chapter 47
They were hugging eachother suddenly riddhima felt like vomiting she pushed vansh nd ran inside the bathroom.. vansh was scared plus worried he banged the door..
V: riddhimaaaaaa... riddhima.. is everything ok??? Riddhimaaaaaaaaa..... riddhima...
He was banging the door... restlessly.. riddhim opened the door rubbing her mouth with towel her face had turned pale...vansh gave him support...
V: what happened riddhima??? Should i call doctor????? Wait lemme call-
R: vanshhh i m fine... no need to call doctor.. i think i had overeaten... i m telling u vansh.. this overeating will kill me one day..
V:riddhima..... i dont think its due to overeating i think u r eating unhealthy food more..... junk foood... so from now u won"t have any junk food i will tell mrs dsouza to give u healthy food...
Riddhima scrunched her nose...
V: what?? What happened???
R: i know your healthy food those raw salads brocolli.. avocado... ewww yuckkkk...
Vansh rolled his eyes
V: oh common sweetheart... they r healthy.. plus i will tell her to add carrot soup in your diet...
R: carrot soup??? Ewww u know na vansh how much i hate carrot...
Vansh pinched her nose tip
V: i m telling u not asking u.. sweetheart..
R: whatever!!!
Vansh made her drink water.. nd made her lay down on bed he pulled the duvet to her neck... caressed her hairs.. nd kissed her forehead nd made her sleep.. then he also slept beside her hugging her..
Next morning..
Riddhima was playing with Dapper.. dapper was running here nd there nd riddhima was running behind him.. suddenly riddhimas leg hitted the table nd she was about to fell on her stomach... suddenly someone caught her... it was daadi... daadi turned red in anger... nd made riddhima stand..
R: sry daadi vo-
D: riddhimaaa r u out of your mind...... that u r running here nd there(daadi shouted)
Riddhima had never seen daadis this face she had never scolded her... riddhima flinched by daadis scold..
D: what if i dont come.. what would have happened to u.. u would have inujured yourself badly... do u even knowww..... (she scolded)
Riddhima bowed her head she was on edge to cry... daadi took a long breath to cool her down.... she cupped her face..
D: sry beta i didnt want to scold u but what if u would have injured..
R: i m sry daadi... i will take care...
D: great!! U should.. u r special..
Daadi smiled nd kissed her forehead nd caressed her face.. riddhima smiled..
D: nowww go and take rest alreay u r face is looking pale...
R: jii daadi!!
Riddhima went to her room Daadi thought to have a talk with vansh.. daadi went to his study nd knocked the door vansh was doing some work on his laptop.. he saw daadi nd shut the laptop.. he stood up..
V:aree daadi... come na y r u standing there come..
Daadi came inside...daadi looked tensed..
V:daadi is everything fine??
D:noo.. i want to talk to u...
V:yess daadi tell...
D:its about riddhima..
Vanshs face also became tensed..
V:yess daadi nowdays she is having moodswings sometimes she cry..sometimes she became angry.. sometime she laugh.. she will be fine soon...
D: my 50-year-old experience says.. my old eyes cant deceive me... You should take Riddhima to a gynecologist ..
Hearing daadi vanshs eyes widened.. he gulped...
V:Daa.dadi... gync...gyncologist???? Means..
He gulped.. daadi chuckled looking his condition... daadi patted his head...
D:i m observing this from few days.. but i didnt told u both i think u both will get to know by yourself... but today when i saw riddhima playing wid dapper running she was about to fall she would have injured herself badly then i realized now its time to make u both aware of this..
Vansh was staring daadi like she was an alien his eyes widened mouth opened... he licked his lips coz his lips dried.. nd gulped..
V:da..dadi.. what what do u me..mean.. i mean....
Daadi chuckled..
D: vanshhhhh look at your face...yess what r u thinking i exactly mean that.. yess u both r going to be parents soon....
He was standing like a statue nd staring daadi... in shock.. daadi holded his hand..
D:i know its a huge responsibility... but i know u both will handle it...
Vansh rubbed his face..
He was having mixed emotions.. but when he realized he is going to be a father their sign of love is going to take birth.. he was happy beyond imagination
V: daadi.. u...u mea...mean to say..i.. m going to be a.. fa...father...(he was stammering bcoz he was happy beyond anything)
Some one will call me PAPA...
Daadi nodded nd smiled. Vansh hugged daadi...
V: daadi daadi u dont know what news u had given me..... daadiiiiii...
But suddenly something snapped him.. he broked the hug..
V: daadi how r u so sure?? That riddh..riddhima.. is preg..pregnant....
Daadi rolled her eyes..
D: aree buddhu... look at her belly its lil flushed out... its not about that she is eating nowdays.. buddhu she is feeling extra hungry bcoz she is carrying a little life inside her... nd my old experienced eyes cant deceive me... nd to make sure.. go take her to gync..
V: but daadi what if doctor said that she isnt pregnant...
D: she is i m 100% sure.. now what r u waiting for call gync nowwwww.....
V: yess daadi...
Vansh took out his phone nd called doctor..
Doctor came to Vr mansion.. everyone were tensed except daadi..
I: bhaii what happened?? Doctor??
Ar: yess bhai what happened??
S: yes bhaii..
Cha: haayeeee vansh teri tabiyat tho thik h naa...??
D:uffo silence everyone keep quiet come dr riddhima is in her room..
Dr: yess maam lets go...
Dr nd daadi went to their room riddhima was confused daadi introduced doctor... riddhima was still confused..
Here in hall vansh was hell nervous he was biting his nails.... everyone were confused.. angre patted vanshs shoulder vansh jerked..
A: boss what happened is everything ok?? U r too much nervous...
Here in room dr confirmed the news of pregnancy.. riddhimas eyes widened... she caressed her belly.... nd smiled... daadi caressed her face nd kissed her forehead...
Doctor came downstairs vansh almost ran towards doctor...
V: dr is she fine ?is every thing ok?? Doctor tell na...
Dr: are are calm down mr Raisinghania... she is fine.. nd your child.. tooooo both mother nd child r safe... nd healthy... nd mr Raisinghania your wife is 3 months pregnant.. nd sometimes some womens doesnt show symptoms soon it take time same happened wid your wife she nd your child is absolutely fine..
Vansh was on cloud nine.. everyone were happy..
Ar: meanssssss bhabhi was turning into panda coz... she is pregnant... nd i m going to be chachu.... sooon o damnnn... man
I&s: nd we r going to be bua... chachi daadi nd daadi per daadi...
D: vansh u wont meet riddhima...
Vansh ran towards their room...
To be continued
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