chapter 55
Vansh was happy beyond anything..... he just cant simply define what beautiful feeling is he feeling right now... holding his part.... yes she is part of him... a beautiful... part of him.. probably his heart... he is holding his daughter in her arms... he smiled looking at the small figure in his arms.... he forget about all sorrow pain by just her one glance... her innocent face.. then suddenly vansh remembered about riddhima...
V: sister... hows my wife... is she fine... can i meet her...??
N: yess sir she is fine.... must say your wife nd daughter r fighters... it was a complicated case but they both didnt gaveup... they fought... she is absolutely fine but little amount of weakness... yess u can meet her...
Vansh felt extreme relief... hearing nurse.. he holded baby vanya.. nd marched towards riddhimas room... angre was also following him.. they entered the room there riddhima was lying on bed unconscious her face was pale... many pipes were attached to her body... vanshs heart cried... he felt guilty.. bcoz vyom was his enemy.. nd bcoz of him riddhima have to suffer this much... tears collected in his eyes... he went towards her while baby vanya was in his arms.. sleeping like a sleeping beauty.. very calmly
V:sweetheart....( with concern nd heavy voice like he may start crying anytime)
Riddhima heard his voice nd slowly opened her eyes... everything was blurr for a while... 1st her eye went to her belly... she realised that now her belly wasnt curved.. she panicked...
R: vanshhhhhhh our bab-
before she could complete her sentence she turned her head towards vansh nd saw he was holding something... she probably knew that it was their baby but to confirm she looked towards vansh nd vansh knew that what she was trying to ask he blinked looking at her and smiled... riddhimas eyes teared up... vansh carefully layed baby vanya.. beside her.. riddhima could feel motherhood the best feeling in this world to be a mother..
R: va...vanshh.. our ...
V: i told u na riddhima.. it will be a girl.. look .. my princess... my angel vanya Raisinghania...
She kissed vanyas forehead..
R:va...vansh.. her lips r exactly like u..
Vansh nd angre chuckled...
V: see angre i said u na.. her lips r like mine... dekhna... she will be like her papa..
R: really....(sarcastically)
V: yaa really...(with a tight smile)
Angre nd riddhima laughed... due to their laugh baby vanya woke up... she opened her eyes nd cried... oh man.. her eyes... her eyes shape r like riddhima but her eye lens colour r same as vansh.... hazel brown... eyes... which can make anybody nervous same as vansh.. eyes.. deeps as ocean..
V: oh mannn these r my eyes... yesss they r mineeeee....( he shouted excitedly..)
Riddhima nd angre chuckled.. riddhima tried to quiet the baby holding her in her arms nd patting her softly.. soon baby vanya slept... doctor arrived..
Dr: so mrs Raisinghania how r u feeling now??
R: better..
Dr: great!! Mr Raisinghania now u have double responsibilities.. u have to take care of both mother nd child.. coz riddhima.. has losed lots of blood due to which lots of weakness is there... nd your baby.. she need extra care nd concern.. coz she is not born as normal babies after 9 months she is born earlier... due to which her immune system is also weak... do u both mother nd father get it...
Vansh nd riddhima became serious..
V: yess dr. I will take care of them...
Dr: riddhima u have to specially take care of your diet bcoz u will be feeding your baby for 6 months so u should have healthy nutrients.. ok??
Riddhima nodded vansh nd riddhima heard dr. Instructions carefully...
Dr: ok mr Raisinghania... after 2 3 observations... nd tests... u can take your wife nd child wid u...
Saying this dr went.. angre also left so trio could get lil private time...
Vansh sat beside riddhima.. nd side hugged her nd took a long breath... he kissed her forehead.... nd rested his chin on her head nd she rested her head on his chest.. they both were staring baby vanya...
V: thank u.... thank u so much riddima.. thank u for such a beautiful gift...thank u...
There was silence for a while... but that silence shows love...& peace..
Then suddenly something snapped riddhima she lifted her head from vanshs chest... nd looked into his eyes...
Vansh raised his eyebrows...
R:va..vansh.. Da...Dapper???
Vanshs eyes teared up nd he nodded in negative... riddhima burried her head in his chest nd cried silently.... tears were rolling down her cheeks.... vansh rubbed her back..
R: bcoz of himm vanya is wid us i m wid u...(she cried)
Vansh wiped her tears...
R: vansh.. he was so excited for vanya.. how could god so cruel...
Vansh pressed his lips.. bcoz tears were collecting in his eyes... his heart was turning heavier.. he could start crying at any moment nd now he need to be strong he hugged her tightly... they both remembered everymoment with dapper tears rolled down their cheeks... they both pacified eachother...
Phone rings TRING TRING..
It was vanshs phone.. vansh saw it was rishabhs call... rishabh was one who was most attached to dapper.. vansh felt more heavier from his heart.. riddhima rubbed his back.. nd blinked to pick up the fone.. vansh picked the phone..
V: he..hello!!
Rish: boss!! Everything is ready.. for dappers funeral...(wid heavy tone)
Vansh closed his eyes.. nd moments wid dapper flashed.. when he was a puppy.. he was like a snow ball... he use to chew chachis pallu... he never left him alone.. a tear drop fell from his eyes... he took a long breath..
tears were rolling down her cheeks also...
V: are u fine rishabh??
Rish:yess boss i m fine boss!! Our dapper is not going anywhere he is coming to us again...
Vansh scrunched his eyebrows..
V: means??
Rish: boss! Shyloh is 1 month pregnant nd next month she will give birth to dappers puppies... we will get many junior dappers....
Vansh smiled... : are u serious??
Rish: yess boss!!!
Riddhima nd vansh smiled.. looking eachother.. nd hugged eachother..
V: take care rishabh..
Rish: u too boss... nd how can i be so fool congratulations to u nd bhabhi... we r waiting for our princesss...
Vansh nd riddhima smiled....
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