chapter 48
Riddhima was sitting on bed nd caressing her belly she had tears of happiness.. in her eyes.. vansh came running to their room he saw riddhima was sitting nd caressing her belly... he ran towards her nd hugged her tightly riddhima also reciprocated the hug... vansh broked the hug nd cupped her face nd kissed her whole face.... he also had tears of happiness in his eyes...
V: u dont know riddhima... what a priceless gift u r giving me.... I LoVe U sweetheart..
Riddhima smiled nd hugged him..
R: vansh.. we r going to be parents... our sign of love is going to take birth.... vansh... I LoVe u too.....
They hugged eachother for 5 minutes.. vansh broked the hug nd carressed her belly... he leaned nd kissed her belly... nd hugged her again tightly.. both were lost in eachothers embraces... suddenly something snapped riddhima she pushed vansh.. vansh was shocked...
V: riddhima what happened r u ok?? What happened??
Riddhima kept her palm on her nose...
R: vansh u r stinking....
Vansh was really shocked..
V: whatttttttttt...
Vansh sniffed himself..
V: r u out of your mind riddhima?? I had applied my perfume nd its smells so good...
He tried step forwards to her.. but riddhima stopped him...
R:vansh stay there dont come near me... or else i will puke on u..
Vanshs eyes widened...
V: riddhima what r u saying..
He again tried to step forward..
R : i m saying u vansh just stay i m serious... do one thing plzz go out of the room...
Vansh was shocked by her sudden change in behaviour...
R:Go... dont come near untill u free yourself from this smell.... just gooooo!!!!!
R: go!!!!!
Vansh was shocked... he went downstairs confused..
Dadi: vansh... what happened???
V:daadi your grand daughter in law is mad...
Everyone giggled...
V:daadi she was saying i m stinking like seriously.... i use my most fav nd branded armani perfume how could she say that.... she almost throw me out of our room... how could she do... that......
Daadi chuckled nd everyone laughed...
Chachi: aree vansh Now get used to it...
Vansh made a confused face...
Voice: let me tell u....
It was rudra chachu he had went for a bussiness trip... he came nd stood beside chanchal...
R chachu: let me tell u vansh... in pregnancy womens have moodswings they may hate those things which they use to love...
Ar: dad You speak like you know everything..
R chachi: duffer r u forgetting u r my child nd i m your dad?
Ar: o yess so it means mom also...
Rudra shook his head..
Rudra: yessss....u dont know aaryan when u were going to born.. i remember those horrible 9 months oh god her mood swings she use to cry she use to be angry any time once she almost bursted my head.. from vase..
Vansh gulped he licked his lip..
Rudra; nd u know for what reason bcoz i had forgotten to bring cheesecubes for her... could u imagine for cheesecubes she was ready to kill her husband..
Everyone chuckled.. but vansh was hell nervous...
Rudra: nd then i went at night 10pm to bring cheesecubes... for her after struggling i bring cheesecubes nd she threw it in dustbin nd i was like r u gone nuts... nd what she said was she was feeling like puking by smell of cheese... few minutes later she was asking for it nd now.. o god those horrible days.. and u know once----
Chachi: stopp itt... enough. Just look at vansh how horrified he is..
Vansh was standing horrified.. he holded his head..
V; i love my head..
Everyone laughed..
R cha: its just starting beta...
Everyone giggled..
Dadi: oh stop!! Everyone.. y r u scaring my child.. nothing will happen... u can do it vansh...
V:daadi what should i do now..
D; simple just change your perfume...
V: but its my favourite..
D: vansh now u r going to be dad.. in future also u both have to sacrifice many things for your child... its just a starting... vansh in this time period u have to be calm.. nd have patience...
Vansh nodded.. vansh went to their room nd he almost rushed to bathroom riddhima was confused.. vansh took bath nd came wrapping towel below his abdomen.. nd a towel around his neck... riddhima was confused... she scanned him from toe to top..he was looking hot.. she raised her.. eyebrows.. he smirked nd thew his towel around his neck.. on bed nd step towards her.. she was standing confused.. he pulled her towards him... she gasped..
V: is it fine now sweetheart...
Riddhima smiled...
R: perfect!!!
She traced her fingers on his chest.... he pulled her more closer... she was teasing him..
V: riddhima stop it!!!!
Riddhima giggled... she kissed his chest where her name was inmprinted vansh was breathless for a while... he was loosing his control over himself.. again she kissed on his chest... boom this time he loosed his control he pulled her more closer nd burried his head on her neck.. nd placed wet kisses on her neck.... he pulled her more closer... nd kissed her neck shoulder... like a hungry person.. she moaned... she kissed on his neck... his grip on her tightened.. his hands moved towards her back to her zip.. he kissed her lips.. as he was longing for this... they both kissed eachother.. vansh was about to open her zip.. but suddenly he remembered she is pregnant... he moved away from her.... nd cursed himself for loosing his controll... he took a long breath.. riddhimas cheeks turned red.. she was blushing.. he hugged her...
To be continued
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