chapter 39
Riddhima broke the hug vansh made a confused face..
R:vanshh y u didnt show this tattoo at our 1st date???
Vansh smiled: riddhima.... that time u dont love me... i never wanted that u get impressed by my tattoo i made this tattoo bcoz it was my hearts urge to surrender myself to u only u... some ppl make tattoos but r not loyal i never wanted u to thought that i had made this tattoo to impress u... i thought one day i will show u this tattoo when u will love me nd the expression will be differ feelings will be differ think riddhima if i would have showed u this tattoo earlier when u had no feelings for me.. would u have shown this same expression same feeling...
Riddhima smiled..
R: I agree... what about yesterday when i confessed my love... ??y u didnt showed me this there??
Vansh smiled he cupped her face: thats bcoz i wanted to make this moment more special......
R: and i spoilt everything.....
Vansh hugged her....
V: no... i m feeling so special riddhima.... i m feeling overwhelm to have u....
Riddhima smiled nd hugged him back....
They broke their hug..
R: u know vansh sejal is getting week...
V:wohooooo.. great!!! To whom???
R: laksh ahirwar..
V: wait wait that same police inspector na who.. filled your ears against me..
Riddhima laughed...
R: yess.. but how u come to know???
V: i m VR i know everything..
Riddhima giggled... they had a simple hubby wifey talk nd they slept... cuddling eachother..
Next morning....
Riddhima was talking to sejal on phone..
S: riddhu u have to come home common... u r my only sister nd my wedding is next week u dont want to spend time with your bachelor sister... huh your all time is booked for vansh only.. . Common plzz riddhima u r my sister u should help me in my wedding preparation earlier 1 week....
R: sejall... i had to ask vansh 1st u know him na....
S: ok fine..... should i talk to him??
R: no i will talk to him....
S: okiee byeeee...
Call hanged
Riddhima heard a bark wait it was a different bark this time it wasnt dappers bark... she turned nd saw.. a dog with golden long fur..... it was a goldenretriever... wait wait it was a bitch... it was cute... nd there her love was standing holding golden retrievers leash... smirking.. she went to her..
R: vansh??? Who is this...
V: riddhima welcome a new member... rishabh bring dapper....
Riddhima was smiling... or u can say laughing silently.... looking his possesive hubby"s antiques.....
R: by the way whats her name vansh??
V: not named her yet... u think
R:ummmm....mmm SHYLOH!!! What about Shyloh vansh???
V:perfect... now her name is SHYLOH...
Dapper arrived but didnt show any excitement looking shyloh he silently moved towards riddhima.... Riddhima pressed her lips not to laugh... vanshs eyes widened..
He went towards dapper nd kneeled down..
V: hey now i got u a friend made her your girlfriend make some impression after u r vansh Raisinghanias pet!!! Common...( he muttered near dappers ear but no use still no expression... was shown by dapper he was sitting) argghh y r u after my wife... spare her....Dapper... go to shyloh...
Vansh stood up..
Nd made a face...
V: rishabh now u have to take care of these two.... take them nd keep them in same dog house.... (in irritated way)
Rish: ok..
Rishabh went taking shyloh nd dapper with him.... vansh took a deep breath.. riddhima started laughing.... vansh glared she almost ran....
At night
Vansh came back from office but was lil upset... riddhima was about to ask him to go to sejal for 1 week as her wedding is coming closer.. but when she saw vansh stressed she decided to talk to him in morning... they had their dinner now riddhima was taking care of his pills nd medicines... she gave his medicines nd he gulped nd drifted to sleep he didnt talked much wid her she was worried bcoz it wasnt good to take stress for him..
A man was killing a women brutally by stabbing knife on her stomach 5-6 times.... another man was stabbing the third man brutally 5-6 times nd a child was hiding inside a box witenessing this horrible scene.... tears were rolling down his cheeks... he was murmuring no no.. (he was vansh)
Vansh got up with a suddenjerk breathing heavily.. sweat whole over his face it was not dream it was a truth which had never left him alone... from his childhood riddhima woke up hearing vansh she panicked after looking his condition.. she rubbed his back..
R:vansh what happened??? R u ok ??should i call a doctor vansh.....(she almost cried looking his condition)
Vansh looked at her.. she was at urge to cry he pulled her to a hug...
V: just stay with me riddhima... i dont need any doctor..
Saying this he made her sleep over him on his chest he hugged her she closed her eyes to calm her down but what she could hear was his increasing heartbeat which was beating restless... she lifted her head to look him he was looking the ceiling nd lost in his thought riddhima was worried it wasnt good for his health.. vansh felt someones stare he saw his wife staring her...
V: what???
Riddhima crawled towards his face..
R: what?? What??
V: y r u staring me???
R: well u if u want to know your answer for that u have to meet my husband....(said in flirty tone)
Vansh understood his wife was in flirty mood..
Vansh raised his eyebrow...
R: come nd meet my husband someday u will get to know that how handsome my husband looks.. he is the most handsome man in this world...
Vansh pulled her more closer to him...
V:mhmmmm....(he said narrowing his eyes)really????
She traced his face by her little finger..
She looked into his eyes...
R: his... eyes.. r ocean.... that anyone can drift in it easily...(vansh smirked)
Riddhima kissed his eyes... he closed his eyes....
Riddhima traced her finger to his nose...
R: his nose.. uffff... his anger always on his nose tip... (said pinching his nose softly)
She leaned nd pecked his nose...
Then her finger traced his lips... her touch on his lips turned on his many desires...
R:his... lips.... r rough... but fine...
Vansh rolled his eyes... he was waiting for her kiss on his lips he stared her lips she was also staring his lips... but to his surprise.. riddhima moved away from him nd slept beside him.. closing her eyes.. showing her back to him.. vansh was shocked.. he suddenly sat...
V: riddhima???
Riddhima turned her face towards him..
V:seriously u r asking what??? U described my eyes u kissed them u described my nose u kissed it.. u described my lips but u didnt...
R: oh so u need kiss???(vansh nodded) sry vansh i m feeling sleepy right now...
Saying this she turned her head.... she was giggling... suddenly she felt a sudden pull... she saw vansh was over her... her eyes widened...
V: not fair honeybee... naaaaa... u cant play with me... u dont know VR what he needs 1st he asks nor he snatch.....
Riddhimas eyes widened his eyes were having determination... desperation...desires... Riddhima gulped...
V: u had done the mistake of pressing the wrong switch on sweetheart...
Riddhima gulped... she tried to escape by side but blocked by his hand....
V: not today... not today.. today u cant escape...
He smirked... she surrendered he leaned towards her lips... he kissed her lips with all love affection care... his kiss became hard... riddhima encircled her hands around his head nd pulled him more closer.... his kiss became more harder... riddhima moaned.. her eyes widened when his hands started opening her nighteas knot.... she only expected that he was desperate for kiss.... he opened her nighteas knot.. her waist was visible... he caressed her waist which send shiver down her spines... she tried to broke the kiss but he didnt let her.. her eyes widened... she tried to push him... as she was lacking oxygen now... nd his touch on her bare waist was making her more breathless... but he was lost in kissing her.. his hand travelled upwards... when riddhima felt his hand moving upward she holded his hand in mid he broked his kiss... they both were breathing heavily.... due to lack of oxygen riddhima looked him with shock.... he smirked.. he again traced his hands to her back to unstrap her nightea but this time he looked her for her assurance to move forward...
V; if u want to stop me u can stop me right now... riddhima...
Riddhima gulped but now she decided to surrender him nd became his forever she blinked.... for her assurance.... nd smiled..
Vansh placed some wet kisses on her collarbone... on her mole... he traced his lips allover her neck shoulder.... he whispered huskily near her ear
V: I LOVE U....
She also whispered back
R:I love u too.. (she whispered)
he bitted her earlobes... she hissed... nd soon.... the night became darker nd these two souls united..... they made love that night.... ❤❤❤
To be continued
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