~ Chapter 5 ~
Dedicated to @Leafdragon for the continuous votes and comments! Thank you for the support!
School ended for me today! Gunna partay now. ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ
Hit after hit. Shot after shot. Nothing seemed to affect the mountain of rubble. Our breathing become ragged and capsules litter the floor. Some of the bullets fly off the rocks and a few grazed my body. The only real damage I've done to myself are my bleeding hands and a bullet that got lodged into my shoulder. Hak forced me to sit down, so I did.
For 2 seconds, that is.
The gun's grip dig into the cuts on my hands, and more blood gushes out. My vision becomes hazier by the second, but I push on.
"Crap... it's really hard. How deep is this path buried?" Hak asks and rests for a few second before resuming to his task. That's when he notices the mob of people behind us. I turn as well and keep both pistols at my side, although the safety is off.
"M-my son is trapped on the other side..." A mother says, concern and worry clearly splashed across her face.
"My comrades went to look for the Seiryuu and got trapped. You're saying your family's around there, too? Answer me. There's no point in hiding it now." A villager leans into the man we first met and whispers something to him.
"What is it? Tell me what you know. My comrade's lives are on the line." Hak threatens, his spear pointed at him. I raise my guns as well and train them onto the people on the front lines.
"Now." I demand with a glare. "Apologies, sweethearts, but I'm desperate enough to do anything." I turn my glare into an innocent, closed eye smile and tilt my head to the side. They hesitate a moment longer before the mother walks up.
"There's the wall that connects to the Seiryuu's hallway. We can take you there." She says and I lower the guns.
"Lead the way." I demand. It takes us a few more minutes to the wall before she gestures to it. I step forward and place my ear to it, listening for anything. Sure enough, I hear a familiar slashing noise and tools chipping away at the rocks.
"Ready, Hak?" I ask and I step back. He grins before gripping onto his spear tighter.
"The wall on their side is relatively weak, but it might hit them if I try shooting. So it's all up to you, Raijyuu." I smirk and skip behind him. The air around his shifts before he propels forward and crates a massive slash. Again and again, the spear pierces the rocks and they fly everywhere. It only takes about a few minutes before his spear stabs forward and a giant hole opens up, showering the people inside with rock debris but assuring their safety.
"Hime-sama!" Hak yells immediately and she calls his name back. Stabbing his spear into the ground, Hak rushes forward and embraces Yona in a hug. I hold both hands to my mouth, tears gathering up into my ears, relief and happiness washing over me. It's not long before I rush forward and hug Kija and Yun, crying my eyes out. Kija hesitates before hugging back yet Yun deosn't hesitates at all, shedding a few tears as well, probably just as relieved as me.
"What of the Seiryuu, Princess?" Hak asks Yona as soon as we're out of the creepy mountain village. He had come out as well, but I heard he didn't want to come with us.
"So here's the problem. I can't give up." She replies stubbornly and we all chuckle. She rushes forward to the Seiryuu and says word that I can't hear from here. Although she's obviously asking him to come with the five of us once again. She holds out her hand and before much hesitation, he takes it. We all walk to them, seeing that their conversation has ended.
"Well, shall we go now?" Hak asks Yona and she nods before turning to the villagers.
"Thank you for everything!" She yells and we all set off. Once we're a good distance away from them, I say.
"All in favor of never coming back here again, say I."
"I~" They all chorus simultaneously and I smirk.
"That's what I thought."
After an hour or two of treacherous mountain climbing and silence, Yun breaks it.
"Kija, do you know the location of the next Dragon?" His face is slightly flushed and his words come out slow and uneven.
"Yes... the next... Dragon..." Is all he says before collapsing. I catch him to make sure he doesn't face plant the ground and lay him on his back.
"Hak, if we run we can get to the trees at the bottom of the mountain. You carry him." Hak rolls his eyes before picking Kija up with one arm. With all of us running to the bottom, it takes less time than I'd have imagined. Laying him down on the grass, with Yun's bag to support his head. Kija has his eyes closed, either resting or unconscious.
"He probably overworked himself, digging the hole at full power." Yun inquires and Hak lays a white sheet over Kija's head.
"Rest in peace." He says and we sit there for a few moments before Kija jolts up, flailing his arms.
"I'm alive!" He shouts and we all back up or fall back from the surprise. I was, unfortunately, the latter.
"Calm down." I say sternly and push his shoulder so that his head hits the bag again.
"I-I apologize. I feel sluggish and the Four Dragon's locations are hazier than usual." Kija says breathlessly with closed eyes.
"Don't push yourself." Yona tells him softly with a concerned voice.
"Yun, while we're treating people, can you check my shoulders and hands? I kinda got a bullet lodged into my shoulder and my hands are practicaly torn to the bone." I chuckle painfully. Yun sighs and grabs my hand, carefully cleaning them with alcohol (I bit my tongue to stop myself from screaming) and wrapped them up.
"There's two more people who can sense the Four Dragons' location." Yun comments as he continues wrapping my hands. I turn to the Seiryuu. That's when I notice them staring at me too.
"What?" I ask and Yun shakes his head.
"Well? Where are the other Dragons?" I shrug my shoulders before wincing and holding my right shoulder. Yun instructs me to take the cape and cloak off before pulling down the top robe till he gets a clear view of my shot shoulder.
"Dunno. How should I know?"
"Because you're the other person besides the Seiryuu that can find them! And he doesn't even know what the Dragons are! Oh, and you might want to hold onto something, this is gonna hurt." I nod my head in both realization and understanding. I grab ahold of Kija's dragon arm since he probably won't feel it. Yun pulls out tiny pliers before pushing them into my wound and closing them around the bullet. I bite my tongue and squeeze my eyes shut before he takes the bloody pliers and bullet out.
"Good, you're done." Yun says after cleaning the wound and wrapping it in badages. "Now see if you can find the other Dragons." I nod my head, no longer in a stronger pain than previously before closing my eyes, just like how Kija does. But nothing comes up. Not even a feeling so especially not a map.
"I... can't do it. It won't work. But when Kija does it, the map appears. It may only work if one of the Dragons are doing it." I say and Yun nods his head before turning to the Seiryuu.
"Seiryuu, can you do it?" Yun questions, but he only tilts his head to the side at the same time his pet squirrel does. Kija, miraculously feeling better, sits up.
"It is truly sad. I know, it is not your fault. All this time, no one taught you. I will teach you the Dragons' way from now. You can call me 'ani' (brother)" The Seiryuu doesn't react for a second, then bolts off.
"He ran away?!" Kija cries out while reaching out for him.
"Maybe the 'ani' thing revoted him." Hak says and we all run after the Seiryuu. Once catching up, we witness the Seiryuu take off his giant fur thing and sword before diving into the pond.
"Look at what you did. He threw himself into the water."
"Watashi no see?! Watashi no see nano ka?!" Kija questions himself in panic and the Seiryuu bursts out of the pond.
"S-seiryuu?" I ask and he climbs out over the edge of the pond. Standing in front of Kija, he holds out a live fish, still trying to struggle out of his grasp. Gratefully, Kija takes it.
"I am thankful, but couldn't you just have said so?"
"Kija!" I scold and watch a shivering Seiryuu.
"What are you gonna do Shirohebi-nii-san? He's shivering." Hak says nonchalantly.
"Atashi no see nanoka?" Kija asks himself again miserably and in panic.
"Are you okay?" Yona asks the Seiryuu and Yun fires another question as well.
"How did you know there was a river?" The Seiryuu taps his cheekbone, or where it should be on the mask.
"Ah, your eyes have long distance vision. You caught that fish instantly, so you probably have great dynamic vision, too. Is it true people turn into stone when you look at them?" The Seiryuu shakes his head.
"Well then if that's the case, sweetie, why don't you take off your mask?" He looks down and doesn't answer.
"Kay, first, let's start a fire, warm up, and eat the fish the Seiryuu caught." Yona suggests when deciding to fill in the uncomfortable silence.
"Miso hot pot? Looks good. Where'd you get the ingredients?" Hak asks Yun as he stirs the vegetables in the pot. The aroma fills my nose and I try to sneak some into my mouth, but Yun whacks my hand with the wooden ladle.
"Hey! Injured, here!" I wave my hand in his face.
"Then don't try stealing food." He sasses back before turning to Hak.
"I traded them for medicine at the Seiryuu's village. The pot, too."
"When did you..."
"Yun, taihen! (Oh no) A bug dove into the pot!" Yona cries and Kija's body visibly flinches.
"Please rescue it-"
"And step on it, for ruining our dinner." I glare at the bug but Yona runs away with it, probably to take it to a safe haven. I turn to the Seiryuu's giant cloak and frown.
"The Seiryuu's clothes aren't drying." I tell Yun and he nods.
"Yeah, but besides that..." We turn to the Seiryuu, who's wrapped himself in his giant white fur. You can only see his head and hands, which, are holding his bowl of food.
"What kind of monster is he?"
"This group is becoming freakier and freakier.."
"Yuuna! (Don't say that) It is my fault the Seirryuu is like that. He's probably very humiliated." The Seiryuu's pet squirrel takes a piece of his dinner before popping it into his mouth and taking another.
"Seiryuu, hurry and eat before Ao finishes it all."
"The squirrel's name is Ao?" I ask Yona and she nods.
"Doesn't suit it..." Yona finishes off for me and we both giggle, being the girls we are. The Seiryuu takes a spoonful and takes a sip before rapidly eating it all. He smiles happily, clearly enjoying the taste.
"Good job, Yun." Yona and I praise and he stubbornly looks to the side. Yona stands up and skips to the Seiryuu.
"Are you cold? Do you want my coat?"
"Ah.. Thanks, Yona." Everyone's head whip to the two in shock. I just gleefully eat my dinner, completely oblivious to what's going on outside my head.
"C-c-c-Calling the princess by her name?!" -Kija
"So easily..." -Hak
"..." -Yun
"It's been a while since somebody that isn't a girl has called me by name. I want to call you by your name, too. You don't have a name, right? Is there anything you want to be called?" -Yona
*weird thing happens that I didn't get to see*
"He curled up into a ball." -Yona
"How about 'hairball monster'?" -Hak
By the time everyone's finished with their dinner, it's pitch dark and the only light we have is my phone screen and the crackling fire.
"The Seiryuu said to call him by whatever name I want. What should I call him?" Yona asks both Yun and I. I help Yun make some medicine, since it's one of the things I was studying.
"Hmm... If I had to pick a word for the Seiryuu, it'd be 'quiet'."
"For me? I'd pick Bleu. It's French for Blue. You know, because he has blue hair?" They nod their head with a sweat drop.
"Yeah.. We get it...." Yun says before continuing on." Pick something that clicks for you. It's you that pulled the Seiryuu out of that cage-like hole. The reason he keeps the mask on is probably something psychological but he seems to open up to you." Their conversations seemed to have lead astray from there so I just idly watch the flames. My eyes glaze over, not really thinking of anything. That's when I hear someone sit down next to me.
"Mind if I sit here?" Kija's voice snaps me out of my thoughts, or, well, you know.. I smile softly and nod my head. I redirect my attention to the flames as the dance across the wood, yet slowly eating away at them at the same time. My knees are tucked close to my chest and my arms wrap around my legs. I have my Berettas by my side, yet not in my sash. We sit like that for a few minutes before Kija breaks the silence.
"Thank you, for saving us." I slowly turn my head to him.
"I didn't-"
"Hak told me that you were the one to gain the information on where we were. So, without you, we may still be stuck in that blocked off cave." Kija says with softened eyes. "So thank you, Eyre." A small blush creeps up on my face but I blame it all on the fire's heat and turn my face to it once again.
"Like I said, nobody can replace you, Kija." I say and he chuckles.
"That should become our motto."
"Maybe, 'Nobody can replace you' will be our 'always'." I reference and he blushes before stumbling over his words numerous times. I shake my head before throwing it back and laughing.
"I-It's no-nothing." I try to say, my body still shaking with laughter. "It's just a r-reference." He understands and gazes at the fire just as I do.
"I like it. Maybe 'nobody can replace you' could be our 'always'.."
"... Kija... Are you flirting with me?" I asks him and he backs up, his hands raised in defense and his face blushing an intense red.
"W-W-W-W-WHAT?! NO! I was just merely stating that I like the phrase!" I giggle before resting my cheek on my knees.
"Nobody can replace you." I joke and his blush increases before his head turns to the fire with a pout.
"N-nobody can replace you.." He mumbles and I smile wider.
Aaaaand, cut! Just some fluff I thought you'd all enjoy ^w^
- Just for fun, Eyre decided to braid Kija's hair while he slept. The next morning, Kija had no idea why everyone behind him would burst out laughing.
- Eyre read the group a scary campfire story from her phone. In the end, Yona, Yun, and Kija forced Eyre and Hak into the tent to have a 'sleepover'.
- Eyre is said to not like praises, just like Yun. But for some reason, when Eyre returns with a shot down bird or animal for dinner and Yun thanks her, you can catch a slight smile and blush on her face as she stubbornly walks to the tent.
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