18.Middle Earth
Ellie's POV
I woke up still holding Fíli's hand, but in the middle of a forest.
Looking around i saw Ori laying next to a very hobbit looking Anja.
I looked down at myself and saw I had broader shoulders and longer hair containing intricate braids.
"Woah, I'm a dwarf, and Anja's a hobbit."
I whispered to myself looking around trying to find out where we had landed.
"Ellie, Fee, Ori, Anja???"
Shouting came from further in the dense trees.
"Over here!"
I shouted back whilst walking slightly away from where the others were still unconscious.
A very unhappy looking Kíli said emerging from the trees with leaves stuck in his hair.
"We need to get Fee to the elves."
I said moving back over to him and checking his pulse as Kíli went over to wake up Anja and Ori.
"Where are Becca and Thorin?"
I asked hoping they would have been with Kíli.
"I don't know."
Kíli said shaking Ori awake as Anja began to sit up.
"Anja look after Fee, I'll climb up a tree and see where we are."
I said kissing him on his forehead and heading over to the nearest tree.
Climbing the trees was easy as there were lots of branches, so we could be in Mirkwood but probably not Lothlórien. Maybe Buckland or outside Imladris.
"What can you see Ellie?"
A now awake Ori shouted up to me as my head broke the shroud of leaves.
"Imladris is close, Elrond can help us!"
I said spotting the beautiful valley to the west of us.
As I climbed down the tree Anja practically jumped on me.
"Ellie, I'm a hobbit!!!"
She said jumping up and down with excitement.
"And I'm a dwarf!"
I said hugging her then heading over to Fíli.
"Kee help me carry him, Anja and Ori clear a straight path east."
I said hooking Fíli's arm around my shoulders as Kíli did the same.
"Hang in there Lion, we're almost there."
I whispered when he groaned in pain as me and Kíli carried him through the dense forest.
Thorin's POV
I woke up to see Rebecca laying on the ground next to me, the only difference was that she was slightly taller than me now, and she had pointed ears.
I looked at myself and saw I was wearing fur clothing and a weapons belt, my hair was longer and I had the start of a beard growing.
"Rebecca, wake up."
I said shaking her lightly, yet she didn't respond.
Sighing I looked around and saw a small river sparkling in the sunlight.
Walking over to it I cupped some water in my hands and walked back to Rebecca.
"Sorry for this."
I said dropping the water over her.
She shot up wiping her face off and glaring at me.
"Thanks Love."
She said sarcastically rolling her eyes at me.
"It was the only way I could wake you, now do you know where we are?"
I asked looking around at the tall trees and leaf covered road.
"Probably somewhere in Buckland."
She said looking around and inspecting the trees. She suddenly turned around and ran towards the river.
Sitting down by the edge I wrapped my arm around her.
"This is the Brandywine."
She said looking down sadly.
"Two amazing hobbits end up drowning here..."
She said leaning her head on my shoulder.
"I forgot, you know the history of this place."
"The basic history, this is the third age around 2930 or 2940. There is still so much I do not know."
She said standing up walking back to the path.
"Where do we go now?"
I asked looking down the direction of the path but not seeing an end.
"Towards Imladris, that's where Ellie will have headed, it's the safest place in middle earth."
She said dusting herself off and heading east.
"Hurry up Thorin, there may not be orcs here but there certainly are other creatures who come out at night."
She said unsheathing her beautiful silver sword and inspecting it.
Looking behind us warily I followed her down the woodland path.
"Umm, Rebecca, I think you should look at your reflection."
I said wondering if she would recognise what race she had been turned into.
She headed back over to the river and gasped.
"No way, that's impossible!"
"What is?"
I asked admiring her beautiful brown curls, deep blue eyes, large pointed ears and cute fuzzy feet.
"It seems I've been turned half Elven half Hobbit!"
She said smiling as she danced off down the path singing.
"The road goes ever on and on..."
Sorry EleanorLearn for no Fílanor, some coming up soon so don't worry.
Thanks so much for all the reads, and so sorry my chapters are really short
Bya ^_^
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