Chapter 6 - Sweets: Mood changer
Gupta house.
"Khushi what happened dear? Are you okay?" Garima stare at her daughter playing with the food on her plate, lost in her own world.
Khushi looked up at her mother and nodded her head, "Nothing Amma.. I'm fine."
"Hayree NK.. Where's your ring Sanki? Did you lose your engagement ring?" Buaji asked as soon as her eyes fell on Khushi's hands.
Khushi followed Buaji's gaze and realized that she had thrown away the ring in Vihaan's room.
"Woh.. maybe it fell off my finger while cleaning Vihaan's room," she lied and got up from her chair.
"Where are you going Khushi? You didn't finish your food yet," Garima immediately spoke, concerned for her child.
"I'm very tired Amma.. I was in college all day and then I had to help Ma and Papa with the cleaning and all.. I need to rest," Khushi gave the first excuse that came in her room to escape from there.
Shashi nodded understandingly, "Okay. You go and rest for a while. Then eat something later."
Khushi nodded and rushed to her room, she closed the door and walked to her bed, sitting on it silently, she glanced at the teddy bear Vihaan had gifted her laid on her bed. She always sleep hugging his teddy bear and now she's feeling disgusted for doing these things for a man like him.
She angrily picked the teddy bear in her hand and threw it away on the floor.
"How can I be such a fool? Why couldn't I see Vihaan's real face? How could I love and trust a person like him?" she thought, pressing her lips tightly to stop herself from crying loudly and gain attention of her family.
"As soon as he recovers, I'm going to tell everyone about his truth and break this marriage. I don't want to see his face ever again in my life. Akash was right that day, maybe Vihaan only did something wrong that made Arnav beat him up to that extent. I wonder what other dirty secrets this man has been hiding from me. The more I'm getting to know about the real Vihaan, the more I'm feeling disgusted for having a relationship with him."
Khushi laid on her bed, hugging her pillow tightly, tears rolling down her cheeks continuously.
Next day
"Good morning Sherni," Arnav greeted Khushi smilingly, as he watched her taking a seat on the opposite chair.
"You.. you were right.. I seriously don't know anything about Vihaan," Khushi said with moist eyes.
"Good morning Sherni!" Arnav repeated sarcastically, reminding her that she didn't greet him back.
Khushi sighed, "Don't ignore me please.. I need to talk about what I found out with someone.. I haven't told this to anyone at home till now."
"Okay.. So tell me what you found about your fiance?" Arnav asked, shifting his attention to his laptop as he continued the work he had stopped to give his whole attention to her.
"Not like this.. Look at me, then only I will tell you," Khushi pouted seeing his not interested attitude.
Arnav rolled his eyes, shutting his laptop, he turned his face in her direction, resting his crossed arms on the table, "Tell me now."
"I found out that he lied to me that he doesn't smoke and that he was cheating on me with his neighbor, Riya. He said to that girl that he loved me and would get married to me only, but he was using Riya for physical intimacy because I didn't let him touch me. He's so disgusting.. Riya showed me their pictures. I couldn't even say anything to my family, we already faced so many problems after Vihaan went to coma, Vihaan's parents also are not well and I don't have the courage to drop another bomb in their lives. I've decided to tell them everything after Vihaan regain his consciousness and break this marriage," Khushi shared everything with Arnav, sobbing.
After hearing everything she had to say, Arnav sighed, "You know Khushi if I was in your place then I would have been dancing happily by now that Vihaan went to coma one week before your marriage and you had time to know his truth. Or I would have thanked DM hundred times for saving me from getting married to a man like Vihaan. I would do anything but CRY for falling in love with the wrong man! Don't you realize it that what happened actually saved you from ruining your life?"
Khushi nodded her head like a baby, wiping away her tears realizing that she was behaving so foolish right now. Arnav is right, she should be happy that DM saved her at the right time.
"Unlike you, DM didn't hear nor saved me when I needed the most. In the battle of custody, the court announced the decision in favor of my father, despite knowing that I wanted to stay with my mother. The power and money of my father snatched the most precious person in my life from me. That was the last day I saw my mother... she left me and I couldn't even perform her last rites," Arnav said in serious tone, not staring at anything in particular, having flashbacks of one of the worst day in his life.
Khushi looked at him sadly, she tried to console him through her misty eyes. She couldn't come up with the right words to console him at the moment as she wasn't expecting him to open with her.
"Anyways.. Are you like those girls who start jumping and squealing like kids when someone buys them ice cream?" Arnav asked changing the topic.
Khushi nodded her head, "Why are you asking?"
"Great.. Come with me," he stood up from his chair and walked to the door, opening it he looked back at Khushi, waiting for her to join him.
"Where are you taking me?" Khushi asked as she hurriedly walked to him.
Arnav headed towards the staircase with Khushi walking beside him, not replying to any of her questions.
"Why don't you ever reply to my questions?" Khushi sighed, staring at him frowning as they descended the stairs.
"Are you going to buy ice cream for me?" Khushi asked again, as he continued to ignore her questions and she realized they were heading towards the canteen.
Arnav glanced at her with deadpan expression, "Duh!"
Khushi couldn't help herself but giggle the way he said 'Duh' and his expressions.
Arnav looked away, pressing his lips to suppress the smile threatening to appear on his lips as he felt happy to have managed to bring a smile on her face.
They reached at the canteen and walked to the counter, Manju rushed to attend her boss, "Good morning ASR."
"Morning Manju," Arnav greeted her back.
"What would you like to have sir?" she asked readily to note down his order.
Arnav looked at Khushi, "Which flavor do you like?"
"Vanilla," Khushi replied.
"Vanilla ice-cream," he glanced back at Manju.
"ASR.. actually.. we don't sell ice cream in our canteen," Manju smiled sheepishly.
"Why not?" Arnav raised his one eyebrow.
"Err.." Manju scratched her head thinking what to reply to him.
"It's an office.. and mostly people don't eat ice cream in their work places," Khushi said smiling.
"Right," Manju smiled pointing to Khushi, "She said right. That's why we don't have ice cream in our canteen ASR."
"But tomorrow ice cream should be added in the menu of this canteen Manju," Arnav said staring intently at Khushi. Khushi looked down at the floor unable to look into his eyes.
"Sure ASR," Manju replied obediently.
"What else do you like to eat Khushi?" he asked.
"Me?" Khushi looked up at him, "... hmm..I like to eat jalebis, pani puri, samosas..."
She kept on blabbering her favorite dishes while Arnav gestured Manju to note down all her favorite dishes. Manju already understood that from tomorrow all those sweet and dishes must be included in the menu of their canteen.
"Yeah.. I think that's all," Khushi said rubbing her chin cutely trying to figure out if she missed any of her favorite food.
Manju sighed tiredly as she left from there with her pen and the note book, on her way thanking God that Khushi finished her unending list of favorite foods.
"Hmm.. since there is no ice cream here, can I take you to my favorite sweet shop to eat my favorite sweet jalebi?" Khushi asked reluctantly. She noticed how his mood changed after talking about his mother so she was trying to cheer him up the same way he did with her by taking her to the canteen to buy an ice cream for her.
Arnav nodded his head.
Arnav and Khushi walked out of the sweets shop and headed towards the car. Khushi was holding a box of jalebi in her hand.
As soon as they got inside the car, Khushi opened the box and extended it to Arnav, "Try it first.. You will love this jalebi. It's so tasty.. Me and Jiji used to buy sweets every weekend here and eat them while watching Salman Khan movies."
Arnav took one jalebi from the box, Khushi kept the box on her lap and started attacking her favorite sweet.
"You know whenever I'm upset or angry with someone, only my jalebi can calm me down with its sweetness. That's why I love making, eating and chatting with my jalebis," Khushi blabbered munching her jalebis.
"What's that one special thing that can change your mood when you're upset?" Khushi asked staring at him who's been so silent listening to her talks attentively.
"The three A's of my life!" he replied curtly, taking another jalebi from the box.
Khushi smiled seeing him eating the jalebis, "Did you like it?" as soon as Arnav nodded in response, she jumped to another question frowning curiously, "Who are these three A's of your life?"
"This sweet thing is so sticky," Arnav complained while stretching his hand to take the tissue on top of the dashboard to clean his hands.
"Nice way to escape from replying to my questions," Khushi smiled sarcastically, "But I can guess right? Is it Akash, Aman and... the third one might be Arvi-"
"Definitely not my father!" Arnav rolled his eyes.
"That means I guessed two of them right, hain na?" Khushi asked.
Arnav hmm-ed while staring at the surroundings through the window on his side.
Khushi smiled faintly, "Indeed you're lucky to have Akash and Aman in your life. You know when I told everything you did to Vihaan to Akash, he never for once doubted you or thought bad about you. He left me dumbfounded when he said that he trusted you and believed that you had a good reason for beating Vihaan up like that. And Aman takes good care of you. You won't find friends like him nowadays who even remember to give you food and meds in time. By the way, why do you take those medicine?"
"I've diabetes."
Khushi choked on her food, as her eyes widened.
Arnav grabbed the water bottle at the back seat and handed it to her, who took it quickly from his hand and took few gulps, then looked at him shocked, "Why didn't you said to me before? I wouldn't bring you here to eat jalebis with me!"
"That's why.. I would have missed the opportunity to be in a car with you eating jalebis," he smirked extending his hand to take one more jalebi. Khushi slapped his hand instinctively, "No.. You can't eat more jalebis."
"Relax Sherni.. Nothing will happen with me when I'm with you," he smirked playfully.
"Stop calling me Sherni and stop flirting with me," Khushi glared at him, "We should go back to office now. I shouldn't have come up with this idea. See what I did.. I made you eat sweets and it might affect your health.. Hey DM what I did to a sick man!"
"You changed my mood.. that's what you wanted na.. I'm feeling good now Khushi," he said twisting the ignition key to start the car.
"How do you know that I brought you here to change your mood?" Khushi asked astonished while buckling up her seat belt.
"I know everything about You," he said teasingly with his eyes focused on the road.
"Not everything.. I saw you gesturing to Manju to note down my favorite dishes!" Khushi smirked.
"Oh really.. Then why didn't you stop me from doing that? You like to be pampered by me, right?" he chuckled.
"NO!" Khushi gasped, "I just thought it's good to add those dishes and sweets in the menu of that canteen. The food is so bland!"
"Khushi.. Khushi.. Khushi," Arnav shook his head slightly, smiling lightly.
Khushi looked away embarrassedly, she just wanted to disappear from earth right now. Why did she had to open her mouth at the wrong time?
At the parking lot.
Khushi struggled to hold her purse, phone and the jalebi box in her hand while closing the door of the car. Arnav rushed to help her as he close the door for her and offered to hold the jalebi box for her. Khushi smiled thankfully giving the box to him.
They headed towards the elevator and walked in after few seconds. Arnav pressed the second floor button and stood in silence.
Khushi looked at him and cleared her throat to gain his attention, "Thank you!"
"Thank you too for the jalebis! They're indeed tasty," he said, taking out the phone from his pants and checking for any important messages or calls.
"Strange man.. If it was anyone else in his place, then that person would have been laughing at my face for fighting with him for a man like Vihaan who cheated on me, that person would have been mocking me for having to thank the person who I claimed to hate so much.. that person wouldn't leave a chance to taunt me and show me how wrong I was and how I judged him wrong.. but he did nothing of that sort.. instead he made me realize that I should be thankful that God saved me from getting married to Vihaan.. he wanted to buy an ice cream for me to make me happy.. He's so different!" Khushi thought staring at a serious busy on his phone Arnav.
The elevator door opened as they reached the second floor. Arnav and Khushi walked out of the elevator.
"I would pamper you by taking you to the designing department and holding this box for you, but I'm pretty much late for a meeting," Arnav said as they stopped on the corridor.
"It's okay.. I can manage," Khushi shook her head, extending her hand to take the box from him.
But Arnav didn't gave it to her, he called the peon to help her. The peon rushed towards his boss as soon as he heard his voice.
"You don't need to do all these things for me," Khushi sighed.
"It's okay.. I know you like to be pampered by me. And there's no need to be embarrassed or shy to admit that," Arnav smirked walking away from there after he handed the box to the peon instructing him to help Khushi.
Khushi turned to him to deny everything he just said, but he was already gone. She shook her head in disbelief, pouting and muttering to herself while walking towards the designing department with the peon beside her, "I don't like to be pampered by him.. I seriously don't. Ugh.. Don't take his words seriously Khushi.. He just likes to tease and flirt with you.. but he's not bad man as I had thought (smiling faintly)."
"Khushi.. You here?"
Khushi stopped in her track and turned back to find the owner of the voice that called her, "Akash," she whispered surprised to see him.
"Khushi.. What are you doing here?" Akash approached her, standing in front of her with a confused expression painted on his face.
"I'm.. working here. The best student of my college was offered the opportunity to design for ASR's upcoming fashion show. So I was selected for this work," Khushi explained.
"And you accepted to work with my brother?" Akash raised his eyebrow.
"Yes.. actually Akash I wanted to say sorry to you for the way I behaved with you that day in the restaurant. Working here made me realize that I know nothing about your brother.. I judged him wrong.. He's not the monster I thought he was,"
"It's okay. You don't need to apologize. I know it's difficult to read and understand my brother, but once he allows you to come close to him, you will understand why he does what does!" Akash smiled faintly, "By the way, did you finally find out what happened that night? Why did you Bhai beat up your fiance?
Khushi's face fell, she nodded sideways, "I didn't.. and I've understood that even if I ask him about it, he won't tell me anything. That's why I don't touch that topic in front of him. Even today when I asked him about the three A's of his life, he didn't reply to me. I guessed it myself that it would be you and Aman, but when I asked him the third person, he ignored my question. He won't say anything to me until he wants to."
"The third one is Anjali!" Akash frowned confused why his brother would hide this from Khushi.
"Yeah, it's a girl from an orphanage that bhai considers her as his sister," Akash said.
"Which orphanage?" Khushi asked curiously.
"Sunshine Orphanage."
"I know her.. I mean she's not my close friend. But I often visit this orphanage to spend time with the kids and we have talked a few times," Khushi said.
"And the interesting thing is that she works at the same steel mill Vihaan does," Akash said suspiciously.
Khushi gasped, staring at Akash shocked. Things were now starting to make sense to her.
"I think we're quite close to know what happened that night Khushi," Akash said serious.
Khushi nodded, "We need to find Anjali!"
"I think you need to concentrate on your work Miss Gupta," Sheetal stood behind them, with crossed arms, narrowing her eyes at Khushi.
Khushi and Akash turned to face her.
"You're reached late today and you still have time to gossip around," Sheetal gritted her teeth.
"I'm sorry.. I was,"
"I don't want to hear your lame excuses. I will directly complain about you to ASR.. You didn't come here on a picnic, do you get that? Be serious about your work," Sheetal shouted.
"In that case, you should complain about me to Bhai as well Sheetal. Sorry, we need to leave urgently," Akash said as he dragged Khushi with him, rushing towards the elevator.
Sheetal's jaw dropped, "Unbelievable! What did just happen here?"
Do you guys think Khushi and Akash will find out the truth now? 🤔🤔
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