9.Where Are We?
"B...but how?"
"You and Ellie must share relatives with the author who created us."
"What about Libby how did she get here?"
"Well I'm guessing that you and Ellie subconsciously dragged a friend along."
Radaghast said still petting a bird who had been sitting on his shoulder.
"Wait so there's someone else here from our world?"
"Heya Becca it's Anja the goth child!"
Anja one of Ellie's best friends walked out from around the corner.
I ran to hug her even though we had been friends for a short amount of time, she was an amazing and cute goth child.
"ANJAAAA, this is so cool we need to go and tell Ellie and Libby!"
I said excitedly temporarily forgetting about how we somehow ended up in this amazing universe.
"Anja would you please show Gandalf and Radaghast the way out, I need to speak to Rebecca for a minute."
Anja did what Thorin said not wanting to get on the wrong side of one of the most stubborn dwarves ever, except he wasn't a dwarf in this universe.
"Rebecca, as you seem to have the most knowledge about us from your world I need to warn you about something."
Thorin said suddenly turning very serious.
Placing his hand on my shoulder he said;
"Here we have people who will go to any lengths to gain control over this company as we have ownership over almost all businesses, in regard to you and your friends safety I would advise you don't tell anyone of this as people may try to use your knowledge."
The first thought that came to my head was Azog but for the Durins sake I hopped their fates would change.
'Go to any lengths' 'use your knowledge' I have to get back to the others, I have to warn them, I have to tell them.
"Thank you Thorin, keep the Durin line and company safe, for all our sakes."
"Stay safe Rebecca."
He said with concern showing in his eyes but his face still a mask of unknown thoughts.
After the lift had reached the ground floor I was still in a daze when Fee came up to me.
"Becca where are you going?"
"Need to talk to Ellie, sorry, bye."
I said jogging past him and out the doors into the fresh air.
Anja was waiting outside and headed over to the bakery with me.
*time skip by lots of hugs for Anja and explanations*
"How do we get back home though?"
Libby asked once I had finished the story.
"Why would you want to?"
Ellie said looking surprised as to why anyone would want to return.
I sat back letting them discus what to do next and I couldn't get the thought of Thorin out of my head.
What would happen if Azog tried to take the company? Who will protect Fee and Kee? What if he uses Fee and Kee against Thorin? But what if he didn't exist?
I mentally laughed at that, of corse he exists and of corse he will try to hurt them.
There cannot be bright light unless there is the darkness to light up.
"I'm going home, night."
I said whilst walking out of the bakery and down the street, completely ignoring Thorin's warning to stay safe.
Again with Thorin, why couldn't I get that man out of my head?
Sorry about so much speech in this chapter, and that it may not be as good as the others (writers block sucks) Anyways hope you guys enjoy and AnjzhiAnjzh welcome to the story!
Byeeee ^_^
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