~ Epilogue ~
~*~ 3rd POV ~*~
"I now announce you, husband and wife!" Ik-su says aloud, and not even a heartbeat later, the deafening sound of glass cracking sounds with it breaking follows after. The heart wrenching sound rings through everyone's ears.
"EYRE!!" Yona shrieks as Eyre shatters into millions of glass shards, flying into the air and shimmering as they disappear. Only the rings are left behind as they clatter to the floor. And even then are they the last things to break into a million little pieces, flying into the air. Kija can only freeze in shock, his hands missing the only warmth from the person he loved with all his heart. His eyes dilate with horror as his worst nightmare comes to life.
He thinks.
That's one of the only things that can be written in stone.
One of the only things that can send Eyre back to her world.
One of the only things that can rip her away from me.
Silence eerily hangs in the air, everyone's breath held in. Yona's eyes brim with tears before she, Lili, and Yun become a sobbing mess, hugging each other. Tetora can only stand there in shock while Ayura's face pales. Hak's face contorts into fury as he smashes his fist into the column next to him, breaking it. For once Zeno is crying with everyone else. Shin-ah has silent tears streaming down his face, his mask covering his eyes yet biting his bottom lip to suppress his cries. Jea-ha grits his teeth and swears under his breath, the platform cracking before he jumps off once again, followed by the crashing of trees.
It hurt everyone a lot more when they know that Eyre really is gone.
Everything is gone.
Her smile.
Her laugh.
Her unique purple eyes, bright and gleaming with happiness.
Everyone in the audience doesn't move, even Ik-su doesn't move as the sudden realization of what and why Eyre was taken away from everyone settles in.
Kija finally comes to his senses and he dashes off the platform and back to Gi-gang's house. He ignores the cried of his name and pushes himself to run faster than he ever has in his life. Kija's breaths come short and quick and as soon as he comes face to face with the door, he breaks down it once knowing that it's locked shut. Kija rushes up the stairs before slamming the sliding screen open, his eyes searching everywhere for his wife. He brushes off his burning lungs, the twisted feeling in his gut, and his own tears brimming.
"EYRE?! EYRE?!" He shouts, forcing the closet door open too. His eyes settle onto her duffel bag, the very one he used to carry for her everyday; her phone, the very phone she was able to successfully add Kija's thumb print into; her guitar, the very guitar Eyre used to teach Kija how to play as well as her as the both of them shared laughs and smiles; and her precious Berettas, the very Berettas she woudn't let out of her sight. The scent of her lingers off of the dress she wore yesterday.
The very dress she wore on their first date.
The very dress she wore on her birthday.
Kija drops to his knees, tears leaking out of his eyes with a defeated and lifeless look on his face. Kija's forhead touches the floor and the tears drip off the tip of his nose, pooling right underneath him. His dragon hand curls into fists and he pounds the floor, nearly shattering if it weren't from the strength that seemed to have left him.
From there, Kija lets out a heartbroken and strangled yell, pouring all of his emotion into the one cry. The yell reaches the group's ears and they could only cry harder and swear louder.
The pain and loss is carved deeply into their heart.
She had entered and changed their lives for the better...
And left and tore their hearts for the worse.
Super short epilogue, sorry. And I'm sorry to inform you but that's the end of this book. Yeah, that's it. You don't get anything else here. And you may not be getting anything else in this book, but you'll get a hell lot of new chapters in the sequel!
Yup, I made a sequel.
It's called: Or An Illusion.
See? The names click together.
Unfortunately, you won't be getting the sequel for about a month. I want to write a lot of chapters before I begin publishing it, so sorry but you're going to have to be patient.
Thank you to everyone who's read and supported this book! I never would've gotten this far without your constant love and votes and comments that always make my day! Everyday, I always work on this book knowing and rereading the comments you leave me that encourage and push me to write your chapters. I never knew I would be able to actually pull through and finish a book. Akatsuki no Yona fandom, I hope you're laughing at every other fandom whom I have written a book for because I barely update anything else but this XD And I'm glad you all enjoy reading my mediocre fanfic on AnY!!
Future spoiler for your sequel! I will be adding another anime for a crossover in the sequel! I'm also doing it as a crossover with my other book, but my OCs won't really show up. But the anime boys will! Not so much though... Anyway, I'll give you a hint.
It's a reverse harem anime and the boys are all idols.
If you've guessed it right, here's a cookie!
Yup, it's Uta no Prince-sama!!
Raise your arms if you love dem boies!! *throws arms into air and stands on chair* \(*^*)/
Ahaha, yeah. It'll be a mini crossover but don't worry. They won't take over our lovies XD
So, now you all know how much time I must have put into this XD But I really did work hard on Is This Real so if you find fanfic that has copied my ideas, please please PLEASE tell me! I put a lot of time and effort into Is This Real and I don't like the idea of someone plagiarizing my idea and story! Plagiarizing is bad too! *scolds like Mama Bear Yun* XD But in all seriousness, please do tell me if someone has copied Is This Real or any of my writing in general. It would be a great help to me and I would love you for life XD But if you do want to use my ideas, PM me so we can talk about it!
Now, before I wrap this up, I will most likely write up a Q&A with the cast of AnY and Eyre! So, submit any question you may have to ask Eyre and the gang! Me too, if you'd like! PM me, DM me on insta, join my neighborhood on Hayday and ask, Skype or Oovoo me a call and ask, or comment a question! And yes, I have a Hayday, don't judge me.. *COUGHCOUGH*JOIN THE THREAD ARMY*COUGH*
Contact me!
Insta: hinna_tran
Skype: xxredthreadoffatexx
Kik: _ReDThreaDofFatE_
Oovoo: quirkaykitkat
Hayday: XxReDThreaDofFatExX (Neighborhood: THREAD ARMY!!)
Anyway, I hope to see you all next time when I publish the sequel, Or An Illusion.
May your red thread guide you!
~ Fate-chan❤️
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