Chapter 15 - ASR
Two weeks later..
AR cabin
"It's been two weeks we're trying to catch Vihaan but we're still clueless about his whereabouts. He didn't even try to contact his family, Anjali or Khushi till now. Where can he possibly be?" Aman voiced out his worries, taking a seat beside Khushi's.
"It won't be easy to locate him now Aman, he's under my father's protection," Arnav said with his eyes fixed on his fingers twirling the pen on his cabin table.
"I know it won't be easy.. but we're not going to give up, right ASR?" Aman asked with a doubtful tone, "I hope you're not accepting defeat to your father."
Khushi stare at Arnav deeply lost in his thoughts while continuously twirling his pen, she smirked slightly gazing back at Aman, "He's not giving up Aman. He's planning something bigger now."
Aman looked at Arnav and realized that he's indeed planning something in his mind, the reason for his long silent mood during their entire conversation.
Arnav's finger stopped as he lifted his eyes to meet Khushi's, thinking when did this girl started to read his mind now.
"What?" Khushi shrugged, "I already know you like to make your opponent think they have defeated you and then you silently bounce back on them to destroy them completely. Remember when you got the information through me that you're getting engaged to Meera, you didn't know your father was planning a surprise engagement for you.. but once you got know his plan from me, you got yourself arrested so that the engagement breaks, your father face the humiliation for deciding about your life behind your back and next day you got released, defeating me as well that time when I didn't know your truth, I wanted you to spend your life behind the bars. You killed two birds with one stone and that time only I understood with whom I was messing up with."
"Ah, so you were impressed with me," Arnav smirked.
"Oh please.. You were more impressed with me than I was with you. Always running behind me.. calling me.. Sherni.. Sherni.. Sherni," Khushi replied, rolling her eyes and mimicking how he used to call her Sherni.
Arnav looked at her bewildered, he was expecting that he would make her shy or blush here, but she turned the tables and made him feel uncomfortable with Aman witnessing their conversation now.
Aman chuckled silently making Arnav threaten him through his eyes to not laugh at him.
"What? Admit it that you were indeed attracted to Khushi," Aman said teasingly.
"Yeah right.. even I used to notice that this man is always behind me.. can you believe it.. everywhere I used to go, I used to see him there.. Prince hai.. fir bhi mere peechhe pada hai (He's a Prince.. still he was always behind hai)," Khushi added with a mischievous smile playing on her lips.
Arnav gave them a What-rubbish look, "That's not true.. I admit I was attracted to your fierce attitude but everywhere you used to find me, I had a reason to be there."
Khushi giggled at him serious look while defending himself, she raised a bit from her chair to pull his cheeks unable to contain herself, "You're so cute!"
"Cute no Khushi!" Arnav frowned a bit, he already accepted being called Teddy Bear by her, now cute, then shona, then another extra sweet nickname. It's too much for a diabetic patient like him.
"Cute!" Khushi said firmly, challenging him through her eyes to try and make her change her mind now.
Arnav sighed defeatedly.
"Err.. I guess I should leave now," Aman said getting up from his chair but Khushi pulled him back to his seat, "No, sit here Aman.. We still need to plan what to do next. We need to be two steps ahead of Arvind.. And right now we're clueless about Vihaan's location, we don't know what's going in Arvind's mind and we have the fashion show next week."
Aman nodded his head.
"Arnav why do I think Arvind is waiting for this fashion show so that he can act on his plan when we would be busy in the event?" Khushi asked, sharing her thoughts with them.
"Even I think so.. maybe he'll send Vihaan there in disguise to harm Khushi," Aman said.
"No one will lay a finger on Khushi," Arnav said in a cold tone, breaking the pen he was holding tightly as Aman spoke about the possibility of Vihaan harming Khushi.
"Relax Arnav," Khushi immediately got up from her seat approaching him, she removed the broken pen from his hand and held his hand to comfort him, "Aman is just talking about a possibility.. We need to think like them to guess their next move baba."
"To even think about it as a possibility is a nightmare for me Khushi," Arnav looked up at her speaking in no-nonsense tone.
Khushi looked back at him, she could see his eyes moistened and it pained her heart as she could feel his fear of losing her like he lost his mother or someone hurting her like Vihaan hurt his Anjali.
"Nothing will happen to me. I trust you completely. If I'm not worried about myself because I'm under your protection, then why are you?" Khushi placed her palm on his cheek, caressing his subtle lightly.
"Because you're Sherni.. I'm not," he replied in low tone.
Aman smiled lightly watching their bond. It's as surprising as it's heartwarming to see his friend completely surrender himself to Khushi in a short span of time. He conveys to Khushi his emotions, his fears and insecurities, his feelings and his past without any hesitation.
Their little moment was disturbed by a knock on the door, as Arnav gave the permission to the person on the other to come inside the cabin, Khushi took her seat back.
"Hello!" Akash walked in the cabin, "I hope I'm not disturbing you guys."
Arnav, Aman and Khushi shook their heads.
"You never disturb me Akash," Arnav said, walking to his little brother and pulling him for a hug.
Akash smiled, reciprocating the hug, "Waah.. today I got a hug from you bhai."
Aman and Khushi smiled at him.
"Take your seat," Arnav smirked, ruffling Akash's hair to tease him. Akash started whining and complaining that he's not a kid anymore for Arnav to play with his hair like that.
"So what were guys talking about? The fashion show next week, right? It's the talk of the town already bhai.. everyone can't wait for you to launch the new collection," Akash said.
"Not that.." Aman was about to continue but Arnav stopped him, "Yeah.. We were discussing things about the fashion show only."
Akash smile knowingly, "It's okay bhai.. If you guys are talking about Vihaan and Dad, then you can share with me too. It won't hurt me.. I already know how Dad is.. and you also know that I'll never support Dad's wrongdoings. Please tell me everything now.. don't keep me in dark like you and Aman did last time."
"I don't share these things with you not because I don't trust you Akash. It's just I don't want to create rifts between you and Dad because of my problems with him and I also want to keep you out of this dark world.. I always wanted you to enjoy your life, work honestly and never get influenced by Dad's business ways," Arnav said seriously.
"I understand you bhai.. but this time, I want to know everything you guys are planning.. if it's to punish Vihaan and Dad for their wrongdoings, then I'm also with you guys.. I also want to help you.. I want the good and innocent people to win over the evil ones this time. Your late mother, Anjali and Khushi suffered enough because of Vihaan and Dad.. as much it hurts me to know that my Dad is behind all this, this pain will always be less compared to the guilt I'll feel if I don't support you in this bhai," Akash said emotionally.
Arnav smiled a little staring at his little baby bro talking like a matured man now. He's indeed grown up now.
Khushi also had tears in her eyes which she quickly wiped it away. She understands Akash as she had been in his place when she faced the Guptas. Seeing the family you loved with all your heart turning into heartless people who only think about themselves was really a painful experience for her.
"So what's the plan now?" Aman cleared his throat. He knew everyone was getting emotional, that's why he decided to divert their attention to serious matters.
"I'll have dinner tonight with you Akash," Arnav said.
"What?" Akash looked at him confused. Weren't they talking about the plan and his bhai suddenly came up with dinner plan?
"Why do you want to go Sheesh Mahal ASR?" Aman asked.
"To meet Arvind," Khushi said at last as realization dawned upon her.
"If we want to guess his next move.. I need to have a conversation with my opponent before we start to play!" Arnav said in a cold husky tone.
"You think you'll go there and ask him about Vihaan and he'll tell you everything?" Aman frowned, not liking Arnav's idea to put himself at risk.
"He won't tell me anything.. I'll find it out," Arnav replied.
"I'll be there with Bhai too.. don't be worried you two," Akash said to Khushi and Aman.
After they were done discussing their next move, Akash and Aman left the cabin. Khushi stayed with Arnav.
Arnav's Farmhouse
Khushi walked in Arnav's room, she watched him silently wearing his wrist watch, when Arnav noticed her through the mirror, he turned to face her, "What happened?"
Khushi wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest, she shut her eyes tightly, "I'm scared.. I'm not feeling good.. I don't want you to go to Sheesh Mahal and meet your father."
"I'll have to go Khushi.. this is the only way I'll be able to find out where he kept Vihaan," Arnav said, rubbing her back to calm her.
"Why don't you call the police and inform them that your father knows where Vihaan is?"
"At this point, I don't trust anyone Khushi except you and my A's, I'm quite sure police have joined hands with my father and they're backing him for keeping Vihaan under his captivity," Arnav replied.
Khushi sighed sadly. Arnav dropped a kiss on her forehead, "Don't be worried. Nothing will happen to me, okay?"
Khushi nodded her head.
Arnav and Khushi came downstairs where Lavanya, Anjali, Shyam and Aman were watching TV in the living room.
"I'm leaving," Arnav informed them, Khushi was still holding his hand as if not ready to let him go.
"Okay.. if you need anything, then call me ASR," Aman said.
"Bhai please take care of yourself," Anjali said worriedly.
Arnav nodded his head. He looked at Khushi and blinked his eyes assuring her that he would be fine.
Khushi hugged him one last time before letting him go to Sheesh Mahal.
Sheesh Mahal
Arnav walked in the palace after a long time, he went directly to the living room and was welcomed by Arvind and Vidhya who were sitting there as if they were eagerly waiting for him.
"Welcome home my son," Arvind got up from the couch and walked enthusiastically towards Arnav, pulling him into a tight hug, "I'm seeing you after so long my son.. I missed you so much."
"Well I've to admit.. this palace doesn't look the same without you Arnav," Vidhya said smirking at him, "I missed you my step-son.. I missed arguing with you!"
Arnav rolled his eyes, withdrawing himself from his father's embrace.
"Oh come on Vidhya.. spare my son today. He came back home after a long time to spend time with us. Please don't spoil his mood and don't do anything that will make him repent coming here," Arvind said.
"Fine!" Vidhya sighed.
Akash came downstairs, joining his family for dinner.
At the dining room..
"Take your seat Arnav," Arvind said, guiding Arnav to the chair, he sat beside Arnav smiling, "Tell me.. where have you been all these days ahn? I got to know from my sources that you're in live in relationship with that guy's ex fiancee Khushi!"
Arnav gazed at his father sharply the moment he uttered Khushi's name from his mouth, "Keep her out of this."
"Aree why are you getting angry? It's just I got this information and I wanted to know if it's true or not.."
"I said keep Khushi out of this," Arnav gritted his teeth angrily.
"Relax Arnav.. He's your father, he has rights to ask you with whom are you spending your time with.. Imagine how embarrassed he must have felt to get this information from a third person and not his own son? So you're indeed living with Vihaan's ex-fiancee.. Khushi. I just can't believe this," Vidhya intervened, she was enjoying provoking Arnav right now.
Arnav slammed his fist on the table furiously, he barked at Vidhya, "Keep your mouth shut Mrs. Raizada or else you'll see the worst side of mine.. Neither your husband nor you son will be able to stop me then!"
"See Arvind how he misbehaves with me everytime.. it's impossible to have a normal conversation with your son," Vidhya complained to her husband, she gulped staring at her Arnav who looked as if he was a wounded lion ready to attack her anytime.
"Ma you provoked bhai," Akash spoke defending his brother, "Is it possible for us to have dinner peacefully without arguing everytime?"
Vidhya glared at Akash for showing support to his brother instead of her.
"Akash is right.. let's have our dinner peacefully," Arvind said, staring at Arnav intently. He was surprised to see his son behaving so wildly just by them mentioning Khushi's name. It seemed he loved this girl a lot and he'll fight for her at any cost. Perhaps, it won't be as easy as he had thought to separate Arnav from Khushi.. but if he was successful in separating Arnav from his own mother in the past, then Khushi is nothing to him.
This is not the last chapter!
I was (still am.. don't know 🙈) having writer's block these days.. I was even planning to update Nav and Khuhi's Journey to refresh my mind and get energy to write the other pending stories. Yuhi Nahi Tujhpe Dil Ye Fida Hai is half-written till now (for the readers asking for it). But I end up updating Ishq Hua.. because of someone eagerly waiting for an update Starry0502 .
Next I'll try to update YNTDYFH (I don't know what I was thinking before keeping this long title in my story 😂🙈).
And I wanted to know from readers of Nav and Khuhi's journey.. if guys are in hurry to see grown up Arshi? Or you prefer to read the stories in phases from their childhood to adulthood?
So, tell me how was the update? Do you think Arnav is in danger in Sheesh Mahal? Or he's the danger himself? 😉😉
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