chapter 40
Vansh was running behind riddhima.. nd riddhima was running laughing on the road..
V:riddhima... stop... common..
She turned her face towards him still running...
R: nooo.... u have to catch me...
Suddenly a car hitted riddhima.... allover blood.... vanshs eyes widened he was in uttershock...........
he was breathing heavily sweat on his forehead.. his heartbeat increased as a bullet train....
Vansh rubbed his face...
V: it was a dream...... hashh my riddhima is safe... hashhhh. Riddhima..
He remembered their last night they made love.. last night he smiled..... he looked beside for riddhima... but his smile frowned when he didnt found riddhima beside him...
He panicked...
V: riddhima!!!!!
He panicked he got up from bed...
He was continously calling her name he became restless he weard his shirt... fastly... he panicked thinking about his worst nightmare........ he was about to open the door....of his room..
R: vanshh!!!!
He turned back... nd saw riddhima standing in bathrobe wet hairs... he almost ran towards her nd hugged her tightly... he cupped her face kissed her whole face... riddhima was confused...
R:vanshhh what happened??
He hugged her... placed his chin on her head...
V: nothing... just stay with me...
R: vanshhhh i m here only.. i m not going anywhere...
They broke their hug..
R: i thought something happened thats y u called me... look i have to comeout of bathroom.... from mid shower...... vansh not done....
Vansh smirked... nd scanned her from top to toe riddhima looked him he was staring her nd his intensions were not at all good... riddhima gulped..
R: wh...what....??
In a second vansh carried her in bridal style.. riddhima was shocked by his sudden action.... nd he was smirking..
R:wh...what r u doing put me down.. i have to take bath.. i have to come out from mid bath only vansh..
V: so who is saying not to take bath lets take bath together sweetheart.....
Riddhimas eyes widened...
V: our govt had said save water... we should follow his guidelines... common sweetheart...
He carried her to the bathroom... putted her down under shower... he turned on the shower he was staring her with intense gaze.... he opened his tshirt... then he opened her bathrobes knot.......
They took bath together he carried her to the room... he putted her down infront of mirror.. nd went towards closet nd took out a simple yellow saree.. nd a strap blouse... nd moved towards her riddhima extended her hand towards him..
R: so u want me to this to wear... give me...
V: ahaaaaaa honeybee i will make u wear this saree......
R: u know how to drap saree??
V:well yess....
Vansh made her wear saree.... 1st he strapped her blouse nd then drapped her saree.... he was staring her through mirror... then he took a drier nd dried her hair... then he took matching earrings nd made her wear... he took matching bangles nd made her wear.. on her delicant wrist.... he put kajal on her eyes....... riddhima smiled.... he turned her to face him he kissed her forehead.... nd caressed her hair...
R: not bad mr husband......
Vansh chuckled....
Phone rang... tring... tring...
R: oh its my phone... wait a minute ..
It was sejals call.. sejal asked her is she coming or not did she asked vansh or not riddhima said she I"ll ask now... call hanged
Now vansh is in good mood.. i should ask him....
Pov ends
She turned towards vansh nd saw him wearing shirt she went towards him nd holded his shirt... she kissed on his left chest... nd buttoned his shirt he encircled his arms around her waist..... she tied his tie...
R: vansh should I ask u something??
V: u dont need to ask order my queen...
R: va..vansh.. as u know sejals wedding is taking place next week she wants me spend this week with her help her in shopping nd wedding preparation can i plzz go for 1 week.....plzz..
Hearing her... vanshs sterned his..face nd gritted his teeth...
V: u r not going anywhere....( in strict tone)
R: va--
Vansh remembered his nightmare.... nd he became restless....
V: i said once u r not going anywhere means u r not going anywhere we will attend their wedding.. nd rituals....
V: riddhima... i have many work to do.. excuse me.....
Saying this he left the room banging the door....
R: how should i make him agree....
Riddhima went towards his study.. he was working on his laptop...
Riddhima shut the laptop... nd sat on his lap.. encircling her hands around his neck
Nd made him look into her eyes..
R: vanshhh plzz..... she is my only sister...
V: riddhima...i can accept nd fulfill your every whish... but not this one....
R:vansh plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz naaa... i promise I"ll take care of myself call u... nd will give my every information.. vansh plzzzzz( making puppy eyes)
Her puppy eyes were overpowering him... he was falling weak he looked away...
R: vanshh plzzzzzzzzzzz.......... let me go naa...... plzzzzz...... (she pouted)
Vansh was falling weak... then to make him more weak riddhima kissed him on his cheeks....
R:plzzzzz( puppy eyes)
Vansh took a long breath...
V: ok fine...
R: yayyyyyyyy u r the best husband...
V:stop buttering me but promise whenever I"ll call u.. u will pick up in one go ok??
V: u will follow my every instructions!!!
V: u will sleep at time no... long gossips..
R:but va--
V: ok then u r not going anywhere...
R: ok ok fine fine..
V: u will not roam to much... u will have food on time.... u will not have junk food...
R: vanshhhhhhhh am i going to educational trip???? Common vansh...
Vansh pulled her towards him nd placed kiss on her cheeks....
V: if u dont want to go then its ok...
She hitted his chest.. he chuckled... she was about to get up from him but he pulled her again on his lap nd nuzzled his nose against her neck...
R: vansh... somebody will come..
Vansh ignored her nd he was busy in nuzzling his nose against her neck...
He sniffed her smell..
V:hmmmm... how i will stay away from u...
Riddhima chuckled....
Suddenly aaryan shouted: bhabhi bhabhi where r u???
Riddhima departed from vansh nd stood up... vansh gritted his teeth nd fisted his hand...
V: 1st that dapper now this aaryan... argghh(he murmured)
Aryan arrived to studyroom..
Ar: aareee bhabhi u r here... bhabhi i m feeling very hungry plzzzz give me something to eat... bhabhi elephants r running inside my stomach.....
Riddhima chuckled: calm down calm down i will prepare sandwiches..quickly..
Ar: thank u bhabhi....
V: eat... eat.. aaryan now how much u want to eat bcoz for next one week u r not going to get riddhimas handmade food......
Ar:whatttttttttttttt!!!!! Yyyyyyyyyyyy...
V: bcoz.. she is going to her sisters house her wedding is taking place...
Aryan looked towards riddhima.. riddhima nodded in positive...
Ar: nd bhaii u r letting her go.... how can u..
Riddhimas eyes widened..
R: what r u saying aaryan.. after many efforts i had made him agree... now u dont provoke him...
Aryan giggled...
Ar: ok ok...
R: u sit i will bring your sandwich...
Ar : ok...
Riddhima was going towards kitchen she heard bell ringing she went to open the door... when she opened she saw 2 girls.. of her age..probably nd a women on her 70s.. to her surprise 2 girls hugged her tightly she was shocked... bcoz she dont know none of them... they broked the hug...
G1: wow she looks more pretty.. in reality..
G2: yesss....
Riddhima looked them confused..
Ar : bhabhiiiiiii where is my sandwi--- Ishani siyaaaaa..... daadiiiii....
G1 was ishani.. nd G2 siya..
R:siyaaa ishani!! Vanshs sisters??????
Then she looked towards daadi..
She touched daadis feet nd daadi blessed her...
R: am so sry...
D: its ok riddhima.....
Daadi hugged her nd kissed her forehead...
Vansh arrived he was shocked to see dadi nd sia.. they all became emotional... riddhima signed vansh to move forward...
Ish: bhaiii!!!(a lone tear drop fell from her eyes)
Sia: vansh bhaiya....
They both ran towards vansh nd hugged him tightly... vansh had tears in his eyes... he also hugged them...
I&S: we r sorry bhai... when u needed us most we were not there wid u...
They broked their hug.. daadi hugged vansh..
D: if u can forgive me then plzz forgive me....
V: daadi i was never upset on u.. or ishani bd sia.... so how can i forgive... u..
Tri hugged vansh ishani daadi nd sia..
Ar:awwwwwww... lets go bhabhi they dont need us plzz give me my sandwich i m feeling very hungry...( in a fake angry tone)
Everyone laughed...
I: now we all r together we will have lots of fun.... yaaaayyyyyyy
Ar:ahem ahem!!! Ishani bhabhi wont be there for next 1 week...
Sia: whyyyyyyyyyyy???
I&S: noooooooooooooooooooooo(unison)
Aaryan closed his ears
Ar: o plzzz stop shouting.... shouting like gopi bahu.....
S: bhabhi.. where r u going..??
Ar: actually she--
I: are u bhabhi???? Let her talk why r u speaking.... tell bhabhi...
Everyone giggled except aryan...
Riddhima told about her sisters marriage..
I: areeee yrrrrr... bhabhi... is their any other option..???
I: u shut your mouth.... aaryan.. i m talking to bhabhi...
R: ishani i will be back after 1 week nd then we will have lots of fun..
S: promise???
R: promise...
ISHANI nd sia hugged riddhima...
Now it was time to go... riddhima bid bye to everybody vansh went with her till the car.. he hugged her nd kissed her... he was feeling restless his heart was not ready to leave her.. a lone year drop fell from his eyes..
R: vanshhhh y r u crying.??? I m going for 1 week i will be back.. nd i will call u...
V: riddhima.... u will be back na???
R: offcourse....
V: plzz dont go na... my heart is not allowing... plzzzz...
Riddhima cupped his face with her hand nd kissed his forehead
R: vanshhhh i promise i will be back.. no no u will come na... to attend sejals wedding... come with whole family....
Vansh was still not satisfied he hugged her tightly.....
Then they both bid bye to each other nd riddhima left.... vansh heart was aching... he wasnt feeling good.. some patted his shoulder... he turned it was daadi..
D: she will come beta... now come inside
It was half n hour she left the mansion but it was feeling like she had left the mansion nd mansion had loose its charm... vansh was feeling restless so he called riddhima.. it was a video call... he called many times but she didnt picked... now it was saying its switch off... his heartbeat increased... his throat dried he gulped... then he heard angre shouting.... he came to him angres face was looking tensed..he breathingheavily
Ang: boss!!!!
V: what happened??
A: boss vo bhabhi....
V:what riddhima?? What riddhima?? Dammit speakkkkkkkkk...... i will kill u angre speakkkkkkkkkk...
A lone tear drop fell from angres eyes... vansh heard daadis voice from hall...
D: noooo thisssss cant happen....
Vansh left angre nd ran towards hall his heart beat was anytime it will broke the rib cage nd his heart will come out.. he was feeling restless. When he reached he saw everyone had tears in their eyes... daadi was crying.. everyone ere crying he gulped... he turned his head towards Tv... booooooomm... aacident news was flashing on tv... it was riddhimas car.. car was burnt badly.... his breath stopped for a while... his eyes widened... he stepped back... all memories of him nd riddhima flashed..
V: no my riddhima cant leave me... no..
A lone tear drop fell from his eyes... then police entered with two bodies.. one was driver... nd one was riddhimas.... both bodies were covered with white cloth... suddenly riddhimas mangalsutra.. felled from her hand....
Vansh was hell shocked he wasnt accepting what happened... he kept saying no riddhima cant leave... me... but when he saw the mangalsutra... all .memories flashed.... her love her care....
V: noooooooo u cant leave me riddhima u had promised me u will be back.... ( he shouted)
Everyone was crying vansh was broken he was feeling like someone had snatched his soul from him... he felt on his knees his brain wasnt working anymore... everyone called him.. but for him everything ended every thing finished... all memories flashed..... their 1st encounter 1st meet her anger her love everything.....
Dil ye tere bina maanta he nhi...
Kuchh bhi tere siva maangta he nhi..
Tu zarrooori sa hai ab tho har haal me..
Is k aage koi raasta he nhi...
Aa tujhme fana krdu meri zindagi....
Is ishq mein marjawan kuchh bhi ksm se karjawan... hadd se bhi guzarjawan.. kuchh bhi ksm se karjawan...
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