~ Chapter 29 ~
"I've returned, Eyre, hime-sama."Kija says as he open the door. I smile and turn my head to look at him.
"Welcome back." Yona and I say in unison. I have a sheet wrapped around my chest and I kept my cotton pants on, from the pirate outfit. They were comfy and Yun has to apply the medicine and bandages so, hey, why not? Yona has a sheet covering her whole front since the scar is only across her back. Lucky duck...
"M-my apologizes! I'll quickly excuse myself!" Kija blushes and Jea-ha peeks in.
"Eyre dear, can I come in?"
"Of course you can't!!"
I shrug and Yona smiles.
"Come in. Did you find anything?" She asks.
"Well, you see.."
"Hey! Jea-ha!!"
"Are you alright misses? Zeno will apply your medicine for you."
"I've already applied it."
"Then I'll bandage the two of you."
"Can you people please back away?" Kija covers his eyes while blushing and I giggle.
"Kija, it's fine. You can come in if you'd like." He keeps his eyes adverted and shakes his head.
"That would be indecent of me!"
I shrug, "Alright."
"Did you find something, droopy eyes." Hak questions while munching on a cracker and staring at Yona.
"Yeah. I made one of his henchmen we captured from Suirei spit it out. He actually own multiple stores not only in Shisen, but also in Sensui. Using that as a base..."
"Hak. Turn around." Yona orders after being stared at for quite a while.
"What's the point? Your body has no sex appeal, princess."
"Just turn around."
"Yes! Everyone look this way!" I smile, looking at everyone's anttiques. They never seem to change, even after the both of us had been bruttaly injured. It makes me feel happier for some reason.
"What kind of place is Sensui?" I ask.
"It's another harbor city like this one. Before it was a beautiful town for sightseeing but now..." Jea-ha trails off and I nod my head, understanding.
"Yona..." Shin-ah says by the door and I see Lili standing there with Ao on her head.
"Lili!" She says in surprise as the said girl strides in.
"How are the both of you?" She asks.
"It's not a big deal."
"Mhm. Don't worry about me. I'll be up and running before you know it." I smile in reassurance to the girl. Yeah, no. A stab wound like this would take at least a few months to recover. There's no way I'd be 'up and running' soon.
"Anyway," I say to change the subject. "How's Tetora?"
"Tetora needs to stay in bed for now. Her life's not in danger anymore."
"Thay's good." I smile, slightly relieved.
"About that, I'm planning on bringing Tetora to Suiko... Oh, that's where I live, and I plan on letting her rest in my house."
"Capital Suiko... It's definetly going to be safer there." Yona nods.
"Speaking of Capital Suiko," Yun pipes in. "Even though the water tribe's costal areas are in this state, I wonder what the tribe general is doing."
"General An Joon-gi. I don't know what he's doing, but... he's a calm and cautious person. It's the Kai empire. You can't make a move carelessly." Hak explains to us all.
"Lili, we're planning on going to Sensui." Yona says and I perk up.
That's new...
"Hiyou is doing business not only here, but apparently also in Sensui."
"Indeed, Sensui's public safety has been gatting worse lately and I've heard that people can't do business there. That man is in Sensui..."
"The damage from Nadai is probably spread around as badly, if not more, compared to Shisen. We'll stop Hiyou no matter what. That must be the first step to saving the Water tribe."
"So, Lili." I say, catching on. "Here's where we part. It'll be okay. We'll definitely drive them out of the Water tribe. You need to get to a safe place."
Tear fall down her face as she stands and walks out the door.
"Yona, I can hold your luggae for you." Kija says as he holds my duffel bag on his shoulder. They all decided that Shin-ah would be the one to carry me for the trip. Throughout all of my arguments and protests, they somehow got me to agree.
"I can at least do this much." Yona say and shoulders her quiver of arrows.
"Yona, I agree with Kija. You shouldn't be walking so much." I frown.
"I'm fine, really."
"Yona, Eyre, I really think we should wait a little longer for your wounds to heal before we head out."
"Yun, it'll take months for my wound to heal. And besides, I'm fine. You guys forced me not to walk."
"And we've been traveling even when eveeryone else gots wounds worse than me!"
"You guys are human! They're demons!" Yun shouts.
"They're talking about you, Hak."
"No worries, they're talking about you too."
"It's about everyone!" Zeno smiles and I mimic him.
"Yo-Yona!! Eyre!!" I crane my neck over Shin-ah shoulder and he turns around to let me see better.
"Are... Are you already leaving?" Lili asks and Yona nods.
"T-take these when you leave. They're the famous Water tribe honeydew buns."
"Yaayy~!" Zeno cheers.
"Recently, there have been a lot of terrible things happening around here, but... Usually, the Water tribe territories are filled with beautiful and delicious food."
"Yeah, that hot spring was fun." Lili's eyes brighten before she spot's Yona's bow standing up.
"Ah, yeah.. I usually tie it for her, but I couldn't today so she had to do it herself." I smile wearily and Lili decides to tie it for Yona. Yet each time, it's standing back up again. The two burst into laughter and I smile.
"Sounds like they're having fun." Jea-ha muses and I continue the video recording. Yona walks back to us all once she's said her good byes to Lili. I wave to the girl and she shouts an embarresed 'Thank you' before we're all gone.
~*~ Kija's POV ~*~
Throughout the whole walk to Sensui, I continuously glance back at Eyre who had fallen asleep in Shin-ah's arms. Although I trust my Dragon brother, her safety is my biggest concern. Especially after she was stabbed just a few days ago. I want her to rest as much as possible so that she can heal faster and won't put herself in any pain. Unfortunately, both the princess and her ignored Yun and I's pleads. I also do not know how to act like a proper husband... She doesn't seem to mind though. It's always Eyre that pulls the first move. The kiss, handholding, hugging...
"Hm? Hakuryuu-kun, what are you thinking about?" Jea-ha asks me with a closed eye smile. I revert back to my sense and lift my head to properly speak to Jea-ha in the eye. Once I think of the words to say, I look down and feel my face flush slightly before shaking my head.
"Nothing. Everything is fine." I mumble and continue walking. He muses in amusement again before slinging an arm around my shoulder and leaning in, a finger pointed to the sky.
"Listen, Kija-kun. Because I care for the well being of my godchildren and Eyre's happiness, I'll let you in on a little secret." Jea-ha winks and I could feel myself be pulled into his words, although blushing furiously at the sound of him saying, godchildren.
"Alright. So, I've noticed that Eyre dear loves the cliché things from the movies she shows us. You know, like how you two do that, 'Nobody can replace you' thing? You two took that off of the movie she showed us last week. Don't think I never would've noticed, Kija-kun. Oh, and one last thing... Eyre dear is always the first one to make a move. Why? Simple. It's because she loves to see your reactions. And, because she's afraid." I was nothing but confused after that.
"Why would she be afraid? Surely there is nothing that frightens Eyre." He smiles.
"She's afraid that she'll never be able to find love ever again. So she's simply going with the flow. Basically, she's riding the thrill of love. Do the same things she does to you and see what happens." With those words, Jea-ha steps away with an encouraging smile. I purse my lips but eventually smile.
Yes. I can surely show her that she won't have to search for love. But... kissing her unexpectedly is indecent!! >////<
An hour of walking later, Yona seemed to slow down quite a bit and color drains from her face. After a few minutes of persuading, she finally agrees to let Jea-ha jump to Sensui with her on his back. Right when the two leap away, Jea-ha looks to me and winks, nodding his head to the still resting Eyre. Then, he vanishes from sight.
"Well, we still have a few miles left, so let's get going." Yun says and we all nod. I shuffle over to Shin-ah quietly.
"Ah.. Shin-ah.. If you'd like, we could switch.." I suggest, gesturing to the luggage I have on my shoulder. He looks to Eyre, then to me, then smiles softly and nods his head. We switch and I have Eyre in my arms, gently carrying her bridal style. Shin-ah looks as if he can't handle the weight of Eyre's very heavy duffel bag, guitar, and Yona's quiver and bow. He gets Zeno to carry Yona's bow and arrows while carrying Eyre's duffel bag on one shoulder and her guitar of the other. We are lucky the guitar has a strap for traveling.
Eyre shifts slightly in my arms to grasp ahold of my shorter cloak, bunching the fabric in between her fingers. I blush lightly but make sure not to wake her.
"Hey, Kija?" Yun calls my attention from behind me. I hum in acknowledgement.
"Do you know where Eyre's phone is?"
"If I recall... it was in her duffel bag."
"Okay, thanks."
And then I hear the closing of shutters beside me. I turn my head to the right only to see a smiling Yun taking a thousand photos of Eyre resting in my arms.
"Y-Yun!" I cry out. "Please, delete those!" He sighs.
"Fine. Right after I make this her wallpaper, though." He smiles in mischief and I can't do anything to grab it out of his hands without having to wake Eyre. So I keep walking, blushing, and try not to shake my arms too much.
~*~ Eyre's POV ~*~
"You guys sure are late." Jea-ha says to all of us and I roll my eyes with a hand on my hip.
"We actually could've been here sooner if someone told me that you guys went ahead as soon as I woke up." I glare at the idiots behind me and Hak looks away while whistling.
"S-sorry Eyre..." Kija mumbles and I blush, looking away. It was quite the surprise when I woke up to be in Kija's arms and not Shin-ah's. I almost reopened my wounds from flailing around for a second. It was embarrasing, and to make matters worse, Yun has a picture of it as my wallpaper.
I begin twisting my engagement ring, the new habit I've acquired, before everyone sits down in circle amd begins conversing.
"We got attacked by people who seemed like Hiyou's servants." Jea-ha casualy brings up and Yun leans forward.
"Since it was dangerous to look for an inn, we waited for you guys here."
"If we can't look for an inn then we'll have to camp outside again..." Yun sighs.
"There's nothing wrong with tha-" I start but I'm suddenly interrupted.
"KYAAAH!!" Someone shrieks and both Jea-ha and Zeno leap up and dash outside to see what's going on. When I'm about to run out as well, I stop myself and purse my lips.
Maybe I shouldn't go...
Arms loop around my waist and Kija buries his head into the crook of my neck.
"They will be fine." His hot breath runs down my neck and I blush furiously, covering the bottom half of my face with the back of my hand.
"Y-yeah..." I trail off, my voice dying on me. Yona looks at the two of us in awe before Hak pulls her away, telling her that we might do something 'dirty'
"Hak. Do you want to die?" I smile and crack my knuckles. Kija immediately lets go, knowing how scary I can be at times like this.
Soon, Jea-ha and Zeno return and Yun has a fire burning. I sit in Kija's lap and he has a hand over mine, twisting the ring on my finger just as I had done a few minutes ago.
"They're searching for women with red hair? It's definitely Yona..." Yun mutters with Yona at his left. I sit across from Yon and I send her a reassuring smile.
"So those assassins fron Hiyou earlier were after the princess?"
"Probably. It seems as if Sensui might be more invovled with Hiyou than Shisen was." Jea-ha continues on without a trace of his usual pervy self.
"Yeah.. This town is more wild compared to Shisen." I comment and look to the fire.
"So he's harming unrelated people while going after me, huh..." Yona asks to nobody in particular with an empty look. I bite my bottom lip, not used to the faces close to what she's making now, but I catch on just as fast as everyone else.
"Yona, no. You can't fight right now. I won't let you go after him."
"Eyre, Yun. Can one of you replace my bandages?" I pout, seeing as how she's ignored me competely. Yun does as she's asked anyways, since he does need to change her bandages.
"I am still inexperienced so I may cause trouble for you now, but... I want you to lend me your strength." She states simply and I sigh.
"As long as you aren't fighting..." I mumble.
"There is no reason for us to decline. And Eyre, please do not participate in the fight." Kija requests and I click my tongue before pecking his cheek.
"No promises." Yona sends the two of us a soft smile before she returns back to her determined look.
"Just how Hiyou is searching for us, we are also searching for Hiyou. If that's the case... Let's go wild. Let us show him that the red haired woman is here."
So I noticed that I didn't put up Wednesday's chapter....
So sorry my readers.. School's overwhelming and I was interning for my part time job... I got it though! So now updates will be less frequent... Ugh. I'm sowwy ;^;
I like to theme the drabbles sometimes, so I guess this time is hats! lulatic I'm looking at you right now brobro ;)
- When Yona asked Eyre if the people in her world shields themselves from the sun using hats, Eyre says yes. She then began drawing up different types of hats and everyone went crazy at the different types.
- Eyre thought Jea-ha would look fab in a fedora( ;) ) and Kija would rock a grey ascot cap. (look it up people) Yona would wear a nice, white sunhat and Yun could wear a beanie. Shin-ah gets a stetson and Eyre immediately said no when Zeno said he'd wear a fez.
- Hak voluntarily wanted a sombrero. It didn't take Eyre much thinking before the two highfived each other and muttered seabear under their breath.
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