chapter 43
Everyone were excited for the marriage... sejal came to vr mansion riddhima introduced her with whole family nd soon they all bonded... preparation for wedding started.... daadi entered...
Dadi: listen listen everybody... i m the elder i will decide.... everything... is it ok sejal??
SEJAL ;its perfect daadi go ahead...
Whole family sat in hall...
D: so i had decided... not only sejals marriage will take place... someone else.. wedding will also take.. place...
Everyone were confused..
Ar: daadi i know u need your 2nd daughter in law... but dont u think its so soon... i mean i want to live my bachelor life... noww plzz daadi not now..
D:shutup stupid!!!! I m not talking about u....i m talking about my vansh nd riddhima..
Vansh nd riddhima were shocked..
R: daadi us?? We r married...
D: i know... but u didnt performed any rituals... nd did marriage widout families presence... so i want u to marry again... with all rituals..
Sia: we love u daadi what an idea..
Sejal: woww dadi it was my dream that me nd my sister get marry together... yes yes it will be fun..
Vansh was very happy... from inside...
Ar:no but wut.... plzz na bhabhi...
Everybody insisted vansh was enjoying the scene nd moment riddhima agreed..
Sejal hugged riddhima..
Se: riddhu i m so happyyyyyyyyyy.......
I: ok ok... so who all will be ladke wale nd ladki wale...
Ar: sry bhai i m on bhabhis side afterall she took so much care of me.. so i m from bhabhis side...
V: wow aaryan wow.... (said sarcastically)
Everyone laughed...
I: accha Angre u???
Ar: is this a question to ask he is always from vansh bhai side... huh..
V: so do u have any problem....Aaryan ( warning tone)
I: aaryan r u that chugolkhor aunty y u reply.. others question..
Ar:whatever.. angre who gives u breakfast early morning?? Who take care of your mild coffee??
Riddima chuckled..
Ar: so whom side u should be...
Angre looked towards vansh. Vansh glared him...
A: ab vab sry boss!!! This time on bhabhis side...
Riddhima nd aaryan highfied nd chuckled at vanshs reaction...
Everyone laughed..
Sia: vansh bhaiya.... dont worry i m with u....
V: thats like my sister...
I: rishabh what about u???
Rishabh gave a tight smile to vansh...
R: bhabhi take care of my tea.. nd breakfast... but i will be on my boss side bcoz of him i got such sweet bhabhi...
Vansh smiled.. nd felt proud.
V: u both should learn something from rishabh(said to aaryan nd angre)
Ar: if some one want to learn how to buttering anyone.. join rishabh buttering classes.. wow rishabh.... so ishani now u tell from whose side u r???
I:mmmmmmmm... i will be on bhabhis side....
Vansh rolled his eyes...
I: now u all will see.. how strong we ladkiwali r....
Chachi: vansh dont feel lonely i m on your side....
V: thank u chachi... hasshhhh someone is there....
Dapper nd shyloh aarived now they both were friends... dapper went to vansh... nd shaked his hand... shyloh went to riddhima..
Cha: look these dogs also want join our vanshs nd riddhimas marriage...
Ar: look that dapper.. he always use to walk behind bhabhi whole day nd now he changed the party... never mind... huh..
I: u r really a aunty aaryan...
Everyone laughed...
D: ok ok so everything decided so.... mehndi will take place in evening nd theme will be green... any type of green okay so go get ready i had already informed lakshya nd his family... they will arrive at evening...
Vansh nd riddhima were about to go to their room..
D : are are where u two r going???.
Riddhima nd vansh made confused face...
D: u both will get married again so u cant live with eachother in one room nd now u both r not allowed to meet or talk also.. until wedding u can only meet in rituals...
V: whatttttttttttttt!!!!the..... no daadi.....
(He almost screamed)
Everyone laughed riddhima blushed..
V: ab vab i meann whats the need we both r already married so whats the need...
Sia: awwwww bhaiya cant live with out bhabhi...
D:Ab beta ye tho rivaaz h.... nothing cant happen...
Ar: look mr Raisinghania we cant give our sister like this to u if u behave like this.... now i m having doubts on u that what if i send my sister with u nd u took advantage of my sister... no no no i cant take risk before marriage...( he said in teasy tone)
Riddhima blushed heavily vansh glared aaryan nd saw riddhima blushing he pulled him towards him so she could burry her face on his chest nd blush freely... every one were like aweeee
V: m warning u aaryan if u speak one word i swear I"ll break 4 ;5 bones for sure stop teasing my wife..
Riddhima blushed more.... everyone laughed..
D: but its ritual u have to follow..
Ar:come bhabhi... come..
V: but....
Aaryan took riddhima... Vansh cursed aaryan... underbreath...
Mehndi ceremony..
All were ready for the function.. in green attires.. vansh was waiting for riddhima impatiently...
His outfit
And then riddhima entered nd when he saw her his breath stopped... he was mesmerized.. his mouth opened... widout knowing it... if he would If he was alone with her, he would have done something to her.. he was loosing his control simple yet beautiful... his eyes were staring her with lust.... his eyes was clearly telling that he was hyonotised by her beauty..... he gulped... be badly wanted to mark her mole on her collarbone.. which was visible...
Riddhimas outfit
Sia teased vansh..
Sia:bhaiyaaa close your mouth remember you r ladka we r ladkewale... we cant bend..
V: i will....(he was still mesmerizea)
Sia jerked vansh..
Sia: vansh bhaiya plzz get uo from your lala land...
Vansh tried to went towards riddhima... but blocked by aaryan...
Ar: no no vansh bhai u cant talk or meet her.. rituals u see.. nd i m a ritual following guy...
V:aaryan....(in a warning tone)
I: what bhai u can"t.. see how lakshya is standing like an obedient guy.. u also stand with him... go go.. sry boys u cant meet your brides till first night..(in a teasy tone)
Both girls riddhima nd sejal blushed nd every one laughed...
V: ishani i wont have long talk just for seconds... promise...
I:awwwwww no u cant..
Sia: oh common vansh bhai.. u r the vansh Raisinghania... u r bending...
She pulled vansh wid him..
V:but sia...
Sia: noo...
Everyone laughed mehendi ceremony started.... mehndi designers filled.. both girls. Palms with beautiful design.. nd wrote their grooms name.. nd on grooms hand brides name were imprinted...
V: huh... what this mehndi can do?? I had already imprinted her name.. on my--(then he realized what he said)
Lakshya was sitting beside himm...
L: what what did u said..???
V: noth..nothing...
I: no bhai u said something telll.....
Everybodies attention turned..towards. vansh..
Cha: why r u screaming ishani...
I: chachi bhai said" I had already imprinted her name.. on my--" nd then he stopped now u tell me what this mean.... tell bhai..
Ar: tell??
Riddhima was smiling nd blushing... everyone saw riddhima blushing..
Sejal: wait wait vansh did u imprinted tattoo.......????(she almost shouted)
I: oh yesssss bhaiii is this true..
Vansh blushed.. both couples were blushing....
Sia: so bhaiya it means its true....
Sejal: cool.. but where i cant see on your wrist...
Vansh lifted his hands towars his left chest...
Everyone: how romantic...........
D: but now its your love test vansh.. if riddhimas mehndi colour doesnt Turn dark then it means u dont love her....
V:not possible dadi.... The darkest color to see will be of my Riddhima"s Mehndi.. i challange u...
R: nd the darkest color to see will be of my vanshs mehndi......... i challange....
Everyone smiled....
To be continued
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