Chapter 7 - Broken Hearts
"Anjali went to Manali with Shyam for their honeymoon."
Shyam's mother gave the information to Khushi and Akash standing at the door of her house.
"Oh.. thanks for the information aunty. We will come later to visit her then," Akash faked a smile, behaving politely with the lady.
"Come inside dear. Let me serve you some snacks and tea," Shyam's mother smiled.
"That's so sweet of you aunty. But we will come back some other time," Akash said.
"Okay then. I will keep waiting," the lady giggled.
Akash nodded his head smilingly, he glanced at Khushi signaling that they should leave.
They did goodbye to Shyam's mother and walked back to the car.
"That's so stupid of me.. I should have known that Anjali is on her honeymoon with her husband. She got married last week," Akash said hitting his forehead lightly when they got in the car.
"It's okay Akash.. We're so in hurry to find out the truth that we end up forgetting about everything else," Khushi said.
"We need to wait till Anjali comes back from Manali. I'm hundred percent sure she knows what happened that night and why Bhai beat up your fiance," Akash said determinedly.
"I think I've an idea of what happened that night," Khushi gulped, staring at nothing in particular, she feared to know more secrets of Vihaan.
"Perhaps he was also dating Anjali and then left her when she started to fall in love with him. Arnav found out and they fought with each other that night," Khushi said.
"What makes you think like that?" Akash asked astonished, "Weren't you the one who loved and trusted your fiance blindly? Now you're thinking like this of him!"
"I recently found that he cheated on me with his neighbor, Riya. And he might have lied so many things about him to me just to create an image of a good man in front of me and my family. You know, right now.. I wish I was in your place.. trusting someone (Arnav) blindly and know that someone won't break your trust. See I fought for Vihaan's justice, I tried everything I could to punish his culprits and what I got at the end.. betrayal!" Khushi lowered her eyelashes, sadly.
"Hey don't be upset.. You know I wished to be strong and fearless like you.. not everyone has guts to go and file a complaint against bhai at the police station.. not everyone would risk their lives by throwing water on his face.. I was shocked that day Khushi. Bhai calls you Sherni, right? You're truly a Sherni!" Akash said with a genuine smile.
"He's the real Sher.. He has control over everything Akash! I can't believe that everything I planned against him, backfired on me," Khushi pouted.
Akash chuckled, "It's like this only in my house. Everyone plays mind games and I'm the only one who looks dumb there for not getting anything they keep planning against each other," he glanced at Khushi, "And like you said Bhai has control over everything. I don't think Bhai would let Anjali have a relationship with someone like Vihaan. He's very protective of Anjali. Also Anjali and Shyam were dating each other for a long time. I don't think Anjali and Vihaan were in love or something like that. Bhai would have told me if that was the case."
Khushi sighed, "Then only Arnav, Vihaan or Anjali know everything. And we will find it out, only if one of them is ready to tell us what happened that night."
"But I prefer Arnav/Bhai."
Khushi and Akash looked at each other realizing that they spoke the same thing, they chuckled softly.
"ASR how can you remain silent after everything hearing what I said? That girl came late in office today and she left during her work hours without giving me any proper justification for her sudden leave," Sheetal crossed her arms angrily, standing in front of Arnav, who was seated on his chair, with his eyes focused on his laptop screen.
"She didn't came late.. She was with ME. And she left.. with MY BROTHER!" Arnav said in stern tone, still his eyes glued to his laptop.
"Does it make any difference ASR?" Sheetal asked in disbelief, "Don't you think you're treating this girl like a Princess and not an employee that she is? If it was any other employee, then that person would have been fired by you now."
"I thought you were smart to understand the meaning of my words," he looked up at her sighing, "Anyways here's the translation: She didn't came late.. She was with her FUTURE HUSBAND. And she left.. with her FUTURE BROTHER-IN-LAW!"
"You're kidding me, right?" Sheetal chuckled mockingly.
"No, I'm not Sheetal," Arnav said serious, "Now LEAVE!"
Sheetal opened her mouth to speak but one glare from Arnav, made her rush out of his cabin shocked, confused, heart broken and jealous of Khushi.
2:05 pm.
One week later..
Khushi walked in Arnav's cabin and kept her sketchbook and laptop on his desk with a thud. Her face was hard, her cheeks and nose red and her lower lip was being murdered by her teeth.
"What happened?" Arnav glanced at the sketchbook and laptop on his desk, then looked up at her questioningly.
"I've finished my sketch designs and running behind that Oh-I'm-so-busy-doing-good-for-nothing-stuff-crazy-woman for her approval but she is always making some or other excuse to not approve my work and later scold me and lie to everyone that I'm a lazy person who doesn't take work seriously. So since you're the boss of my boss, you will see and take the decision whether to approve or not my sketch designs, otherwise I'm sorry but I won't work with that Sheetal," Khushi finished, crossing her arms, looking away angrily.
Arnav smiled, "How cute you're!"
"I'm serious.. you don't know what she is doing with me.. I just respected her because she's my boss.. but now I won't tolerate this kind of behavior..." Khushi started blabbering angrily.
"Okay.. Come here. Show me your sketches," Arnav blinked his eyes gesturing her to calm down.
He stood up from his chair and called her to sit on his chair. Khushi first denied, but on his insistence, she sat on his chair reluctantly.
Arnav stood behind the chair, bending his back and leaning forward, he rested his arms on the headrest, smiling at her still complaining about Sheetal to him, while opening her laptop to show him the designs.
Teri Har Aada Se Waaqif Hoon Main
I am familiar with every style/grace/mannerism of Yours
Mujhse Chhupa Na Koi Raaz Hai
No secrets(about You) are hidden from me
Mujhko Sunaayi Deti Hai Who
I’m able to hear
Gumsum Jo Aawaz Hai...
Even the silence in Your voice
Main Jaanta Hoon, Teri Na Mein, Ek Chhupi Hui Si Haan Hai
I know for sure, that there is a yes hidden in Your no
Khushi started showing him and explaining her designs of the clothes in virtual models with many colours and shapes. She used to stop time to time, to turn behind and look at his face to see if he was paying attention to her or not.
The times she stopped to look at him, Arnav pressed his lips tightly to suppress the smile on his lips and shifted his attention from her face to her laptop, nodding his head as if agreeing with everything she was saying.
Khushi looked at him suspiciously, when she turned to him, and he immediately looked at her laptop, caressing the back of his hair.
"What?" he shrugged, staring at her with mischievousness visible in his eyes.
"Are you listening to me?" Khushi asked frowning cutely.
"Hmm," Arnav nodded his head, this time he couldn't control his smile, "What do you think I'm doing if not listening to you?"
"How would I know?" Khushi pouted.
Arnav chuckled, "Leave your laptop and sketchbook with me. I will see your designs later."
Khushi opened her mouth in big 'O' shape, staring at him with wide eyes, "So you were not listening to me!" she fumed, getting up from his chair.
"When you're with me, how can I insult you by giving attention to something else other than you?" Arnav asked devilishly smirking.
"Don't start flirting with me," Khushi rolled her eyes, she turned to leave when her eyes fell on the dustbin placed three feet away from his chair, she approached the dustbin to confirm that she had seen his meds only, she frowned realizing that it was indeed his meds that Aman give to him everyday at morning time, she looked back at him who was busy keeping her laptop and sketchbook safely on his bag, "Arnav why did you throw your meds in the dustbin?"
Arnav glanced at her, then at the dustbin and shrugged.
"Why are you doing this? Does that mean you don't have the meds Aman give to you everyday?" she frowned concernedly.
"There's no medicine that can relieve my pain," Arnav replied in low tone, taking his seat on his chair to focus on his work and avoid the conversation about this matter.
Khushi looked at him intently. She wondered other than the pain of losing his mother, what else he hides it in his heart and present himself as an heartless man to the world.
"Don't play with your health like this. Think about you mother.. Would she like to see you in pain like this?"
"That's an old dialogue used in many Bollywood movies," Arnav glanced at her, his tone filled with sarcasm.
"Like always hiding his pain from everyone," Khushi thought staring at him, shaking her head slightly.
At 6:35pm.
ASR's cabin.
"ASR you're behaving strange these days.. I had told you first day only that Sheetal didn't like Khushi and even after knowing everything, you did nothing to Sheetal? Also you knew that Khushi and Akash went to Anjali's home, still you remained silent on this matter?" Aman asked confused.
"I already knew that Sheetal wouldn't like to work with Khushi because she doesn't belong to the high class category, and that's exactly why I sent Khushi to work for Sheetal. And Anjali wasn't home, so I had nothing to worry about if they reach at her house," Arnav shrugged.
"ASR.. ar.. are taking revenge on Khushi for wh.. what she did with you?" Aman stammered, his heart feared Arnav is going to break the heart of the girl who recently went through a heartbeat due to her fiance's betrayal. He didn't want Arnav to hurt Khushi.
While on the other side of the slightly opened door, Khushi stood numbly hearing their conversation, a tear slipped from the corner of her eye.
She took a step back, biting her lips to stop herself from crying loudly but stopped in her track when she heard Arnav's reply.
"Of course no Aman. Khushi is a girl full of life, strong, fearless, confident, innocent.. she's the happiness of her family. But then the man she was in love went to coma because of me, she broke down completely but didn't give up of fighting for his justice, then my father went to her house and threatened to kill Vihaan if she doesn't withdraw the complaint she filled against me, it broke her confidence to fight against the "powerful people". After that, she finds out that her fiance is not what she thinks he is, he lied to her and cheated on her with his neighbor. She's been going through a lot in her life in such a short time and I fear it may affect her in a negative way. She might have difficulties to trust people in future, in fear that they will turn out to be like Vihaan. She may be afraid to fight with powerful and rich people, otherwise they'll also threaten her to hurt someone close to her. She may think that everyone is in this world is a bad person. She may fear to fall in love again.. In short, I fear she will turn into another ASR for the world. That's why I'm doing all this for her so that she doesn't lose this beautiful side of her personality. I sent her to work for Sheetal who despises middle class people to instill that anger and fighting back spirit in Khushi, that she lost when my father threatened to kill Vihaan. Letting her go with Akash to find out the truth about that night is to show her that in this world there are good people like Akash who will help you without wanting anything in return..."
"And pampering and treating her like a Princess is to show that Prince Charmings exist in real life too?" Aman asked teasingly.
"Shut up!"
Aman giggled, "Wow.. But I've to agree with Akash. It's almost to impossible to know what's cooking in your brain all the time."
Arnav sighed, leaning his head on the headrest of his chair, "And only after bringing Khushi to her real self and giving time to Anjali to recover from what happened to her, I will myself tell Khushi everything that happened that night.. and with Anjali."
On the other side, Khushi who heard their conversation, had tears of happiness rolled down her cheeks now. What is this man? Why is he doing so much for her? She despised this man so much, and today he's medicine that is relieving her pain.
Sometime later..
Gupta house.
"Khushi where were you?" Shashi asked in stern tone seated on the couch, staring at her standing in behind the other couch.
"Lavanya's home," Khushi gulped, lowering her head.
"Don't lie to me Khushi," Shashi narrowed his eyes.
"Aren't you ashamed of yourself? My friend Rani saw you at AR today. Her son works as a security guard there and he told her that you're working there Khushi," Garima shouted angrily.
Khushi shut her eyes momentarily due to the sudden loud voice of Garima.
"Yes, it's true that I'm working at AR. I didn't say anything because I knew you wouldn't like me to work there,"
"Are waah NK. And you like to work for the man responsible for fiance's state?" Buaji asked sarcastically.
"Buaji you're talking like this because you don't know what Vihaan did. And.. Arnav is not a bad man," Khushi said, her voice showed the desperation to prove to her family that they're thinking wrong about her.
"I can't believe I'm hearing this from you Khushi," Shashi frowned, "What is wrong with you?"
"Babu ji please hear me first.. Vihaan lied to me that he never smoked.. but when I went to clean his house with his parents, I saw a cigarette pack under his pillow in his room. His neighbor, Riya was with me that time and she told me that they were dating before he met me and they continued their relationship even after he started dating me. He was cheating me Babu ji.. He's not what we shows to us.. He was acting like a good and traditional boy all the time in front of us," Khushi cried.
"So what if he lied to you that he doesn't smoke? Can't you forgive him for one lie? He's not perfect man also. And about Riya, then Vihaan and his mother already told us that Riya was interested in him and she wanted to get married to him, but he rejected her proposal because he loves you and he wanted to get married to you only Khushi. That girl used the opportunity that he's not here to speak and defend himself and filled your brains with lies about him," Garima shouted at her daughter.
"Riya showed to me their pictures together Amma!"
"Those were fake pictures Khushi.. Vihaan already told us that she threatened him with those pictures. That's why he and his mother came to us to tell us the truth that time. We never said this to you because we didn't want you to doubt on Vihaan bitwa and hurt him more than he was already because of that Riya," Garima frowned.
"Okay, let's admit that Riya was lying to me. But why do you think Arnav beat him up? He must have done something wrong for Arnav to take that step," Khushi said, "Please trust me.. Vihaan is that good and innocent man he portrayed to be. He was fooling all of us. And I thank God that DM sent Arnav in my life who saved me from ruining my life by getting married to Vihaan. It's not just the lies and Riya's matter, there are more-"
"Hayree NK.. So now that Arnav Singh Raizada is an angel and Vihaan is devil for you? What made you change sides so quickly? Money? Power? Or the dream of becoming a Princess?" Buaji asked sarcastically.
"Buaji please!"
"You're right Jiji," Garima nodded in realization, her eyes moistened as she looked back at Khushi, "You always wanted to work in one of the biggest fashion companies in Lucknow and be a successful fashion designer. And you didn't even think twice before accepting this work because it was your dream. You didn't care about Vihaan neither about us. You're so selfish and disgusting. You didn't even care that the man you're working for is responsible for Vihaan's state. Vihaan is in coma because of that man. Do you remember that or your greed for money and success is blinding you?"
"Amma," Khushi whispered brokenly, "How can you think like this of me?"
"I'm not your Amma.. I can never be a mother of a girl like you," Garima sat on the couch with a thud, crying devastatedly.
"Thank God you're not my biological child.. otherwise I would have died if Payal did something like this," Shashi said brokenly, staring at nothing in particular.
Khushi gasped. Tears rolling down her cheeks continuously.
"This girl just ruined our reputation in society. Rani will gossip about this to the whole neighborhood and what will we answer to them? And if Vihaan's parents find out about this, then they will be furious and call off this marriage. Who will even want to get married to these girls then? Hayree NK our life is ruined now. Why am I still alive to see all this happening?" Buaji cried loudly.
"Nothing like this will happen Jiji. I already pleaded Rani not to tell anyone about this. Now Khushi will send her resignation letter to AR and stay at home till Vihaan recovers. She won't go to her college as well," Garima said sternly.
"And you will get married to Vihaan after he regains his consciousness. Did you hear me?" Garima glared at her.
Payal rushed to console Khushi who just stood numbly and silent.
Buaji sat with Shashi and Garima consoling them.
"I won't get married to Vihaan," Khushi spoke determinedly after a moment of silence, her eyes devoid of any emotion.
Garima and Buaji were ready to scold her again, but Shashi's strict and heavy tone rang in their ears before, "Then pack your bags and leave from here."
Will Khushi leave from her house or she will be emotionally blackmailed to marry Vihaan? 😔😔
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I hope it's not getting boring 🙈
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