Chapter 43
Chapter 43
I walked back inside, taking my seat. As the teacher started a new lesson, I stared at my paper blankly, getting lost in my thoughts until I felt Blake tugging on my sweater.
"What, Blake?" I groaned annoyed as I snapped out of it and looked at him.
"Who's that?" He said as he pointed at the whiteboard screen.
"How would I know? Just someone we're learning about.. not that important." I said I started scribbling on my notebook.
"Not that important?" I heard the voice of a familiar old man butt in.
"Is that so, Mr. Robinson? You are aware we'll be having a test about this so called 'not important' man, this week, right?" He quizzed as he put his pointer down.
Before I could say anything, he cut me off before shaking his head. "How about you come and tell us who this man is, Isaac?" He said as he gestured for me to get up.
I sighed loudly.
"I'm good."
"I'm not asking you if you want to do it Isaac, I'm telling you to."
I observed as all of my peers' eyes glanced over at me. I sighed once again as I stood up and made my way to the whiteboard.
"This.. is Christopher Columbus." I groaned, a few of my classmates seemed surprised, as if they didn't expect me to know who the guy on the screen was.
"Who is this Columbus dude?" One of the stupid kids had to ask, not because he didn't know but because he wanted to keep me there and possibly make me look dumb, not happening though.
"Discovered the Americas." I vaguely stated.
"He was looking for a route from Europe to Asia but he found America instead. Any other questions?" I asked sharply. The smirk plastered on his face faded and he stood silent.
"Well.. Very good!" Mr. Brown stumbled on his own words for a second, as if not expecting me to know any of this either.
"You may sit down."
I sat down, arms crossed. I turned when I felt a small hand clutch on my shirt.
"I thought you didn't know anything about him, uncle." Before I could respond to that, the bell had started ringing.
"Class is dismissed, I expect you all to be ready for our test that's coming up soon." Brown concluded."Have a good day everyone."
"You too Mr!" One of the classmates responded cheerfully.
"You're smarter than you act." Jonas teased as we walked out.
"Shut up." I scoffed.
"No really, I'm sure at least 70% of the class didn't even know who the guy on the screen was! How the hell do you know this shit?" Jonas asked.
"I'm not trying to fail anymore Jonas." I answered.
"Not because I care about my academics and shit," I began.
"But because I don't want to be in high school forever." I finished my sentence as we walked out of class.
Jonas nodded.
"Makes sense." He agreed.
"Anyway, I don't wanna end up working at a McDonalds." I snort at the idea of it. Don't get me wrong, people have to make money somehow, but I don't think I can handle being stuck at a boring restaurant taking people's orders.
Usually people took MY orders, I wasn't someone that let people tell him what to do. That guy has been dead a long time ago.
"I wouldn't really mind working at McDonalds." Jonas joked, or, at least I thought.
"I mean, free McDonald's right?" He grinned.
"That's not how it works." I told him, Jonas just laughed.
"Jonas, Jonas!" Emma shouted. "Can we see Gabriel again?" She asked.
Jonas' laugh stopped, his whole smile just dropped. "Look Emma, I don't know where Gabriel is, lets just g-"
"Gabriel!" The kids beamed, of course I knew who was behind us.
"Hey there!" Gabriel smiled politely at the two as they ran up to him. Jonas just frowned as he watched, before he started walking away. What was his problem?
"Joe? Joey? Where are you going?" Emma said as she noticed her brother walking away. She began to run after him. But before she did so she smiled as she waved at Gabriel and Blake.
"Bye!" She beamed before skipping away.
"Bye!!" Blake giggled at Emma. He looked back at Gabriel, who seemed to wear a small frown on his face as well.
"Hey.. Sorry about your friend. I don't think he really likes me." He chuckled quietly as he said it, but he sounded a bit sad.
"Don't mind him, he's a grouch with people sometimes." I say, still confused with Jonas.
"Yeah.. I can see that.. But I feel sort of bad." Gabriel said, arms crossed as he tried to keep his body warm. It was starting to snow.
"Wait, why?" I questioned as I shoved my hands in my pockets. Usually I liked wearing oversized jackets, even when it was hot so right now it seemed to be a great day to have brought the sweater, it was fucking freezing.
"Well.. The thing is... I'm not sure if I'm allowed to talk about this." He paused and stared down at the now wet grass, it was wet from all the melted snow that had fallen.
"I think you should ask him yourself, I just hope he's alright." He said, smiling when Blake showed us a ladybug that had landed on his hand.
"That's a cute ladybug." Gabriel smiled, gently smoothing a finger over the tiny bug.
"Ya know, people do say that when a ladybug lands on you its good luck. Consider yourself lucky kiddo." He smiled.
"Maybe giving this to your friend would make him feel better." Blake said to me as he brought the ladybug on his hand closer to me. Before he bring it any closer though, the bug flew out of his hand. Blake squealed a bit out of surprise as the creature took off, he started jumping up and down.
"Hey! Come back here!" Blake shouted. Gabriel chuckled a little, a few seconds later his phone started ringing.
"Hello? Yeah I'm still at school but I'll get home soon." he promised as he started to walk away to continue his call. Before he walked away, he gave Blake and I a small wave.
"BYE GAB-" Blake began to say loudly until I clapped a hand against his mouth, it was obvious Gabriel was busy with his phone call. I stared at my phone.
Audrey should be out of her class by now, where was she?
"Hi! Sorry for the wait you guys, my coach had us stay for a few extra minutes." I heard a familiar voice say after a few minutes.
Audrey, and a few other girls who I'm guessing were her friends, walked over to us. All of them were wearing sweaters, except for Audrey.
"Told you to bring a jacket." One of the girls said to Audrey. "But of course, you have to be stubborn." She teased.
She looked away from Audrey and looked at me when she noticed me.
"Oh, hey Isaac." The girl greeted, smirking as she glanced at me and Audrey.
"Hey." I said back, pulling Blake's backpack to stop him from running after some butterfly that passed by.
"I hope Blake wasn't too much trouble." Audrey smiled sheepishly as Blake started playing in the snow.
"Yeah, don't worry about that." I told her.
"Well, I have to go to the store to buy some stuff, bye guys." One of her friends had said. Audrey nodded.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow."
"I actually got to go now. Thanks for letting me have your brother for the day Audrey." I told Audrey once her friend left.
"Nephew." She corrected with a small laugh.
"Shit, my bad, right." I shook my head at my own stupidity. I turned away and started to walk away but I was stopped by her voice.
"Wait, can I talk to you real quick?" She asked me. I stopped walking and looked back at her.
I don't know why but I suddenly just felt some what reluctant to respond.
"Sure.." I said after a few seconds. "What's up?"
She looked at Blake.
"Blake, can you stay here with Darcy and Jenna for a quick moment?" She asked him. He nodded.
"Yes Audrey." She smiled before grabbing my arm and lead me away from the crowd.
"So.." she began.
"Can I talk to you about something?"
I felt a somewhat sharp ache on my stomach. What was there to talk about? Was I acting too weird today or what?
"Sure, what's up?" I finally said after a minute or so. I wait for her to answer, whatever it was she wanted to say, I just hope she said it soon because I felt somewhat impatient, I had somewhere to be.
Heya everyone its been a while since I've updated this book but I'm finally back!
Big shout out to aaweomegamer for being such a dedicated reader, I really appreciate it! :) Hope you enjoy the chapter and I'm sorry I've taken such a long break, the book is so long and has so many parts, it's hard to keep up with it and write all of my ideas on one piece but I'll try harder to update more often!
To everyone reading this, feel free to correct any typos or whatever on any chapters by highlighting the parts and commenting, that will be lots of help for me since I am trying to have a polished story.
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