chapter 34
They both travelled without speaking a single word to each other... they reached VR MANSION still they both were not talking to eachother... both were stubborn.. vansh went to his study nd riddhima to their room... riddhima took a deep breath and sat on bed... she closed her eyes... she thought to take a warm bath.. to cool her down she went for warm bath.... here vansh reached his study furiously ,angre nd rishabh were already present.. vansh furiously went towards angre nd held angre"s collar...
V:angre... now dont tell me that u falied again.......
A:bosss... no we had caught them.. but..
V:but what...
A: they r not opening their mouths....
Vansh left his collar..
V: they have to open their mouths nor they have to say good bye to their lives... lets go..
Saying this they went to torcher room... scene changes to riddhimas room... riddhima was drying her hair... but lost in her thoughts.. she decided to talk to vansh.. she went to studyroom but it was empty... she was about to go.. then she realised that she had stepped something.. she moved her leg... she saw it was a tablet wrapper.. she bend nd took the.. wrapper.. she read the wrapper... she scrunched her eyebrows..
R: anxiety pills??? In study but who is taking this pills nd this much high dose... feels someone is suffering from high anxiety but... its an empty wrapper... but who is taking these tablets??? Nd whats these pills r doing here in study...
Rishabh entered.. the study nd saw riddhima standing with wrapper..
Ris: bhabhi.....
Riddhima jerked from her thoughts..
Rish: bhabhi u ?? Here??
R: rishabh i was looking for vansh...
Rish: bhabhi he had went to office..
R:oh... by the way who is taking these pills??
Rish:bh..bhabhi.. these pills.. may be these pills r of any servent while cleaning maybe it would have slipped...
R: ok rishabh... but who is that servant?? He or she must be very ill thats y he or she is taking these strong pills...
Rish: bhabhi u dont worry... i will found it..
R: ok...( she gave a smile to rishabh)
Riddhima went from there nd rishabh took a relief breath...
Torcher room
Vansh was beating brutally 2 mans with nailed hunter both mans were on their mid 50s.. he beated them brutally... vansh holded one of the mans neck...
V: tell me who was behind that... u will be alive.. nor u have to say good bye to your live.. common speak....... ( he gritted his teeth)
But the man was stubborn he didnt utter a single word.. vansh punched.. him hard on his face.. that his nose started bleeding...
He punched the man.. continously till the man closed his eyes...nd fainted... vansh was errupting like volcano.... he was not looking less than a beast... ready to kill...
Riddhima was waiting for vansh... but vansh wasnt yet home... she was worried.. she thought vansh was angry/upset on her... rishabh knocked her rooms door... riddhima opened the door...
Rish:bhabhi.. boss will not come home today... he had some important work... so today he will be not home today...
Riddhima sat on her bed.. she was tensed vansh had never behaved this strange... he never did like this if he is too busy also somehow he took out time for her... she was feeling sad.. she wanted to talk with him.. she had her dinner nd went to sleep.. she was feeling lonely she stared vanshs side.. she caressed his side.. nd a tear drop fell from her eyes.... she was missing him.. his warmth... his hug.... his kiss....
Are you angry vansh... you never did this.. today i realised that i had started falling for u.. i had started loving u.. i want to tell u my feelings...
Pov ends
She hugged his pillow.. nd sniffed his smell nd drifted to sleep.....
Next morning...
It was morning riddima opened her eyes.... nd yawned she found vansh was still not home nd she was missing him... she caressed his pillow... nd smiled..
R: soon i will tell u my feelings vansh...
She went to take bath.... after taking bath she came out of the bathroom... she wore her saree.. she was rubbing her hair against towel... nd humming.. she saw the weather outside was awesome.. she went to her balcony nd rubbed her hair against towel.. she heard birds chirping.. warm sunrays.. fresh flowers nd leaves smell.. suddenly her towel slipped from her hand nd felled down on backyard...
Riddhima rolled her eyes..
R: now i have to go down nd bring that towel...
She moved towards the backyard... nd started finding towel...
R: here it is...
She took the towel she was about to go.. but then she saw a door like thing on ground.. she scrunched her eyebrows.. she slowly stepped towards the ground door... she opened the door... nd saw stairs going downwards.... she was having many questions running in her mind... like what is this? What a tunnel doing here in VR mansion... she had many questions she gulped.. but her every questions answer was inside this tunnel she decided to peep inside.. she gulped she started sweating... she stepped in... it was bit dark she was moving downstairs she was gulping.. bcoz that place was looking like a horror place.. she was stepping downstairs nd the stairs end at an entrance when she just stepped on entrance... something liquid splash on her face she closed her eyes.... she lifted her hand towards her face her hand was shaking badly.... she touched her face... nd then she looked at her hand.. it was red... yess it was red... blood... her eyes widened she gasped nd flinched towel slipped from her hand... she was breathing heavily as she wasnt getting proper oxygen.. to breath she lifted her eyes.. nd booom.. she saw vansh his love his husband.... his face was having blood marks... holding a sword... drenched with blood.. nd blood dripping from that sword nd a man lieing drenched in blood who is probably dead.... her eyes were stucked btw the body nd vansh.. she was staring the body nd then vansh... he was looking like a beast extremely dangerous.... she gulped...tears rolled down her cheeks... her eyes widened nd mouth opened.. in shock
angre saw riddhima his eyes widened....
A :bhabhi....(he whispered with extreme shock which was audible to vansh)
Vansh turned his eyes scrunching his eyebrows but when he saw riddhima standing... his eyebrows wided his eyes widened this was the face he never wanted to show her... sword slipped from his hand..
V:Riddhima....(he whispered)
Riddhima was in utter shock.. she gulped she wasnt able to breath... she wasnt able to speak.... she stepped back....
To be continued
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