POV Chrissy
I know yes I'm taking Bo to were we ran into each other then ask her. I smile "babe we know each other for a while now." She smile back "yes and it our 1 year 3 month today." I drop my jaw because I didn't know I was that long. I smile "yes miss smarty butt" I smile and kiss her. I smile "I have to ask u this one thing and I don't think your going to like it." She look at me scared and I looked do like I was sad. I said sadly "your shoe is untie" I get on one knee. She giggle "I'm wear flip flops woman so get off the dirty floor."
I pull out the ring and say "The first day i meant you my soul pick you in a heart beat. I understand why it did. You crushing into me right here is my favorite day. That look you gave me I knew I had to get you before so rude dick face boy get you. Here I am asking you to be my be my...." I was cut off so one yell. Some boy was yelling "Bo Anna Smith" I looked at him and he stop talking. Then my mom ran grab him. "What I was saying is babe girl is will you marry me and make me the happiest woman ever." She start cry "yes... Million times yes." She pull me up and kiss me and I kiss her back.
-------10 minutes later after a long make out we join the family------
There that guy sitting at the table all over my mom. I seen my mom trying to push him off. I start getting mad and my wings come out. I grab him and pin him up the tree and try to suck the live out him then I clam down. "Your my father. GO I DONT WANT YOU HER!!!" I throw him off to the side. "You can't kill me sweetie" he giggle. "Why the fuck I can't" I said mad. He smile "because I am...."
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