~ Chapter 6 ~
Dedicated to @ShainaTrixie for the comment and votes! Thank you so much!
Also, I had some extra time to put up this chappie, since I'm in a hotel that gives out DECENT WIFFY. ;^;
"Umm, according to Kija's directions, the Ryokuryuu is in this area." Kija nods his head and we decide to go along the mountains. Informed of the new name Yona gave the Seiryuu, I ask him to scout around in a tree. He nods his head before jumping up and pulling his mask off.
"Is there anyone around, Shin-ah?" Yona asks him and he shakes his head 'no' as soon as he lands onto the forest grounds.
"No? Then let's go." Yun comments. We walk for a few hours, enjoying the scenery. Colorful flowers line the path and we spot a stream or river every once in a while. The air is fresh unlike the future's, how people begin polluting it. I smile happily, taking pictures while charging my phone at the same time.
Harper would love this. She always has been a outdoorsy kind of person. Plus her goal of becoming a photographer.
I suddenly feel sad, seeing as how I've missed school for a week now, and haven't spoken to any of my friends besides Harper, the night I landed here. We continue our walk, and the path grows barren of flowers and rivers quickly. That's when we set foot in a village. There are hardly any roofs on the houses and the walls are cracked. Some don't even have walls. There are people outside the homes, scarcely wearing clothes, all gaunt, pale, dirty, and with flies buzzing around them. I hold a hand to my mouth, shocked by the sight.
"A village abandoned by the generals and their king. Around here, crops haven't grown for years, and there's no water. The men were probably all taken to the capital as soldiers. With disease spreading, those without the strength to move elsewhere have no choice but to die here." Explains Yun and Yona bows her head in saddness.
"The village I was born in was pretty much like this. The Fire clan may have lots of land, but most of it is infertile. Yet, the clan leader, General Gang Su-jin, keeps spending the money on his military." Someone coughs loudly near us. He's just as skinny as everyone else in the village and is a middle aged man.
"Are you okay?" Yona tries to step forward, but I grab onto her arm and shake my head when she looks at me.
"Don't get close. You'll catch his sickness."
"But.." She tries to protest, so Yun steps forward, handing the man some medicine, fruit, and water. Yona gently pushes herself out of my grasp and slowly helps the man to some water. He coughs for air.
"Are you from Saika?" He asks, his voice raspy from not talking for years, most likely.
"No, just travelers."
"I see. Then have you been to Kuhto? I heard a new king was crowned. I wonder what he's like. The previous king, Il, was a horrible king."
Huh? King Il? If I remember, Hak asked that same person not to take her away. He must be dead if Hak begged him not to take Yona...
"He only thought about not making waves, bowing to foreign pressures. The five clans became disunited and the kingdom knew nothing but chaos. He didn't even save us, the weak people. Just whose king was he? I hope the new king is good. I hope he can change this kingdom. Thank you, miss. It's bee years since I've the familiar feeling of someone's touch." The man says and I notice small beads of tears in Yona eyes.
"You're welcome. Take care." She states plainly yet kindly and we all walk away. We stride on a bit more and Yona suddenly dashes in front of us.
"S-sorry, I have to go to the bathroom..." She then dashes off to the right, leaving me to wonder what's going on. Ao jumps off of Shin-ah's shoulder and chases after Yona.
"I couldn't say anything... Because I also think poorly of King Il. But for Yona, he was the only family she had."
"I-I'm sorry. But, had?" They all turn to me and Yun stands from where he was sitting.
"That's right, you aren't from here." I sweat drop.
"Yeah, make me sound like an alien why don't you." I sass before Hak decides to fill me in.
"King Il was Yona's dad and king of the Kouka empire. The newest king, king Su-won, killed him. He was Yona and I's childhood friend." I look down.
"I-I'm sorry to hear that.." I whisper and everyone doesn't say anything. The only thing we can do is silently wait for Yona to finish silently crying behind the building.
For days, we walked and rested, looking for the Ryokuryuu. And finally, we reach a port town, certain the Ryokuryuu is there.
"Hak! Hey, is that the ocean! It's so pretty! This is the first time seeing it!"
"There's a place called the Dead Sea, the water is so dense, you can float in it without even trying. It's good for your skin too. One day, I'll take us all there." I smile.
"Port Awa, territory of the Earth clan. Never thought I'd come here again." Hak says and I continue my survey of the giant port town. The ocean vastly spreads over the horizon in front of us and the houses and shops are closely bunched together, making the streets slightly cramped yet lively.
"Have you been here before?" Yun interrogates Hak.
"A long time ago, the old man brought me here."
"Kija, is the Ryokuryuu here?" Yona asks him and the map flashes across my mind yet again.
"Well, he seems to be rapidly changing his position, and..." Kija dizzily flails to the ground and almost passes out.
"So the Dragons' powers aren't unlimited, huh? If you push your limits, it really drains you. We want to find the Ryokuryuu too, but we're tired from the long trip and I'd like to get some food supplies." Yun says and the two dragons plus Yona cheers happily.
"Yosh, let's go to the port!"
"We're not going! I'm not taking you guys! Especially you, with the mask!" Yun yells at the three and they all sulk.
"Then I'll go. I kinda remember the way around the port." Hak says and Yona steps forward.
"Hak, I want to go too!" She volunteers. Hak looks at her for a second before bending down relatively close to her height.
"Hime-sama, you've gotten ugly recently."
"KIMI! HOW DARE YOU SAY SUCH A THING! Princess, you are b-b-beautiful..."
"Bags under your eyes, scratched up hands... You're trying to hard. You need to rest a little." Hak lays a hand atop her head, lightly scolding her.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Yona says stubbornly and looks to the side.
"Make sure you're extra careful. Don't cause trouble." Yun lectures.
"Oi, shirohebi.." Kija tugs Shin-ah to make sure they're both right behind Yona.
"There is not a thing I need to be asked by you!" He says irritably and Hak walks down the hill. Later on though the day, I ask Yun if I could go down to the port too.
"What? Why?" He asks irritably.
"I need to buy some clothes.." I say and he glares before handing me some money.
"Don't turn it into the last time." He threatens and I shiver.
Instead of buying a kimono, I ended up buying a cup of coffee, which, I didn't even know they had. I've only had tea and water so far, so it was a nice surprise when I saw the words on a menu. Stepping out of the nice restaurant, I smile happily into my cup. That is, until I bump into someone and have my coffee spilt all over me.
"A-Ah!" I yell at my ruined clothes. The man I bumped into steps back.
"I'm sorry, although..." He tips my head up, leaning closely to my face.
"It's not everyday you see someone as beautiful as yourself." He smiles and I also step back, slightly creeped. A look of panic crosses his face, as if nobody has rejected him like I just did.
"Do you like coffee? Because I like you a latte." He says hastily and we both stand there in awkward silence before I break it with a laugh. He joins in as well and we're both laughing at his lame excuse of a pick up line. I giggle, calmed down slightly.
"Have you had coffee spilt on yourself before? Because you're both hot." I remark and we're both on the floor again, rolling in laughter at my even worse attempt of a pick up line. After we've sobered up (which took more time than needed) he takes my hand and kisses it lightly.
"Jea-ha, at your service." He says, covering up both terrible pick up lines. Once I've taken my hand back, I mock curtsy.
"Pleasure to meet you, I am Eyre Vesper." He raises an eyebrow.
"Are you foreign? I've never heard of a name like that around here." I shrug.
"I suppose. Now, I believe you owe me a new dress." I gesture to my ruined one and he smiles before picking me up bridal style and jumping into the air.
"Gladly." He replies silkily into my ear and I roll my eyes. Although...
"HOW ARE WE FLYING?!?" I scream and he lands right in front of a shop. Air flies up around him as I climb off of the human transport and try to walk in as casually as possible as he laughs at my wobbly legs. Not really looking, I choose a random kimono and he gladly pays for it. It's a red kimono with a gold obi, so I'm slightly sad that I don't really have anywhere to hide my guns. Actually, when I took out my guns form behind the sash, Jea-ha marvels at them quietly. Done changing, (with Jea-ha asking if I need help to which I reply with a slam of the door) I walk out of the small shop.
"Thank you, Jea-ha. Now if you need anyone else to listen to your terrible pick up lines, I'd be more than happy to listen." I joke and he mockingly bows.
"Anything for a beautiful maiden." He sends me one last smirk before jumping onto the roof and into the sky.
"What?! You didn't buy anything?!" Yun yells at Hak and I shake my head in disappointment.
"And you! You bumped into someone and they had to buy you a new pair of clothes because you spilt coffee on yourself! You're basically at square one! And what were you doing buying coffee?!" I flinch and shrink away muttering apologizes under my breath. The map stays in my mind for a while until it finally vanishes and my mind is clear of the picture. Although, weirdly enough, the green dot was out at sea...
- The first conversation Eyre and Shin-ah had together was surprisingly about Kija.
- Jea-ha forced Eyre to pick a decent kimono, since the one she's wearing is plain and has no sense of style, as he says it. When Eyre returned and told Kija what had happened to the clothes and what Jea-ha said (not using specific names, of course), Kija broke a few trees. Eyre thinks it's because of the clothes comment, but Yona, Hak, and Yun were quietly whispering to each other in a corner.
- While in the air in Jea-ha's arms, Eyre purposely fell off, just to see Jea-ha's reaction. Funny enough, Jea-ha freaked out and dived after her, breaking a roof when he caught her.
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