~ Chapter 20 ~
*randomly checks how many reads I've got* 4. 37 K reads... *laughs* that-that's really funny HAHAHAHAhahhaha....
Wait.. O_0
"Yona was beautiful last night, wasn't she?" Jea-ha asks everyone in the tent. It's the next day, and the fire festival had ended. As soon as the festival had died down, Eyre was forced into the tent for a small interrogation.
~*~ Flashback ~*~
"Oh, what are you guys talking about? Didn't Ik-su tell you?" Eyre asks, looking at everyone in confusion. Kija holds her to his chest, a small blush dusting his cheeks, obviously not used to having close contact with the girl for a relatively long amount of time.
"What do you mean?" Yun asks, an irritated look across his face.
"Well, when I woke up at night, I left the tent and walked for a bit. I ended up in front of your cottage. Ik-su was waiting in front of the house. We talked for a bit, and then he told me you guys were going to Kai. He gave me a spare map, and I traveled to Kai. I thought we'd meet up there. I suppose I got there a bit early or something because you guys weren't there. Anyway, they welcomed me with open arms, taught me how to cook, and the few men of the village started asking for my hand in marriage. Then, they asked me to dance for the fire festival. I didn't want to be rude, since they had shown me a whole lot of hospitality, so I agreed. The next few days I was there, the men wouldn't stop trying to impress me, so I tried hiding out in a house. They found me, kept trying to ask. That brings us up to here." She explains. Yun looks as if he'd kill the priest, Hak, Kija, and Jea-ha look like the next thing on their to-do list is to kill the other men, and Zeno, Shin-ah, and Yona just look genuinely happy to see Eyre.
Suddenly, beads of tears gather in Yona's eyes as she tries to hold them back, hiccuping. She then throws herself to Eyre, hugging her and crying her eyes out. Eyre falls back a bit into her boyfriend's(?) chest, surprised, before slowly smiling softly at the red haired princess that she now considers a little sister. Eyre rests her right hand atop the girl and strokes it, just as happy to see everyone else.
~*~ Flashback End ~*~
"Miss's dance was nice and bright! Everyone was happy!" Zeno cheers, looking at the said purple eyed girl. She and Kija were the only ones who weren't awake yet. All six were shoved into the tent, although both Eyre and Kija are pushed close together, and with Eyre's slim frame, the two are equivalent to a single person's body mass. Kija's left arm is holding Eyre close to him around her waist, while her hand is placed onto his chest. Their legs are tangled together and their faces are only centimeters apart.
Everyone had an argument on which tent Eyre would be sleeping in. Yona wanted to sleep next to Eyre, Yun stubbornly agreeing, and Zeno, Hak, and Jea-ha fought for Eyre to be in the bigger tent. In the end, they found out Eyre made her choice on which tent to sleep in when they found both Eyre and Kija sleeping together in the bigger tent, both sleeping soundly.
"Hak, shouldn't you have slept with Yona?" Jea-ha asks Hak, who is resting on his side, facing away from Jea-ha. He doesn't answer, so Jea-ha decides to go with his usual antiques.
"Oh, I see. You wouldn't be able to hold yourself back after seeing Yona last night, so-" Jea-ha was cut short when Hak rose up, purposely slamming his elbow into the Ryokuryuu's face when 'stretching'.
"Wow. What a marvelous morning. It's a morning of hope." Hak states, anger hidden in his voice. In the corner of the tent someone groans, the shifting of bedsheets following after.
"Even after a week, you two are still at each other, aren't you?" Eyre chuckles, rubbing the tired feeling out of her eyes.
~*~ Eyre's POV (Yaay~ We're back to her POV!) ~*~
"Oh, sorry, Eyre dear. Good morning." Jea-ha smiles and I nod my head. Kija pulls me back down closer to him. I sigh and poke his cheek.
"Kija, wake up." I say. He slowly opens his eyes before coming to the realization on how close we actually are. His face flushes and he lets me go, bolting up and apologizing. It was then that Hak opened the flap to our tent open. In tumbles multiple girls who shriek slightly.
"Wh..at?" Hak asks in confusion. A second later, Yona peeks in to wake us up. She looks at Hak and the multiple women.
"... Take your time." She says and walks out.
"Wait, wait." He objects with an irritated look.
"It's fine! Since it was a festival, you can cut loose. I'll do my swordsmanship training alone today."
"I'm not cutting loose!"
"Yona, I'll go with you." I say and rise, dressed back into my pirate clothing ever since the fire festival ended. My sword hangs by my side, and the Berettas that I had forgotten in the tent a week ago are placed back into my holster. I grab my hat with a smile and leave my phone in Kija's care.
"What do you need?" Hak asks the girl and she blushes.
"We're scared." She explains.
"Yes, when we went to fetch water, there were soldiers outside the village." She gives a more detailed explanation and I stop next to Yona outside the tent.
"They come every once in a while, but they're just violent men."
"You poor dears. Come here." Jea-ha flirts and they shriek in excitement.
"Are they soldiers of the Sen province? They come to a place like this, huh?"
"I'll go look." Yona declares and I follow after, slightly interested as well. Hak follows after us.
"Please wait! Eyre, it's dangerous!" I hear Kija yell and he runs out of the tent as well. Once by my side, he looks down at my hand. I take notice and smile before grabbing ahold of his. His face flushes once more before looking down at the ground. Yona looks back at the two of us before smiling. We finally reach a small cliff, overlooking the the whole plain that borders Kouka and Kai. Hak and Kija starts to object but Yona cuts Hak off. I give a look to Kija and he shuts up.
"It's fine. I'll only look at them from a distance." She says. "I have to confirm they're the Sen province's soldiers." Shin-ah and Jea-ha had caught up to us by that time and Shin-ah uses his dragon eyes to look for the soldiers.
"Yona, that..." Shin-ah says, pointing out into the distance after catching sight of something.
"Yona! Eyre!" Both our attention is ripped away at the voice of Yun calling out for us. We both simultaneously look to the right to see Yun holding a bag.
"Yun! Listen, there's trouble."
"Listen, listen! I got the iza seeds!" He says over her. Yona gasps slightly before a flame of happiness lights up in her.
"What?! Really?! That's awesome!"
"Right? It's amazing, right? That old man is an incredibly great man! It seems like the villagers liked both of your dances!"
"Really? Thank goodness!"
"If you guys wanted iza seeds, you could've just asked me! The men have been showering me with gifts! Iza seeds being one of them! I have a whole sack load in the house I've been staying at!" The three of us are cut short when Hak, Jea-ha, and Kija covers our mouths.
"We want to raise a toast with you, but..."
"Be quiet for now."
"Sorry, Eyre.."
"What is it?" Yun asks and Jea-ha points to a few soldiers a good distance away from us.
"Fire tribe soldiers?!" He yells out in shock. "Why are they in the Kai empire?!"
"What's more, it looks like they wander alot. I thought for sure the Kai empire's soldiers were coming..." Yona trails off and I look at the soldiers, recognizing the faces.
They've been visiting this village a whole lot...
"Before, I heard a rumor that the head of the Fire tribe was buying weapons from other countries."
"But how can our country's soldiers stride into an enemy's so confidently?"
"What're we going to do?" Jea-ha asks. Nobody answers.
"It's unsettling that the border's defense is so loose. Shall we watch them for a little longer?" Yun suggests and we decided to break into groups. Yona, Shin-ah, Jea-ha, and Yun go off with a few of the village's women to help them with the water, while also scouting. Hak, Zeno, Kija, and I stay behind to keep a close eye of the soldiers.
"Eyre?" Kija asks from behind me. I glance back before smiling, then look back to the soldiers.
"... What was it that you and the priest talked about?" He asks me cautiously. I flinch slightly, my smile faltering. Zeno and Hak seem to take interest in our conversation, so they look to the two of us.
"Nothing. Nothing of importance." I insist. He frowns as I keep my gaze on the three Fire tribe soldiers.
"Eyre, you can tell me." I blow a raspberry and roll my eyes.
"It's not a big deal."
"Kija." I say sharply. He stops and looks down, disheartened. I feel guilty, but I didn't want to talk about it.
Remember, God decided to be cruel with your life, and I can only give you one warning if you do not want to return to your world. You mustn't have a reason to stay here.
But I do.
No, I mean you can't have a reason to stay here that is set in stone.
Set in stone?
Yes, that is all I may say.
Set in stone... huh..
What I didn't expect at the time is for warm arms to wrap around my waist. I immediately recognize the arms as Kija rests his head onto my shoulder.
"... I'm sorry." I hear him mumble. I smile softly before tilting my head back slightly to rest it on his shoulder. We stay like that for a couple minutes before I open my mouth to speak.
"I can't have a reason to stay here that is set in stone. If I do, I'm sent back. That's what we were talking about." I say. Kija tenses and lifts his head.
"What does that..." I let out a tired sigh and close my eyes.
"I don't know." I answer truthfully. "Even though I'm a college girl, I don't know." My words turn to grumbles and he chuckles.
"I still don't know what that means.."
"I explained it!" I exclaim and he continues chuckling. Silence falls upon us soon and I could only hear Kija's soft breathing.
"Promise me something?" He asks, breaking the silence although keeping the calm atmosphere. I hum in response, letting him continue on.
"Don't leave me. Don't leave me, and stay." He pleads, and I fell tiny droplets of water on my shoulder.
"Nobody can replace you." I mumble and he does the same, even though my heart feels heavy, as if I know that's a promise I can't keep.
"You guys! We're leaving!" Yona yells from behind us. Kija and I pull apart before I look look at her curiously.
"To the village?"
"No. To Kouka. We're going back to Kouka." She declares firmly and I grin, saluting.
"Kouka it is!" I shout and Yun holds up him shoulder bag.
"I packed everything, so we don't have to go back." He says and I nod. Everyone begins walking off, but I take one last look at the vast plain.
I'll miss this...
A warm hand laces itself into mine and I look to everyone else. Kija smiles softly before tugging me along. I smile as well, holding my hat to make sure it doesn't fall off, and walk with him. A sudden thought flashes through my mind, making my smile grow.
But I won't miss this.
Holy crap, the foreshadowing XD Don't worry, I'm not breaking them up any time soon.
- Ever since Eyre came into his life, Kija would wake up and the first thing he would do is peak inside the tent Eyre is sleeping in, making sure she hasn't left back to her world.
- The people of Saika village gave the costume that Eyre wore when she danced after hearing about the clothes crisis.
- The men became depressed when they heard Eyre is now taken, so they all moved onto Yona, then became depressed again when Jea-ha told them that Yona is taken by Hak. Jea-ha almost died that day, courtesy of Hak (obviously).
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