~ Special ~
"Weeellll," She draws the words out. "What would you like in a guy?" I sigh again.
"What are you? A 14 year old girl?" She giggles again.
"Maaybee~ But c'mon! Answer gurl!"
I think about it.
What would I like in a guy?
"...re.. Eyr.... Eyre!" My eyes snap open and I snatch my gun from under the pillow, clicking the safety off in less than a second and aim the barrel at the person's head. He backs up, startled. My breaths are short and quick, and my hands are shaking. His eyes soften and he takes my hands.
"Did you have another nightmare, Eyre?" Kija asks and my vision finally clears. My breathing slows down and I hold a hand to my chest, clicking off the safety and setting the Beretta to my side.
"You scared me, Kija. And I didn't have another nightmare! This is my first one, and..." I trail off, pouting slightly. He chuckles and nods his head.
"Hai hai." (this isn't like, yes yes. it's more of a okay, okay. Kinda like he gets it and he understands. Ugh, I hope you know what I mean...) I yawn and rub my eyes, trying to take the exhaustion out of it.
"Do you need anything?" I ask and he blushes and looks down, fidgeting with his fingers.
"U-umm, well.. I asked Yun if we could stay a day longer to rest, and he agreed.. So I was wondering if you would like to... accompany me.. on a... date..? Uh, at the markets..." A faint blush is dusting his cheeks, and I find mine heating up as well.
"S-sure.. J-just let me get changed." I stutter and he nods his head, leaving the tent. Yun immediately rushes in after, Yona on his tails.
"We heard everything!" Yona squeals and Yun begins digging into my duffel bag, looking for the new clothes he bought me. He shoves a light green dress into my hands. It doesn't have any shoulder straps and the back opens up with strings to tie the sides together in a criss cross pattern. The sleeves end at my wrist with ruffles. There are slight ruffles at the dress's hem and it ends mid thigh. Yun hands me the same black flats I've had to wear with my kimonos before I was given boots with my pirate outfit.
"You guys don't have to make a big deal..." I mumble, slipping on the clothes. Yun rolls his eyes and grabs my lipstick. Yona smiles cheekily before weaving in some blue flowers into my hair.
"Yes, yes we do. Alright, Eyre. This is a day where you can be as clingy as you want. It's a date, and I haven't seen anything happen between the two of you for the past week or two. It's rather disappointing." I sweat drop, the corners of my mouth twitching.
"Hah.. Sorry..." He applies a light amount and just leaves it at the lipstick.
"You don't need much. You're pretty enough as is..." He trails off at the end, realizing what he's saying. He clicks his tongue and shoves me out the tent, blushing furiously. Yona giggles, telling Yun how cute he is. I chuckle and hold my hand to my lips, careful not to get any lipstick onto it.
Now where would he...
I think as I glance to my left. From behind, someone taps my right shoulder. My head turns but I see nobody there.
Ah.. I can't believe I fell for that.
I chuckle as I look to my left, only to see Kija there with a smile.
"I knew I shouldn't have taught everyone one that trick." I comment and he scratches his cheek with a finger, blushing lightly. That's when he takes notice of my clothes. I blush even darker and look down.
"Y-yeah. Yona and Yun went all out, and Yona just decided to put flowers into my hair, even though they'd fall out. Yun kinda-"
"You look lovely." He interrupts, smiling softly. My brain shuts off completely after that and he laces his fingers into mine.
"Ready?" He asks, smiling. My blush fades and I smile back, nodding.
Dunno. I guess a guy who would be there for me.
"What would you like to do?" Kija asks me, and I look around. The stalls and mass of people haven't decreased from yesterday, and the smell of food lingers in the air.
"We still haven't eaten breakfast yet, so should we grab something?" I ask and my eyes spot a food stall grilling some meat. He catches me looking and tugs me along.
"Ah, if you want something else, that's alright as well." I say but he shakes his head.
"No. If that is what you would like, I'd be more than happy to buy us some. Just tell me if there's anything you wish for." Once we reach the stall, Kija buys the two of us some of the meat. I bite into it and my eyes light up, the flavor bursting into my mouth.
"Uwah! Umai! (It's good!)" I muse and he smiles.
"Really? That's good." Kija sighs in relief and we continue our way down the halls of stalls. I smile cheekily as I look around. I wasn't able to get a good look at everything yesterday when I only got to sell my make up. I still regret that... A little jewelry stall catches my eye and I stop.
"Kija! Why don't we-" I turn my head to look at the Hakuryuu, only to see that he isn't there.
"Ki...ja...?" I ask aloud and panic spreads through me. My head whips to the right, left, behind me, but wherever I look, he isn't there.
"Kija? Kija?!"
Oh my god, I'm lost.
"N-no problem.. I can just go back to the tents and- and we could all go out looking for him.." I think aloud but the panic once again resurfaces.
Wait. Where's the camp site?
I could feel tears run down my cheeks as the many people bump into me, trying to make their way through the crowd. Someone places their hand on my shoulder and I whip around.
"Hey. Are you alright?" A man asks and I tremble.
Don't take me. Please, don't take me away.
"Y-yes. I'm fine. If you'll excuse me.." I begin walking away, but I see that he's still following me from the corner of my eye. I was so busy keeping my attention on the man that I wasn't looking in front of me when I bumped into someone.
"Oh, I'm sorry." I apologize and keep my head down. The person in front of me gently grabs my hand and I look up.
"I'm sorry I lost you, Eyre." Kija says and relief runs through me. I immediately hug him and he backs up a bit in surprise.
Is sweet, and doesn't lie.
"Are you alright? Kija questions. I nod my head in his cloak but he purses his lips, uncertain.
"I'm fine. Let's keep walking around." I reply and take a quick glance behind me, just to make sure that the man is gone. Luckily, he's nowhere in sight.
"Is someone following you?" I flinch.
He's spot on...
"N-no. Well, yes. But he's gone now." I wearily smile. He hesitates for a moment before nodding and taking my hand.
"I'm sorry I left you. I had to get you something. This was what you were looking at earlier, right?" He asks and holds up silver chain necklace with a beautiful stone hanging at the bottom. The stone has white swirls and the mixed colors of purple and blue, almost like the galaxy. Every single time the sun reflects from it, the swirls seem to move. The stone is smoothly cut to look like a crescent moon with a diamond snowflake int the middle. Kija smiles innocently at me.
"Shall I put it on you?" He asks and I finally smile back, over the shock. I pull my hair up, carful with the flowers, and he loops the necklace around my neck and fastens it.
"It's beautiful." I breath out and we soon continue our walk. I could see that Kija is both relieved and happy with my answer. I stop him for one second and peck his cheek.
"Thank you, Kija."
He has to be handsome but cute at the same time.
He blushes before once again stumbling over his words. I smile lightly, always enjoying the times when I do stuff like this to him. I stand on my toes again before pecking his cheek once more.
"Too cute." I coo before leading him down the hallway of stalls. He obediently follows, still blushing madly. And that's how we spend the rest of our afternoon. He still hadn't gotten rid of the blush, but it's calmed down at least. His silver hair still has it's few cowlicks when he ruffled his hair earlier before. He adverts his ocean blue eyes to the ground, the same ocean blue eyes that greeted me as soon as I stepped into this world.
It's almost been a year since I've come here. I wonder what day it is.. I'll have to check my calendar.
Soon, the sun begins to set and the horizon glows a nice pink, red, orange, and yellow.
Uhh... Kind, obviously.
"Should we head back?" I ask Kija but he shakes his head.
"I have a surprise for us. Just wait until the sun sets." He says and I nod my head. He gently pulls me along through the trees, weaving around them. It's close to dark by now, and you could see a few bright stars break out into the sky. A river runs in front of us and Kija squeezes my hand gently with his dragon arm.
"I shall help you get across, don't worry." He smiles and steps onto one of the stones poking out of the river's water. Once stepping onto another one, he holds his hand out to me and I grab ahold of it. As soon as my right foot touches the stone, it wobbles slightly and my grip on Kija's hand tighten.
"I won't let you fall in Eyre, trust me." And I do. I trust him with all of my heart. So I take that chance to stand onto the rock. From there, we slowly make our way across the river and not a drop of water ruins my clothes. As soon as I touch dry land, I let out a breath of relief before pecking Kija's cheek.
"Thank you, Kija." He blushes lightly before lacing his fingers with mine once more and continues our walk. A few minutes later, we come across an open valley, wild flowers littering the bright green grass. There are no trees to cover up the glittering stars and the waxing moon above us. There are some fireflies in the air, brightening the valley a bit more. With my eyes adjusted to the light darkness, I could see a blanket laid out onto the grass with a small basket right next to it. The blanket, which I soon notice, is the blanket that we use to pitch the tent. So it could easily fit both Kija and I.
"It's beautiful." I breath out as I take in the scenery. He lets out a small breath of relief next to me, one that I almost missed. I nudge his shoulder with a teasing grin.
"What? Did you think I wouldn't like it?" I ask and he waves his hands around.
"Ah- no. I just thought that- Um.. I didn't-" I stand on my toes and peck his nose with a smile.
"Luckily for you, I'd love to do anything as long as it's with you." His face blushes even more and I grin widely.
Too cute.
I gush and step to the blanket. Tucking my skirt underneath me, I sit down and Kija follows suit. He pulls the basket closer to him before rifling through it, then pulls out two bowls of still piping hot sop.
"How did-?"
"I asked Yun to teach me how to make chicken noodle soup. He said that you seemed to have enjoyed it the most since you've been here. I made a pot of it this morning and Yun kept it over the fire until he put two bowls of the soup into the basket. Then, I asked him to take it here and set everything up right before the sun sets completely." He informs and gently hands me a bowl. The corners of my mouth twitch up before I'm given a spoon and I take a sip. Kija hesitates before asking.
"H-how is it?" He asks. Truthfully, it's not as good Yun's soup, but Kija made it for me and it is my favorite food. Mainly because when I was sick, mother would take her time to make chicken noodle soup for me without the help of the chefs. It was one of the only times when she'd think of my well being. The soup is still flavorful, no doubt. Although Yun's soup is better than Kija's, Kija's soup is better than my mother's.
"I like this one better than the one my mother used to make." I smile and he returns the action.
"That's good. I-I mean, not very good for your mother, but..." I giggle and hold a hand to my lips, trying to contain my laughs. I return back to eating my soup, chewing the chicken thoughtfully when I reach it. After a few silent minutes, Kija speaks up.
He needs to know when to respect a woman's privacy..
"I had to ask Yun what your favorite food is... Which also means I don't know much about you.. And, um..." I set the bowl down by my side and bring my knees close to my chest, setting my head onto it and look at his face.
"Alright. Message received. What would you like to know about me?" He takes a moment to think of a question before giving one.
"What's your full name?" I quirk an eyebrow but shrug my shoulders and comply.
"Eyre Avíva Katrín Agńes Cassia Vesper." I say swiftly and Kija blankly looks at me. I push off from my knees and hold my arms up in the air, mock surrendering.
"I swear, that's my real name." I promise with a blunt look and he merely chuckles.
"I believe you. Favorite color?"
"Ocean blue." I reply without hesitation.
"I assumed it would be purple, for your eyes. May I ask, why ocean blue?"
"Simple, they were the first pair of eyes that met me when I landed here." He draws back, slightly blushing. Kija once again beging to stumble over his words, trying to piece together another question.
"I-I, uh.. F-favori-ite ani-animal?" I pause for a second, a finger on my chin.
"Mmm... Alpaca. Supernatural made me love alpacas." I finalize and he chuckles. Kija seems to find a bit more confidence after that. Although you could see a faint blush, he didn't stutter at all.
"Favorite band."
"Ow City. No doubt. You've seen my playlist." I nudge his shoulder again.
"What do you like to do during your pass time?"
"Mmm... Read. When I was back at the mansion, they had a gigantic library that I would shut myself in and make a giant book fort until the maids came to get me for dinner." I smile fondly at the memory. I had once pulled a book out of the fort and they all came crashing down on me. Kija chuckles beside me.
"What did you want to do in your future? Before you met us all." I pause for a second, rethinking the whole plans I had.
"Well, I wanted to be a doctor. So that I could give someone another chance at life. I would live in an apartment by myself because living in a house by yourself is pretty lonesome. Once I've gotten enough money to support myself, I would cut ties with my family. Everyday, they used to have a suitor meet me and see how it goes. I've never liked any of them. But now... I don't want to go back. I want to stay with everyone here." I smile widely gesturing to the landscap in font of the two of us. "I've always wanted to start a family too, just not the way mother and father wish me to. And preferably with you." I say, thinking over my cliché dream life. Kija's face stain crimson red once again, but he doesn't say a word for a few minutes.
"... What's your family like?" He suddenly asks and my body goes rigid.
My family... care for nothing but the future of the Vespers. They only care for their company, and if the person they're pairing me with is rich or not. They soon became restless and married me off to someone incredibly wealthy. Someone I wouldn't meet until I see him at the end of the aisle. They didn't give a care for me at all when I was little. Only when I was sick would my mother give me false love. Secretly, the two of them were worried that I would somehow die when I catch a fever and they'd have to make another child and wait another 20 years before they could rest easily.
"Let's... Let's not talk about my family." He hesitantly nods his head and I bite my bottom lip.
"Sorry, touchy subject." I mutter and look to the flowers beside me.
"No, you can tell me when you feel most comfortable about it. There's no rush." He places his heft hand over my right and sends me a reassuring smile, one that I can't mirror back.
"Thanks.. Okay! Anything else?" I clasp my hands together, trying to pick up my mood the best I can. Kija seems to notice because he merely plays along.
"No, but I have one more surprise for you. Close your eyes." I tilt my head to the side but does as he asks, shutting my eyes.
I hear a few shuffling noises before something cool wraps around my wrist.
"Can I open my eyes, Kija?'' I ask aloud.
"No, one more thing." And them his lips press to mine. I immediately melt into it, wrapping my arms around his neck. Things got even more heated when his tongue slithers into mine and I lay him onto the blanket, me on top of him with my fingers tangled into his hair. It would've gone further if it wasn't for some awfully familiar voices behind us in the trees.
"Hime-sama, you shouldn't watch this."
"Yona, don't look so awed."
"I wish I was in Kija-kun's place right now."
"Is this where the miss, and misters, and Zeno come out?"
"Yes. It is." I glare at the direction and Kija props himself up on one elbow, looking behind him. The six shuffle out from behind the trees, looking rather awkward and apologetic.
"Oops, we were too loud." Yona scratches the back of her neck with a faint blush. Yun coughs awkwardly and looks to the side. Shin-ah looks stoic as usual, but Hak was currently beating the crap out of Jea-ha for reasons I do not want to know.
"Just asking. How long were you guys watching us?"
"Ever since you stepped foot inside that market."
"... That's creepy.. AND WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP ME?!" I shout at them, ready to blast a hole into their body.
"The Eyja fan club was waiting for Kija to save the Damsel in Distress-"
"Hey! I am not a Damsel in Distress."
"But, that isn't the reason why we decided to follow you two." Yun says crossly, his arms folded. I mimic his movements and look smugly at him.
"Oh yeah? And what's the reason?" Everyone in front of me exchange glances with each other before nodding. Then, they all scramble together and form a line, all with smiles on their faces. Shin-ah and Hak were smiling too, and not just one of those fake smile. An actual smile that reaches their eyes.
"Happy birthday, Eyre!!" They chorus together.
I gasp and turn around, craning my neck up. My eyes catch sight of a beautiful array of colors before they fall and vanish. Kija smiles innocently behind me, a small candle in his left hand and the stick the firework was strapped to in his right.
"Eyre." Yun taps my shoulder and when I look at the kid, he holds out about a whole bunch more. I reach out to grab one, but when I do, I catch sigh of a bracelet on my wrist. It's a simple chain bracelet but hanging underneath is a sliver curled dragon with it's jaw open. Inside the jaw is a perfect sphere black opal. I retract my hand and gasp.
"No way. Oh my-" This time it's Kija that taps my shoulder and when I look at him, he smiles gently.
"Happy birthday, Eyre." Tears gather in my eyes and I wrap my arms around him neck.
"I love you." He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.
And something about him that would be considered... special.
Harper lets out a low whistle. "That's hard to find."
Nope. It wasn't hard at all. Because in the end, the person that I've dreamed of having... is with me right now. He's always there for me, is sweet and doesn't lie, is handsome but cute at the same time, kind, knows when to respect a woman's privacy, and everything about him is special. Because you won't come across a person like Kija, ever. And someone like him is a one of a kind.
"And I fell in love with you."
I hope you enjoyed this special chapter! It actually took me a week to write...
I just got out of 6 Flags Magic Mountain for The-Musical-Girl 's birthday! Happy Birthday gurl!!! Ugh, my feet hurt like duck ;^; Who else loves 6 Flags??
Anyway... I haven't exactly put up Eyre's actual birthday and such... I'll think of one now... And just because this is a special chapter, doesn't mean I'm not giving you drabbles!
- After blowing up the fireworks, Eyre asked how they knew it was her birthday. They told her it was because Kija was searching through her phone when Eyre was gone and stumbled across her calendar. They also said that (which Kija added in as unnecessary) Kija cried himself to sleep that night when he found out Eyre's birthday was two weeks after the day she left.
- Officials ended up chasing them out of the valley when they accidentally set fire to a few trees. Shin-ah was able to see them first, so the gang got a head start.
- Eyre's birthday is March 13th (figure out why ;) )
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