chapter 19
Riddhima was standing numb... she had mixed feeling... mrs dsouza bought aarti thal nd kalash of rice and aalta thal for grehpravesh.... Dsouza did aarti of newly wed couple... riddhima kicked the kalash of rice.. nd made her footprints from aalta... all the rituals were done riddhima was sent to vanshs room.... she adored the room it was decorated beautifully... she standed near window nd looked stars moons which were twinkling.. in sky..
R: i dont know what these stars had written in my fate....
She closed her eyes.. nd a tear drop fell from her eyes....
Vansh entered the room nd saw riddhima was looking stars nd moons.. he went towards her..
Hearing his voice riddhima opened her eyes nd wiped her tears nd turned... she find vansh on his knees...
V:I m sorry riddhima...
R:for what vansh???
Vansh was silent...
R: tell me for what u r sorry..?? Mr vansh Raisinghania...
Vansh standed nd when he went close to riddhima to caresse her face nd cool her.. riddhima stepped back.. nd stopped him showing her palm..
R: stay there... nd tell me for what u r sorry??
V: riddhima...(whispered)
Riddhima had tears in her eyes...
R: did my opinions I really matter to u vansh??
Vansh went close to her caressed her cheeks..
V; riddhima u matter to me most....
Riddhima jerked his hand... nd stepped back
R:lie... once again a lie...u r a lier vansh..(she shouted)
If i would have matter to u most... u would have respected my opinion did u ask me for once??
R:stop it just stop it...
Saying this she left his room... nd went to her room nd locked her room... they both were in tears... Riddhima slept with tears... vansh went to his bar.. picked a whisky bottle nd went to his room nd gulped whole bottle nd slept...
Next morning...
Vansh was waiting for riddhima... he wanted to give her space... so he thought not to disturb her but now its late... he thought that he should go nd check he was about to go.. but he saw riddhima coming downstairs in baby pink colour saree... his eyes traced her.. from toe to head he found nuptials chain on her neck which he made her wear.. vermilion on her mid hairline... he was happy... she was looking more beautiful with them more they r the proofs that she is officially his.... he smiled... riddhima quietly sat on her chair... widout looking vansh totally ignoring him.. she ate her breakfast.. dsouza picked the dishes nd went to kitchen.. angre nd rishabh were at backyard... riddhima nd vansh were alone in dinning area.. riddhima was about leave but vansh pulled her towards him.. nd made her sit on his lap...
R: va..vansh..
She tried to loose his grip nd move out but his grip was tight... riddhima looked here nd there...
R: va..vansh...what.. u r doing.. leave me.. somebody will come nd will think wrong..leave me.....
V: so what... let them think.. what they want u r officially mine i m officially yours.. so we both have right honeybee... (he winked)
She made a irritated face...
R: va.vansh leaveme....
V: ufffff honeybee u r so innocent this world is very zalim.. (he nuzzled his nose on her neck.. nd sniffed her smell which gave her shiver)
R: vanshhhh(she whispered)
V: u have to give something to be out from this cage.. (smirk)
R: i m not giving u anything.... just leave me....
V: as u wish honeybee stay like this forever..
She became irritated...
R: what... what do u need???
V: U.... honeybee...
R: 1st of all i m not honeybee.. i m riddhima shik-(she paused)
V: U r mrs riddhima vansh Raisinghania....
Riddhima rolled her eyes..
R : vansh i m getting late.. u want me... u married me... now what u want??
V: vese i want many things from u..but--( he said looking her lips nd leaned towards her lips but she moved back.. with irritated face..)
V: but.. now i need u in my room honeybee u r my sweet cute little wifey so u should be in my room...
R: i m not sweet cute little Mr.... nd i m not-
V: u r.... nd if u dont agree stay like this..
R: vansh leave me..
She tried to push him but as always he was overpowered..
Vansh leaned towards her ears nd bited her lobes she gasped..
V: sweetheart think before saying u r on my lap.. i can do any thing.....(said huskily)
Saying this he moved his hand inside her saree nd caressed her bare waist... riddhima gasped... his touch was rough... he was moving further....
R: ok... ok.... okay... i will... i will stay in your room..
Vansh smirked..
V: thats like mrs Vansh Raisinghania... (said proudly)
He looses his grip nd riddhima immediately stand on her legs.. nd tucked her hair behind her ears awkwardly... vansh standed..
V:common sweetheart... lets go to your college.... by the way it was a punishment for your mr scary prank... mrs Raisinghania....
Riddhimas eyes widened... vansh winked..
V:common lets go..
Vansh dropped her in college... everyone were surprised... she was wearing nuptials chain nd vermilion... sejal was also surprised..
S: riddhu..... u r looking more beautiful... u married.?? Yesterday u was bachelor nd today--- what happened..
Riddhima narrated whole story..
S:awwwwww he is so possesive....
Riddima patted sejals arm..
R: dont u think u r my sister u should be on my side y u allways.. see his positive side.. in his negative work..
S: nd y u alway see his negative side..
Riddhima rolled her eyes...
R: sejall!!!
S: ok ok let him come when he will come to pick u i will take his class...
R: are u serious??
S: yess i m damn serious... he shouldnt have done this....
R: I love u sejalllllll...
She hugged sejal..
S: ok ok now lets attend lecture..
They were going to attend their lecture...
Hardik: i m sry riddhima i didnt know that u were vansh Raisinghanias fíance....
He looked her nuptials chain.. nd vermilion.. he was shocked riddhima rolled her eyes..
S:ahem ahem!!! she is mrs Vansh Raisinghania now hardik....
Their college time finished...
R: sejal.. u said u will take class of him.. nd now u cant back up...
S : yess riddhima u just wait nd watch how i will take class of your husband...
Riddhim giggled..
Vansh was waiting for riddhima.... sejal went to him..
S: come out my jijaji....
Vansh raised his eyebrows...
S: comeout jijaji...
Riddhima made a confused face...
Vansh came out..
S: not fair jijaji.. u married my sister widout my presence..
Riddhimas eyes widened nd mouth opened..
S: u know from childhood i use to dream i will wear a designer lehnga on riddhus wedding... nd will ask a huge amount from my jijaji... but u.... married widout my presence...
Vansh smiled...
V: ohh so my saalisaiba is upset...
S: so.... i will be naaa it was my right...
R: sejallll!!! What r u saying girl.....????
S: i m saying what i m feeling.. my dreams to pull my jijajis legs... dance... sab chaknachoor hogye... not fair... u both married eachother... what about me...
Vansh laughed looking sejals drama nd riddhimas shocked face..
V: i m sry sejal... its all bcoz of your sister..
R: me.... how?????????
V: u shouldnt look beautiful honeybee...
S: honeybeee????? Hey u guys.. its public place... (teasing voice)
Riddhima became red... due to anger she gritted her teeth nd went inside car nd closed the door with bang.... nd sat inside the car pouting... nd shouted..
R: no body loves me.......
Vansh nd sejal giggled..
S: vanshhh u marrried this sudden she is bit upset... she will be ok soon i m trusting u... vansh that u r a good guy.. plzz dont break my trust...
V: i won"t..
Sejal gave him a smile vansh reciprocated with assure smile nd the bid bye to each other...
To be continued
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