Chapter 3 - Mastermind
Sheesh Mahal.
"Bhai," Akash stood at the door frame, knocking the already open door twice.
Arnav glanced up at him through the mirror reflection, he nodded his head giving permission for Akash to enter his room while wearing his wrist watch.
Akash walked towards him standing near the dressing table, "Good morning Bhai."
"Good morning Akash," Arnav replied turning to his brother, attentively looking at him, "Do you need something?"
"Bhai you already know why I came to talk with you," Akash sighed with Arnav acting as if nothing happened, "What were you so angry with Dad last night? What happened? Who wanted to file a complaint against you? Please tell me."
"Akash I don't want to talk about that now. This is my personal matter. Let me handle it," Arnav said in no-nonsense tone, turning his back to Akash as he walked to the side table of his bed, grabbing his car keys.
"Oh alright. Good that you say this to me today. From now onwards, I will also handle my personal matters alone. I won't take your help for anything now," Akash pouted frowning like a little kid.
Arnav shook his head with a small smile playing on his lips, as he stare at his brother amused, "Seriously Akash? Emotional blackmailing?"
"Then what should I do when no one is interested to share their problems with me in this house? Why do you all treat me as if I'm still a baby?" Akash sat on the bed pretending to be angry with Arnav, he crossed his arms frowning at him, "Isn't it better for me to get married to a girl and become a 'ghar jamai'?"
Arnav chuckled shaking his head, as he approached his brother, ruffling his hair lovingly.
Akash whined, "Bhai I'm not a kid. Stop doing this to my hair!"
"You'll always be a kid for me," Arnav said fondly staring at his brother.
Akash stood up from the bed and side hugged Arnav emotionally, "You shouldn't talk like this bhai otherwise I will start crying."
Arnav smiled, "See that's why I called you a kid."
Akash pouted in response.
"Now let me go as I'm getting late for office," Arnav said as he broke the hug.
Akash looked at him seriously, "So you won't tell me what happened?"
"Akash I-"
"It's okay. I trust you. Whatever you did, there must be a reason for it as well," Akash blinked his eyes with a faint smile adorning his lips.
Arnav patted his cheek lovingly and left from there.
Sunshine Orphanage
"I don't want to talk with you.. Go away.. Just go away from me.. You broke your promise," a woman crying uncontrollably pushed Arnav away beating him on his chest, who was standing at the door frame of her room.
Arnav held her arms firmly to stop her, once he was sure that she wouldn't try to push him again, he cupped her face making sure she looks into his eyes and listen to his words, "Shh.. Shh.. Calm down.. Stop crying!"
He walked inside the room and closed the door so no one would listen to their conversations.
The girl was still staring at him as if doubting on him.
"I didn't broke any promise I made to you Anjali," he said with serious tone when he turned to face her.
"You're lying.. Chintu saw you going to the police station yesterday. You told them everything, didn't you?" Anjali asked brokenly.
Arnav sighed taking a seat on her bed as he patted the empty space beside him, calling her to sit with him and she obeyed him.
"It's true that I went to the police station yesterday. Trust me, I didn't reveal your name to them.. but I can't just keep quiet over this Anjali..."
"Bhaiya no," Anjali shook her head crying hysterically.
Arnav patted her cheek, a frown adorning his forehead as he spoke sternly, "Anjali listen to me.. the fact that you made me promise to remain silent over what happened that night, doesn't mean I won't punish that man for his crimes, do you get that? Once that man gains his consciousness, I'm going to make sure he spend the rest of his life behind the bars."
Anjali hugged him tightly, hiding her face on the crook of his neck, shutting her eyes tightly, sobbing in his arms.
Arnav reciprocated the hug, wrapping his arms protectively around her as he patted her head softly, his face hardened, his eyes turned dark and moist as flashes of that night played on his mind.
"I don't even know how Khushi accepted to marry that disgusting man," Anjali spoke in between her sobs.
Arnav looked down at her confused, "Do you know Khushi?"
Anjali broke the hug to look at his face and nodded her head, "Yes. She.. she often comes here with Vihaan to spend time with the orphanage kids."
"Hmm," Arnav nodded acknowledgingly, "She's innocent and unaware of her fiance's real intentions that's why she agreed to marry him Anjali."
Anjali rested her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arms around his, feeling safe and protected around the man she considers as her elder brother.
One month later.
XYZ College.
Khushi walked in her class room, looking around at her friends happily chatting with each other, cracking jokes and laughing over it, her eyes moistened as she realized if Vihaan wasn't in coma because of that man, she would have been married to him by now and she would have entered in her class room, all excited to share her wedding details with her friends, her friends would be teasing her with the honeymoon topic and whenever Vihaan would call her, her friends would secretly try to listen to their conversations. But nothing happened as she had expected, she took her seat and stayed quiet, lost in her own thoughts.
"Khushi?" a girl patted her shoulder gently, making Khushi look up startled.
"Lavanya," Khushi whispered as she realized it was her best friend, who took the seat beside hers.
"Are you okay?" Lavanya asked concernedly.
Khushi nodded her head with a weak smile.
"How's Vihaan now? Did he show any improvement?" Lavanya asked.
"He did made some random movements with his right arm once. Sapna ma has told us about it and the doctor said if it continues like this, then it's a good sign," Khushi said.
"That's great. He will be fine soon," Lavanya said.
"Gosh.. Prince Arnav Singh Raizada is so hot. Just look at this picture yaar.. Hayee he's so handsome!! I so wish he was my boyfriend but unfortunately it looks like he already has someone in his life.. just look at this girl with him in the picture.."
Khushi clenched her fist as she shut her eyes tightly momentarily when she heard the girls behind drooling over the evil man who destroyed her life.
Lavanya noticed the change of her friend's expressions, she immediately looked behind and requested the girls to speak softly.
But Khushi surprised her, when she turned to the girls and asked if she could check the picture. The girl handed her phone to Khushi who took it quickly and looked at picture posted by a girl named Meera on Instagram, she was standing very close to Arnav and smiling heartedly. It really looked like they're in a relationship.
"What are you thinking Khushi? Why do you want to see his picture?" Lavanya asked confused.
Khushi returned the phone to the girl and turned to Lavanya with a determined look on her face, "I guess I know how will I take revenge on Arnav Singh Raizada."
"What?" Lavanya widened her eyes controlling herself to not shout at her friend in front of the classroom, "Have you gone mad Khushi? You're still thinking about all these things? Don't you remember what happened last time you went to complain against him at the police station? Didn't your family begged you to not try to do anything else which could backfire on you, your family or even Vihaan?"
"Don't worry.. Arnav won't even get to know about what I'm planning against him," Khushi whispered.
"What are you planning to do then?" Lavanya asked still not convinced.
"I need to meet his girlfriend and tell her everything he did to Vihaan. She will get to know about his true face and she will break up with him. Then only he will feel the pain of being away from his loved ones. I couldn't send him to jail, but at least I can make him feel the same pain I go through everyday," Khushi said with broken tone.
"But Khushi.. What if he gets to know that you were the reason why his girlfriend broke up with him? He might take a drastic step then.. I'm scared Khushi.. I don't think this is a good idea," Lavanya said in low tone, shaking her head disapproving Khushi's idea.
"He won't get to know anything. I will manage to meet his girlfriend secretly and she will surely understand what I'm going through. She won't say anything to him either," Khushi said stubbornly.
"You will not do anything alone this time. I'm also going with you to meet that girl," Lavanya said.
"Okay. First let's check his girlfriend Instagram and twitter account. We should get more information about her," Khushi said.
Lavanya nodded as she quickly took her phone and started searching for Meera on her social media accounts.
Sheesh Mahal.
Arvind and Vidhya's room.
"I can't believe this.. this is not possible," Vidhya rolled her eyes throwing her phone on the bed, gaining her husband's attention who just walked out of the bathroom, "What happened Vidhya?" he asked.
"Rahul's daughter posted a picture with your son Arnav," Vidhya said.
"So? Seriously Arvind? I had told you that I liked Rahul's daughter for Akash, but this girl keeps following Arnav everywhere. How will she even start a relationship with Akash when all she does is stick to Arnav like a glue wherever he goes?" Vidhya asked angrily.
"That is because Meera is interested in Arnav and not Akash. Rahul told me that they extended their stay here at Lucknow, because his daughter wanted to spend more time with Arnav. Rahul is also extremely impressed with Arnav that despite living in this luxurious ancestral palace and knowing that we've several hotels all over India, our famous iron and steel manufacturing company, our lands and properties, he still went to London to complete his education and started his own fashion industry," Arvind said.
"What do you mean by that?" Vidhya raised her one eyebrow.
"Are you dumb or what Vidhya? Don't you get it? Rahul wants his daughter to get married with Arnav. They're impressed with Arnav," Arvind replied irritated.
"So why don't you tell them that Arnav is that great man they think? He's just a spoilt rich brat. He doesn't even respect you Arvind. Akash is hundred times better than that Arnav. Put some sense in their minds Arvind," Vidhya frowned.
"Vidhya listen to me carefully. Rahul is an important business partner of mine and I can't lose his partnership and friendship at any cost, do you get that?" he glared at his wife, "If his daughter Meera wants to get married to Arnav, then her wish will be granted by hook or by crook. Stop troubling me now!"
He walked to the door to leave the room when Vidhya's voice stopped him, "What if Arnav doesn't accept this marriage proposal? What will you do then?"
"I know he will not accept it but he will get married to Meera whether he wants it or not. I've already made the arrangements for it," Arvind said sternly, then glanced at his wife dangerously, "And you better keep your mouth shut in front of him. He shouldn't get to know that we're planning his marriage with Meera."
Vidhya gulped nodding her head.
Four days later.
XYZ shopping mall.
"We've reached the shopping mall.. but how will we find Meera in the middle of so many people?" Khushi sighed as she and Lavanya walked around the mall, looking for Meera.
"Wait Khushi," Lavanya stopped on her way tiredly as she took her phone from her bag and checked her instagram account, "What are you doing?" Khushi asked curiously.
"Wait," Lavanya replied checking the insta stories of Meera, "She's still here only.. hmm.. at this restaurant," Lavanya showed the picture posted by Meera few minutes ago, "This restaurant is on the third floor. Let's go!" Khushi said dragging Lavanya with her hurriedly.
As they reached at the restaurant Meera was sitting alone constantly checking on her phone as if waiting for someone.
Khushi and Lavanya approached her table feeling uncomfortable and awkward how to start a talk with a stranger. They smiled politely at Meera who frowned slightly in response.
"Hi," Khushi greeted first, fidgeting her duppata.
"Hi. Do I know you both?" Meera asked, staring at both weirdly.
"No. But we know you," Lavanya quickly replied.
"Actually we want to talk with you. It's urgent and it's very important for you to know the truth about Arnav Singh Raizada," Khushi said nervously.
"Do you know ASR?" Meera asked confused.
"I know the ugly side of his personality that you don't," Khushi replied.
"I don't understand anything. Please sit you both and explain to me clearly," Meera said pointing to the empty chairs.
Khushi and Lavanya quickly took their respective seats and glanced at each other. Meera glanced at both curiously. Khushi took the initiative and started narrating everything that Arnav did with Vihaan, how he had met her at the police station and lied everything and how his father came to her house and forced her to withdraw her complaint threatening to kill Vihaan.
Meera looked at both for few seconds in silence before bursting out laughing, "Oh God," she tried to control herself but end up laughing again making Khushi and Lavanya glance at each other, "By the way.. This is a great fan fiction created by two jealous obsessed fan girls of Prince ASR."
"No," Khushi shook her head.
"Oh please! I'm not that dumb to trust anything strangers tell me about Prince Arnav okay. And I already knew it that once people see us hanging out together, they would start badmouthing Prince Arnav to spoil our relationship," Meera frowned angrily as she stood up from her chair, taking her bag to leave but she stopped on her way and turned back to Khushi and Lavanya smirking, "By the way, tomorrow I'm getting engaged to Prince Arnav. Keep burning in jealously you two!"
She walked away leaving Khushi and Lavanya at the table.
"Khushi I told you this is not a good idea.. see what happened.. she didn't even believe in us.. and oh God.. she thought we're his jealous fans!" Lavanya hit her forehead, crying over the disaster the meeting turned out to be.
"Did you hear what she said? She's getting engaged to Arnav!" Khushi said staring at her friend with fear in her eyes.
"So? Don't tell me.. You're actually jealous?" Lavanya asked shocked.
"Of course not Lavanya. What rubbish! You know that I hate that man.. I feel disgusted just by seeing his face. And how can you think I would be jealous of him? Seriously La!" Khushi frowned.
"Sorry.. I'm sorry.. It just came out of my mouth like that. I know your feelings for him. I'm really sorry," Lavanya apologize feeling guilty for speaking those words without thinking.
"It's okay. I was saying that we're indeed in trouble now. If they're getting engaged means they're already much close to each other, so.. I think she's going to say everything to him. And he..," Khushi gulped as her heart skipped a beat.
Lavanya bit her lips shivering in fear, "Now what will we do? What if they try to hurt Vihaan again to teach you a lesson?"
"No.. No.. I can't let this happen," Khushi shook her head with moist eyes, wiping away the sweat beads on her forehead, "I.. I will talk with Arnav."
"Yes Lavanya.. I will have to apologize to him and beg him to not hurt Vihaan or my family members.. otherwise he will do something worse.. his father has already threatened me," Khushi said.
"Oh God.. We just landed ourselves in trouble!" Lavanya cried.
"ASR that girl Khushi is here. She wants to meet you," Aman informed as he stood at the door frame of Arnav's cabin.
"Khushi?" Arnav raised his brows confused.
"Yes.. that girl who filled the com-"
"I know who she is Aman! I'm just wondering why is she here to meet me," Arnav cut him off, rolling his eyes at his friend, "Anyways, tell her to come here."
Aman nodded as he left the cabin and came back with Khushi in few seconds.
"Khushi Kumari Gupta.. What a surprise!" Arnav smirked leaning on his chair comfortably, as his eyes followed her till she sat on the opposite chair of his.
Arnav signaled to Aman that he can leave and Aman obeyed as he left the cabin saying that he would send the peon with juice and snacks for Khushi.
"Hmm. Will we keep talking through our eyes?" Arnav asked.
"No.. I.. woh.. I'm actually.. I'm sorry!" Khushi stammered trying to muster up the courage to speak to him, and at last when she uttered sorry to him, she shut her eyes tightly looking down feeling defeated.
"What the.."
"Your soon to be fiancee must have told you everything by now," Khushi looked up to him.
"My fiancee?" Arnav raised his one eyebrow questioningly.
"Yes.. Tomorrow you're getting engaged to Meera. She told me and my friend when we meet her today an hour ago. I told her everything you did to Vihaan but she didn't believe in me. See.. it was my fault.. please don't punish Vihaan and my family for it. Please.. I'm really sorry. I won't try to do anything after this. I'm sorry.. Please don't hurt my Vihaan and my family. They're my everything. Please!" Khushi cried.
Arnav smiled staring at her beautiful hazel eyes filled with tears, "You know.. I love your innocence!"
Khushi clenched her fist under the table, but had to bear his words as she was helpless.
"And your braveness too!" he added.
"You won't do anything to Vihaan na?" Khushi asked ignoring his talks.
"I won't do anything to your family.. because with Vihaan I already did what I wanted," Arnav said.
Khushi looked at him disgusted. She got up from the chair, tears rolling down her cheeks, "I hate you!"
"So sad.. I really liked you," Arnav pouted.
Khushi just shook her head in disbelief feeling disgusted to be standing in front of a shameless man like him, "You're disgusting," she wanted to shout but end up in a broken whisper tone as she was crying continuously, taking steps backwards. She ran towards the door and opened it hurriedly leaving his cabin that was suffocating her now.
Arnav's expression changed as soon as Khushi left, he turned serious, caressing his temple, thinking about the engagement topic Khushi had mentioned. What was his family planning behind his back?
"He's disgusting Lavanya.. he's so cruel, shameless and disgusting man.. I was crying and begging him not to do anything with Vihaan or my family.. and he was flirting with me.. Can you believe it? He was smiling at me when I was crying in front of him.. begging for forgiveness.. I hate him.. when I look at his face.. I don't even know how to explain what I feel," Khushi explained her friend crying as they crossed the road, heading back home.
"And what did he say? Did you he forgive you?" Lavanya asked.
"He said he won't do anything to my family.. He already did what he wanted to Vihaan," Khushi replied.
"Bloody criminal. He's sick," Lavanya gritted her teeth angrily.
Next day.
Sheesh Mahal. 6pm.
The well dressed in black and white suits servants were roaming around the beautifully decorated hall serving snacks and drinks to the guests attending the party the King Arvind Singh Raizada had thrown claiming it to be for a very special surprise occasion.
"I just hope Arnav likes the surprise engagement we planned for him," Rahul whispered to his friend smiling brightly.
"I'm sure he will love it. Don't you see that he's always behind your daughter from the time she came here? I think he is just shy to say it in front of us that he liked Meera. We're actually making this easy for him," Arvind said making Rahul burst into laughter as he agreed to his friend's words.
"Actually Arvind the feeling is mutual. Just look at Meera.. Instead of paying attention to the conversation with those girls, her eyes are only on Arnav who is also glancing at her every now and then," Rahul said pointing at Arnav and Meera.
Arnav found his father and Rahul staring and pointing at him, he forced a shy smile on his face acting as if he was caught staring at Meera, then continued to talk with the guests.
Rahul giggled, "He's shy because we caught him staring at Meera! This is so cute!"
Arvind smiled relieved to see that his son also has feelings for Meera, so he won't create a scene when he announces their engagement.
Meanwhile, Meera approached Arnav, dragging him to a corner. She looked at him smiling brightly, "Can I tell you something?"
Arnav nodded.
"You're looking so handsome," Meera confessed shyly drooling over his perfectly gelled hair, his sharp face features, his devilish smirk and the most important, him dressed in black kurta pajama looking indeed like a royal powerful prince.

"Thank you," Arnav smirked, "You're looking good too."
"Just good? Not beautiful?" Meera pouted.
Khushi's face flashed in Arnav's mind when he heard the word 'Beautiful'. Why he felt Beautiful suited only her and not other girls now?
Their conversation came to an end before Arnav could even answer Meera, as their parents called them to the stage in the middle of the hall.
"Ladies and gentlemen. Can I have your attention please?" Arvind called the guests to gather around.
Arnav and Meera reached at the stage. Meera was super excited and waiting impatiently for Arvind announce their engagement to the world while Arnav quickly sent a message on his phone, then looked ahead at his father sharing his friendship with Rahul story to the guests, with a small smile playing on his lips.
"So I'm really happy and emotional as well to announce that today onwards we will not just be friends but a family as well because tonight my son, Prince Arnav Singh Raizada will get engaged to my best friend Rahul's daughter, Meera Khanna," Arvind announced proudly.
Everyone clapped for them making Arnav smirk as he muttered to himself seeing the police officers approaching the stage, "3..2..1!"
"Sorry to interrupt the celebrations King Arvind Singh Raizada but we'll have to arrest your son, Prince Arnav Singh Raizada for beating up a man called Vihaan mercilessly. Because of him, the man is in coma now."
"What?" Arvind frowned, "My son did nothing. You will not put my son behind the bars, do you get that?"
Rahul and Meera looked at Arnav, who looked down pretending to be ashamed for his act.
"We've enough evidence against him. We'll have to arrest him now," the officer said sternly.
"I can't believe this is true.. that girl was saying truth then. You hurt her fiance.. He's in coma because of you," Meera stammered in shock as she realized Khushi wasn't lying to her and Arnav, the man she loves in indeed the cruel man Khushi had described.
"I'm sure there's a misunderstanding here," Rahul said.
"There's no misunderstanding at all Dad. I've met with the fiancee of the man who is in coma. She told me everything but I didn't believe her that time. I was blind in love for this monster," Meera cried.
Rahul looked shocked at his friend, "Oh my God.. I can't believe this. I thought your son is a good and hardworking man, but he's a cruel man.. a criminal. It's good his true face came out in front of everyone at the right time. I can never give my daughter away to a man like your son Arvind. Forget about sharing a family type relationship with you, I don't want to even continue our friendship and business partnership now."
The guests kept gossiping among each other, Arvind and Vidhya were trying to pacify Rahul and Meera begging them to not end the relationship between them and that they needed to talk calmly first while the police officers handcuffed Arnav, taking him away from the palace.
Aman followed his friend outside the palace, "ASR.."
Arnav stopped in his track and looked back at his friend, "Keep a watch on Khushi and her family Aman. Don't let my father hurt them in any way. I'll be back tomorrow."
Aman nodded.
"You're crazy!" Aman shook his head at his friend staring at him in disbelief.
Arnav smirked devilishly, signaling the police officers to take him to the car.
Aman sighed, shaking his head staring at his friend disappearing figure, "Pagal!"
"What is actually going on here?" Akash asked as he approached Aman.
"You should ask your brother Prince Akash!"
"You think I didn't Aman? Please tell me what the hell is happening in this family? I don't understand anything," Akash frowned.
"I'm sorry Prince Akash. I can't say anything," Aman looked down.
Akash sighed hard.
Sometime later..
Gupta house.
Khushi was staring blankly at the TV, lost in her thoughts when the journalist spoke news of Prince Arnav Singh Raizada getting arrested for beating Vihaan bringing him to coma, she gasped shocked to see the pictures of the police officers taking him to the police station.
"Ammaaaa.. Babu jiii," she shouted calling her parents to see the news.
Guptas came rushing to the living room to check what happened to her, she pointed to TV and even they got shocked to see Arnav getting arrested.
"But.. how did this happen? Khushi withdrew her complaint then why did the police officers arrested him?" Shashi frowned.
"You didn't file a complaint against him, did you Khushi?" Garima asked.
Khushi nodded sideways, "No Amma.. I didn't."
"I don't understand if we should happy or scared seeing this news," Buaji gulped.
"I'm feeling scared already.. What is going on now?" Payal side hugged Madhumati, "I hope they don't come here again."
Khushi was deeply thinking about her conversation with Arnav in his cabin. She remembered him asking: 'My fiancee?'. Did that mean he was unaware of his own engagement ceremony?
"Shit! He didn't love Meera neither he wanted to to get engaged," Khushi hit her forehead for her foolishness as realization dawned upon her, "I only helped him to escape from this engagement by telling him everything."
"What are saying Khushi bitiya?" Shashi asked.
Khushi shook her head as she looked down sadly for losing once again, "Nothing Babu ji."
Only if she kept quiet and let things happen the way they were, Arnav would have been engaged to a girl he doesn't have feelings for her and she would have indirectly punished him for his deeds.
"Why are you doing this with me DM?" she cried silently.
Meanwhile in the lock up, Arnav stood in his glory with his arms extended through the bars, smirking as he whispered to himself, "Thank you Khushi!"
Is Arnav falling in love with Khushi?? 😍😍
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