He said staring her lips intensely nd pulling her more closer to him... she gasped... riddhima rolled her eyes...
R: vanshhh... leave me.. i have to go...
Vansh ignored her nd kept nuzzling his nose on her face....
V: dont u think... vanya is feeling lonely... she needs a sister or brother.. huh??
He said kissing her chin... riddhima chuckled... she hitted his chest...
R:u pervert!!! I dont think.. she is already happy with... hunter,rebel,sniper nd sky... (dogs name) nd if u r talking about sister nd brother... let the new couples do there work...
She was about to move nd settle her saree.. but vansh pinned her on wall nd... placed wet kisses on her neck.. she clutched his shoulder...
V:mmm.... so her father need one more girl or a boy..
He bited on her collarbone... she whinced...
R:vanshhh..(she moaned)
He started opening her saree drapping... he kissed her lips passionately...
1 month later...
Ishani nd angre got to know that they r going to be parent soon.... ishani is 3 months pregnant.... riddhima hugged ishani... vansh hugged angre... vanya ran towards angre nd angre lifted her in his arms.. vanya kissed angre on his cheek..
Vanya: congatuation!! Fufu.... i want a sister...
Everyone laughed by seeing her cute tactics..
Angre:nd y u need a sister.. princess..
Vanya: i had seen in poster"s that when they ale boln ther ale like small dolls.. so i will take cale of hel comb hel hails... do hel make up...
Every one laughed... angre kissed vanyas cheek...
Vansh looked riddhima.. nd smirked... he went to her nd whispered...
V: i told u na... she needs a sibling..
Riddhima hitted him by her elbow...
They all were very happy... riddhima suddenly felt uneasy... like vomiting... she vomited... then something snapped her..
She went to clinic nd brought a pregnancy kit... she crossed her finger nd closed her eyes... nd then she opened her eyes nd her eyes.. filled with tears... tears of happiness... it was positive...
R: vanshhhhhhhhh......... i m pregnant again.....
She shouted from bathroom... nd vansh almost choked while drinking his coffee.. in room....
~The end~
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