chapter 11
Vansh entered the mansion widout bothering about riddhimas presence with blood marks.. he entered.. looking his this condition DSOUZA gulped.. in fear.. he was not looking less than a devil or u can say vampire... he was looking tooo dangerous... in that look.. he looked towards dsouza..
V: whatttt??? ( shouted)
Dsouza jumped on her place in fear..
Vansh remembered about riddhima nd panicked...
V: where is riddhima??dsouza..
Dsouza gulped: s-sir she was ti-tired.. d-due to which she slept early..
Vansh exhaled relief breath...
V:hashh!!! She shouldnt know about my look do u get that (in a warning tone)
Dsouza:yess sir..
Vansh first went towards his room to clean himself from blood stains he went bathroom removed his cloth... nd wrapped a towel under his abdomen area.. turned shower on... nd exhaled.. relief breath... he faced towards wall... he closed his eyes to cool him down..he thought about riddhima... her innocent smile... her beautiful.. eyes.. carrying purity... he cooled down... nd blood stain from him was flowing with water to sewage..
V:what would have happen if she would have seen me like this... i have to be carefull.. pehle se he she isnt..accepting me.. if she would have seen me like this then she will be never ready to become MINE... arghhhhhh how can i be so carelesssss dammit... ( he punched the wall)
Some how he cooled himself nd changed 8n night suit.. nd went downstairs...went to dinning area.. angre nd rishabh were standing there.. he went and sat on kingsize chair...
A:yes boss
Three smirked looking eachother.. dsouza served vansh food..
V:dsouza did riddhima ate???
Dsouza:yess sir she ate...
Vansh smiled..then a thought arrived in his mind.. nd he looked towards rishabh..
V:did DAPPER ate??? U were with me so he must have got food late today bcoz he never eat his food untill unless u or me gave him food nd u were wid me.. so-
Rish: boss he had already ate his food..
VANSHS eyes widened
V:whatttttt!!! U mean to say he ate without u or me serving him..
Rish: yess boss..
V:but who.. served him.. let me know who is that much brave too serve DAPPER..
Rish:boss.... its bhabhi...
Vansh left his spoon in shock..nd smiled..
V:interesting very interesting... i never thought riddhima will so easily befriend DAPPER soon... by the way where is he??? DAPPER!!! DAPPER!! DAPPER!! What happened.. to him is he okay??? (He looked towards rishabh with questioning face)
Rish:bosss... he..
Rish:boss he is with.. bhabhi he is sleeping on her room...
V:whattttttttttttt??? They became toooo friendly..
In 1 day they became this muchh friendly howww she befriended DAPPER this soon.. ooo wait vansh the way she trapped u in her purity nd innocence in same way.. she befriended DAPPER... welllll i dont know when my luck will support me... wow DAPPER wow DAPPER interesting very interesting.... wait... am i jealous... to DAPPER a dog... shit!!! But he had better relationship with honeybee... arghhh...
I finished my food nd went upstairs to check my honeybeee nd that newfriend of my honeybee yess DAPPER.. i opened the door silently not to wake up my sweetheart... she was sleeping cuddling DAPPER.. nd DAPPER was sleeping... peacefully in her arms.. wait wait am i his 1st owner or riddhima... am i her fíance or this DAPPER?? Wait wait i m vansh Raisinghania it doesnt suit me... i stiffened nd settled my self nd DAPPER opened his eyes i wasnt happy that riddhima was so close to him a dog nd i???? Arghhh i ordered DAPPER silently.. glaring him..
DAPPER silently ranned out of her arms out of the room.. thank godd he still knows that he had to accept nd follow my orders..
Riddhima tossed as she was sleeping cuddling DAPPER right side she tossed straight while tossing her night suit which she was wearing slipped lil down.. showing her mole on collarbone... which was tempting like they were inviting me tu mark them... nibble them..nd sooth them my mind was urging nd imagining many thoughts.... looking that mole.... i shaked my head nd rubbed my necks back..
V: vanshhhh how many times.... u should remember... she isnt ready....
I went towards her nd covered the duvet till her neck for 2 reasons so she could sleep peacefully with warmth.. nd 2nd so i could hide that mole... i looked towards riddhima she was looking soo innocent nd calm she was looking like an angel.. she was looking so beautiful.... i Cant help my self nd i kissed her on her forehead intensly....... closing my eyes..... to feel the moment.....
V:Good night sweetheart!
nd then i decide to leave her room bcoz i dont think if i stay here for a while i would be able to control myself... nd what i will do next she wont i SMILED nd went putting the lights offf nd closing.. the door..
Next morning
In dinning area..
R: hiii DAPPER.... good morning mrs dsouza...
Dapper came running towards riddhima nd shaked his hand nd riddhima caressed him..
Dsouza: goodmorning ma"am
Vansh rolled his eyes.. nd cleared his throat.
V:ahem ahem!!! Good morning sweet heart... (no reply) thats not fair... sweet heart u greeted Dsouza nd infact DAPPER... so y not us... me Aangre nd rishabh... ??
Ridhima wid a tightened smile... sarcastically: GOOD MORNING!!! (LOOKING TOWARDS ANGRE) GOOD MORNING (LOOKING TOWARDS RISHABH) GOOD MORNING ( AT LAST LOOKING TOWARDS VANSH... (with tight smile) happpyyyyy????
All three reciprocated.... Good morning with smile.. Riddhima sat on her chair nd started buttering her bread...
V: by the way angreee... (sarcastically)
A: yessa bosss (smiling)
V: yesterday some one was afraid of DAPPER hena.....
Every body giggled... angre find better not to speak... riddhima glared vansh nd gritted her teeth nd folded her arms...
V: what??? (Raised one eyebrow)
R: can i know the reason that y in morning u r pulling my legs??? (Said with tight smile sarcastically)
Vansh looked her legs...
R: whatttt????
V: am i really pulling your leg??? Hows it possible my hands cant reach there from here.. isnt it impossible sweetheart..
Riddhima closed her eyes nd exhaled breath to cool her down...
R: my name is riddhima......... R i d d h i m a
She rolled her eyes
R: u leave it....
She was irritated... she started eating her buttered bread nd vansh was smiling by her antics...
To be continued
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