~ Chapter 23 ~
"Yun, Eyre, how are everyone's injuries?" Yona asks both of us and I continue wrapping Jea-ha's wrist in bandages. I had just finished bandaging up Shin-ah's chest, after he had gotten quite a nasty cut over it. Yun pours some salt water over Kija's dragon arm, remembering what I had told him three or four months ago.
"Well, Kija's the most injured and fatigued." Yun says irritably.
"You're horrible at using your strength, Kija." Jea-ha says and Kija snaps at him.
"What?! Why would you say that?!" He questions the Ryokuryuu.
"You always stand in front and immediately attack with all of your strength. If all you do is overexert yourself, you'll die someday."
"If I can protect the princess like that, I'd gladly die." Kija states. I wince, sharply drawing my hand back right when I finish up on Jea-ha's arm. I close my eyes, before the pain of hearing those word subside with irritation taking over. I take my guns and walk down the path, looking for anything to shoot down.
"Eyre? Where're you going?" Yun asks.
"Hunting." I snap irritably and continue trudging on. Once inside deep enough, I slow my walk and look down.
Why... I shouldn't be acting this way.. Besides, it's his job. To protect Yona, whom he always speaks of...
My thoughts grow darker near the end, and I snap out of it when a dead bird falls at my feet. I jump and shoot it, but realize that it was dead before it hit the ground.
My head flicks to the right, left, and I realize.
"Jea-ha, sweetie, get the hell out of that tree. If you scare me with a dead bird again, I swear I'm going to-" I wasn't able to finish when Jea-ha leaps down from his tree, landing right in front of me, and tilting my head up.
"You're going to do what. Hm?" He gives me another closed eye smile before I roll my eyes. He lets go of my chin before stepping back, considering how he's invaded my personal bubble.
"Thank you." I sigh out and take the bird by it's foot, still uncomfortable with touching something like it even after almost a year or so.
"I'll take that for you, Eyre dear. I couldn't possible let a fair maide-"
"Hey. Watch it." I warn and he chuckles before we begin walking back to our campsite. On our way back, Jea-ha begins humming a familiar tune. I stop walking, just to bend down and laugh, kneeling over and almost collapsing.
"A-are you *gasp* h-humming *laughs even harder* the theme song t-to, pfftt, Dora the Explorer?" I ask, still laughing, and gasping, and wheezing, and closely dying. He turns his head to look back at me with a purely confused expression.
"Yes..? Why? What's wrong with that, amigo?" I laugh even harder and finally collapse on my knees, holding my stomach, tears streaming down my face. Turning around to face me, he cracks a small smile before chuckling. I still couldn't stop laughing, just replaying it inside my head.
"Is there something wrong with that?" He asks, and I laugh even harder, if possible. A few minutes later, I've sobered up enough to just turn my loud laughs to mere giggles.
"Mhm." I stifle another laugh and cup my hand around my mouth, "No, nothing wrong with a 25 year old humming the theme song to a show about a monkey wearing boots and a fat 8 year old girl walking around the forest, clearly not obeying the 'don't talk to strangers' rule." I say and he shrugs his shoulders.
"Quite catchy, though." He comments and I shrug.
"I'm glad you smiled. And laughed." He mutters and I turn to him.
"What do you mean?" I ask curiously.
"Well, Eyre dear, why did you storm off like that?" Jea-ha asks me and I shrug again.
"Felt like hunting, that's it." Is my only answer for him and he hums in response.
"So, it had nothing to do with what Hakuryuu-kun said. About being glad with dying if it's for Yona-chan." I flinch again, but since I was behind him, I could feel slightly at ease. Except this is Jea-ha. Something like that wouldn't escape his sight. He sighs but lets it go, something I'm thankful for.
"We got something!" I cheer and Jea-ha holds up the bird.
"Correction, I got something." Jea-ha says, and I click my tongue, muttering a 'whatever' under my breath.
"Thanks, we need that." Yun says and Jea-ha hands him the bird. Soon, Yun had it gutted and clean over a fire. My shoulder begins aching so I excuse myself and crawl into Yona's small tent, slowly falling asleep and completely forgetting about dinner.
~*~ A Week Later ~*~
"I've decided." Yun announces, grabbing the attention of every last one of us. "Today I'm going into town for work." I cock my head to the side.
"Work?" Soon, we find ourselves walking around one of those open markets. People from everywhere selling a whole variety of things.
"There are a bunch of different stores." Yona comments as she looks at everything in awe.
"I heard that the market opens for a limited period of time. Wandering merchants and travelers are free to open up their own shops." Yun explains.
"What are you going to sell?" She asks the bishounen.
"I'm going to sell medicine, as usual. I picked a ton of herbs on the way. And Eyre's going to sell some of her products. Aren't you?" Yun adds the last sentence threateningly and I flinch, remembering the talk he gave me on our way here.
"...Yeah..." I mumble, depressed. Yun soon finds a nice place for us to set down a blanket where he can sell his medicine. I plop my duffel bag right behind him, ignoring whatever he's telling them to do, which is to probably grab some customers.
Let's see... Oh, I don't need this... Doesn't suite me... And this too.. Wait, maybe it'll go good with Yona... Ah! I don't like this mascara, too thin.
"Eyre." I flinch before comically crying and nodding my head. I spread out whatever I've chosen in front of me, next to Yun, and Jea-ha brings over two ladies.
"Oh? What's this?" One of the ladies ask and holds up a tube of mascara. I open it, and show it to her. Her face shows fear before I smile.
"This is mascara." I explain. "It makes your eyelashes look longer, thicker, and basically, nicer. Would you like me to test it on you?" I ask. She hesitantly nods her head and I slowly brush it over her right eyelash, her friend watching. I make sure to give her a few words of caution, tips, and instructions as I demonstrate. Then, I hold up a mirror as soon as I've finished. Her friend looks, comparing the eye that has no mascara to the one that does.
"Y-you're right! It's does look a whole lot nicer!" She gasps in amazement. The girl I've just demonstrated on looks into the mirror as well before gasping and smiling widely.
"I'll buy this!" She says, and a whole lot more women begin crowding around our little market. I test a few on the women, just playing around to compliment their hair, eyes, the usual. In a place like this, make up is rare and doesn't look as good, so selling my modern stuff really reels in the money. I still have no idea how to use their money system, so I left Yun to price everything. I look up for a minute, just to see the work everyone else is doing, only to see Kija and Shin-ah catching the eyes of some ladies that pass by. Kija smiles syly at them, blushing, while Shin-ah stares at them blankly for a few seconds. I quickly look down, slightly disheartened, but continue my job.
"...Eyre, you know, if you want, I'll let you pull Kija out of that..." Yun says to me after catching me look. I shake my head and apply a light pink lipgloss to a little girl's lips, giving it to her for an extremely cheap price.
"No... I promised myself that I wouldn't be a clingy girlfriend ever again.." I explain and he looks at me, confused.
"When I was in high school, a year after my first kidnapping, I got a boyfriend. He took me out on small dates every other week. Truthfully, he was pretty mean. But I loved him. He saved me from a few thugs that were hitting on me. That's how we met. I'd let him do whatever he wanted, and he'd take me out on dates every other week. He began doing drugs, tried giving me some. Tried. A month or two later, he said I got too clingy, broke up with me. That was the last person I've ever dated." When I finish my second life story, Yun stares at me with an apologetic look.
"U-umm.. I'd like to try this out.." A lady asks me timidly, showing me a container of blush. I snap my attention back to her, just to see the increase of women, and nod my head, smiling.
"Y-yeah. Sorry." I gently take it out of her hands before popping it open, grabbing one of the many brushes I have in my bag (more than enough to spare) and explaining everything to her, then demonstrating it on her right cheek.
"Yun, Eyre, how are we doing?" Yona asks and Yun shines.
"With this, we can make a decent living for almost our whole lives. Eyre contributed a whole lot." I shrug. Yona starts taking off her bow that she has slung across her shoulder.
"All right, I'm going to drag some customers in too." She declares.
"Not to be rude, sweetie, but I think we've got more than enough..." I gesture to the tens and close hundred of little girls and women lined up in front of me, sweat dropping ever so slightly and laughing dryly. As Yun and Yona start up a friendly conversation with the person managing the stall next to our, I continue my job, opening my mouth for Yun to place a slice of apple into. That's when I see Hak hugging a random girl. I quickly glance to Yona, know there'd be some sort of reaction out of her. I smirk when she place a hand above her chest and wildly waves it.
Aww~ She's finally figuring out her feelings~
"What's this thing? A face mask?" I smile and pick it up, although telling her it's something I can't demonstrate, but give a thorough explanation on what it does and when to use it. Her face beams as she gladly buys it for 2,500 rin. Pretty expensive in this world, as Yun would say, but I only had a little bit more than a dozen left and these worked really well.. I know, I'm selfish. Sue me.
"Eyre?" I feel a tap on my shoulder and I glance back.
"Ah, Kija. Do you need something?" I ask and go back to applying a vibrant red on a customer's lips. Just on the bottom lip, though.
"Oh, yes. I was wondering if you'd like to walk around for a bit.." Kija asks and I flinch before looking at him with an apologetic smile.
"Gomen, Kija... I have so many customers, and Yun doesn't know how to handle this stuff... Maybe next time." He frowns slightly before nodding his head, then walks away. Yun looks at me.
"You could've gone, y'know.. We already have so much money. And walking around for a bit isn't acting clingy." I sigh and shrug, going back to my task at hand.
I'm just turning back into what I was a month ago...
- Since Eyre applied on half their face, lip, etc., the women walking around with just their bottom lip in lipstick and such was quite a hilarious view.
- Eyre finally finished writing a song, but doesn't know when she could perform it.
- Eyre got to run around and check stuff out at the last minute. Her eye caught a legit guitar. She freaked out and demanded the man who owns it the price. He said that since it was really expensive, that if she could perform with it and earn enough money to pay for it, he'll give it to her. She was able to raise 5,000 rin (cuz she was rich as fck in her world and probably had guitar lessons until she felt like doing the violin and sht XD). He gladly gave her the guitar, and hands her 1,000 rin, since the price was actually 3,000 rin. So now, Eyre has a guitar with her wherever she goes.
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