chapter 51
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Riddhima was sleeping in their room nd vansh was doing some work.. in his laptop in their room... suddenly his phone rang.
It was an unknown number.. vansh picked the fone..
V: hello??
(Some french words ahead)
Voice:Bonjour mon cher..( hello my dear)
V: who??
Voice: Don"t you want to know the murderer of your parents???
Vanshs blood boiled..
Voice:refroidir refroidir( cool down cool down)
V: who the hell u r nd how do u know about my parents bastard....
Voice: (he was laughing evily😈)
V: just tell me dammit nor i will kill u...
Voice: u wanna know who is behind all this.. so come to ****** location...
Phone was hanged.. vansh blood was boiling his eyes turned red due to anger... he picked his gun nd went out of the room..
V:aangre angre!!!
Angre arrived..
V: lets go to ***** location
A: boss what happened ??
V: angre just do as i say.. pick your gun.. nd some mens.. nd u rishabh be here.... nd keep an eye... nd take care of riddhima...
Rish:ok boss!! U dont worry..
Angre vansh nd some mens left the mansion for ***** location.. that location was 2 hr away from VR mansion....
After 1hr riddhima woke up she looked here nd there but found vansh nowhere.. she was in half sleep..
R:vanshh(in a sleepy voice)
When she didnt get any response she stood up nd went outside the room...
Rishabh arrived..
Rish: bhabhi.. he had went for an important work... he will be back soon..
R: oohhhh...
Rish: bhabhi boss had said after u wake up.. i should make u eat fruits.. so plzz have some fruits...
R: ok rishabh...
Rishabh nd riddhima were about to go.. to dinning area.. suddenly they heard a blast sound.... it felt like a huge earth quake took place...
R: rishabh rishabh what was that??(in a panick voice..)
Rishabh was tensed he called the entrance security.. nd he got to know some ppl had attacked VR mansion.. suddenly firing sound of guns.... started... riddhima panicked...nd was horrified... rishabh was tensed.. he took out his gun...
Rish: bhabhi come with me.. someone had attacked VR mansion we should leave the mansion from secret door come....
R: rish...rishabh... what is this..... ???
Rish: bhabhi come.....
Rishabh holded her hand... they were going to secret door but suddenly a goon came infront of them... wid gun rishabh shooted him... all goons that came in their way were killed by rishabh.... nd suddenly a goon shooted on rishabhs arm due to which his gun felt down... riddhima was crying..
Blood was oozing out of his arm... that goon was walking towards riddhima.... rishabh tried to stop that goon...
Rish; bhabhi run...
R: how can i leave u like this..
Rish: bhabhiiii run... plzzzz....
R:but rish--
Rish:bhabhi plzzzz go... if i will die only one life will die.. but if something happen to u no no no... bhabhi goooo... plzzzzzz..
Riddhima cried nd ran... she went to their room.. nd picked her phone nd tried to contact vansh but it was out of reachable she was unaware of secret door she cried.. she caressed her belly...
R: baby dont worry.. mumma is here nothing will happen to u....
Nd then she saw a goons reflection on mirror who throwed a knife.. towards her.. riddhima shouted... nd closed her eyes.. she was panting then she realized nothing happened to her.. she saw knife just passed beside her.. she was sweating.. nd gulping.. that goon laughed evily nd walked towards.. riddhima..
R: stay away..... plzzz... don"t do anything i m pregnant plzzz... show some humanity..
Goon laughed evily... nd took out one more knife he moved towards her riddhima almost begged him.. he was about stab her... riddhima closed her eyes... then she heard his... scream.... he felt down... riddhima saw rishabh nd dapper... at the door.. rishabh had thrown a knife on that goons back.. riddhima took a relief breath..
Rish: bhabhi r u ok???
Rid: yess rishabh... but what is this happening???
Rishabh was badly injured.. he was panting.. heavily..
Rishabh:bhabhi... dont know.. bhabhi u go wid dapper... he knows the secret door.. u both can escape from there... till then i nd our mens will handle this... u go...
Riddhima cried: rishabh where is vanshhh???? Where is he???
Rish: i think this is all planned.. As soon as they found out that boss is not at home, they attacked... bhabhi we dont have time to talk u just run from secret door.. dapper will help u..
Dapper nd riddhima ran towards secret door.. a goon came infront of them... dapper attacked the goon... dapper really attacked that goon like a tiger... then he pulled riddhimas kurti.. nd they both moved towards secret door... nd they both came out of VR mansion but still goons were finding riddhima... riddhima was panting heavily as she was pregnant she wasnt able to run... her stomach was aching lil bit her legs were also falling weak... she was feeling pain in her stomach... nd sweating.. she was breathing heavily.... then she found bushes.. she nd dapper hide behind bushes.. dapper was lil injured riddhima smiled the way dapper fought wid those goons she caressed her belly... she rested her head..
R: where r u vansh????
She closed her eyes.. nd took a long breath...
Scene changes..
Vansh reached the location.. nd found no one he found a chit...
Bonjour mon cher....
I thought before meeting u i should give u some surprises... your surprise is waiting in your home.. vansh...
Your truly enemy
Reality hitted vansh... he cursed himself nd panicked...
V: angre lets go to vr mansion.. now.. fast..
A: boss what happened??
V:angre this all was a distract us from VR mansion shittt.... how can i be so stupid.... ( he panicked)
A:boss dont worry I"ll call rishabh...
V: yess angre call him...
They both sat inside the car.. angre called rishabh but it was switched off... vansh panicked more.. vansh called riddhima.. but her phone was also switched off vansh ordered angre to call every servant... but no one picked the phone...
A: boss no one is picking the phone.. u r right something is wrong.. boss..
V: angre i dont know what i will do if anything happen to my riddhima nd child...(he groaned nd gritted his teeth)
He drove the car.. more fastly.. his grip on steering tightened...
V:how can I be such an idiot nd foolish.. i wont leave that bastard.. i swear once i will catch him.. it will be his last day on earth.. i swear...
Scene changes...
Riddhima.. peeped outside the bushes she was feeling suffocation so she came out of that bushes.. she was feeling thirsty..her throat dried she nd dapper moved out from the bushes.. they walked some metres.. it was an isolated area... riddhimas head was also spinning..
Scene changes to vr mansion..
Vansh nd angre reached vr mansion.. whole vr mansion was destroyed.. he saw many mens were injured.. then his eyes went to rishabh.. who had fainted vansh was literally scared... he was restless his heart was beating like bullet train... his throat dried his eyes were not able to find his riddhima... he sprinkled some water.. on rishabhs face.. rishabh opened his eyes..
V: rishabh.. where is riddhima????
Rish: boss.. bha..bhabhi.. i had send her out of the mansion wid dapper..
Vansh stood up.. angre said one of his man to.. take rishabh nd others to hospital..
Scene changes..
Riddhima nd dapper were walking.. nd suddenly some goons came.. dapper attacked those goons but this time those goons were more powerful.. riddhima ran.. she was running.. nd one goon came infront of her.. riddhima moved backwards.. goon was about to pull the gun.. suddenly he was shotted in his head... he felt down.. riddhima looked towards the direction.. from where the bullet was fired.. she saw vansh.. whose eyes were blood red nd he was gritting his teeth... riddhima smiled.. tears rolled down her cheeks.. when vansh saw riddhima his eyes automatically.. showed care concern nd softened he smiled.. riddhima was moving towards him.. he was moving towards her.. nd then riddhima saw a goon with knife was about to stab vansh...
Vansh turned back nd goon stabbed knife.. on his stomach.. blood oozed out from his stomach.. riddhimas breath stopped for a while..
R: vanshhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!(she shouted)
Riddhima ran towards vansh.. vansh felt on ground.. riddhima cried bitterly.. she placed his head on her lap.. nd patted his cheeks..
R:vanshh.. vansh..... nothing will happen to u.. u will be fine..
Blood was oozing out of his stomach..
Riddhimas kurti drenched with blood nd turned red.. she cried... vansh was breathless..
R: vansh.. dont close your eyes plzz keep your eyes.. open..
Riddhima begged those goons to spare them..
Vanshs hand were also drenched with blood.. he cupped riddhimas face.. riddhima was crying bitterly..
V: show me your face sweetheart.. plzz dont cry.. these tears r more painfull.. one last time plzz let me see your pretty face..
R:nooooooo..... its not last time u have to bear... me for whole life... u have to see my face every day... vansh u had promised me u will take care of me nd our child.. u cant break your promise... like this..
Riddhima cried.. bitterly.. tears rolled down his cheeks also.. he holded her hand..
V: promise me riddhima u will keep our child happy.. u will teach him/her good manners... u will make him/her a good human being plz...
R: noooooo... we will....... not only I.. its our child not only mine... we will teach him good manners... plzz vansh..
Vansh pulled her head towards him nd placed a kiss on her forehead... she cried bitterly...
V: thanks.. to your god.. that he fulfilled my last wish...
Riddhima remembered how once vansh said his last wish was That when he takes his last breath, his head is on Riddhima"s lap and he can see Riddhima"s face... he could stare her face before hugging his death bed..
she cried more...
Vansh smiled...
R:no no no... u cant u cant...... leave me.... vanshhhhhhhhhhhh..
Vansh smiled nd closed his eyes slowly peacefully...
R:vanshhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!(she shouted)
His breath stopped nd heart beat stopped... goons laughed... goons pulled riddhima wid them.... Riddhima wasnt ready to leave his hand.... she cried... goons pulled her...
R: vanshhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
Their hands detached... she cried nd vanshs body remained on that isolated area..
Aaraam de dil ko mere..
Mere paas aaa...
Mar mar k jee raha hu..
Meri sunle sada...
Mehsoos kar tu bhi mujhko zara..
Hona naa mujhse judaa..
ishq mein marjawan
kuchh bhi ksm se karjawan.....
Iss ishq mein marjawan kuchh bhi ksm se karjawan......💔💔
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