chapter 23
Next morning
They both had their breakfast.. nd left for college... riddhima slept in car.. as she haven"t slept properly last night due to all the incident.. vansh stared her.. she is so innocent she was looking cute.. vansh was feeling guilty... they reached.. vansh doesnt want to wake her but he have to as her exams r going to start so she have to attend her important lectures..
V:sweetheart!! Riddhima... wake up we reached..
Riddhima opened her eyes slowly.. yawned nd rubbed her eyes.. nd looked here nd there...
R:we reached..... (in a sleepy voice)
Vansh smiled looking her cute antiques..
V:yess.. sleeping beauty we reached... no no i shouldnt call u sleeping beauty i should call u kumbhkaran... snoring like him..
Riddhimas eyes widened nd mouth opened
R:u.... i dont snore...
V:yess u..
She pouted...
V:ok ok i agree.. but dont sleep like this in class while lectures... nor everyone will run...
Riddhima narrowed her eyes..
R:ok ok now stop teasing.. bye..
She was about to open the door but vansh holded her hand nd leaned towards her nd gave her forehead kiss nd cupped her face..
V:nothing will happen to u untill i m alive...
He assured her she smiled nd bid bye... to him...
Riddhima was in her classes attending lectures... she yawned nd was feeling sleepy nd sejal noticed.. soon lecture finished..
S: what happened ?? Havent u slept last night???
R: mat poooch sejalllll( holded her head)
S: ohhhhhhhhhhh means u both.... (she screamed)
Riddhimas eyes widened she pinched sejal..
R: shut uppppp shhhhhh...
S: ok ok tell me what he did last night was he gentle.. orr(said in a teasing way)
R: ewwwwww stop it.. sejal i never thought u can think this bad... yuckkk.. nothing happened as u r thinking...
S:shittt!!! I thought i will became masii soon... what the hell y my wishes r not fulfilling nowdays...
R: sejal stop it.... nor i wont tell u what happened....
S: accha accha ok ok... now tell me..
R: sejal not here lets go to canteen.. i m having a bad headache.. i want a coffee..
They went.. nd sat.. nd ordered coffee... peon came to them..
Peon: sejall principle maam is calling u now.. she had to talk to u..
S: ok... riddhu u wait i will come in few minutes...
Riddhima nodded in positive... sejal left.. nd few minutes later... her coffee arrived.. she was drinking her coffee.. nd suddenly a man sat opposite to her... she scrunched her eyebrows... she had seen this man some where yess he is the same inspector who had came to arrest vansh..
R: u??? U r the same inspector who came that day to arrest vansh.. ??
Kabir: yesss.. beautiful... hiii i m Kabir..
He forwarded his hand for handshake... but she didnt forwarded her hand.. she was confused... kabir moved his hand back..
K: oh common riddhima... i know... u r forced for this marriage right??
Riddhima made a confused face..
K: i knew it.. he isn"t a good guy he don"t deserve an innocent girl like u... but u don"t get confused in his trap.. he had mastery in trapping girls..
Riddhima was still confused... kabir took out some photos... nd showed her.. Riddhimas eyes widened.... that were photos of vansh with other girls.. on bed... it wasnt seeing worthy there were many photos with many girls.. riddhima was seeing them.. with disgust..
K: see he isn"t your worthy.. nd he is a murderer too... he is a mafia... nd now he is the king of underworld...
Riddhima was in utter shock... kabir forwarded his hand to her kept his hands on her hand to pacify her but she jerked his hand... nd threw all those photo on his face..
R: i dont care kabir.. its his past.. nd i m not interested in his past.. inspector
R: move inspector nor it wont take much time to call vansh.. move..
Kabir gritted his teeth nd fisted his hand.. riddhima standed nd was about to leave.. but kabir holded her arm tightly nd turned her.. to face him.. she disbalanced due to which she hit her head its started bleeding before he could react he saw sejal coming.. he ranned leaving riddhima there riddhima was whincing in pain.. sejal saw her..nd ranned towards her..
S:riddhima... what happened how this happened...??
Riddhima didnt found appropriate to say about the recent incident..
R:se-sejal i was walking but suddenly my head started spinning nd i lost my balance so it happened... i think it happened bcoz i didnt have proper sleep..
Sejal took her to medical room nd banded her... college hours finished vansh was waiting for riddhima smiling in car but when he saw bandage on riddhimas head he panicked and ran towards her
V:what happened riddhima??? What is this... how it happened?? Whoo did it..?? I wont leave him tell me...
S:cool down vansh... riddhima told me about last night due to which she didnt have a proper sleep nd bcoz of that.. her head spinned nd she lost her balance...
V: u r saying me to cool down... where the hell were u sejal???( he shouted nd sejal flinched)
R:vanshh.... its not her fault.. she wasnt there principle maam had called her.. cool down... plzz
Vansh closed his eyes to cool himself.. he released a relief breath... he holded riddhimas shoulder nd took her to his car.. nd made her sit he was feeling angry guilty.. he drove his car.. riddhima was sitting silently tensed playing with her dupatta..vansh noticed her.. he holded her hand nd she jerked...
V:Relax!!! Sweetheart... what happened why r u tensed??
Riddhima gulped... she started breathing heavy...
R:vansh... vo... ab... vab...
V:speak sweetheart...
R: va....vansh (she gulped ) ppl say tha... that...
R: u r a maf..mafia......
Hearing her vansh stopped the car... suddenly... with screach... that riddhima was about to hit her head... she shouted nd closed her eyes she thought now she will hit her head again... but she felt soft she was breathing heavily she lifted her head nd saw vanshs hand he was glaring her.... he was looking dangerous.. she gulped he leaned towards her harshly she gasped he was staring her eyes she was looking his eyes in which she could find fire... which will burn everything.. he tied her seatbelt still looking her eyes.. giving her shiver...
V:ppl also say.. precaution is better than cure...(still looking her eyes..)
She gulped...
V:we should always tie r seatbelts....
He moved away nd started driving... riddhima took a relief breath... tucked her hair behind her ears awkwardly...
V:whoooo? (In dangerous tone)
V:who r the ppl dammit?? (He almost shouted)
She flinched he increased his cars speed... due to anger riddhima gulped..
R:va...vansh.. slow the car.. its dangerous..
V:it wasnt my question sweetheart... speakk..
To be continued...
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