chapter 25
Riddhima cried hugging her knees... vansh went to his pool area where there was bar.. picked scotch... nd drank neet scotch... his eyes turned red... he was drinking non stop.. angre entered...
A:boss enough stop it..
Vansh pushed him..
V:no angree let me drink... let me drink... angree i would like to give u a suggestion...
He went to angre nd encircled his one hand on his shoulder...
A: what boss???
V: never ever do love... never... badi hee zaalim cheez h...
Angre realized he is drunk not in his senses..
A: ok boss!! I will never ever love.. but now u have to rest in your room...
V:no no aangre... love is zaalim...
A:ok boss love is zaalim but now u have to rest... lets go to your room..
V: no no its no more my room its zaalimas room..
Vansh leaned towards angres year nd whispered...
V:shhhhhhh.... angre... zaalima.. riddhima is zaalima.. (angres eyes widened)
Shhhhh... she never let me fulfill my desires... (angre gulped)
A:boss u need rest come...
V:nooooooooooooo zaaalima is there.. she will not let me fulfill my desires.. she is very zaalim she never had mercy for me always she stab me... in my heart.. killing my desires.... she is a bloody killer... murderer..
Riddhima.. entered pool area nd saw vansh drunken... vansh saw her nd shouted..
V:looook theres my zaalima..... jo tere
ishq me behka pehle se he kya use behkana o zaalima.... o zaalima.....
He sang the line pointing his fingers towards riddhima she was confused as well as surprised vansh was singing doing cute antiques... riddhima looked away.. vansh came to her..
V:seeee angre seee i m singing song for her nd she is ignoring me see.... zaaalima kahikiiii..
Riddhimas eyes widened nd mouth opened...
A:bhabhi boss Is drunk so he is saying all these dont take it seriously..
Riddhima nodded..
A:boss lets go..
V: nooo angree r u my wife noo na.. so y i will go with u i will go with my wife...
Riddhima glared him..
V:look angre she is glaring me glaring the vansh Raisinghania... i wont go if she didnt took me...
Saying this he sat down..
R: vansh look at yourself... if i took u i myself will took off from this planet u r so huge...
V:look angre... she always does this.. i said u na she is zaalima..
A: bhabhi...(he insisted)
Riddhima took a long breath..
R:ok common lets go.. common...
She extended her hand.. he got up holding her making her startled.. he encircled his arms around her shoulder.. she felt like her breath will stop he wasnt able to walk properly riddhima was struggling taking him to their room... he was tere khatir tadpe pehle se he kya use tadpana o zaalima... o zaalimaaaa...
They reached their room riddhima laid him on bed nd removed his shoes nd he was singing zaalima...
V: oh zaalima.. look at me once oh zaalima..( in A flirty way)
Riddhima rolled her eyes...
R: vansh u need to sleep..
She wasnt talking with her much..
V: not without u...
Riddhima rolled her eyes..
R: vanshhh
R: ok fine... now sleep i m sitting beside u happy...
Vansh without saying any thing holded her sarees pallu..
R: vansh what r u doing??
He then tied that pallu... on his wrist riddhima made a confused face..
V:u know zaalima my mother use to tie her pallu like this on my wrist.. so i couldnt escape...
R:mother...(she whispered)
Before she could ask anything he drifted to sleep.. riddhima never heard about vanshs family.. his parents.. siblings nothing nor a photograph also.. she saw his face he was sleeping like a baby relaxed calm.. holding her hand nd tied his hand with her pallu a smile skipped on her face...
R: no i dont think he is any mafia or murderer... that day also that inpector said that he is a murderer but he wasnt.. if he would have done any murder.. he would be now in jail not here sleeping freely... but if it comes true that he is a.. no no it cant be vansh is rude... strict.. but kind.. i m trusting u vansh... plzz dont break my trust.. its last chance to our relation... i wont be able to give u another chance..
A tear slipped from her eye.. she went beside him nd slept she wasnt feeling asleep she stared vansh sleeping nd some corner of her part said to sleep upon him.. she went nd slept on him keeping her head on his chest hugging him like a teddybear... soon she slept... she felt warmth nd secured in vanshs arm..
Some where..
Man:he was with a girl..
2man: so what he is always with girls..
Man: u r not understanding he was with a girl in his home in his room..
Women:what r u serious??
Man: yess i never had intention to go to his house or room but i felt something lil different when i was passing from his house i remembered last time when i went to his room i had forget my branded watch so i thought to get it from his room by climbing his balcony i was about to enter but i heard a girls voice: vansh is that u................ before i could react or do any thing i found the rooms light on i ran before he could catch me hashhh i was successful in escaping nor he would have cutted me in pieces nd give it to his that lion sized dog.. already he had torn my jeans..
Women:who is that girl.. but..
Man2: oh shut up y r u behaving like u r hearing him with a girl 1st time..
Women: i had heard about girls but he never bring girls to home..
Man2: none of our matter we will soon go to his house.. as i have my bussiness meeting near his house... so we will go.....
To be continued
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