Slicers and Names
??? POV
I woke up and to my relief, no one woke me up, and I woke up on time. I got up and got dressed into a black, fitted tank top and camouflage printed shorts. After getting dressed and fixing my hair and stuff, I walked outside to catch up with Newt. I was going to tell him about how I remembered my name.
"Hey Newt," I greeted the British Blond
"Hey green-," Newt started.
"My name isn't greenie," I told him.
"Then what's your bloody name," he asked.
"Amber, my name is Amber," I said proudly. I finally remembered something here, let me be proud.
"Nice name. Now today you're going to be working with the slicers. Winston is the keeper of the slicers. Now, I have a question for you," Newt stated.
"No, really, I thought you had a question for Alby," I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes.
"Anyways," he started; ignoring my previous comment,"How strong is your gag reflex?"
"Ummm, strong, I guess? Why," I questioned, slightly weirded out by the question.
"Erm, well, let's just say you'll need it," he murmured.
"Okay then...," I trailed off. 'What's so bad about the slicers,' I thought.
Once we got to the Bloodhouse, the first thing I saw was a guy cutting open an animal. I suddenly felt the urge to lose my breakfast. Then, a tall, lanky boy walked up to us. He started to tell me about what the slicers do and how everything works. But, the only thing I could think about was all the guts spilling out of the animals, guess what I did... You guessed it, I ran out so I could puke in a bush. After, I walked back to the Bloodhouse.
"Are you feeling okay, Amber," Newt asked.
"Peachy," I replied in a deadpan tone.
"I don't think you should take over this job," Winston told me.
"Well, no shit sherlock," I said sarcastically.
"Anyway, when do the runners get back," I asked.
"Soon, they usually have to get here before nightfall," Newt replied.
"So, at sunset," I questioned bluntly.
"Yeah, pretty much," Winston said.
"Okay then," I said.
After, we bid Winston goodbye and started to walk to the walls. During our walk, Newt and I got to know each other. He is like an older brother to me now. When we finally got to the walls, I noticed all the runners running back. (A/n: What? Did you expect me to write 'skipping like little girls'.) I smiled when I saw Minho and walked over to him. The minute I was arms length from him, I did something no one expected me to do.... I hugged him. (A/n: What? Did you guys expect me to write that she kissed him? No, not in this chapter.) He was caught off guard for a minute til he hugged me back. I pulled away for a few minutes.
"Woah there, did you miss me that much," Minho asked, smirking.
"Oh ha ha, very funny," I said sarcastically.
"Thanks, you think I should become a comedian," he asked sarcastically. We looked at each other, then burst out laughing. The other gladers looked at the both of us like we were crazy.
"Oh, guess what," I told him.
"What," he questioned.
"I remembered my name," I stated proudly.
"Oh yeah, what is it," he questioned again.
"Amber, my name is Amber. Not greenie, not greenbean, Amber," I told the tall, Asian.
"That's great. Also, we still get to call you greenie til another kid arrives. Just so you know," Minho stated with that smirk of his.
I just groaned while the others laughed. Great, stuck with a weird nickname.
"By the way, tomorrow you'll be working with the Med-jacks," Alby said, walking up to me,"Newt will take you there, okay?"
I just nodded. After that... interesting event, we ate dinner, went to bed. But I was the only one awake with only one question on my mind.
What is in the maze?
Ohmigosh, I'm super sorry for the late update. I've just been so busy with my other fanfiction, school, and my Youtube channel, I could never find time to work on this. So, to make it up to you, here is a GIF of a shirtless (I think) Ki Hong Lee answering a question LIKE A BOSS! See you guys in the next chapter! PEACE OUT!
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